>Avengers Endgame to triumph third weekend
you know, the weekend with a BRAND NEW DETECTIVE PIKACHU.
>Avengers Endgame to triumph third weekend
you know, the weekend with a BRAND NEW DETECTIVE PIKACHU.
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guys im at pikachu right now...the place is empty. kinda spook
300 million left
>60% drop
bullshit. not real.
anyway how long do movies usually lost in theaters now? how long did Avatar last?
cute kid...real cute
Now adjust for inflation, Marvelcuck
is it adjusted for inflation?
Are you a gone of the wind fan, what? Faggot
Avatar was a month at a lot of places, sometimes more. Theaters overbought those stupid 3d glasses, so had to keep the film in so get rid of them all
if we're gonna adjust for inflation, then lets adjust for piracy. it was nowhere near as rampant as now. also tickets cost much more these days, so if they cost as little as the Avatar tickets, even MORE tickets sold for Endgame.
you faggots want to play games, lets play them. tick tock
>disney buys tickets so avengers would win 3rd weekend
kinda pathetic
>thinking he can face off against a Windchad
Yea Forums just can't stop being wrong
Detective Pikachu was better than endgame. I say that with zero irony
Pikachu was quite bad. even the worlds apparently biggest fanbase is clearly not going to see it.
>and all the DCucks, bluefags and Pikasluts fall silent
:) gg no re
>Detective Pikachu
Even if we don't beat Avatar, I sleep well knowing we destroyed DC once and for all.
joker... chad...
chad...tective... pika... chad...
... ... ...
>avapoors are falsefagging as windbros now
This is very pathetic cope.
>my fave rich people made more money
>Comparing the end of a series with a 350 million dollar budget with the beginning of a series with a 150 million dollar budget.
if you had any honesty you'd compare detective Pikachu with Iron Man.
Pikachu already made back it's money in one weekend, and then some.
Mewtwo movie is confirmed
Red and blue movie confirmed
keep coping marvelbots
Iron Man had 98 million opening weekend in 2008. Pikachu 58 million in 2019
Why are we supposed to care again?
Reminder Detective Kino already got it's money back.
Cope faggots.
>black panther is 10th most grossing film
Wtf that movie was trash
That's not how this works you retard.
no it hasn't because theaters take a cut
Why are you backtracking faggot?
Learn how box office works first you fucking idiot. Mojo even explains it in FAQ.
how does it feel to constantly suck mouse cock? Iron Man did shit in foreign markets. China is saving Pikachu. and Pikachu did better in Japan than Yea Forums was saying.
face it user, it's over, Pikachu doesn't have to beat Endgame yet, it's just the first of a long list of upcoming pokeverse movies.
Piracy has gone done since Avatar’s times with DMCA crackdowns and sites going down. Nice try tho retard.
retards, you have to adjust for # of tickets purchased per capita
they wont do a pokeverse if their first wont even break 500 million.
Third weekend Endgame beat the "biggest franchise in the worlds" first weekend. gg
Stay mad faggot.
>he thinks piracy went down
Iron Man still made 585 million worldwide and I very much doubt Pikachu will be even close. Probably 450 million at best.
Biggest Movie Event with hype since 2018 is successful? No way.
only 50% of that was from foreign markets dipshit. nearly 70% of Pikachu's is from foreign markets.
piracy is more accessible than ever if you aren't an ameritard or germcuck
>piracy went down in the digital age
>actually thinks with Endgame's current grossing it will make 300MIL more.
You fags are braindead corporate drones. Not to mention bad at math.
>450 million
DP opened up around same as Shazam but with worse reception from both audiences and critics. It will be lucky if it makes 300 million.
>he is a Pikachu that talks
>and is a detective
>and has a sidekick nigger
I sure some thought that was a recepy for sucess
so even worse then because studios take bigger percentage from the domestic BO
>Piracy has gone done since Avatar’s times
Imagine being this retarded I bet you are a phoneposter too
It's still massively disingenuous to compare the first live action movie of a franchise with the last of another.
They are already working on the detective pikachu sequel and a Mewtwo spin off. h.
>still doesn't know how box office cuts works
Shazam was killed by its release date, which is why I gave Pokemon more leeway.
>worse reception from audiences
>boomer critics giving a movie based in a franchise they don't understand a bad rating not predictable AF.
Endgame has around 17.5 weeks to make just 12% more than it currently has. It's happening.
Gone with the Wind is actually good and not a meme movie like Avatar and endgame
Fuck fukc fuck.
That’s is, avatar lost, it was good while it lasted but we will have to wait for Avatar II now
user has autism Confirmed.
Unironically this
Disney can't buy that many tickets
>Jurassic World 6th
cant believe that garbage made a lot of money
FUCK Aquafags
FUCK Decucktive Cuckachu
FUCK Cuckzilla
and lest I forget...
They don't need to copefag
I'm on Endgame's side in this war, but seeing how far the grossings have become + newer movies coming out it's not going to dethrone the king.
this might be the first movie that actually fills these shitty charts
If Infinity War was the second part and Endgame the first one the movie would already achieved the 3B mark
Stay retarded
123 days to make $302,465,348. That's an average of $2,459,067.87 per day. It will manage.
It needs to make almost exactly $300 million more to do that, and the third weekend isn't even over.
It's not certain but it's not a mathematical impossibility, like, at all.
user, movies are in theaters for 2-3 months. It might not reach it in the next week or 2, but its pretty reachable.
The 3 billion that some people were saying is highly unlikely unless Spider-man: Far From Home can give it some boost like Endgame did for Captain Marvel.
God these are all normie movies. Such a shame.
Is Pikachu even doing well? It's a bad sign that I don't see any threads about it on here and the movie's only been out for less than a week.
Worst Photoshop ever.
But then you have to account for streaming services, vcrs, DVD players, Blu Ray players, etc.
>anti marvel drones panic-shifting into inflation meming as predicted
it's not #1 on its opening weekend, so not well
Gone with the Wind was in theatres for like 60 years with no other form of entertainment or competition from other movies for the first decade it was in theaters.
Avatar was in theaters for like a year and also had a re-release.
Endgame will beat Avatar and be in the same range as Gone with The wind in one month's time.
If Endgame was in theaters for 60 years working on other competition for the first decade it would make 10 billion + easy.
Cope more, moving the goalposts retards.
Fuck reddit and all those reddit cockmasters.
>8 of the 10 films from the last decade are highest grossing of all-time
* 60 years with no other competition
The only thing inflated here is my dick, faggot
Inflation you absolute retard.
And besides MCU there is pretty much nothing.
who cares, both movies suck, and the unwashed masses wouldn't know kino if it slapped them on the ass.
Is that not the more accurate way to judge a movie's success? Just imagine that inflation changes things x3 and a movie that'd make 1 billion today would make 3 then. Would you be bitching and defending your retarded capeshit with inflation at that point? Grow up capefag.
Reminder: Avatar only made so much because everyone had to pay extra for a 3D ticket
Reminder: Endgame only made so much because 10 years of buildup and hype, more theaters in more countries and because the numbers are still pre-inflation
I'm rooting for Marvel's Avengers Endgame because of three main reasons. I will explain them now.
Number 1: It's a good movie! Nuff' said!
Number 2: I hate incels because they are dumb, and racist and sexist.
Number 3: Respect for Stan Lee. RIP Mr. Stan Lee, thank you for everything.
Avengers, ASSEMBLE!
Reminder: Avatar was in theatres for like a year.
Gone with the Wind was in theatres for like 60 years.
in what universe do you live that most modern blockbuster screenings are like half 3d showings and 200% 3d for the imax?
Thanos snapped the audience away from the theater
It doesn’t add up though
>Be Avengers: Endgame
>Get knocked out of first place by John Wick 3
Nobody will remember Endgame 10 years from now.
>DisneyMoms and Poos literally too stupid to not understand what inflation is
Hahaha XD
Reminder: Endgame won't be remembered in a year
The inflation meme is cope. It just means that movie theater ticket prices are relatively cheaper now than they were when gone with the wind came out. You should base it by number of tickets purchased, in which case avatar probably got btfo ages ago because it only made so much because of the 3d meme
Rotten Tomatoes is irrelevant. Aquaman should have taught you that
I think Aquaman did
why don't they use number of tickets sales as a metric?
>omg this childrens movie is making more money than this other childrens movie
The absolute state of Yea Forums
why is Shazam even in this picture? the movie made 300mil or some shit
keep telling yourself that DCuck
Back to .
Gone with the wind was in and out of theaters for about an 8 year period. They literally only had so many prints of the movie it got shifted around to different locations. It opened and closed several times as new movies were pushing it out. It did not stay in theaters.
Let Endgame be in theatres for 8 years. Let's see how much it makes if it already made 2.5 billion in less than a month.
Also make Endgame be the only movie in the theaters with no tv at home or Internet.
funny how Endgame and all of MCU movies make good money but none will ever be as remembered and revered as BvS. pathetic really
4Channel is a Marvel image board, please leave.
Black Panther did and then we added more and it filled those.
Aquaman did and captain marvel also did. Yea Forums was wrong about both those clearing 1b. I'll admit, I thought they'd do well 700m+ but 1.1b was a surprise
It is how it works. The budget may or may not include marketing (typically not). Other than that, you have to be an sociopathic ashkenazi jewish kike shit accounting to argue otherwise. Hollywood accounting, which is kosher semitic kikery, is just a bunch of bullshit used so jews don’t have to pay royalties
Y'all keep saying this but people remember Iron Man 1 and Spiderman 3 which are over ten years old now.
Theaters get 50% of the revenue so studios don't get 100% of it. If you make 200m in a weekend, you only get 100m of that. Movie theaters don't just give all the money to studios. You're a fucking /vp/ retard who knows jack shit about movies, huh?
High grossing movies are normie movies by definition. You would dislike anything on that list because disliking popular things makes you think that you have a personality