Why is this legal?

Why is this legal?

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Is it weird to be attracted to that belly?

yes, to fix this issue, put your temple on the receiving end of a door knob

one word

i fucking hate kikes

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Why do american cartoons look so fucking ugly?



The art design for this is fucking disgusting. Does netflix have one animated series that doesn't look like absolute ass?

Much worse than the appearance is the content. It's so disgustingly perverse and just sick.

"What is CalArts style. "

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Why is the CIA so evil bros? Why do they make this demoralizing crap?

netflix is based

What is this? Can I get a quick rundown why its bad?

it's unbased

Its a show on Netflix about kids finding their sexuality. But it's essentially animated child porn.

Isn't this bascially zoomer Ren and Stimpy?

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we've reached levels of weimar i didn't even know were possible

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Voltron wasn't bad

We live in dark times.

>But it's essentially animated child porn.
Name a scene you found pornographic.

Love, Death, Robots

>ugh fucking christian cartoons brainwashing kids this should be filed under child abuse

Because it doesn't do anything illegal? They purposefully make the characters too ugly to be attractive and, more importantly, it's cartoon and they're all voiced by adults. You'd have to be pretty fucking puritan to think that kids don't masturbate or be offended by a show like this

The scene in some public bath or some shit where we see disgusting ugly nude women along with a singalong
>inb4 i-i-it's not pornographic! f-f-f-fucking amerimutts!

>le everything's your perception so if you think nude depictions of children is "wrong" YOU'RE the pervert
Stay Jewish

>You'd have to be pretty fucking puritan
or something

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>anime #349
>several scenes of underage girls running around topless and adults lusting after them in the creepiest ways
>"yeah, this is fine though. it's art"

>christian cartoons
When was that ever a thing? Can you name one besides the stop motion dog?

Made with computers

What scenes are made to generate sexual arousal?

This series sexualizes children. This is offensive and should not be allowed.

Prince of Egypt. VeggieTales as well.

I know they wouldn't have shown this at your synagogue, moshe, but do try to stay up to date on the white culture that you destroy

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Some garbage cartoons found in thrift stores that noone except liberal blog writters have seen and then argue about christian child abuse

It's a cartoon

jewish* cartoon

Interesting. Interesting. And, out of curiosity, how do you feel about anime?

Its ugly. You can tell ((they)) animated it. Idgaf about the CP part but my god it's ugly. It's not even calarts. It looks like israeli video games

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It's based and redpilled and you talk like a faggot.

Here, too, I find it inappropriate to depict children in a sexualized context. Such a thing should not be done with children, regardless of the medium.

like clockwork

20 episodes, c'mon just one example of porn.

>implying I will watch 20 episodes of shit to prove a nobody wrong when I know for a fact I am right
Nice try Schlomo

>this should be easy to solve for you

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Really? So Gundam Seed, Elfen Lied, Dragonball, My Hero Academia etc etc should all be illegal?

>never watched it
>know for a fact
I havn't watched it, but I know for a fact you choke down cocks every night.

How about like the first episode where it shows the kid jacking off at a sleepover right next to his sleeping friend and then the monster tells him to not clean it up and sleep in it?

Maybe Hitler (a Zionist Jew) was onto something about these Ashkenazi demons.

yes if only because they're shit

>Kids Masturbate
>That means it's okay show children masturbating on TV

That's some fucked up logic, user.

>What is this? Can I get a quick rundown why its bad?
It's a show about puberty which treats the subject honestly. It triggers pedophiles who sexually objectify children but in their warped delusion still consider it 'pure'. This upsets them because it's not erotic at all, it's messy, it's ugly, and it depicts young people actually figuring their shit out in a human way, rather than escaping into harmful fantasies.

And what part of that is made to make the pervs horny and start jerking off? Does that scene sound like erotica to you?

Whatever you say lol
back to watching cartoons with you

Finally a sane person

>do children masterbating on screen sound erotic to you
This is your 2nd and last (you) from me

Buddy of mine lets his 4 year old daughter watch this, I've told him a few times how abhorrent that is but he doesn't care because "its a comedy show lol"

>He said, before he went back to jerking off to cartoon dickgirl porn.

>being helicopter parents and telling kids what they can and can't watch
I'm pretty out parents thought the same with the dumb shit we grew up on.

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All of them are Jews fucking shit

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Yea Forums is full of plenty of legit pervs. Why no take a pic of this to a cunny thread, describe that scene, and ask if it gets their motor revving? I think they would prefer shadman to this.

no, it's because it's a show made by a jew that is behaving like hitler described jew behaving 90 years ago.

>name me one pornographic scene!
>uuhhh no it doesn't count because it makes me look like a shitposter?
lol that's why you never humor retards

futafags have shit taste, for me it's scat hentai

quality website

You literally make no sense, shill

that was another user but let me ask you a different question
do you think anyone finds this show erotic?

Does western drawn cunny ever look like this? Or Japanese? Closest I can think of is BART GET OUT I'M PISS but even that's far less soulless and creepy than ((this)) shit

because you refuse to submit to Allah.

lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh


This is your example of something sexy that is made to get people aroused? The scene is gross and brought to a level where it is absurd. Where is the porn?

we could be throwing faggots off of roofs but you're all too attached to your own sinful ways.

awful lot of kikery itt
in 10 years they'll defend having straight up porn on nickelodeon

>inb4 muh /pol/
this is empirically jews

Netflix shills are here lol

In one episode, they whack off on a cookie and eat it. Sick!

I don’t care for anime or any cartoons really because I’m over 16, but this show is pretty demoralizing. How much is George Soros paying you to defend it?

And look what happened you fool. Look around you! It's over! It's all done! I hope the harpazo happens soon

>rather than escaping into harmful fantasies
>OP pic is an actual demon

No one knows how to draw anymore.

Hitler was right, if only partially.

Let me break down how society is ruined
1. Adults watch cartoons regularly
2. They really love the cartoons and defend them
3.the cartoons are about children having sex
4. The adults love and defend the cartoons about children having sex

>veggie tales is "white culture"
lmao you people can't even be parodied

mad nigger doesn't have any culture and hates based veggie tales

It is christian culture retardo. Follow the fucking conversation sometime instead of whacking it to little kids experiencing puberty.

I blame South Park and The Simpsons


Jews are vile

Why wouldn't it be? Damn mutts and their retardation.

I hate incels more

>boys and men are stupid, worthless and dumb
>guuuurls are smart, capable and assertive

Back to your lolicon weeb

I think that's the least of this show's issues

that already existed its called icarly and victorious

If you had sex you’d be less angsty about Jews

They say you always hate in others, that which you hate about yourself.

Hitler was a tranny

>Muh Soros
>Muh Jews
lmao'ing at your life

So should we ban loli? When did this place get so puritan?

Incels are worse

During the 2016 election

feet aren't porn, pedo. those girls are barely 18.

it's literally anime pedos getting triggered because it isn't erotic or 'pure' enough

imagine earnestly believing there's a way to get paid to shitpost and being so unenterprising that you don't even pursue it lol

because blood, gore and death is A OK and gets claps

sex and the human body is a sin and you'll go to hell forever

Reeeee. Netflix is literally spreading child porn, we can't let this happen conservabros.

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And people wonder why japanime gains ground. Look at that. The drawings are cancer, the content is worse. And most of modern US animation is like that now. Lot of anime is bad but you still find good shows. There is not a single US show that is not pure garbage.