>tfw no bf
Tfw no bf
Kill yourself
Should I?
no your life is precious
>last played videogame 31 januari
>Borderlands 2
how is this retarded faggots life precious?
I like Tomoko yuri doujins. They are pleasant
why are you being mean on the internet?
animefags must perish from this earth
I'm not I'm being truthful and honest. No life is precious but this guys is even less so.
Ok so I added you and you said we knew each other before?
Watamote is popular now.
you aren't a real woman
don't listen to them user you still have a chance to undo the dreadful mistake of your birth.
Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?
Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?
off topic
male obviously retard
get tired of shitposting in every thread on Yea Forums?
Answer the question user
Why should anyone add you? All that you've demonstrated by posting these threads every day on multiple boards is that you're an insufferable narcissist. Can't you at least obey the rules, or provide some positive incentive for conversing with you?
>Can't you at least obey the rules
this is epic
kys gross tranny
Why should anyone converse with you?
No reason.
Then why do you want people to converse with you?
all of three
I want a bf.
kys faggot
And what do you want in a bf?
They live near me.
If I learn Japanese and go to Japan can I find a Tomoko gf?