950 days until Avatar 2

>950 days until Avatar 2

Attached: 1512398305269.jpg (250x243, 8K)

Post porn

supremely based post as always
>all na'vis must hang

Is there any specific reason why he waited a fucking decade to release the second one?

Wanted to wait for new technology, specifcally ways for doing unprecedented underwater motion capture which was briefly teased in Alita.

neytiri is an ugly blue space cat


>because he has better things to do with his time than waste it on another blockbuster movie

Based user

>JC is dead

The days until avatar 2 just keep going up, this movie defies time


Also based.

Great I will be several hundred days into my 2020 nofap by then. Gonna be good times and high flying bros. :)

Big milestone day.

Did you have to add 365 days when it was delayed another year

Please do not call Neytiri "an ugly blue space cat", it's both offensive and incorrect

>counting down for an event

why do this? Just live for the day and enjoy what you have at the moment and let film surprise when it comes out

Disney wins again baby!

it felt like just yesterday we broke into 3 digits!

blue Zoe best Zoe!

Attached: Neytiri_5711.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Attached: neytiri.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

BIGGEST day so far!!!!

heartwarming smile

Neytiri... with a FAL?

Attached: cm_ney - Copy.png (1081x1867, 3.89M)

Because it's going to be revealed in Avatar 4 that the planet in the movie is real and that the blue alien things actually exist.

feel your pain

They keep kicking the goalpost back!

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3,141 days until Avatar 5 :)

Attached: caressingneyney.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

yup, still based

>finally under 1000 days
I can see the light bros

Had to wait for technology to catch up to his vision

