movies about getting older?
Movies about getting older?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Wrestler. (Which just had a real life remake)
charlie and the chocolate factory (the new one)
Cooking up something good
Mac DeMarco is balding because of constant cannibis consumption.
>29 years old
Daily reminder Vernor Winfield MacBriare Smith IV's family is massively wealthy and financed his career
he's only famous because he's a Freemason and they push their own
Damn, he sounds depressed.
I really relate to this
>tfw 26 and hairline is starting to go
Not sure what’s worse, balding from the center or hairline receding. Either way, feels bad man
>24 and bald
I look like pic related pretty much
literally me except i have no wealth or talent
not as bad as losing it from the front
It's the fucking worst to see an old man with great hair. IT'S NOT FAIR
Worse is a fat guy with great hair. Like it's being wasted on a guy who looks like shit anyway
I turned 27 and have a great head of hair, but man I'd do anything for a beard.
Time to put more minoxidil on my face.
damn that’s sad, breaks my perception of mac
Mac is aight, blackpilled but he spreads joy so others dont become blackpilled
anyone have the link to the performance on the right?
>been balding with the Jack style since my teens
22 and getting there buddy, don't feel alone
Rocking a nice tossed salad and scrambled eggs right there.
He is balding due to the stress and childhood trauma related to growing up in Edmonton
yes goyim!
rub the good product all over your face!
yo why is everybody on this fucking site bald, I one know like one person IRL who even has a receding hairline pushing 30
lack of sun, unhealthy diets, lack of physical exercise, too much booze/meds/weed
I've been there a few times, big cities stress me out and feel unnatural I genuinely feel sorry who are born into them and don't get to see the stars
Sauce on the right pic?
Addicted to masturbation
social anxiety causing high cortisol
Steel reserve abuse
too much fap
Yeah, doesn't have anything to do with hereditary genetics, fucking moron.
I am sitting in an airport heading from Vancouver to Edmonton as we speak. Edmonton is small potatoes in comparison
True chad
Bowie had so many gimmicks. If only he could wrassle.
You're just as bad as a fatty blaming their genetics
Fuck no. I am balding just like Mac but it's not at that level yet, but fuck me I wish I was losing hair from the front rather than having this holo
I know, I've been there too and saw how greasy and sad it gets downtown.
Because on a thread about being bald, naturally balding people comment
mmmh i'm solitary but not devoid of emotions. it's probably more related to high functioning autism or something since i don't relate to most of these points
>dad over 60 and still a full bush of hair
>me past 30 and the same
feels good but also lack of testosterone maybe
>tfw 30 years old
>full head of hair
>girls always want to talk to me
>still a wizard
Spend my Friday night down at Rickshaw on east hastings for a show, v. Fucked uo
I’m too poor to afford a hair transplant and drugs so just go with it, shaving it off Is cope
masturbation actually depletes your cortisol so you're on a constant cycle of producing too much cortisol to replace what you're depleting at an abnormal rate
>340 lbs
>still fuck women because I deal great coke and molly
lethal weapon 4
"im getting too old for this shit"
I'm on fin and minoxidil for a year. At the very least it stopped falling, there are small hair poking out but they seem too thin to make a difference.
I saw him a couple weeks ago. His balding didn't seem that bad there and it was being projected onto like three giant screens.
He was a fun time as well.
>girls always want to talk to me
instead of talking to girls you should have sex with them
Maybe that will help
haha old man
>25 years old
Growing up in a shithole I can’t afford it kek
>lack of sun, unhealthy diets, lack of physical exercise, too much booze/meds/weed
Yeah that must be it
does it make you harder when you are fucking some coke whore/ club girl and you know she just wants it over or she starts to cry because of how far she has fallen?
Me too man. Fin is cheap, I get the 5mg ones and split it into 5 parts. It costs like 5 euros and lasts months.
Minoxidil is expensive, but also does not work as well apperantly.
But yeah the only solution is to just embrace it if you can't afford the time and money for hair transplant. Or if you are really lucky, bald might suit you. I'm not that lucky.
we'll all go bald
keep shaving until there's nothing but a fucking skull
Nah they’re objects to me and they never had fathers so they think a chubby oldeman who can joke around cares about them I knew I could never have a normal life like that so hey I get to smash good pussy for some cheap lines and making money too from others. Only thing bad is my gf doesn’t like it but I buy her shit. Kek
Gonna get this tat when I go fully bald, why the fuck not
I could see some dudes pulling it off, hope you can actually cheering for you
Nah, Dr Sebi cured cancer, also baldness.
Either are manageable. When your hairline is receding, you can mask it by pushing hair forward as bangs. When your crown is thinning, you can mask it by pushing you hair back. But when it's both, you're fucked.
And also receding hairline that's just the corners is nowhere near as bad as the guys whose entire hairline goes backwards
minox makes your skin get older faster, dont do that to your face
pshh i started balding at 18, 22 now and i think another year my crown will be practically gone
>on fin for 6 months now
>still shed like a dog
apparently makes you 200IQ ayy nigga as well
the fuck is happening with that dude's skull
I actually like having a V-shaped mature hairline. I just wish it stayed there instead of being a transitional state on the way to baldness
just get micropigmentation bro ...
Tfw poor motherfucker
Tfw just going to go jame Gandolfini in true romance mid 30s
He's evolving
Same but I've accepted the lack of facial hair. At this point I'd honestly just rather not have any at all since what I can grow is pitiful and it's a pain to manage, however infrequently.
Try being black and balding your own parents and friends rip on you 24/7 and shit at least I know white guys and brown guys who just know that and roll with it but it’s much worse
Why won't you start shaving? It's better to be proudly bald than balding.
One day there will be a great war, when all the impeccable 14 year old girl hairlines have disappeared forever.
A war between those who bald first at the crown, those that recede first at the temples, those that experience the harrowing diffuse thinning, and those whose hair rises cleanly up their scalp like the last vestiges of a tide on a burning earth.
right unironically looks worse lol
How long until we got a cure for baldness?
Imagine being such a vain faggot that the worst part of getting older is your hair.
eh its fine, i meme but im fine with being bald
dont wanna shave because im too lazy to keep at it so its a bit weird state of long poofy thin hair
Because even a little is better than shaving, shaving is just cope
I got this done AMA
haha holy shit
show a pic
>27, hair looks like dis
>no one even believes me when I tell them its diffuse thinning and receding
eh, at least I'm still cute???
Where you balding at your hairline fucked up?
post pic
do you hair look like pubes?
hair color changes and balding is the first thing that happens though.
don't worry, one day you'll notice that first bit of hair is starting to grey, you'll know what it's like.
Tfw if you are balding and tall and wide you can at least pull that huge thug goon look off but imagine being 5’’6 and 115 pounds as a balding male fuck me
>I'm still cute???
no, you're ugly
I have grey hairs and the hair on the top of my head is thin. You're still a vain faggot.
Im not a nig but i can confirm this. Blacks are absolutely brutal when it comes to examining and laughing at even the smallest imperfections in each others hairlines.
Every where not to mention my head is big as fuck and looks like a melon fuck me the black community is even worse for this
You look like you go on lookism a lot creepy white dude
nah it was a waste of 1k and faded like 6 months after it was done. you need to go for multiple sessions and get touch ups done.
it actually looked great at a time but you have to make sure you get it done by the right place (NYC has a good one) and you must get an uneven hairline. helps if your natural haircolor is black.
>tfw looks entirely depend on my hair
If it's right then I'm a 7.5/10 and I feel confident as fuck. If it's wrong I'm a 2/10 and I try to avoid people as much as possible. I changed my diet 100% and had to stop thinking of food as something related to pleasure. I only eat the healthiest most tasteless shit just to make sure my skin and hair look good all the time.
People have been saying my hair is looking thinner since I was 17, but I still dont really see a a difference
I had a MILF tell me I looked like a thug and that I should trim my beard, she had actually grabbed a rock just in case I mugged her kek.
>tfw always had a big forehead, high hairline
>30 and still have virtually no hair loss
>doesn't matter because it looks a bit like you are anyways
I guess it's good that I don't have a bald spot.
what is wrong with your lips?
Imagine being this guy.
>Steven Anthony Lawrence
>29 Years Old
>>Height: 1.54 m
Oh no no NO NO
So what percentage of Hollywood do we think has had got involved some degree of hair loss prevention surgery/drugs?
I seem to recall Ashton Kutcher coming out and claiming it was like 90% a few years ago, after also saying that the drugs were making him impotent.
Once Upon a Time in America
Iktf I’m 6’3 and 275 pounds and an ex college football player and bouncer and women and men think I’m a criminal and am always frisked at airport and police pull me over I’m white btw but in reality I write children’s books and journals about gardening and am afraid of talking to people
>also saying that the drugs were making him impotent
true. your doctor will warn you about this.
I don't understand guys who cling to hair when theirs is as bad as this. There's nothing attractive about looking like a monk
>Always had a big forehead
>It's getting bigger
Looks. I have better than shaving it off you won’t understand if you’re not balding like that
That's why I didn't try the pills, but sometimes I think I would've rather kept my hair even if it meant being impotent. Maybe I'll get used to it someday.
fucking hell
So what's the verdict on minoxidil? Any significant side effects?
Another picture of this dude.
Think he was like 24 or 25 in this one.
Bruce Willis looks great though. Yea Forums is not Bruce Willis, but shaving might turn out to be buch better than looking like a creepy rapist.
my face looks pretty different depending on the lighting, this is me signing up for a bank account (also minus like 30 lbs)
>it’s a Yea Forums thread
Why do all the worst of the worst crossposters come to Yea Forums? Seriously asking.
Have you guys noticed a major difference in appearance between your friends that drink a lot/smoke (including weed) and those that don’t? I figure it catches up to you eventually but I have plenty of friends that binge drink and eat like shit that look better than those that don’t. Only in my mid 20s though.
Most men won’t look as good as Bruce Willis shaved and frasier is not a creepy rapist he is a chad
My sister says I'm going bald, but how do you know for sure?
Ashton was on the most heavy duty hairloss drug available known as Avodart. It’s essentially a much more potent, much more effective, and much riskier version of finasteride.
Age: 31
Is she cute?
why do men age so much more poorly than women? fucking sad.
Is that his wife? Once you’re in your 30s hair becomes less important than financial and economic factors still
Would be nice to have both desu
And why are you sharing this?
Age: 29
My crown isn't going yet, but my hairline is suffering. Needs some maintenance.
You got a bit of a MaxMoeFoe/Benny Cucumber thing going on, mate.
And here you look like Tobias Menzies.
>be 37
>dad started going bald at 19
>was comb-over bald at 22
>I still have a full head of long-ass hippie hair
She's a camwhore
Age: 24
Thank your mom
you know the reverse is true
men: wine
women: milk
>tfw I'm 21 and my hairline is receding and the hair on the top of my head is falling out like crazy.
God damn it.
just get propecia, you blackpilled fags
More like both age like shit if you don’t take care of yourself and celebrities used as an example for both are foolish to do
>men age like wine
Age: 22
Oh oh no oh no...
I tried minoxidil a couple years back when I started getting paranoid about my receding hairline, and if your hair isn't already falling out that shit will make sure it will.
No, I have to agree with the other guy.
Look at old couples. The old man always looks like an aged version of their younger self.
Old women are basically unrecognizable.
Incorrect, and this is often a cope. Men have the potential to age like fine wine, but only if they retain youthful full heads of hair. If you go bald like so many guys, then you automatically end up looking 20 years older than you really are
That is a myth
Are the Duggar's Mormon? Usually Mormon's have good hair.
Women also take beauty more seriously than a man as her youth goes away
Leo looks great though. His only problem is his head is too wide due to gaining weight in the face. All he needs to do is slim down
Been using it for a few months. I've noticed some regrowth around the temples if anything
nice beard, whats up with your ear. eh, you just notice your hair thinning over time. they say you lose half of it before you even notice
deadmonton sucks
t.spruce grovian
Yeah, I think a big reason why we notice women aging so much more than men is that we place such a priority on women's appearance and not on a man's.
>always get carded when buying alcohol
>ask strangers they'll think i'm early 20s
>no older relatives are bald
genetic lottery
Beard transplants are a thing you know
Age: 19
thats supposed to happen, its called shedding. then it grows back thicker than before
nah, his hairline is fucked. his situation is unfortunate since he was inhumanly beautiful in his early 20s and will always look abysmal compared to that
True in America here I talk to most men about a skincare routine and taking care of health and they say it’s for fags so that’s another reason is the attitude towards beauty
I think you'll notice when you stop using, that you'll have more hair loss than before. Might just be me
Are u tall
Reminder that if you take drugs that fuck up your hormones, they might fuck up your hormones. There is a statistical probablity of these drugs rendering you potentially permanently impotent. Search for "propecia erectile dysfunction".
If you value your hair above your penis being functional, go ahead. If you don't mind being sterilised, go ahead.
Other than that, have your hair cut short and focus on the parts of your life you can change.
no one really needs an elaborate skincare routine. using too many products is bad for your skin.
but more men should wear sunscreen and moisturize
And their father,
Age: 53
35 and same. Feels good.
189 cm
Exfoliating and using a derma roller isn’t too much and using some blackhead solution two times a week
Yeah, that's a possibility. I only use it 1x day tho, so I don't plan on stopping anytime soon
They look like clones and the old man has the best hairline of the bunch
Friendly reminder to always check where your minoxidil was manufactured
>wear sunscreen daily
>moisturize nightly
>splash cold water on face in morning
>use face wash at night
>chemical exfoliant once a week
>sleep enough, hydrate, exercise regularly
that’s all you need
Yeah I said that but most american men even think moisturizer is for gays
Fake News
that’s true, it’s sad
Just avoid all the meme shit and take pregnenolone
>had the thickest hair in the world
>was paranoid as fuck
>got on rogaine
>gave myself mpb
This is what happens when you go on looking and Yea Forums too much
best exfoliant is a nice boar bristle brush, gets dry skin, oil and grime off, no chemicals, no worry, gets your beard set nice too
so close, but no
i started the nopoo and i have to say that my thin hair become more thicc and more shiny i recommend it but still i am balding and i put minoxidil everynight
How am I doing brehs
I would rather be bald than have that fuckin birds nest on my head, what are you doing user
Looks amazing
Obesity != male pattern baldness
Not too bad. Grey hair on a dude is kino. The transitioning fase too.
Go talk to Willie Nelson and Robert Plant
What the fuck he's a year older than me and I still look like I'm in my mid 20s or younger
(American) genes
T. Full hair