Actual real Star Wars Episode IX leaks

Real leaks, don't be spoiled
Palpatine is back.
He makes Kylo a sith lord.
Darth Incelious.
Darth Incelious shoots up the resistance school.
Finn tells him to have sex.
He showers and bes confident bro.
He has sex with Rey.
He confronts Palpatine and says "I am a chad, like my father before me"
Palpatine dies.
Rey gives birth.
The baby is black.
Rey looks sheepishly at Finn.
Kylo screams NOOOOOOOO.

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Cast him

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>Darth Incelious
I'm not gonna lie, I kek'd

Dat catapilla was hungry!

you laughed at the new nerd term society has branded you with?

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Thanks Robert. That actually means a lot.

also dany will burn the kingslando and let her sandniggers rape the women there

>Rey gives birth.
>The baby is black.
>Rey looks sheepishly at Finn.
Finn is obviously gay, OP.

No, that is just John Boyega's natural gayness bleeding into the role

Kill yourself reylo nigger

Still better plot than whatever Disney has planned.

You first fincell dick sucker

Finn is a repulsive gay nigger, all shippers must hang.

Get this man a job at Disney.

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kill yourself reddit zoomer

>Darth Incelious

Why do I have the feeling this will be a real thing in the next saga?

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>next saga
kill yourself casual

Someone really is gunning for mass suicides today aren't they?

I would actually pay to see this

Dubs confirm, get on it Disney, this is how you get the Yea Forums dollars

corporate cock sucking 90s born queers were a mistake.

God damn it. Why are you so fucking salty today? Did your crab ointment not work or something?

>God damn it.
90s born queers were a mistake

86' you cuck.
Does god damn it offend you in some way?

>32 years old
>nu wars shipper
kill yourself faggot

What the fuck have I said that makes you think I am a shipper you dumb faggot? I posted some fucking bullshit 'leaks' for some nyucks.
You are here telling people to kill themselves, probably giggling to yourself like pretending to be retarded somehow makes it okay.

>I posted some fucking bullshit 'leaks' for some nyucks.
you've got issues user.

>making nu wars threads
>being a gyno ren poster
kill yourself reddit nigger

Clearly not as many as you user. Go to bed now. It is mother's day tomorrow and you should show her at least one day of kindness for cleaning out your basement and feeding you tendies.

>Darth Incelious shoots up the resistance school.
Now they’re just rehashing shit from ROTS. Fucking hell.

Stop samefagging and go to bed.

First week on Yea Forums, eh kiddo?

Reminder to sage all reylo threads


>Palpatine is black.
>He makes Kylo a cis lord.
>Darth Incest.
>Darth Incet shoots up the resistance school with m4 rifle.
>Finn tells him to have sex with another dude.
>He showers and bes confident bro.
>He has sex with Finn against Finns will.
>He confronts Palpatine and says "I am a tranny, like my father before me"
>Palpatine dilates.
>Rey proceeds with her FtMtFtM transition into an alien.
>The baby is black and genderfluid..
>Kylo screams.


God I want Adam Driver to raw me so bad.


What is this?

i would actually watch this one

look, i dont give a shit about this movie, other than the hope that kylo and finn have a scene together, that way i can dub over adam driver's lines with his line from blackkklansman where he demands the darkie "...get [his] nigger ass home now."

That is a very specific desire.