This is the best nolan movie right?

This is the best nolan movie right?

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Yes. Dunkirk is 2nd.

Only if the machine didn't really clone people. If it did, the movie is garbage.

If it was just something he wrote in his diary (their diaries were also tricks and lies) then it's Nolan kino.

Are you saying magic is actually real in that movie?

That's the prevailing theory.
It's three way tie between Memento, Dunkirk and The prestige for me.


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How come Batman and Alfred are back in time and pretending to be magicians? Didn't this move only come out a year after Batman Begins

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No. But a lot of people wanted to convince me this is what happened in the movie - the magical machine worked. Becuase it was also in the book.

later in his career nolan wrote a movie for adults in which love transcends the fifth dimension to create a time loop, under the pretense of making a realistic hard sci-fi movie
keeping that in mind, ask yourself wether or not the diaries being tricks is something he would come up with


The machine didnt work

>later in his career nolan wrote a movie for adults in which love transcends the fifth dimension to create a time loop,

Considering that's not what happens in the movie, I am going to assume you're a brainlet and say yes Nolan is smart enough to do that.

There was this girl in 7th grade i made my girlfriend during this movie. It was really random.
Her tits were massive for being in middle school. I ended up breaking up with her a few days later lol. I probably dated 85%of my graduating class

I liked how David Bowie portrayed Nikola Tesla. However, I didn't care for th twist.

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And now where are you in life?

>later in his career nolan wrote a movie for adults in which love transcends the fifth dimension to create a time loop, under the pretense of making a realistic hard sci-fi movie
why even watch film when youre this retarded

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Patrician taste

Yeah you're right I should have went through a three hour explanation like the movie did just to impress some random faggot online, I apologize


its nolans manifesto; a thinly veiled ode to sociopathy, utterly brilliant

It's an origin story

and why was Wolverine in it too? I mean I know Logan was alive back then but why was he getting by as a magician

Fuck off the machine made clones faggots he literally sees the bodies at the end.

Inception is the most original

So you didn't understand it despite the ample exposition in the movie? Lmao. I mean you have to be a smooth brained bugman to not properly follow a Nolan.

He sees one body at best and it was obviously some kind of wax dummy or mannequin. A real body would have rotten by the time the final scene happened

Memento made more sense and it was more satisfying.
Prestige gave away its own ending early on and was too long because of the relationship plots.

>t. never seen Paprika

Maybe. I don’t remember. I’m boycotting my former favorite director Nolan due to insistence on using garbage-tier 35mm, 65mm, and IMAX film. Dunkirk was even edited without a digital intermediate using a traditional negative cut and photochemical process. This not only causes severe generation loss (especially on the vertical axis due to film moving at two different speeds) but adds a lot of grain. Some cinematographers, like the one he uses, claim it’s sharper than a DI but this is perceived sharpness from increased grain during the photo chemical duplication process. These are nostalgia kiddies who love their shitty “muh film” grainy trash “muh art”. This is the several hundred thousand and million dollar version of millennials and gen x buying mini NES. Except they force it upon the audience who has to pay for it in the end.

Film is garbage. Film has bee surpassed by digital.
>Muh dynamic range
Already surpassed
>muh hypothetical black and white low contrast line pair resolution visually at 1% MTF
Which motion pictures never approach anywhere close to. 35mm motion picture film is approximately 2K which is why films have been and are still processed at 2K when shot on 35mm
>Muh 6k Intersellar
I don’t care what they claim, Interstellar looks like garbage. Even the IMAX footage looks identical on UHD and Blu Ray and it looks like garbage when I saw the 4K DCI (it’s obviously 2K)

The only people who think the machine didn't work on autistic pseuds who hate the idea of something being outside their understanding.

It was literally right after a show, also all the bodies were sealed and submerged in water.

Do you think the average cinema-goer cares about these technical aspects?
People go support Nolan because he’s Nolan, and in turn his inferior technical set-ups.

>submerged in water.
That doesn't stop decay.

I didn't even know "the bodies werent real" was a theory
Literally some flat earth type of mental gymnastics. nothing points to that

What? The final scene was long after the final transformed man act

Why did he kill his clones? The initial plan didn't work since they hired an actor but this new guy is literally him.

Because he understood that he would never quell his own desire to live in the spotlight and that having loose ends put his trick at risk.

Why don't they just alternate then? Killing his clone seems excessive.

This film showcases Nolan's incompetent filmmaking. What I'm talking about is the complete lack of cues when switching between present timeline and flashback timeline, which leaves the viewer totally confused as to what's happening narratively.

How else would the machine work?

I’m a retard. I never considered that he killed his clones. I just assumed that he and every subsequent clone kills themself and makes room for the next clone in the line.

You would think a clone would be smart enough to realize that they're next in line to die for the trick.

t. actual mental midget

The point is that he's obsessive and insane.

The film cuts back and forth between present and past without so much as skipping a beat. You think it's merely the next scene in the film, but no way man, it's actually set in the past. Seriously even Batman v Superman did it better for indicating when Bruce was dreaming (using an audio cue of the world engine).

Yeah but I figured the clone put the act in front of himself.

I really like the scene with the old Asian who’s just pretending to be old and Christian Bale says in the street, “See? This is the real act,” and the other one doesn’t understand.

>unironically needing a literal audio cue to know which timeline is which
a mental midget is too high of a term for you, you're merely a Pavlov dog.

what next are you going to tell me, that a "12 MONTHS EARLIER" on screen text transition along with anaudio cue and a hazy sepia filter on the visuals is the best way to do it am i rite

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It would make it more accessible to the audience you want.

sure, if the audience you want is literal 5 year old children

No. Maybe have Bale's character reading the diary and as his narration continues it transitions to the next scene (the flashback) with the ripple drop effect on the transition (not sure how to describe it, but the screen ripples). Yeah, maybe add an audio cue too, like those ascending bells jingling? (not sure how to describe it, but like sounds kinda like those windchimes but the notes are ascending). Then it won't confuse people and pseudo-intellectuals such as yourself won't go around bragging that they "got" the movie.

>Maybe have Bale's character reading the diary and as his narration continues it transitions to the next scene (the flashback) with the ripple drop effect on the transition (not sure how to describe it, but the screen ripples)

Lmao. How clichéd would that be? That would be like a laugh track tier obvious.

The problem is that we're talking about Christopher Nolan blockbuster flick, so even the most average most casual flick viewer understands it, but you somehow are extremely confused by it.
Literal 16 year old children watch The Prestige and take it as their favorite film of all time, while you demand for there to be goddamn windchime audio cues as if it's a C tier TV show sitcom.

What on Earth do you think of any actually challenging film then is beyond me.

I love his use of metaphors.

>tfw I have to take my bows beneath the stage

Nolan writes for shit 90% of the time, but there are golden nuggets of writing like that bit there in almost all of his films.
There is potential.

Thats the point

The machine works, the entire theme of the movie is moot if the machine doesn't work. You're a brainlet if you dont get this

The machine didn't work! He was memeing on you niggers.

Checked but jesus christ user. Just watch the movie, get confused and then look it up online. You don't need a cue.

it's the best film of all time desu

>love creates the time loop
Why is everyone who complains about interstellar such an autistic retard? Love is just what the human ayylmaos use to ground coop in something he can understand so he can save everyone

For people that complain about nolan telling not showing you're laughably inept

The machine makes clones idiots. Proved by the hats and the literal collection of bodies at the end you dumb faggots.

Wrong. The entire theme of the movie is that magic isn’t real. The only real thing is the illusionist himself. Everything is an illusion.

The clone machine doesn’t work. Angiers got duped into visiting Tesla by Borden’s diary and Angiers flipped his own diary to dupe Borden into believing the Tesla story if for nothing than to strong him along until he could exact revenge and prove he’s the better illusionist

I appreciate this

Lmao thats not the theme of the movie you fucking entry level brainlet. Thats the most surface level toddler way you could possibly interpret it. Illusion is just the medium through which the story of competition manifests itself. The theme is the great and historically prevalent contest between the gifted and the dedicated which is also alluded to by the presence of Tesla and Edison who are analogues for Borden and Angier respectively. If the machine didn't work, then there is nothing separating the two men and the theme AS STATED by the author and Nolan himself, doesn't work

Literally a fucking retard. How the fuck can't you understand a Nolan flick? Embarrassing.

Top tier b8, lad... but you went a little too far and showed your hand... gg

I thought inception was his best film desu but all of them are pretty good. Easily the best filmmaker of our time.

Not an argument