Serious thread. I've seen One Hour Photo, Clerks, Waiting, and Office Space. Please!
Wagie Kino
Other urls found in this thread:
Clerks 2
Employee of the Month
Sing, Wagie, sing!
>You’re gonna be a cashier someday
Peak slavery
Jump, Wagie, jump
What is the worst job on Earth?
Thank God I'm in the trades lol
Man clerks is such an underrated film, that scene with the Boomer shit talking Dante serves as a reminder of why those fucks have always been hated.
Its a shitty movie really. I feel like the main characters deserved much worse than their shitty job. They’re very unlikeable
What happens if you choose not to join in?
Yea Forums janitor.
>You love this place!
Dante only deserved worse for shitting on his girlfriend, Randal on the other hand literally did nothing wrong ever.
>Yea Forums janitor.
Don't jobs have to be compensated?
Office Space isn't really wagie kino. A lot of office jobs are salary. Based on their responsibilities they were probably salaried.
Rostered On
I did night shift at Wally World for about half a year in a very white area and I'm beyond thankful that it was night shift, meant everyone was tired and didn't bother with that bullshit.
anything in customer service
those pajeets who have to dive in sewage with zero sanitary equipment
Apple store
this video really cements in how awkward and cringe wh*tes are, and how based and fun coloureds are
would do cult chants with those nips and niggers any day
Peep Show is top wagie kino
wagie wagie burning bright