Licorice whip

Licorice whip

Attached: 1553819584753.jpg (510x384, 23K)

He looks like he's eating GUMMY BEARS.

Sneed whip

sneed whip

sneed whip

Whip of the sneed

Licorice Chuck

This is a terrible post

sneed feed and Seed

Licorice Sneed

Attached: 1552609651802.png (632x480, 263K)

What were Simpson's threads like before this meme ruined them all?

Complete reddit faggotry, untill chad sneeds came


You mean improved?

Formerly comfy.

Attached: 1529839111622.jpg (322x1014, 65K)

formerly tip's whip and dip

OP asking when/why simpsons turned to shit and then 350 posts. They were fucking trash. This is slightly better.

Hello sneeddit

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Formerly chuckit

>he went all the way to reddit just to screenshot that

Attached: 1532466635074.webm (480x360, 528K)


formerly sneeDigg

>You mean improved?

I mean, ruining topics is one thing, but why not ruin it in a bunch of different ways instead of the exact same way each time? Not very creative if you ask me.

>sneedditor cant even look at the filename

Name the last time a comfyfag said something insightful about a Simpsons episode or produced good OC.

Attached: sneedbag.jpg (640x480, 40K)

Yes, and you call it Sneed's Feed and Seed despite it being formerly Chuck's.

Was the Simspons good because it was honest>

formerly ok

This is good oc

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Anyone can change the filename, tard.

that image been posted multiple times.

>originally black
>turned white and became gay
smithers was probably based on Michael Jackson



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oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.

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You mean formerly black.



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Oh.....ooh my......oooh my oh my

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sneeders deserve this

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Reminder that sneedposting is a conspiracy by modern simpsons writers to obscure all memory of the golden age of the simpsons and prevent genuine discussion around it



subtle sneed thread


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>admits to going to reddit

Attached: nope.jpg (613x531, 36K)

Subtle sneedpost

Attached: 1555776171987.png (480x360, 188K)

Whats wrong with reddit?

It's my constitutional right to scream feed and seed

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>it's fucking pink
so is it licorice or not, what the fuck??

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Drum roll please

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Attached: SNEEDTOUHOU.jpg (1891x960, 669K)

South americans were turning bootleg bart and una vela into a meme so studio shills were paid to shut it down

Attached: sneed.jpg (1800x1296, 907K)


Attached: 1503526704859.png (640x622, 845K)

sneed whip?

Sneed Hwhip tastes good on pie.

Based Ian.

Oh.....oh my...ooh my oh my