Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#501 Never Gonna Happen Edition
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bless this thread with Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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I thought we were gonna drop the numbers again?

Zapan a good boy
He dindu nuffin

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>that screencap
Will they ever learn?

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hope not
we voted to keep them

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>we decided
A handful of votes collected from one thread with highly probable rigged results hardly seems like unbiased decision making process user.

10/10 best OP so far. Even better than pic rel.

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Fic of Chiren being cuddly and motherly toward you while you're tied down and anesthetized and she amputates each of your limbs and packages them up to be sent to Nova when?

It would end with just your torso left, then she'd be removing organs one by one. Finally she'd call Nova to ask if he wants the brain as well, he'd be like "no, dispose of it" and she'd sing you a lullaby while she releases all the clamps on your severed limbs and drains your blood. As you slip into darkness the last thing you would perceive is her closing your eyes with her perfectly manicured fingers.

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demand a recount

take it to the supreme court

Fuck you're worse than Suffering-user

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So.. the arc plasma through the sword at the end of the movie is a plot hole? And that is indeed a different body and not just her berserker body with +3 armor? Couldn’t the body have adapted some more to her new vengeful mindset, similar how it grew her fiddly bits to reflect her coming of age?

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>all while you're still conscious

If that is ever confirmed to be the berserker body I'll eat a dick. 100% it's the motorball body. It could be she can somehow generate plasma with the sword, or Ido figured something out.

We need to update this. It only has the first 300 threads. Who's responsible for this?

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I considered that maybe it was still the berserker body but once you get a good look at it you can see that they're completely different.

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Re-posting for posterity.

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Oh, we can apply Zapan's Razor here and look at it on its face: there's more than one way to generate arc plasma.

Now it's you.

I reckon Ido built her the body and had time to figure out how the Berserker did it. He's a smart man.

>Zapan's Razor here and look at it on its face

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How do you edit that thing? Do I need an account. How does it work? Tell me the basics and I will happily add them all one by one.

>Letting people affect you like this
Boy it feels RENT FREE in here

You may have won this round but the battle isn't over. You will never see #999. You will either lose interest and give up or the mods will make sure the jannies do their job and sweep you off the board soon enough.

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If you look under the arm you can see that it looks machine-like with some hollow space inside it.


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Oh really?

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Who is your favorite motorballer? For me it's Gangsta.

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oops forgot to link the pic

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Alita, of course.

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You copy everything in it and make a new one. Either anonymously, or with an account (if you want to edit it later).

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why would the mods remove their source of healing?

ah yeah you’re all right. it’s all in the joints. never actually took a good look at a still of the body. ido can figure out how to put skates on the berserker with more time he can probably figure out the plasma.

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Here's a good pic of Gangsta/Antioch.
I really like Kumaza's design a lot but I still have to go with my man Jashugan (not counting Alita).

I don't think she has what it takes, she'll never make it into the top league. Pros like Jasugan would eat her for breakfast.

I'm ready for round two as much as you are

thread song

Yeah based Jashugan lover he was by far the coolest one even though we only saw him briefly.

fuck why do I keep forgetting to post the pics

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>Zapan's Razor
tee hee

Even if I hadn't read the manga he still would have been my favorite just based on how he moves.

Daily reminder there is zero point for 500 Alita threads. That shallow excuse for a film could be discussed in 3 max. There is some autismo behind these that either 1) has an unhealthy obsession with Alita or 2) hates captain marvel which just so happened to premiere close to Alita. No one will miss these threads. I’ve personally lurked them and they are just Waifu pandering as anyone would expect. Burn in hell alitafags

Appreciate your graceful concession, NGE-kun. We'// always be fond of your based Frieza-posting.

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Reminder that Ido is kind of a dick in the manga

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for me, it's exploder. his design is just really cool but it's always overlooked

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Thanks, see you next post.

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See ya next time friend

>I've personally lurked them
We haven't talked about Captain Marvel since like April

It took me multiple viewings to realize that all the motorballers for Alita's trial were in kansas at the fight.

>Implying these threads have anything to do with Captain Marvel
how to spot a Marveldrone

Come back!!

Jannies came through and swept thread. We're 10 posts short of an archive!

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is this thing actually good or is this a marketing campaign?

I spot Gangsta, Screwhead, Kumaza, and Ajakutty just in this clip

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>market campaign after movie has been pulled from theaters

almost as brilliant a strategy as refusing to release info on a Blu-Ray pro-order...oh, wait."

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>12 weeks
>500 threads
>more 155,000 posts
>more then 1845 posts a day
>more then 76 posts an hour
>more then 1 post a minute nonstop around the clock for 12 weeks straight

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Nice number crunch

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then what's with the general?
the movie wasn't that memorable. unless this is some elaborate injoke meme that only a dozen people on Yea Forums get.


>That's so good.
>What do you call this?

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It's actually that good user
Why would there be a marketing campaign on Yea Forums of all places anyways

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It's just okay, about the same level as Captain Marvel

Rocky Mountain Oysters

You should thank me. The most eventful part of an alita thread is when you get to reply to people like me. It’s pathetic you guys. Seriously. We have Warwick Davis actively lurking Yea Forums now. Show a little dignity.

It's actually really simple: we like it a lot and we want to talk about it with other people

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Foco 2 here. Is Denver user on right now? How about Northridge user? VA?

Report in.

>t. Marveldrone

cursed comment

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Why can't I have a beautiful woman cut me into pieces it's all I want

Those gentle eyes, understanding, accepting

Her snow-white lab coat my blood isn't fit to stain

Her scalpel as subtle as her smile, cutting into my skin, severing nerves, arteries, slicing through muscle and tendon to bone

Freeing me

Why can't she be real?

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you sound like the most pathetic thing breathing on this planet

Reporting in! Gonna see Alita for the 19th time on Tuesday with an user, hype.

Foco 1 checking in, meetup details were shared a few threads ago but I don't know if Denver user saw them

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it's human to show weakness and it's a twisted way of showing he loves her

better watch it user.

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It's weird I didn't make it so I don't know why that text is there

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He's hungry for warez.

complements to your crew

Good deal, stand by, I'm hoping to get everyone in here so I can drop one good authenticated contact posting and ya'll can drop me digits.

lmao get triggered, have another /GoT/ thread then, where the posters are so reddit and dumb, they can't even contain their stupid spam in one thread. /alita/ is pure and you should re-consider not being jelly at some anons having legit fun with a new franchise they discovered.


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Alita's got some floof in that clip

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Don't think you'll ever get the whole group right here, it's a big one. If you drop contact I can keep ya in the loop though and coordinate where we are on meetup day
Excellent cute wonderful saved

>tfw you get digits

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Everyone is kind of a dick in the manga, how many motorballers did Alita unnecessarily kill?

Attached: Battle Angel Alita Vol. 04 (2017, New Translation Edition) (digital) (Minutemen-Excelsior)_Battle An (1260x1800, 564K)

Which translation is this?

When is the BD dropping?

By the way, I'm going to the movies with a girl, wish me luck!

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should I read the manga before seeing the movie or go in without knowing anything about it?

Doesn't matter. You'll enjoy it either way.

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Good luck user! You the one going with VA?

who is VA
who is jerome

VA is love. Jerome is life.

Cancer, you're better off not knowing.

VA? I don't know, to be quite honest. I've been a bit off these threads the last month.

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>it has officially been an entire month now since I last got to watch this movie

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VA is a tranny

This is the new translation that's unflipped and has all the original sound effects, you can find it on nyaa - dot - si

At this point I would just see the movie and then read the manga later, the movie is extremely good but it is a bit different from the manga.
The other thing to do is go watch the anime on youtube, it's only an hour long.

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VA is a namefag
Jerome is a generic term for anyone that posts something that /ALITA/ regulars are bothered by

VA is short for Voiceanon who is a girl that does audio recordings of herself reading fanfiction and other things and she's one of the more active posters

>who is VA
some girl
>who is jerome
this one right here:

I went in just knowing Casper van Dien was in it. Saw it again the next day. Bought the manga on digital a week later.

>Jerome is a generic term for anyone that posts something that /ALITA/ regulars are bothered by
for example

GL friend

sup Jerome

are there any other named users who I should be aware of if I decide to make /alita/ my new home on Yea Forums

Fuck maybe I should pick up the new translation

I'm mainly just hoping to get the key players here, the anons I have to pick up and at least one of you LA anons (you are just the most convenient of those to contact.) But yeah, it's getting late, the others probably aren't coming.

Contact address as follows:

[email protected]

I cannot reply directly to messages sent here.

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Denver reporting. Whats going on?

VA is:

Jerome is our boogeyman, "kulak" type character who actively trolls, spams, shitposts, and spergs in general illogical monstrous fashion. Anyone who starts yelling in all caps about things that aren't actually facts, says the movie is omg so fucking bad bro without describing on scene or talking in any detail about the movie or someone saying wow what a bunch of losers on my alpha winner patrician Yea Forums board lel kill yourselves or anyone who is a general stinker troll fuckface becomes "Jerome".

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You don't have to pick me up, pretty sure you needed to pick up the guy from northridge, right? Sent an email anyway

Sup. I wrote a story or two.

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I am collecting contact digits for key players in this meet. See for your address to make contact.

I saw CA meetup details a few days ago. Has anything changed? I still need to decide on making the trip to CA. or is this about a CO meetup?

Nope, not at all. They pop in and out over time. You'll eventually come to know certain anons and their post style, but there wouldn't be a bloody quiz or anything.

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It was concerning the CA meetup.

>namefag worship hours
Guess it's time for another break.

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In terms of content specifically, lemme post something Writefag once dropped

Here's the master link to all of mine:

CutOut is doing an extended story too:

Healfriend has some really nice snippets and a story in the words:

Voicanon wrote some things too although you may want to check out the voicework she's done:
And I'll link to my pastebin even tho I'm no good

Got the email. However, as stated, I cannot reply to emails to that account. I am collecting phone numbers so the trip can be better coordinated.

25TH, 5PM AT TK BURGER (unless y'all have a better place in mind)

another example

wonder if drawfren ever offloaded all of those cans.

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cupcakes? oh god it's going to be that /k/ meetup with the brownies all over again

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>tfw they're pot cupcakes

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I specifically asked if people would eat them before I committed
I'm hardly going to go get a male friend to jizz in some batter for me

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That's what I was thinking, but it would at least theoretically be harder for a girl to "cum" in the food.

I'm prone to risk taking though, so I don't really care.

- Peaches does video editing and makes a lot of webms
- CutOut removes the background from images to make OC with, also fanfiction
- Arch-user saves content and links it on Mega
- Thread Man says what thread # it is
Trying to think if there's any others that have specific roles other than writing

>Darkest Night
oh that's good

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I got the info. I am not sure about making CA yet. Will keep you posted.

This board as a whole can never be as autistic as /k/ though

She could spit in it I suppose

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Glad you liked it- have fun working your way through. I'm personally most proud of Neon Angel though I like to think even my bad stories have a kind of silly charm about them.

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i’d eat one if someone does some five card jimmy clamshell game with all of the cupcakes and she eats one first. then again she might not have a problem eating research chemical soaked jizzcakes.

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>indirect spittu

I feel like this is far more shady than just straight up spittu

We're on thread #501, you'd be surprised

Y'all can pick one for me to eat first to verify they're safe, but I'm really not gonna do anything to em. I wouldn't do that!

Will the movie get a sequel bros? I just saw it recently and im impressed.

^w^ goes ^w^

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Waifuposting and silliness is a huge step below semen brownies

gosh i hope she doesn’t soak her feet it the batter that’d be gross

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haha i’m just fucking around. if I drive that far to meet some fellow alita autists I’m eating the damn cupcakes.

That's too old for the people here they won't remember it.

I trust you
That's just being a sociopath though

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That is a question which we also would like to know the answer to. What was your favourite part?

Quit gatekeeping, plenty of us have been here that long and I'm glad there are always new people to keep things fresh

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I just want him back he was fun.

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I'm thinking of bringing something too but I haven't decided yet

I've only seen the movie once but it warms my heart to know that Alitanons have discovered the consummate artistry of Yukito Kishiro-sensei for themselves :)

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>500 threads
I wonder if you guys will finally get tired of alita one day

Maybe. But today is not that day.

Star Wars is 42 years old, so probably not any time soon

Apparently not.

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I love it. I absolutely needed more after the movie. Got hooked on the manga all the way through LO. Haven’t bought any Martian chronicles yet because of how o binged on the earlier work. If any new volumes come out I’d pick it up.

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One can only hope we don't have to go through the slow suicide that star wars currently is

I finished Gunnm in like two days but I'm holding off on LO until I have time over the holidays to really get in to it.

>mfw I have a bunch of new Rodriguez gifs but I haven't gotten a chance to use any of them

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bringing this little piece of work. don’t know what the public grill situation will be. lil grill always gets the job done.

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Jesus they're not going to let it rest either. As soon as this trilogy is over they are going to head straight into another trilogy.


Nu-Wars would have been fine if they had just adapted some of the books or video games like Lucas expected them to when he sold it.

Yeah, why the fuck didn't they go with the storyline that Han and Leia had two jedi sons and Luke had a child with one of those guards or whatever? What happened?

>Tfw make EXCELLENT kebabs to be grilled but I'm already bringing cupcakes


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Two trilogies
- one about the Old Republic written by the head writers of Game of Thrones
- another one written/directed by Rian Johnson probably taking place after Ep IX
Also there's the Mandalorian TV show which actually looks really good

if we don't get a pit that little grill would work, and if someone brought graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows all still in their unopened packaging we can make smores without any anons thinking people cummed in the ingredients

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we sure as shit better get a pit

I just want my singular Alita trilogy.

I can honestly live without them ever adapting Last Order unless they take it in a radically different direction. I liked maybe the first 2 or 3 volumes but they lost me once they introduced ZOT and it only got worse from there.

I like the world they built, it's reminiscent of some of the late UC Gundams but I did not give a single fuck about the story they were telling.

Kathleen Kennedy decided not to basically. I don't know what she was thinking but I'm so glad that James Cameron has total control over Alita because he is actually a fan of the source material.

If I'm driving 1000 miles to get to this thing I don't think someone locking a pit down is too much to ask

I can see Last Order as an anime show pretty easily

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I think I can borrow a little camping grill that runs off of anything that burns and can charge phones

LO would be best as an animated show, but animated 20 years ago. Good fucking grief is animation ugly now. Has anyone seen that aborti-I mean turboman reboot? Absolutely disgusting.

I believe in us.
Just googled, no reserving pits
Problem is if we get food first someone has to stay away from the group to keep the pit safe for us

Cast him.

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>head writers of Game of Thrones
D&D? Those hacks?

A lot of animation now isn't great but that doesn't mean there aren't good looking shows still

called it turboman... ultraman I meant. I’m celebrating right now it’s ok.

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yeah my dumbass just googled, let me post some information on the pits from the website:
>First come, first served
>Gas, propane or electric grills allowed on the sand but must be 18” off the ground.
>Charcoal can only be used in a concrete fire ring or on grills placed in a concrete fire ring
>Fire pits are open in Huntington Beach from 6 a.m. -10 p.m. every day

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Yeah but at least they'll have a lot of existing content to use, the early seasons of GoT were good because they just had to adapt what was already written.

What's your point?

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great gif choice though

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Hey that's me!
I can't wait to see alita desu. It'll be my first time seeing it

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If they go the easy route and adapt existing stories that are actually good then it could work. However, they create something new, then it will probably end up as another generic uninspired story. I'm sure Star Wars fans will eat it up no problem though.

Ayyy, I hope you love it as much as we do. I'm bringing another user who came through who's seen it maybe 13ish times (I don't remember) so it should be fun with all three of us! You planning on coming by the bigger meet on the 25th?

aaahh my lil grill btfo! I have a propane stove and two high pressure butane burners. also a large LP burner and an LP vapor torch but that might be a little much on a crowded beach.

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What a cutie

Idris Elba

All this prove is more Peruvian men should get with French women.

honestly i really doubt they're going to be super strict and be like HEY NO CHARCOAL GRILLS but who knows

nope, I won't be in town then :/

ideally I wanted to see alita when it first came out in full dolby cinema quality, but life just gets in the way sometimes, you know

I'm glad I'll get to see it at least once before its out of theaters though

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So do I. Unfimiliar territory for me down there though so we’ll just play it by ear as stated. The grill stays in my car anyhow so it’ll be there. Worse comes to worse we just put out the coals.

Awww. We'll miss you. Still, it'll be good to see and and you can at least get a minimeet with us, right? The theater we're going to isn't the best, but it's still so good to see her on the big screen.

Jared Leto

They inserted OC already in season 2, there is no way they'll stick to purely adapt stuff.

Three movies is only 6 to 9 hours though, not even a full season of TV. Also those early seasons were still good because all the framework was already there.

no context gif of the day

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That's true, any theater would be better than whatever quality of Alita I could find online after all... I didn't want to end up torrenting some 480p leak with Chinese subs for my first viewing lol

Goodnight everyone

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Goodnight user

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Sweet dreams, user. See ya on Tuesday
nice tripz

Wait, if Hugo is dead now, who is Alita's coach? Ido?


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Me too senpai

Sleep tight fren

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In the manga, Hugo was never her coach and Ido was helping Jashugan out of jealousy. Alita's coach was Ed who was a former motorballer and her mechanic was Umba.
In the movie I think Ido will be her mechanic and I don't know if they'll have Ed be her coach or create a new character.

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Rosa's real

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I think Ido is going to be her tuner. She apparently didn’t need a coach since hugo bitched out on her first match. Ido being her tuner would be interesting, since it was the opposite case in the mango. How does Robert Duvall look these days though? I’d love to see a cyborg Duvall coach her, channeling Days of Thunder.

There's no way this is the same person all the way back when he said we wouldn't hit 99 threads but fuck it, he's become such a part of the threads culture now

blessed gangsta

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And what?

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Damn it feels good to be a motorball superstar

Does he use it to trim rubies and emeralds off his goatee?

>she's almost 50
>still 10/10
god dammit

The wingmen too?

It's always Aladdin.

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very interesting pic fren!

>My universe revolving around Ali
Yep that sounds about right.


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Mother of god, this is amazing.

fucking saved that’s perfect

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I forgot that was Chris Parnell, what a weird movie

Alright, I think I got my motivation back. I'm glad I took a little break from the threads, I needed a breather. Be back tomorrow with some OC.

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Glad to hear it user

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Off to bed now goodnight anons

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Sleep well fren

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I'm very ready for it

Quiet and cute night for us here

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I come bearing gifts

Based Rosa poster

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More whose Line posts!

These threads are satire, right?

Yup it's all a big joke

Attention, European Alitabros and Alitasisses! We're running out of screenings, but there are a few left:
3D: Berlin, Germany UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz, Friedrichshain: May 12th
Zaragoza, Spain: May 12th
Neufahrn, Germany: May 12th and 13th
May 13th: Barcelona, Spain
May 13th: Gonesse, near Paris, France. Warning: Dubbed
May 18th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino.
June 1st: 3D Imax in Oslo, Norway (confirmation pending)
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

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Yes, and you're the punchline.

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Your copy paste is appreciated fren

Here to be inspired by Alita

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Thanks. Normally, theaters add new schedules on Tuesdays, so we'll see if there's any new screenings added next week. I come across some of these searching movie ticket sites, while others I hear about here.

Hey, thanks for bringing a grilll! That will save us some coal!
>Ido takes a swing with a huge spit of barbecue vegetables, and knocks one steak off Romo's body
Nice shot! For a vegetarian boy!

New screenings found:
Antwerpen, Belgium: May 12th, 13th and 14th.

> Alita: try not to do anything cute
> Bucky: How can I? You’re taking all the cute with you
Neon fag on suicide watch

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Good morning, friends. Please remember that today is always the most enjoyable day.

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Thanks fren that's comfy

Ive read the manga, why is Alitas hair so big and poofy? Jesus christ as worst as movie's CG anime eyes.

I would like to wish mommy a very happy mothers day! She is a good doctor and mother.
Tell her how much you appreciate her, user!

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>Uh, thanks, I guess

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Kudos to you mad lads for keeping this general going. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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how the fuck are you guys still finding things to talk about regarding this movie

Would anyone happen to have to cutout of this? Much obliged.

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How did they do the fake head/bounty? I watched the movie and was attentive but I guess I missed this plot device. Can anyone explain it?

>Antwerpen, Belgium: May 12th, 13th and 14th.

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>Can't jump lol

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My impression was the Centurion only scanned for a head and an identity, either because a more thorough biometric scan would be done at the Factory before payout, or because the powers that be don't care for Iron City's system of law and order to be precise - only effective.

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Sleepy Sunday hours.

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>Hey sleepyhead

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>Just thought I would drop in here to remind you guys to keep up the good work. also the BR is dropping very soon
>JC out-

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Yeah but how did she get the fake head? Is it explained? Did J Donnelys character like, make a fake head for her on the fly with a 3D flesh printer or something?

Its really the only part of the film that bothers me because its not a payoff thats explained as far as I recall. It just kinda happens.
>Just turn your brain off bro

>mentally illness bumps the thread with pic spam

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Thanks for it fren

Alita only encourages mental wellness friend

It's Hugo's real head user the Centurion scans the head since it's detached from the body it probably only scans for identity rather than biometrics to save time and energy.

Chiren removed his head and kept him alive by hooking it up to Alita's heart, thus the blood on Chiren's clothes and Ido's later comment about her perfect surgical technique.

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Choose death. You would be doing the world a favor

This guy gets it

Old content but still good

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I still get a kick out of the original. The things I'd do for an actual full-blown Motorball game...

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I hope everyone is sleeping tight this quiet Saturday evening/morning.

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I never got to play it but it looks pretty good.

Fuck I missed thread #500

Coffee'd up and neck-deep in the word processor, like any proper morning.
But you're here now, and that's what matters.

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>turn in pretty early last night
>see this OP image
ah all is right.
thank you for your service bless-poster.

Claymore, Stinger and Gangsta/Antioch/whatever his actual name is.

I'd like claymore more if he fought with an actual claymore

To be fair, his big fuck-off mace is pretty damn cool. The vanity axes are just a bonus.

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hopefully we get more of him in FA. It'd be cool if they use that scene in the comic where Jasugan has Claymore and two others gang up on him for a match.

his whole design is just badass. The morning-star pauldron looks sick. I wish I had his concept art pic. I forgot to save it when that one user dumped all the motorball players.


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Gangsta on the right - we need more Gangsta

thanks, Todd.

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I'm a sucker for all the humanoid Motorballers, but Crimson Wind might be my favorite; the design is like a Formula 1 car out there among a bunch of combat vehicles.

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One for suffer-user...

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>Chiren holding on to anyone at that point
She did still have her hands, I suppose!

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Posting 10/10 fan arts.

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A Swiss Army Knife sort of thing. They did give Nurse Gerhad something like this for when she's operating.

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it's too bad we only see her in that really short snippet when Alita first sees what Motorball even is. Having another speedy player like Alita would be cool.

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Can we dial the mouth back to 6/10? Also make the irises bigger, because FUCK THE HATERS.

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send your resume to Weta

I don't know why, but it was when Chiren turned up in the church that I really started tearing up when I watched it the first time.

she was healed in that moment. She finally dropped the callous, inhuman mask she had.

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She was a good mother.

somebody better have some fresh bread baking.

I'll bake.

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if somebody could post the concept art for Claymore next bread... that'd be really neato of you.

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hell yiss

holy shit

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