Movie has fat character

>movie has fat character
>doesnt eat all the time

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This is a 10/10 in burgerland

Still can't figure out how that kid in Stargate Universe stayed fat even though they were stuck on a ship with a limited food supply.

how can someone accumulate fat on their forehead?

making big brain posts on 4channel

>run out of places to store fat
>goes to your forehead

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There's plenty of fat people that don't eat all the time. They just eat the wrong things and too much of them when they do eat.

It's water, not fat. Her body's osmosis is fucked beyond repair, just like anything else in her body.

what could have been

it's just sad that people end up like that. their ancestors were probably fine people. degeneracy is a hell of a drug

Pretty sure that she has a tumor on the for head, it should be imposible to actually have fat there.

Looks like fluid buildup.

>tfw too inteligent to be thin

Can someone that knows something about physiology explain this to me?

>she's way, way, way too fat
>this fucks up her body more than just getting a big belly

in English doc


Yes, that much I can comprehend but I'm more interested in how being that fat fucks up osmosis in the body leading to fluid retention on the skull.

I think the obesity epidemic is essentially a good thing. it lets you filter out the npcs from the actual real life human beings. not saying it's infallible but if you're brain dead enough to become a 500lb land whale I think it's fair to say that you gave up your humanity. Humanity being upright bipedalism with functioning thumbs

Potentially hot girls getting bloated isn't a good thing.

are they still alive?

yes it is. stupid women should not procreate. it is a bad thing for stupid people to procreate. hopefully by becoming land whales, they reduce their chances of procreation, thus furthering the human races potential. and they have no one but themselves to blame for being childless and alone.

jews will make sure stupid people reproduce no matter what, they need their slave class. under every fat girls fat is a potential qt.

Somebody tell him.

someone please... my son...

Isn't the water-head one dead?

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why are you so afraid of women that you think of them only in terms of breeding machines? you might be homosexual

nice fag logic. faggots don't give a shit about procreation, that is why god punishes them with aids. I do and jesus loves me. burn in hell

It's called lipoma. It's a non-cancerous fatty tumor and its usually found in old people and dogs.

has any 500 pound woman had the potential to be hot?


Pound is brirish currency, also i like sniff womens buttholes

not sure if cringe or based

>nice fag logic. faggots don't give a shit about procreation, that is why god punishes them with aids. I do and jesus loves me. burn in hell

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where the fuck did you find this photo of me


>why are you so afraid of women that you think of them only in terms of breeding machines? you might be homosexual
thank you for your expert opinion

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well which one of you is right?

>think of them only in terms of breeding machines
>you might be homosexual
Pick one, faggot

I'm not talking about procreation, I'm talking about being scared of the Other (the other sex in this case). Your refusal to know it and assign their own agency. You dehumanize them to the level of biological mechanisms basically recognizing them as your enemy. You're either a psychologically homosexual or politically atomised to the extreme extent.

can you please just reply directly to him?

How are you enjoying your first visit outside Yea Forums? Fitting in well?


>this kid wants more (You)s

I think you're reaching hard for my opinions. I simply said fat women should not procreate. I feel the same way towards fat men. Your theory is shit and your samefaggotry is obvious.

Nice posts you passive-aggressive faggot. Afraid of confrontation on an anonymous imageboard?

>if you don't beta orbit you are gay
The absolute state of the modern "man"

>Nice posts you passive-aggressive faggot

Attached: iu.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>Afraid of confrontation on an anonymous imageboard?

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embarassing post

>those AIDS sores on his chest

You said
>stupid women should not procreate. it is a bad thing for stupid people to procreate
How do you determine stupidity? Is a healthy child with potential being raised in an environment that stimulates unhealthy and compulsive eating stupid?

i didn't know foreheads could even get fat

>under every fat girls fat is a potential qt
When you get that fat you will actually accumulate more fat cells to store fat in, and they can only be removed surgically. For a fat girl to remain thin she basically has to be in constant starvation mode for the rest of her life, or the amount of fat cells will make her look fat even when they're storing amounts of fat that would make normal girls look thin.

parents who are totally apathetic, ignorant, and STUPID towards the health of themselves and their children deserve for all of their children to be struck by a plague of diabetes and heart disease. I say this as a child who was allowed to drink a 12 pack of soda every day during my developing years.

they look like they fuck black men but blacks don't want them

can't see this without hearing this

>irl obese friends
>they say they don't like chicken/beef/pork or whatever
>they eat VERY little whenever we're eating out

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And this is a 10 in Britainistan lol

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All i see is trash reproducing

Some fat disgusting scrote shat out a baby scumbag in our ambulance and the mums mum was an abusive alcoholic cunt and she licked the fluid "just to see if it was rral piss ykno coz a mother knows "

Funny because before she was flailing about screaming and banging on walls when her daughters baby came out she was saying literaloy "we dont need no men do we"
They named the kid prosseco or some dumb fucking trash name

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i should check my posts for punctuation before posting i am not a good phone typer

they probably gorge at home its how fatties usually get by with lying to themselves

These are the types who reproduce here and they drain everyone who works

It just pisses me off that they have a small bite then go hurrr im so full :PPP

One of them blogposts about being vegetarian and teaching zumba classes. It's been like 8 years since I met her, she's still really fat.

lol sure Ahmed
try not to behead any more infidels, ok?


Back to pol idiot

Don't :P me

That didnt happen

>It just pisses me off that they have a small bite then go hurrr im so full
Just let the fatty be man, he's clearly conscious of his situation but lacks the self-control needed to to fix it.

your "friends" sound like faggots even worse that they're fat making them fat faggots.

>fat character
>doesn't hang from the ceiling on meathooks

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>person is fickle
>person is abusive
>person is weaselly
>person is fat

Okay user, imagine a stick of butter folded in punch a pencil through it...

Then they go home and drink 4 litres of soda.

In order to feed all the extra cell of fat tissue, more blood is produced.
Fat people will have way more blood than thin people, which means the kidney is under more stress and is less efficient, besides the obvious crap they eat that will pollute the blood.

Likely her blood is full of minerals that are not being filtered out and therefore is causing water retention due to osmosis. She's just more fucked up in that department, which likely means her kidney is beyond saving.

That's why fat people start to lose weight fast when dieting, when water retention levels are normalized, when only fat is left, they start to stall or even gain weight again.

mad fatty

Where are your arguments, weightlet?

arguing with fatty's is a huge waist of time.

so mad lol
get out of here tiny man