Daily reminder that GoT S08 haters are paid KGB trolls

At this point I'm 100% convinced that people who bitch about season 8 are trollfarm trolls employed by what was formerly known as the KGB. Season 8, thus far, is the absolute best season of the entire franchise. The tired talking point "hurr durr D&D can't write as good as GRRM" is bullshit since they literally get the plot fed to them by GRRM himself. Arya killing the Night King was absolute kino and completely in line with both character development, lore, and plot arc. The only reason people (other than the paid trolls i mentioned) could cry about it is because they are incels and cannot handle the depiction of a strong woman, much less several of them.
The objective, proven FACT that Yea Forums is a staging ground for russian cyberbalkanization instigation operations done by what is essentially the KGB's legal successor should raise an eyebrow as well: It is quite telling that only on Yea Forums the echo for the 8th season is overwhelmingly negative, while over at Reddit, there a far more balanced opinion exists.

Be on the lookout - today there will be a new episode, observe the intense negative shilling that will invariably follow.

The KGB wants to destroy the fabric of western societies and injecting conflict into popular topic is the means by which they seek to achieve this goal.

tl;dr: GoT Season 8 critics are mostly trolls GOOGLE ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh no trolls on 4channel?

KGB hasn't existed since 1992

1.) KGB still exists by this name in Belarus
2.) Never accept the Russian rebranding (FSB/SVR). Always call it "KGB". This is an established name that brings a lot of negative aura with it

dunno, they look pretty based to me

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You ignored key parts of OPs post.

it's not rebranding. They split the KGB into different agencies after 1992.

>game of thrones haters
one sentence, only concise and to the point.
>game of thrones fans
faggots that have to write entire books about how there's a conspiracy against thier gay show.

...and rebranded the name KGB in the process. Please try harder, KGB shill. You are embarassing yourself.

Here we see the KGB strategy of injecting resentment into public discourse in action.

I wish Russia was as based and redpilled as you redditors claim it is, I would have defected ages ago.

>amerifats still think that the USSR exists

Why hello HBO marketing intern. Feel free to go fuck yourself.

>Always call it "KGB". This is an established name that brings a lot of negative aura with it
"Always lie, because the lie sounds better then the truth"
And it's called KDB in Belarus

I thought at the KGB there was some kind of psychological fitness evaluation? How come you made it there, given that you are seething THAT hard when people talk about your cyberwar tactics?

>"Always lie, because the lie sounds better then the truth"
It's not a lie when it's the same people, the same tactics and the same sick ideology behind it.
>And it's called KDB in Belarus
It's called KDB (КДБ) in the Belarusian language. It's still KGB in the Russian language. Nice try KGB shill. I award you 3.6/30000 points.

Do you have any proof?

>it's the same people,
It's been 28 years, it's not the same people anymore, even Putin is going to retire soon
>the same sick ideology behind it.
Belarus and Russia do not have a state sponsored ideology anymore, just look at their foreign policy if you want proof
>It's called KDB (КДБ) in the Belarusian language. It's still KGB in the Russian language
Belarussian language for Belarus, in the past they were forced to speak Russian

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You made this thread retard.

>It's been 28 years, it's not the same people anymore, even Putin is going to retire soon
Yeah no, it's totally not common in the ex-communist state apparatus for old geezers to hold high positions until they die. Total Silicon-Valley-tier ageism going on there.
>Belarus and Russia do not have a state sponsored ideology anymore, just look at their foreign policy if you want proof
Their foreign policy of destroying the societal fabric of western societies. Yes, I would call that proof for my statements, thank you.
>Belarussian language for Belarus, in the past they were forced to speak Russian
1/5 last line of defense

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Please take an example of the sealion and remain polite, KGB.

So you don't have any actual proof you moron?

Oh it's much worse than that. People are incapable of forming a nuanced opinion so they invariably have to love or hate something.
The sheep mindset overrides every independent impulse.
Truth is s8 suffers from a variety of issues and almost none of the criticism is warranted or justified. It's still an entertaining show.

I'm trying to eat breakfast

Why did you make a thread about how only the KGB hate season 8 with no evidence while you are trying to have breakfast?

>Truth is s8 suffers from a variety of issues and almost none of the criticism is warranted or justified. It's still an entertaining show.
True, but this polarization has been carefully honed by the KGB in the last decade.

>Yeah no, it's totally not common in the ex-communist state apparatus for old geezers to hold high positions until they die. Total Silicon-Valley-tier ageism going on there.
Average life expectancy there is like 65, so yeah
>Their foreign policy of destroying the societal fabric of western societies. Yes, I would call that proof for my statements, thank you.
Western societies do it on their own by making shit books and shows like GoT
>1/5 last line of defense
Sorry if the truth triggers you so hard, maybe you should go to reddit
they will change your diaper there

Based anti-GoT posters

>almost none of the criticism is warranted or justified
State of GoTbots

Because I want people to wake up to the KGB undermining the very fabric of society. Seems to me this would be a service to society and you should be thankful. One wonders why you are that opposed to my efforts. Truly baffling.

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Appeal to ridicule. Classical last resort KGB cyberstrategy.

If you really wanted to convince people you know evidence would make it a whole lot easier right?

Do you know where the term "Balkanization" originates from

You're delusional, go to the infirmary.

Not KGB. Hate this season

The evidence is present by the sheer number and the sheer determination of anti GoT posters on this board, and on this board only.

When do I get my KGB money?

Fallacy fallacy, last resort of dumb retards

That doesn't prove any KGB affiliation. And there's anti-GoT sentiment on other boards and sites as well.

>Fallacy fallacy
Typical desperate scorched earth strategy by people who were rightfully accused of being fallacious and who want to turn the sword but don't have anything of substance to do so.

OP is a gay nerd

>And there's anti-GoT sentiment on other boards and sites as well.
Not that concerted, frequent and with that much exposition and participation. This is a paid astroturfing operation. And it's not directed at GoT at all. It is directed at society. GoT is popular, and KGB wants to divide society over any and all popular topics.

Fallacies in general are the quintessential "I can't argue with what you said so I'll argue how you said it" tactic though.

go to fucking bed

Nah, you're just retarded

So they focus their efforts on the core of society, the bane, sneed and cunny board of 4channel.

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No, pointing out fallacies is literally an argument towards WHAT you said, not how you said it. Tone argument is a logical fallacy. You need to read up on that.

take your meds

Democrats arent american.

Yes. Yea Forums inspires reddit inspires twitter and journalists at this point have no other source than twitter. Manipulating Yea Forums is literally manipulating society.

that's a heavy yikes from me dawg

Appeal to insanity. Typical KGB strategy.

this user is delusional.

>The KGB wants to destroy the fabric of western societies
Really? Like by deconstructing by the very concept of a heroic story? Like Game of Thrones in the first place?

I thought Arya killing the NK was kino though, I’m only upset about Euron killing Rhaegal and Dany being set up as a psycho when she’s done nothing wrong.

Why not do it on all boards then?

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Why should I care what is and isn't a fallacy when you yourself don't you faggot?

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is russia

You people are certified insane at this point

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Every liberal unironically believes this.
And they believe it only because they know they themselves are the result of NKVD shenanigans in the 20th, so they project now that the right is resurging that we must have the same sort of help they did.


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Yeah, if it wasn't for the russians every would love game of thrones. It's like people are very opinionated when it comes to popular shows. Everyone loves Walking Dead still and are in complete agreement about the Sopranos ending.

Why do you need to do this gay baiting for attention? People will be talking about game of thrones. You seem lonely.

Kill yourself.

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>GoT is shit
>This undermines the very fabric of society

>Manipulating Yea Forums is literally manipulating society

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This is one very dedicated paranoid schizophrenic who will use some shitposter saying, "Yeah he's right I'm KGB lol" as definitive proof and spend hours arguing about fallacies, but any of his own fallacies must be overlooked otherwise you're appealing to hypocrisy, look up debate club circlejerk theory for dummies issue 15 for further details on why I'm right. The dude's legit fucked in the head.

>Game of Reddit

>muh Russia
CIA glow niggers are 10x worse

you know, when you blame russians for everything you don't like, all that does is give actual real russians material to do whatever they want and get away with it

his works are anti-Logos

>Always call it "KGB". This is an established name that brings a lot of negative aura with it
wtf I love the USA now

And that has been the true Russian plan all along

Yea Forums inspires boredom

Your falseflagging tactics won't fool me, you KGB troll paid to shill Cultural Marxism degeneracy.