
Is he, dare i say it, "wurshed up"?

Attached: hughes-gregg-image.jpg (300x300, 16K)

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Opie was the heart and soul of the show. He was the everyman. When Anthony was doing his horrible impressions or Jimmy was having a meltdown over Derrick Jeter, Opie was asking the questions that were on all of our minds like, "what makes saltwater so bad for you?".

Opie represented you and I. He took his lunch to school in a concrete mixing bag just like us. He gave the average Joe a voice on the radio, even interrupting hacks like Patrice O'Neal or Colin Quinn just to allow the listeners to speak. Truly a man of the people.

Opiefags are the lowest of the low, even worse than Jimfags

The Brotherman won the post O&A war. Worm and Goat Cackle are utterly irrelevant, and Nana's shitty podcast network is circling the drain.

Nice try with the hate tho


Someone's gotta steer the ship.
Opie is based and Ant is tranny loving cocksucker

Harry Hater never loses

More like Oopsie

Attached: moe.jpg (673x604, 51K)

Wtf, this is literally my pasta

not anymore

A pretty even distribution of love between Ant and Opie, I see

A beautiful thing

For me it's Rich Vos

he is still making movies.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Patrick Tomlinson is watching...

The worst O&A regular by far

If you don't have any evidence he's lost all of his money then no. Also this isn't Yea Forums related.

Pretty sure he's sunk millions into that shitty bistro he mentioned all the time

heh, that old gag

Based on what? As long as it makes a profit he has an income he doesn't have to work to maintain. He isn't managing it either so its not like he can fuck it up.

keep lying to yourself opster

Wtf, this is literally my pasta

>tfw Opie is a Yea Forumsard and trolls Yea Forums and is trying to hype himself

Attached: CU3CCCUUYAADlRe.jpg (517x432, 25K)

Opie has actually discussed going to /tv on the last podcast episode


Yes. All those O&A fags have been washed up for a good decade now. Why even make this thread? It's not television or film related.

the road hacks road hack

Anthony just had a heart attack and Jim is getting fat again. Opie is winning.

The Opster won in the end

Anthony has no one and is constantly looking at the bottom of a bottle. Norton is as much of a zero as he’s ever been, all downhill from here for the vain bastard.

Meanwhile, the destroyer is droppin hammers and puttin up numbahs on a daily basis. He’s the one doing the “worshing”

Love ya, miss ya, OP.

don't step on any more cakes pls

Hey Opie if you're reading this, did you know that Anthony was a pedophile? and also, why didn't you just get back together with him to make a shitload more cash?

Doing this to people back in the day was way more fun than it had any right to be

God bless the Opster, gonna crack open a nice road soda in his honor

Cheers, brotherman.

Anthony's last appearance on Toe Rogan was mostly him talking about how he just plays video games all day.

>Anthony just had a heart attack
Lol, source?

lol fucking Yea Forums

that was his brothers restaurant and he just invested in it, nice try with the hate tho. Hes way better off than Ant he invested in real estate while Ant groomed teens and paid for a youtube gamer tranny's tit job.

the guys gets ~300 youtube views on his podcast, probably even less than that on his podcast feed. This is somebody who used to be ahead of Howard Stern in ratings

Say what you want about Ant and Jim, but everyone agreed that Opie sucked until the show was over. Now ironically liking Opie to spite Anthony and Jim is a thing. You people make me sick.

Anthony's crappy show from last week has more hits on YouTube than Opie's podcast from 2 months ago. No one likes him, not even the people who say they do.