Which one would you take home on mother's day?

Which one would you take home on mother's day?

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let's be real, neither is an option for any of us

I wouldn't even fuck a retard that's so invested in identity politics regardless of the side she's on.

Mexicans were a mistake

The left one, of course.

i don't know which is more cringe


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Not true, only if you give up. I believe in you, Now all you need is for you to believe in you.

This is a thread for white people only
Please go back to your designated threads

Well one is a bugperson so the choice is simple.

daily reminder that women are the same the left prob has a chad right wing boyfriend if she had a left wing one she would being the same on right they dont have poetical opinions they just follow whats accepted

she looks like she's from the south, loves god and this country and a loyal wife

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If I could get the white girl the her. Who squats with their legs open like they are gonna take dick, is fucking un lady like.

Seriously. Foreigners talk so much shit about the US, and yet all they want to do is live here (legally or otherwise). What a bunch of jealous hypocrites.

naive just because a girls comes from a conservative background doesnt mean she will be loyal or wont whore around theres no expaction to the rule

I could fuck the ugly gook if I wanted

I think Americans are really confuse as to why people want to come here. Is not because of the culture or white people, though white people are the most pleasing to look at, the real reason is because America is rich. If fucking Mexico was a wealthy country liek the US, all the horde would be going there .

every fking americans were foreingners in the past retardo

And foreigners don't understand that the culture and people here are why it's rich, and their cultures and people are why they are poor

Fuck off
I know defeat too well to think I can escape

>This is a thread for white people only

this, americans out

Anyone who takes pictures with a Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars is fucking retarded regardless of political alliance.

Everyone everywhere were foreigners at one point, retard.

The one on the right is a whore and will spread her legs for everyone.

>pixartard vs cute waifu
I'll take the waifu

A man

>he doesn't know the story
Please pay attention in the future.

I unironically want that top shirt

>being against juvenile defacement of property constitutes "identity politics"
I'm no fan of trump or twitter attention whoring but you're trying too hard to be an epic centrist and not really making much sense

the one on the right

>he doesn't train his women
have sex, incel

It's because he's actually in favor of the one on the left

>grow up
some guy put a "grow up" sticker in the pavement, directed towards the president of said guys country

Yea Forums - Television & Film

That’s the point he shouldn’t have to, that’s her daddy’s job
Healthy two parent households are instrumental in raising our children with values and morals

Yeah because wouldn't want to waste a capeshit thread or another star wars game of thrones thread. God forbid we not just have 50 of those on our tabs at once.

No they weren't.

to escape defeat, think well

>X large
>XX large
>XXX large
Only spotted one single medium

based, they're both disgusting whores

All the smalls and mediums were bought

>on topic material is not okay

Are you completely fucking stupid?

Girl on right fucks blacks after Tim McGraw concert to make daddy mad.

Maybe because all the small and medium are sold out. Meaning only healthy people wear the shirts while obese people don't

are you completely fucking new

I'd wear them all in size xl or xxl and I'm not even american

I'd go for left only because right looks like she exclusively fucks black guys.

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sounds based

Why didn't you make a post like this in

Are you having a stroke user?

>newfag spacing
>doesn't understand what this board is yet
Holy fucking shit either you're fresh off the boat or flat line retarded.

>bruh you're so deep

ya those squat goblinos have higher standards than whites

This is my fetish

you do realize that is the fat fuck equivalent of "we live in a society", right?

I don't know who that is and I don't want to know.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

As somebody who used to pressure wash the stars in Hollywood from 2am to 10am the picture on the left really russels muh jimmies. All those GD stickers wouldve been a bitch to remove. Fucking tourist.

>These mental gymnastics
That would be true if there were only a few large ones with mostly empty shelves. But those shelves are full, those are the products that they are moving the most.

Man of taste

Get your eyes checked then, there are 4 mediums visible.

But isn’t drumpf a racist?

>That’s the point he shouldn’t have to, that’s her daddy’s job

fucking lazy ass zoomers, bunch of worthless niggers

One is virtue signaling for libs
The other one is doing the same for magacels

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>i hate americans and I hate patriotism
Why don't you just kill yourself?

Oh no... You opened up wagie floodgates user.

>Americans worship hard work, not smart work

And? You want Yea Forums to be on topic right? Why didn't you make the same post in there

Also, several people i worked with refused to wash trumps star.

>be a second generation Mexibro
>live in Texas with a bunch of over Mexibros
>we all love this country
'tis a based feeling!

Circle them professor

>looks like she exclusively fucks black guys
Why do people on Yea Forums care so much about the least popular interracial pairing? Gook females with white guys are more common.

No he just panders to them

Just wait for the race war you fucking spic

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>those are the products that they are moving the most.
obviously not since they are still on the shelf

>cleaning up trash is now virtue signaling
Ok there nigger.

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They probably watched too much interracial porn on /pol/ and it's have effects on their reasoning.

Why bother defacing his star? It will just end up costing taxpayers money cleaning or replacing it, netting it even more attention.

I'm USA so I didn't read any context of what your dorks are arguing about. I will loudly interject that patriotism isn't exclusive to USA, and I just want to say this flyover fattie doesn't represent all of us.

its a lot of redditors and triggered asian incels that post stuff like that. they're natural cucks after all

No. Not for any of us.

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or are just aware of the reality that white girls vastly prefer blacks.

>nice-looking girl
>”hurr durr she fucks only black guys”
Why not just admit you have a crippling addiction to porn?

I'm mad /pol/ ruined the television star Trump for Yea Forums.

Yes we get it you hate America and you hate Americans. You should be shot.

Do you know what "reality" means?

What in his post makes no sense, exactly? Both pictures are an example of retarded amerimutt identity politics based attention seeking. Right one is more subtle, but pretty obvious either way, since it's very doubtful there are people taking photos at his star based on his Home Alone or WWE fame.

Stores usually keep shelves full of products they move most. If they were not selling the XXXL shirts they would just throw them in a clearance basket and keep the shelves full of medium and small.


>people on Yea Forums
Cuckolds aren't people, user. (and this isn't Yea Forums)

It's not just that we're rich, it's that we have an overbloated welfare state they can leech off of. Look at the European "migrant" crisis, and how perfectly stable and rich countries are skipped over because aliens can't get gibs there. If we abolished our welfare system you'd see a severe drop in people wanting to come here, with mostly those who want to come here to actually contribute. But that will never happen because women vote.

You just know the one on the left has fucked a dozen black guys, had at least one abortion, has done many drugs, has passed out drunk and been fucked, and would generally make your life miserable every single day. She’s also going to get divorced several times.

Preaching to the choir man, I actually believe than culture plays a very important role in the well being of a country. As a non white, I look around non white countries and their rich and abundant land, and ask myself, why is there so much poverty and corruption? Why is America so rich and prospect compare to other countries? Why is Europe as a whole a richer continent than say Africa? And the conclusion I arrive is always the people. The people make the country, and when whites are no longer in a majority these country is going to go the gutters. Not because white people are better, but because they have created a culture that is better, and when you replace a people, you replace a culture as well

>thinking wh*te w*men are ever a viable option
You don't seriously think this way, right user ?

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You should drive your rascal to McDonald's your blood sugar is obviously low. You easily triggered trailer trash. Go fuck your cousin and keep voting Jew.

It becomes virtue signaling when you feel the need to inform everyone on social media with a picture of yourself you fucking ingrate

*blocks your path*

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>when you can't even wagecuck correctly
fucking brake cleaner you retard

They aren't now, though

This had to be typed by an ESL or someone from Alabama.

>his star based on his Home Alone or WWE fame.
i'm not american but i know trump was the star of a show called 'the apprentice' which i assume was somewhat successful

>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>thread about politics is on-topic
2016 babies, go away

>latino fucking black guys
lol are you actually a neet that never goes outside ? You just described the one on the right.

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Better than race mixing

Where do you even find wholesome ones on the right any more?
I read the story and interview about her and the hate she got for this. She’s a cute
I don’t even want kids but I’d start a family with her


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Why do you hate Americans so much? Why do you hate the idea of patriotism?

Very trad

prove to me you're white nigger

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>slim white woman fucking black guys
You're not much better than him user.

More chocolate for me
Your loss

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Haha rekt

loool I meant to say right

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>Hey snowflake, in the real world HR departments will absolutely listen to you because everyone is too scared of lawsuits or bad publicity


That gave him a star before the show. Honestly, Hollywood stars are given to clist celebrities that had, at their height, 1/3000 the popularity of your average YouTube content creator.

It's really not but ok

>trying this hard for good goy points

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This is a thread for american. Americans aren't white

Most of the "white" hos you see in rapper videos are latina tho?

What are you going off about? How is saying that I don't hate all Americans a good goy point? You apparently prefer living in nigger infested cities to white areas so who's the goy here?

Based and Apepilled!

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He guest started on a bunch of sitcoms and was in commercials too

>he thinks black dudes only like em thicc

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Patriotism means putting Chinese made tiny flags on your Chinese owned USA pickup truck. Your whole identity had been marketed to you by foreigners and sold to you at OPEC gas stations.

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Is there some kind of story here?

Doesn't really matter what they like does it?


Oh my god this is serious what should I be doing instead of owning a truck? Tell me how you live free

I don't think you know what goyum means, nigger

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>Chinese owned USA pickup truck.

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It's not that blacks only like fat women. It's that only fat women like black men

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Neither. Theyre both obviously obsessed with an Israeli puppet.

>y-yes they are the true racists
Are you just confused?

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>implying you actually have a chance with a black woman
You're a virgin for a reason

>a loyal wife
Women are loyal to chad. The worse he treats her the more powerful they think he is.

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Obviously larger sizes are in demand for those 6'5 240lbs chads who would wear them.

That is 100% a male. Look at the hand and the lack of hips.

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>putting soldiers on a pedestal
>"muh sacrifice"
lol no. Soldiers aren't doing it to make sacrifices, they're doing it to get money and benefits and free education. People who stay on to be officers and such are doing it because they're psychos who get off on being in control of people. The military isn't out there "protecting our freedom" either, they're just shooting brown people to keep the price of oil down. None of them are actually a threat to us or our freedom and that's not even what the government gives a shit about.

Chinese owned car company that agreed to put production in the us as part of the sale. So they are Chinese owned "american" made cars. I know it's hard when you had to drop out of highschool to pay for the child you and your sister had with each other, but the rest of us can't keep stopping to explain things to you Cletus.

This but not for depressing reasons

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