James Gunn once went to a pedo themed 'to catch a predator' party dressed up like a pervy priest with women dressed as innocent little girls and Disney rehired him to make children's films.
James Gunn once went to a pedo themed 'to catch a predator' party dressed up like a pervy priest with women dressed as...
Well he sure knows how to take advantage of children, so Disney expects him to generate tons of money.
It's all just jokes! Talking about raping young boys, talking about sex with children, dressing as a priest at a pedo themed party... ALL of it... it's just one long comedy bit.
Wow, are you pretending to be offended by this? Eat shit.
Pedo detected
well as Disney are a Satanic cult its only right their flagship directors are evil deviants.
reminds me of the serial killers' "Cereal Convention" in Sandman
Imagine ranting on Yea Forums, and in Yea Forums above all, above pedo jokes.
Just imagine the ABSOLUTE STATE of these fucking redditors.
I dressed up as a zombie for a party. I don't actually eat peoples brains
I thought priests mainly molested little boys though
What's the difference between Isaac Newton and the baby I just stabbed?
Isaac Newton died a virgin.
he already got fired once for this its probably not gonna happen again
This! It’s totally normal to joke about these things in public. It’s definitely not a case of trying to test people’s reactions or normalisation.
it would be much better to have a director make his best effort to appear normal and then to find out later that he's a pederast or rapist, rather than to have a director who hasn't done anything sexually agressive towards children or women be vilified for dressing lewdly at a party with consentined adults
he's just trying to fit in and run with a certain crowd
Don't pretend this was exactly 4chans sense of humor around the time
The problem is that he didn't do it anonymously.
wait you're telling me that Yea Forums hasn't always been an anti pedo board full of puritans and soccer moms
no way
Just let them complain, it makes it easier to tell who is a literal redditor
Just don't dare make a racist joke because then you're a racist
>fuck James Gunn
>fuck John k
>fuck Louis CK
the calling card of the prudish left
He is even more based then.
Not relevant, reddit.
what a christianophobic asshole
There's no evidence that Gunn fucks kids, and being so focused on a shock director for having an edgy sense of humour only serves to distract from the real child exploitation that runs rampant in Hollywood.
can someone explain this scene for me what am i supposed to be looking at?
Everyone who replied got the idea anyway though
sounds pretty based to me
wow can we protest his studio supervisors? let's start a campaign, we can do this reddit!
you post this on the cunny board
>a thread like this on Yea Forums
I love the hipocrisy
No you dont. Your just addicted to writing replies
It is though, aspie.
>I tell it's the most god damn faggy thing I've ever seen
>I won't shake hands with anyone from san fransisco
Yeah, stay mad bitch nigger
>Hollywood guy is a pedo
No shit you retarded faggot
That's peak mad men quality right there. Depressed workaholic dad realizing for a second that his life is the shit before throwing it all down the drain because it isn't really that great to be a creative hack with mommy issues.
Why do you think the pedo disney execs hired him?
You’re the pedo here
Robert Downey Jr once did so many drugs he climbed into the window of a house that wasn't his, and went to sleep in a child's bedroom.
Did you have a point or are you just posting troll talking points?
>be troma director
>your entire career is defined by shock value
>the internet starts gaining popularity
>humor has been defined by shock value for decades
>start trying to be the most shocking person on the internet
>a decade passes
>the internet is now mainstream, thus filled with normalfags who take everything on it completely literally
Actually I’m kidding, it was always obvious people were only pretending to be mad.
Don't you have alimony money to collect from your wife Cernovich?!?FACT!!!
Donald Trump's grandfather rans whore houses. His father was a slumlord who sold little Donny's tender pink ass to Roy Cohen. Trump is a conman who never earned a single thing in his worthless life. Has filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Steals money from charities. Wants to fuck his own daughter. Sucks up to Israel when not tonguing Vladimir Putin's asshole. And despite being leader of the free world, he has plenty of time to use Twitter to spew drivel. He's a loser and no matter how much money/fame/power he has, he'll never be loved or respected which are the things he craves most of all.
Meanwhile his supporters are cockroaches whose hivemind runs on fear, hate and stupidity and worship a cartoon frog while supporting a fake President because they're fake Americans who have no convictions and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given moment. This is why they spent DECADES railing against Russia but are now perfectly happy that their idol is in the pockets of a fascist dicator who MURDERS critics, dissenters and political opponents. This is one of the reasons why Trump sucks up to Putin, because he admires that sort of power, the other is that his credit rating is soo terrible that he's been recieving money from Russia and China for decades. Of course he could prove me wrong by releasing his tax records but that will never happen because it would prove his treasonous activity against the United States of America and reveal that his supporters are enemies of the USA and everything it stands for!!!
He's a silver spoon fed trust fund sniveling coward. Only people who voted for him are retards who remember the 1980's being the last good era of the USA, not realizing that it's people like Trump who sold the country out with NAFTA and Free Trade which is why their jobs got shipped to slave labor countries. Proof that Republicans/Conservatives are complete and utter fucking cretins with subhuman I.Q.'s!!!FACT!!!
Fag be gone
100% based
This is still basically 4chans humour.
Why it became a thing is how they handled it, it's very fucking obvious there was more going on than just "jokes and masquerades".
Quality post, my dude.
No one believes you believe that.
The moral outrage over Jame Gunn will never stop being funny. You fags are literal SJWs.
>The moral outrage over Jame Gunn will never stop being funny. You fags are literal SJWs.
It's fake outrage. They didn't give a fuck about Gunn until he talked shit about Trump and being the brainless Jonestown style zealots they are, they started foaming at the mouth and flinging their shit. Now Gunn's been reinstated into the MCU and gets an additional payday from DC in the meantime while Cernovich collects money from his ex-wife like the little fucking bitch he is!!!FACT!!!
>it's ok when liberals do it
>>it's ok when liberals do it
Not an argument!!!FACT!!!
where's yours lol
Conservicucks are all about free speech until it triggers their little Internet safe space. Guess what, cucks? We're not gonna take it anymore. I'm prowler in the yard out to fuck your sacred cows to death.
forgot your tripcode lol
this image is cropped incorrectly, please correct
shut the FUCK up. FACT!!!!
>where's yours lol
Why don't you just say "no u" since you have no counter points to make otherwise you'd post them!!!FACT!!!
libtards are offended by everything (manspreading!), but they are perfectly ok with pedos
Furthermore, shithead, you didn't refute a SINGLE THING I posted. So by doing so you admit that everything I said is TRUE but you think that if someone else does the equivalent then that makes it okay. Well, I don't and I'm not here defending liberals who do the same things as Trump has because they'd be just as much of a fucking scumbag as he is. In closing, eat me bitch nigga!!!FACT!!
It’s mocking pedophile priests that conservafags have been giving a pass to for decades.
What if i just dont like Hollywood or capeshit and i want to see it burn.
Imagine being THIS creepy, THIS thin, and THIS based.
He worked for fucking Troma
holy shit this fuming lol
It's just r*ddit and /pol/ leaking
>still SEETHING about this months later
Its a comon thing in Hollywood. You should have seen the stuff Dan Harmon has made. Making James Gunn. Mister I saw a monkey wank and cum on a kid and i foudn it funny enough to post on my blogg. Yeah. But then you look at Dan Harmon. Making "Funny" video that is ment to be a funny ha ha shock vallue joke..Playing a guy called Daryl that raped babies.. And he even used a plastic baby doll to do that. Going a litle to far. WIthout even thinking that this would bite him in the ass later. You see the sort of "humor" in the Rick and Morty Pilot. And the Morty, you need to lick my Balls.Wasnt Morty suposed to be 13 year old? Yeah... Burn down Hollywood to the ground and see the rats come out squirming and screaming.
what is problem?
>censorship is bad unless it's against the things i don't like
pretty good fucking joke if you ask me. fuck off please.
>It’s mocking pedophile priests that conservafags have been giving a pass to for decades.
Not to mention having one as their Speaker of the House from 1999 to 2007!!!FACT!!!
Isnt it funny leftists complain about christian pedophile priests. But they have no problem defending islam that has made it religion law to allow pedophilia. All because their prophet did the same thing in the past.So what will it be? Allow pedophilia becuase its "Part of their culture"... or not allow it permanently. Because so far. Leftists seem to be pushing for everything being OK. Even Pedophilia.
Is that his name? My folder is labeled Season or Feason.