The key to being beautiful is believing you’re beautiful!

>the key to being beautiful is believing you’re beautiful!
Is she right?

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lip fillers are disgusting

the key to being beautiful is BONES

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Post Stacies that trigger femcels

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I'm pretty sure it's 90% genes and 10% keeping in shape and having a nice haircut and clothes.


She's not wrong necessarily. An above average 6/10 that carries herself like an 8/10 can end up a 7/10 with a good personality.



>Some thot that has had everything handed to her and faces no difficulties in life ever is telling you to just be urself

of course she isnt right you retard

People who can't tell between real lips and bogged lips are retards. (You)


For guys it's more important but then again if you look like Henry Cavill it won't matter if you think you're ugly. Girls will still approach you. And if you look like Gollum, it won't matter what you think of yourself, girls will still reject you.

She's not completely wrong about it.

Also I'd fuck the shit out of her, for the record.

No, but confidence plays a huge factor in attractiveness. I know a shit-ton of ugly people that manage to score simply because they are confident.

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For women? No
For men? Yes

Women's brains respond more to rich men than to giga-chads. Proven by brainscans.

No, it's the Golden Ratio and staying in shape.

>just be urself bro

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No, people inherently build their self-image from the approval of others. Women especially.

what the fuck that skull on the right is exactly mine


Not always at all

lol uggo

I always find a woman can have a level of both beauty and sexiness. You can be beautiful but not sexy and vice-versa. So a more average 5/10 looking chick could get bumped up a few points by their sex appeal

Nope. The difference is just styling. A 10/10 girl can be a hot or beautiful 10 dependent on how she wants to come across.

just b urself bby

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I think they're quite hot when done right. The problem is zero lipped girls try to go from quintissential anglo to kylie kardashian.

looks like youre a gay alien get off our planet pls

The key to flying is jumping off a cliff while flapping your arms

Most people have the skull on the left.

Prefer quintessential anglo tbqh fampai

>those chubby toes

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True, some girls just ooze sex even if you wouldn't place them in top tier territory.