Im black and i didnt like it

im black and i didnt like it

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I wouldn´t like to be black too

I'm blacker and I fuggin luv'd dat shit




im black and i liked it

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I’m black and have no plans to see it.


based BBCers

It was good until they reveleaed that everyone had a clone and that they had a plan of overtaking America
At that point my suspension of disbelief was in shambles
>average gun ownership per capita vs scissors

Would be scary if it was only the main character who had a clone that tried to replace her without her family knowing and the message would still be the exact dmsame without all the dumb apocalypse shit

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I thought that was pretty dumb too.

Also this movie isn't at all about race like The Quite Place.

Get Out: White people are black people
Us: Black people...are black people

>An entire city of clones underground
>Created to control the human population
>Creators decide to "shut down" a multi-billion dollar project by simply walking away. They don't even lock the doors
>Clones manage to stay alive for decades by eating a magically endless supply of rabbits
>They are "controlled" by their human counterparts, yet apparently they can break free when they need to slaughter rabbits and use the toilet.
>Speaking of toilets: they're living for decades in a city that apparently has heat, electricity, water, plumbing, and of course a magically endless supply of rabbits
>Escalator to freedom is right down the hallway, yet none of them get on it, even when their human counterparts are riding escalators at the mall
>Grand plan for liberation is to murder their human counterparts, then stand in a human chain and starve to death

Seriously, how the fuck is Banana Peel considered a serious horror storywriter?

i feel you bro
im asian and i didnt like this

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So? Are black people required to like black movies or something?

Jew here, and I didn't like this.

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Fucking race traitor

That's good to hear, now return that laptop please

Only American liked it anyway. It's foreign box office was absolute dogshit

thats impossible
you have to either be a very light skin black or a white falseflagging as one of us kings. return your naacp member's pass this instant you traitor

I sort of like the concept of a clone apocalypse desu but Peele fucked it all up. Trying to explain it as “da gubmint did it yo” ruined it and fucked up all suspension of belief, and the idea that a bunch of retards with scissors could completely conquer the most heavily armed nation on Earth is just bullshit
A much better take on the idea of a clone apocalypse is Junji Ito’s Hanging Balloons. A tad silly concept but very good execution

If you believe the marketing, yes
Keene has basically been pushed as “the black Hitchcock/Spielberg/any other well known director” and reviews gush about how #important and #relevant and #empowering his movies are
In reality he’s not that good, most of the praise is because of his dumbass virtue signaling (his Twilight Zone revival is probably the most egregious example) and he should have stuck to comedy

*taps mic* AHEM

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Yeah, trying to explain it just ended up breaking all suspension of disbelief. It would've been better if 80% of the exposition was cut

who supplied them with all those scissors though

It's worse than fucked up, it's just completely incoherent. Even the final twist makes no sense. Clone girl handcuffs her human counterpart down below. Obviously the counterpart gets out of the cuffs after awhile. She's human, so why dafuq does she stay down with the zombie retards doing ballerina dances for 20 years when she can just take the magic escalator to freedom at the end of the hallway?

This is the kind of shit that would earn you an incomplete on a high school writing asaignment.

Get out was innovative but lightning in a bottle it would appear

All the magic rabbits lay them I guess

Peele's brilliant and woke take on the Cadbury bunny

Terrible movie great acting from the cast though kids deserve props


I loved get out and us was a huge let down.

I’m white. I didn’t particularly like it but st least it was an attempt

I’d take failed attempts over stupid super hero shit any day of the week

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Peele is the new Shymalan. One good movie followed by a decade of failures.

oy vey but the 6 million, Schmoigul

friggin based!

they obviously left the realm of realism and entered full symbolism mode bout halfway through. if you didn't notice the whole extra long descent sequence to the escalator that is physically impossible and then it fully goes off the rails. Peele was trying to make a message where the underground clones represent the poor.

What did he mean by this?

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Stroke-induced aphasia

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I'm white and I hate niggers but I can't watch porn without them.