My taxes pay for this

my taxes pay for this

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Other urls found in this thread:–19th_centuries

my taxes pay for this

this is historically not true
brown races were introduced after WW2 to help with rebuilding

What the fuck are you talking about it's a tv sh...OH YEA, Britain.


Gott strafe England.

Imagine a world where all public tv was funded by tv loicenses so you could opt out of this shit.
Imagine a world where if some hack wants to make a movie or theater play with tax money he'd be told to go fuck himself and sell tickets like everyone else.
Am I a radical for wanting this?

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kind of weird when you think about it. they are making a song about replacing native populations.

everyone knows the video is aimed at whites, so it's okay. race doesn't exist anyway, racist

They cuck you once by rewriting your history then cuck you twice making you pay for it. Probably not worth revolting over but still must sting.

well technically this isn't wrong tho op there were plenty of non white populations living in europe, and Britain since Roman times, it's hammy to play it up like this but there historically were many non white british communities living in England, especially considering they had a whole fucking colonial empire of non white people under their rule for hundreds of years at this point

How do ideas like this pass any sort of quality control?

Yes, I remember reading about this Regency England utopia where blacks and whites slapped each other on the backs and enjoyed each other's company. Funny too this vast quantity of diversity inspiring people of colour was vastly underrepresented in the following wars to come.

heh, guess I'll just forget about it

Because the quality control is run by jews.


>be CBC
>be liberal organization while Liberals in parliament
>get taxpayer funding
>shit out anything you want
>pick up your cheque next month
Oh, and when the TorontoSun asks you about it

>It's just comedy, lmao clam down. Here are some quotes from people who also say "It's just comedy, lmao calm down."

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nigga you're retarded there were populations of Indians and Blacks living in England for ages, I'm not saying it's a big diverse hugbox but it's not at all like autistic americans where they enforced segregation by law because just seeing a black person triggered them

literally a single fucking google source you absolute retard

OPs pic is showing this bullshit big diverse hugbox, while at the same time making a claim that it was true and Jesus was brown. Nigger, you are the retard here.

>historically were many non white british communities living in England
You're fucking brainwashed, holy shit.

Don't worry. The last 2 seasons of Doctor Who have pretty much killed off all it's remaining fanbase aside from the die hard. It's not relevant anymore

>wikipedia as source

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my taxes pay for this

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pic related

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Why didn't the difference skin colours of soldiers in say, the Napoleonic Wars, resemble a bowl of M&Ms?

>my monthly fee helped pay for this

>well technically this isn't wrong tho op there were plenty of non white populations living in europe, and Britain since Roman times

Attached: Britain's_“Visible_Minorities”_in_the_Year_1951.png (684x635, 132K)

im sorry i should have used brietbart and a pol infographic I know there's too much writing there for you to understand but if you take the time to read it and don't strain yourself from the effort it actually says I'm right :^)

So you don't know shit about English OR American history. Might be time to stop posting.

Wiki is owned by the elite. I am not /pol/. I just know its bullshit.

well considering the napoleonic wars werent limited to europe, they were regarded as the first world war with battles taking place all across the world from the americas to the middle east to north africa etc. it was a pretty diverse conflict

Either Germany becomes like England or a neo-Hitler rises.

>here let me prove your point for you

also paid for this

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is being british the ultimate and final cuck?

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Damn, dodged a bullet there.

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>seething incels desperately trying to cope with being proven incorrect very easily

they were brought in to help with the rebuilding of the bombed cities, retard.

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That isn't the original dialog you idiot

>0.19% of the population in 1951
>six years after WW2
Sure user.

Why the fuck wouldn't he use wiki? He's not submitting a college essay to you.

It is actually.

Alright being intentionally dishonest here, are we? Why weren't troops on the continent of Europe as diverse as a bowl of M&Ms?

As if it things were better here.

>there were black and indian populations there you are correct I completely agree with you that Yea Forums being this autistically upset over this nonsense is a waste of time and makes them look like oversensitive manchildren than people with actual grievances
i appreciate the support

yes it fucking is

have salad

When do you think that episode of Dr Who was set? lmao.

>north africans, middle easterners, anatolians, muslims, and colonial subjects LITERALLY NEVER stepped foot on britain
guys calm down jesus

there is nothing in either of those links to suggest regency era england had large populations of blacks

Still being dishonest, huh?

>same time making a claim that it was true and Jesus was brown
Who Jesus? The middle eastern jew? Nooooo.. brown? It can't be, Jesus was from Kentucky.

>There are unironical BBC shills in this thread.

>94,000 people isnt plenty
fuck you guys just dont give a fuck about numbers anymore do you? Just because it isn't 600 million doesn't mean 94,000 isnt plenty of people lmao

I thought he was chinese

Shit like this makes me wish death notes existed.

Doctor Who was trying to portray those black actors as being the average, everyday British people of that time. They were not. As my pic shows that even in 1951, six years after WW2, the identifiable minority population, in this context meaning non-white, was just 0.19%. It's fair to say that the non-white population of Britain was significantly less than that during the Regency era.
That was six years after WW2 though.

People always told me he was Korean.

The Middle Eastern Jew subjugated by an empire spanning Spain to the fucking Caspain Sea.

Jesus was brown indeed; n*ggers and rednecks larping dreams notwithstanding

Jesus looked exactly like Bashar al-Assad.

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let's be honest, it's you

>watching the pozzed cable jew
You fags should consider suicide

>Britain a country with an international empire, that includes hundreds to thousands of ethnic groups they ruled for hundreds of years NEVER ONCE saw a black person or Indian go there, NEVER in the ENTIRE history did a black or indian person live in England
weird hill to die on

Better than that for certain

Sure, if it helps you cope.

>Americans are the mutts though

nobody is saying this

But Jesus was a bit more black than in the movies. Because he was brown. Middle eastern. Which is a bit more black than the popularized depiction of white Jesus.
Also the doctor lies to people all the time for a laugh.

>unsubbed from Netflix the year before this was produced
yeah you guys just go ahead and keep getting pozzed, I'm just gonna keep pirating tv shows and buying secondhand blu rays.

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Brown isn't black, what argument are you making?

yep, thank goodness

>Also the doctor lies to people all the time for a laugh.
Their lies are politically motivated. See:

pick one

There are plenty of Middle Easterners who are not "brown". Assad, for example.

>why wouldn't he use crowdsourced garbage collated by groupthinking retards as a credible reference?

so stop paying taxes

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Oh no, you mean he wants to be nice to black people? Say it ain't so. How are we ever going to summon forth the fourth reich at this rate?

>we can't treat people fairly unless we lie about history
Calm down, you're becoming hysterical.

Isn't the BBC paid for by tv licenses instead of taxes?
You're not paying for a tv license are you?

Attached: laughing whores.jpg (600x536, 81K)

Right, he should cherry pick an argument that makes you look good from a list of pre-approved websites to establish basic geographic statistics, because that's not retarded.

and remember if you point that out it's illegal :)

its funny with the cultural shift to anything less than mid-Indian being 'white', Jesus would be considered white today

have sex

>Doctor Who
pick one

Cool, Syrians confirmed white everyone, open the borders!

You first tranny.

Your taxes paid for this

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Be nice to trannies.

Stats are stats, fren. Unless they've been fabricated for some weird political reason but that never happens because that's retarded, right?

Crazy, it's like they're deliberately ignoring history.

Attached: BBC lies.png (1324x918, 287K)

Did you see the OP? They're obviously making a statement about history.
>doesn't know about the Arab expansion into the Levant which happened many hundreds of years after the life of Jesus


Boy. that's weird, why would they do that?

In a fictional show where a giant robot stomped all over Victorian London and the moon is an alien moth egg.
Spare me.

Be honest. You wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't said anything.

You mean where Syria is right now? So they're white but the way the believe in god is whacky and gross so you don't want them, but Jesus was white. What's the point of any of this shit?

that harley pussy getting smurfed

The producer is on record stating his belief in deliberately misrepresentating history to achieve a social goal. That the show is in a scifi setting really isn't relevant.

Sure, except wiki is crowd sourced and has many vigilant auttists frothing at the mouth on both sides of the political spectrum so I'd argue it's a lot less biased than any other news source when it comes to rudimentary statistics.

>You mean where Syria is right now? So they're white but the way the believe in god is whacky and gross so you don't want them, but Jesus was white. What's the point of any of this shit?
I didn't say the all Syrians, or even a minority of Syrians, are "white". I said there are plenty of Middle Easterners who are not "brown". That there are Middle Easterners who appear more similar to Europeans than they do to the rest of the Middle East should be an indication to you that perhaps the native people of the Levant might have had a different genetic makeup before the Arab expansion into their lands.
>Consequently, Levant populations today fall into two main groups: one sharing more genetic characteristics with modern-day Europeans and Central Asians, and the other with closer genetic affinities to other Middle Easterners and Africans.
To further clarify my point; no, Assad isn't "white", but he has physical features which are typically associated with Europeans, and plenty of others from that region do as well. So why it so unbelievable to think Jesus was similar in appearance?

Stop pretending like this show is history. Nobody else thinks so. It's like when you fags went crying all over Yea Forums over some shit in assassin's creed. I don't even remember what it was. Save your crying for things that actually matter. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

So Jesus isn't white. Alright, thanks for clearing it up.

I was gonna post it but you already did

this is occult magic btw
>"by believing in it we'll summon it forth"

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The only choice left for Brits is armed revolution.

...oh, that's right. You don't have any. LOL

>this is occult magic

Attached: shiggy.jpg (894x894, 368K)

You do realize that the average plebe gets their historical knowledge from media such as this show, right?
>It's like the boy who cried wolf.
Dude, we have the producer's own words. He believes in lying to achieve some form of racial utopia. I don't even see why you're arguing this point.
He probably looked identical to Bashar al-Assad. ;^)

>You do realize that the average plebe gets their historical knowledge from media such as this show, right?
They don't you fucking retard.

BBC = Bolshevistic Broadcasting Corporation

Yes they fucking do, reeeeee.

Which is insignificant culturally and only serves the purpose of convincing dusty ass white people and gullible purpose seekers that the religion they're all following was designed for them because the guy shares their pigmentation. It's tribalism for dummies.

ask the (((who))) and you get the why

why aren't we allowed to shoot all the people involved in this

I wanna get off this wild ride

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I just think it's annoying when uneducated people sperg out about Jesus' traditional depections.

You aren't wrong about them at least existing, though the inclusion of actual sub-saharan Africans at this point is definitely pandering, and any Africans that existed in Europe during this period would be North African. They also would not exist in communities, they would just be outlying individuals.

Lol Brits basically pay money to get called mutts on television.

His brother was Chinese, read about Hong Xiuquan if you don't believe me.

it's called "propaganda"

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>frog speak

calling something a white wash when in reality it WAS 99% white is lying in bad faith

There is enough verifable evidence that suggests a man named Jesus lived 2000 years ago and was crucified that we can definitifvely say he existed. Whether or not you believe the son of God part is up to you.

Where do you think they got it from you ass huffing retard? America was literally Britain 2.0 and under the monarchy's direct jurisdiction until 1776, kill yourself historylet.

They do though. I'd estimate at least 80% of the dumbfuck retard populace gets their worldview from the television.

my taxes pay for this

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Now put it in the actual language that matters, you francophone queer.

omg this is hard to stomach. its so much cringe.


and this

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That fucking like/dislike ratio tho

>giving money to Israel so they can bomb brown people
money well spent

Are you not entertained?

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It's not plenty, you dumbshit. How many people do you encounter in a day? 100? 200? Less? If every 2 in 1000 people you met were non-white it'd probably take you more than a week to ever encounter one.

Though I imagine you don't leave the basement so you'll likely never see one in today's age either.

Attached: hail brittania.webm (640x480, 1.74M)

if dey wuz the colonizers then how do they justify holding whitey responsible?

big cope if true

I welcome islam

>those obvious EU shills in the comments

Keep blaming Israel for your government giving away your land to 20 year old Muslim men


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What if I'm a grower. Not fair.

Wow, the Soviet Union dies, along with their world-renowned propaganda branch, and their propaganda loses it's grip. This might also be the reason why post-1991 societies are increasingly rejecting muh 6 gorillion lie that the Soviets invented.

>he doesn't know

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He's not wrong. Do western countries really think Jesus, a Middle Eastern carpenter, was white as snow?

Canucks are fucked, your only hope is the rake

imagine the smell...

Something about this really unnerves me. They’re literally talking about distorting history to suit a modern political end, and even worse the same media that used to pride itself on exposing falsehood is openly cheering them on.
They talk about “post-truth” a lot these days. Usually they try to use it as a smear against the right, but look at what they admit to doing themselves. Disgusting.

>white as snow
can't you make a point without lies?

Dropped the show as soon as Clara got blacked.

I'd be fine with this, except the British government wants to force everyone, with or without any interest in television, to buy one and threatens that they're watching everyone who doesn't.
If it was treated like a US driver's license, where you don't actually fucking require one if you don't drive a car, then I can see this.

>paying taxes

I'm still amassing crypto wealth and plan on moving to some sunny tax haven before cashing out a single penny. Last year and a half were but a setback.

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I can't wait until the Russians/Chinese/Arabs burn the decadent west to the ground like it deserves

Of course Jesus would be white. You might want to understand the actual demographics of the region during that time.

worth is SOLELY for the harley getting SMURFED
every penny was well spent


he was olive skinned

Imagine a world where you get put on a government watchlist when you buy a TV

When are you pussies gonna rise up and take your country back?

>reducing the holy dc trinity to sex objects

fuck the woman who made this

Attached: Julian.png (377x596, 194K)

Genetically people from Lebanon are closest to people from Ancient Isreal and they are all White with a very slight olive tan.

Now, post the absolute thicc goddess one

10/10 troll

>channel 4 vs 4channel
which has more degeneracy?

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Haha yeah, your taxes pay for this shit. So when are you faggots going to have a boston nigger party?

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join us

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>the future is brown!

Will it be like india where we still treat eachother like shit because we are different shades of brown?

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someone here has got screencaps of the comments section before it got deleted?

Oh so thats why when the UK populated Australia we were 95% white in the year 1990

yeah, south american favelas are pretty much the goal and that's exactly what happens there. look up blanqueamiento

imagine a world where people post their most private information for the entire world to see and do it for free

That little shit sucking smirk on her face, as if her progenitors weren't building mud huts and eating insect burgers whilst his were building empires that spanned the globe.


The guy was a kike. He wasn't white.

Deal with it racist.

Attached: The Tardis Team.png (3130x2750, 318K)

Jews are not white. Jesus was a Jew. He would have been a brown Jew, like muslim looking nigger.

It's ironic the minority can't rap

Fuck it hurt seeing /who/ wither and die as the new season slogged on.
Should've ended with Matt's death in Time of the Doctor. The show cursed itself by adding extra lives.

Doctor Who finished with the final EDA.

Are you talking about his transforming into War Doctor as the technically "final" EDA or are you talking about the actual final EDA book?

I mean the actual final EDA, The Gallifrey Chronicles in 2005. There are good parts of the new series but there's so much garbage that I personally scrap all of it as a failed continuation.

100% I'm British, and my grandparents were from Pakistan, there were Asians in the UK since like fucking 1700s.

Butthurt whites the lot of them.

It really is all fucked. Depressing as hell. At least I haven't watched the entire original series yet. I think I took a break at third doctor. Might go back to it.

>100% I'm British
>my grandparents were from Pakistan

Third Doc turns into a bit of a slog. His first and last seasons are quite good however, including the final story of his second last season (The Green Death)


Jesus i guess those on the cusp of being white are probably most obsessed with it

You're having a good laugh mate, I'm more English than you'll ever be. Born on the soil, my son, now jog on.

>we are proud of not being proud

Attached: abcdf.gif (249x146, 494K)

haha you're a shit colored paki and you'll never be welcome in your 'homeland' :)

Where I live there are barely any whites anyway, so who the fuck cares, you're all dying off or moving abroad, so get bent.

Yoor avvin a larf inchar me old sausage

Attached: tis.png (634x139, 19K)

bettering your child's chances in life is a noble goal

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>well technically this isn't wrong tho
You know what they mean and you know what their pushing.

Yeah really weird how after Regency England all the black people in England disappeared and reappeared in the 1960s.

Based anglo directors bowing down to superior culture

>Born on the soil, my son
This isn't America.

He's retarded. He thinks because a single black person was in a certain part of an area at one generation that means there were large populations of that group rivalling the actual population.

>Better version of the world.
So why did you let World War 1 and 2 happen?

They say a drop of mud spoils the wine, but what about a single silt molecule next to a water molecule?
Ethnic cleansing through genetics is a long game, yes, but it is one that we can win.

Tax doesn't go towards the BBC you brainlet zoomer. The TV license does, which your parents pay for

Wow you must be quintessentially British, you said "jog on" which as we know is a very English thing to say.

It’s not technically trolling if you’re genuinely retarded.

Fuck off, my island.

Have fun being killed within the decade.

Not my problem you can't deal with the future, mate. Go back to your computer.

doesn't make you english either
the flag of england speaks clearly
>jog on

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_England.svg[1].png (1280x768, 1K)

That thing is fucking banned you inbred pig.

I just want a cute brown gf lads, it's all I want in life I don't care about anything else..

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Your taxes also pay for this

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>posted from st petersburg

How is having negers here make the world better or worse?

On one hand it’s annoying how they’re trying to “diversify” history. Maybe one or two black characters make sense as traders but white people in Mansa Musa’s Timbuktu is equally ridiculous

On the other hand I love watching /pol/ seethe like the little bitches they are

>paying your Telly license unironically

Fuck the rake. Tell pedro to fire up the leafblower.

I thought that was a comedy show?
>comments have been disabled
>700 upvotes,32k downvotes

A license is a tax, moron.

>this is bad
>but it makes others angry, so it's good

fine if you want to be pedantic it's not a state enforced tax, you don't have to pay the damn thing and they have no power to compel you to

They were Scottish

grow some thicker skin you little faggot

I keep seeing Yea Forums posting this shit

What fucking porn did they make

Let us review it

Why? Do Brits have government funded bread?

So how is Dr. Who doing these days?

When's the last time anybody here has seen a /who/ general?

Attached: seriously nigga.png (447x417, 316K)

Well of course I know it's dead here, I'm asking how it's doing in the "wild." Is the show the titan it used to be with Tennant or Smith?

We can, and it involves you and your families death.

That's kinda cheating, because Assad's mom was a blond supermodel.

>Is the show the titan it used to be with Tennant or Smith?
On par at first, but on a steady consistent decline with each episode. I'm not too hopeful for 12.
From the looks of things series 11 has only done better than series 10.
And of course with the BBC being a government-sanctioned subscription service, the numbers wouldn't even matter anyway.

French are so dumvb they'll believe whatever bullshit media tells them to

I made it maybe 15 seconds before shutting it off. Fuck man, that's some hardcore cringe. No wonder Alberta wants to secede

Has /pol/ coined a term for these people yet? The ones who obsess over shoehorning black people into period peices where there were none? Its really fucking bizzare, like, cult-tier brainwashing

there is no god

>by believing in it, we'll summon it forth
wtf it's just like meme magic


They cant, they gave all their guns away lol

this is cringe and fucked up

If Trump loses in 2020, Americans have a good chance at losing their guns too. They banned handguns here in Toronto recently because of a bunch of nigs were murdering each other.

Why does Canada even give a shit?
Oh, right their gay PM said Canada'd let the spics in when Trump said he was kicking them out. I'd be seething too.

They did this just to piss off /pol/ and it's glorious

>we have been intermixing since the dawn of time
yeah, usually after a bloody war where horny savages who barely survived started fucking and impregnating every breathing female they saw
the only difference is that instead of guns and bombs they weapons youre using is guilt trip and corporate capital

Dutch taxes pay for this.

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Not gonna happen, even if worst case scenario they do come for our guns, people here arent afraid to use them, and people hardly see police as countrymen anymore anyway. There will be blood user

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Karel Doorman died for this

What is that? How is she so ugly? Why wasn't a non ugly actor chosen?

how tolerant!

Out of touch producers desperate to end their curse of not having a good way to reach their viewers began to cling to the Internet for advice.
They had no idea that the Internet was actually just a hub for the most obnoxiously loud minorities. Many companies, like BBC, still don't understand this, and BBC in particular never will since they can just force their citizens to pay for their programming anyway.

Theres no such thing as a non ugly nigger, which is the only thing BBC would consider hiring.
>inb4 hurrrrrr what about this Ethiopian model
The only attractive features to be found in a nigger are the European features, this is found to be a preference for all races, even the lesser ones.

He is right though. Race mixing will inevitably settle the population to a bunch of lightskin niggas

Here's the thing. They did hire a black woman with European features, and nobody got physically sick looking at her.
Not a 10 but better than fucking Bill.
You don't have to get a fucking hideous beast of a woman. Just get a plain one if you're gonna go this route.

Attached: 6501.jpg (825x464, 24K)

>i would allow niggers to fuck my wife and pop out some nigglets to trigger /POL/

Ethiopians aren't really black too, "black" usually means Bantu which East Africans are not.

aka rootless subhuman mongrels

>he still buys a TV license


>Not a 10
thats definitely a british 10

>Using paintings of a fictional character as proof.

I mean she surprisingly was the hottest actually British girl in the show.

Bnn/vara isnt payed for by taxes but by yearly donations & merch sales.

Damn, all the front shots of her make her looks go from 6/10 to 3/10
>Jesus was black
Bitch please, he was most likely an Arab looking dude, or at the very least darkish Italian looking guy

>It's a better world

Why does the addition of brown people make it a better world? Moreso, why does the shrinking of the white population size make it a better world?

it's the strangest thing because you could just.. point out people looked down on other races? and some shit about how that isn't cool daddy-o

it just does you racist nazi incel. stop asking questions

Britain was literally 99.5% white prior to the two world wars.

>Aeneas, Rome's antecedent

and then you knew what kind of books they burned back in 1933

>tfw brit moving to the dutchland

I thought you guys were chads

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>the absolute state of europistan

Attached: european tv (2).webm (842x474, 2.99M)

My taxes pay for this

what is it? 2006?
Fuckin wili is fine 99% of the time. You don’t need academic journals for everything

Off-topic, but why do people insist Jesus was non-white? I mean obviously no serious person thinks he was black, but still, everyone seems to concede that he was sort of Arab, which is odd because 1st century Israel hadn't been conquered by the Arabs yet. Jesus, like most of the inhabitants of Israel, was ethnically Jewish, and judging by sculptures of figures like Josephus and King Herod, Jews from antiquity pretty much look like modern Jews who are generally considered to be "white" by anyone who isn't a /pol/tard. Even many other peoples from the middle east, like Phoenicians and Persians, look quite "white" judging by their sculptures/art/etc., really not much different than the Romans or Greeks.

Attached: Josephusbust.jpg (401x600, 36K)

/pol/ has not. The Chinese did.

> Jews from antiquity pretty much look like modern Jews who are generally considered to be "white"

Those Jews are Eastern European in ancestry - ashkenazi. You don't actually think that people like Einstein or Zuckerberg are from the Middle East? Do you?

Mizrahi Jews are ethnically Middle Eastern Jews. And they look similair to Arabs.

Attached: Mizrahi Jews.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Not even a racist, this is just pure idiocy

Someone needs to beat this girl.

We're even more jewified than brits.

You at least had aristocracy that put up some resistance. We were a (((merchant))) revolution against spain after they kicked out the jews.

Whites were an aberration and we will be better off with them gone. Like a brief sickness on the planet.

>ethnically jewish
You know nothing jon snow

"Jewish" as theological construct didn't exist until after the bible. It's younger than christianity. And the European gashkenazi) jewish have little genetically in common with those living living in the levant prior to the colonization and creation of israel state.

Attached: ahshitherewegoagain.png (96x132, 26K)

>Mizrahi Jews are ethnically Middle Eastern Jews. And they look similair to Arabs.

But wouldn't that be because of the Arab conquests?

Why does that bust of Josephus look like a modern Jew then? Funny you mention Zuckerberg, as it looks a little bit like him. lol

It's gotta be a troll. It's too dumb and half assed and ridiculous to be unironic

Luckily 90% of people think it’s shit and don’t watch. Just weak old libtards who think they’re edgy.

The irony of this is staggering. The UK is less than 10% black (closer to 5%) and always has been. There are more Asians than blacks but based BBC pushes the retarded mutt agenda.

>Jews who are generally considered to be "white" by anyone who isn't a /pol/tard.

Jews don't consider themselves white. Does this mean they are all /pol/ too?

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>But wouldn't that be because of the Arab conquests?

? Do you know how Jews are? They don't mix. They get genocided, exiled and killed but they don't mix with other population. This was true when Romans arrived, it was true when they moved into Europe and it was also true when Arabs arrived.

Besides, the only Arabs moving there were the soldiers and leaders - not an entire population. There were only a handful of Arab tribes that moved out of the desert.

Besides, it wouldn't have any effect, racially. How's 10k Arabs gonna change the racial make up of millions of people? After 1500 years, there influence would be gone. There have been enough genetic tests on Arab populations that prove that most do not have the same genes as actual Arabs, but barely adopted the term 'Arab'. Case in point, North African Arabs share more dna with Berbers that with Saudis.

>Why does that bust of Josephus look like a modern Jew then?

It's a bust. You can't see his skin colour, and many facial features like his facial hair are hard to see.

In the end, it's a fact that modern (white) Jews come from Eastern Europe. They share very little (though some) dna with actual Middle Eastern Jews. Look up the 'Khazars'. Those are the ancestors of Zucc and Einstein, not Jesus.

Attached: Origin of White-Ashkenazi Jews.jpg (640x360, 34K)

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Also, it's not just Arabs that have a somewhat darker skin, it's also Persians, Egyptians, Berbers etc etc. It's not that people claim Jesus was an Arab, he obviously was not, it's that he (and all other Jews of his time) looked similair to virtually every other Afro-Asiatic group, as Jews are Afro-Asiatic aswel.


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Good fucking lord, I hate those degenerates and how they seem to "rule" the fucking txoznas.
Since ETA died this shithole has become SJW central.

>Muslim and Jew shaking hands

Makes me laugh every time

>Comments disabled
Of course they are. Cowards.

Both wrong. Actually closer to 3%, around 9% asian iirc. I always mention this to people because they always assume it's much much higher... then again I work in London and all of our media is made with a London perspective.

>Triggered /pol/tards
Why are mods so rubbish?

Attached: Pol Bait.png (914x914, 755K)

do you understand how ideals work? the idea of "better" precedes the races involved

I mean, the showrunners flat out said in that interview they want to show history and time periods not "the way it was" but "the way it should have been".

So that's why whatever time period they are going to show black people in London running businesses or being scientists or cops even during time periods when people would live their entire lives without seeing a black person and mostly just thought they were fantasy creatures like boogeymen or Ogopogo.

Attached: Abra-Ka-Banned-3.png (1000x1413, 645K)

wait is that the show with the dude running down a street only to find his girl/ex? getting blacked?

It'd be fair if maybe one was black since Zeus would fuck everything that moves but that's a little much

I’d say with illegals and asylum seekers in limbo those numbers are slightly higher than the official figures

>Has /pol/ coined a term for these people yet?
der ewige jude

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ethiopians and other east asians aren't black though, they're dark skinned caucasoids

its the skull shape user, they look like whites with black skin whereas west african and south african niggers have a much more gorrila like skull shape

That;s a fair point. Also the next census will be coming up soon. God knows what it'll reveal.

I don't mind that they put black people in places there wouldn't have been but don't act smug and call history a whitewash when you're doing it, fucking bitch ass

Someone doesn't know their haplogroups...

Attached: World_Map_of_Y-DNA_Haplogroups.png (3000x1900, 1.52M)

>Look up the 'Khazars'.

Degenerate circle jerk: the thread

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>implying it's not occult magic

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how could that do that to my man lucky luke?

Lately I've been watching lots of really old film footage, like the earilest stuff. I saw a film from the north of England in 1901 with workers in it, plenty of them are covered in soot but there's a kid who pops up who I'm certain is black rather than covered in soot. I imagine this is near docks, which may explain his appearance.

So there may have been occasional black people around. But in no way comparable to modern demographics like the BBC enjoys implying.

He appears at around 38 seconds, on the right, walking across to the left

>You will live long enough to see the Chinese Nation, void of western white guilt and empathy, nationalistic, suspicious or outright disgusted by blacks and browns, racially aware and ever more thirsty for increasingly disapearing natural resources, rise to become the dominant superpower

Good luck mud shits, your grandchildren will be used as gutter oil or ground up into penis powder

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Do they star in it?

I'd like to point your attention here

Jesus Christ I'm as hard as a rock right now

always makes me kek, before it makes me cringe

Jesus Christ this is literally historical revisionism.

Jesus Christ, I think he actually found a way to write diagonally.

Seventh Doctor is kino. Even his first season that everyone likes to dump on.