Film about loneliness

>film about loneliness
>protagonist isn't a hideous autist who has a panic attack when the female cashier tries to talk to him

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How the fuck can't someone have a normal conversation with another person hahahahaha

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Loneliness Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Awkwardness Like Nigga Close Your Autism Haha.

Have you tried not being a spineless pussy?

The House of Little Cubes. makes me sad even thinking of it.

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>be born with a conscience, inquisitive and compassionate nature
>be socialized by single mothers into equating good behaviour with fulfillment of desire
>fulfillment actually comes from gaining control of the seratonin flow in a female
>this is done by shitting all over aforementioned values and inclinations
nothin personnel, Adam

>the female cashier tries to talk to him
if you don't exclusively go to grocery stores with self checkout you're basically a normalfaggot

>Series about lonely autist
>Turns out the female protagonist only hangs around for the schadenfreude

Have sex.

this nigga gettin pounded in the backalley by a pack of coons all like "have sex" like it that easy for all of us

In Special RX, its's the girl that's the autist. It's not about loneliness but it should fill the "sad loser" criteria.

>female cashiers try to talk to him
Get out normie.

God DAMN nigga, good film. Thanks for the rec.

Old boomer remembering his normie life with wife and kids and grandkids... how could a loner relate to that???

loneliness isn't that simple.

One decent rec for every ten-thousand shitposts. This is the law.

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just watched it, damn you user.

>> 114567380
Thematically; remembering better times or what one used to have or never got to have. Having to remain, alone. Never being able to bridge the endless gulf of regret that grows every year. the man is literally swimming in his melacholy. but whatever, you just wanted a spoonfeeding.

>when the self checkouts are busy and one of the staff asks you to go to the normal counter

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Admit to yourself that you, like everyone else is irrational.
Admit to yourself that you irrationality gives you an inward focus, and that you, like everyone else, is too caught up in your inner workings.
Let go of this inner conversation and turn your attention to all the information existing outside yourself.
Don't judge it, don't think of it as good or bad - just think about it as information.
And as you let go of your ego, and start analyzing information you will find how liberating it is.

Watch Ben X

Post feet.


in 2019 a film about loneliness wouldn't have the character interact with anyone
>I haven't met a soul in more than a year irl
>all my shit is done online
>my groceries are shopped online and delivered in a way that I never meet the persons delivering them
>other purchases are drone delivered
>only met my landlord once, every interaction I have with him is online
>never got out of my apartment in almost a year
>never met my neighbours
the hermit life feels good man. I don't have to deal with social shit

Isnt that nice, i wish i had that kind of life, but i need to study to find a job, and i need a job for money