
What were they thinking with that Daphne and Velma movie?

Attached: daphne and velma.jpg (656x736, 134K)

They should do it with the kids from Dennis ap bio class. I forgot the name of the show but I remembered it by remembering the subject

Also what are people's thoughts on the Scoob cast?

>56% Daphne
>Velma is actually ugly and not fake ugly

I don't think Velma was ever supposed to be ugly, just frumpy.

Velma should be a pawg

Who would you cast for a new Scooby-Doo live action?

the same cast as the original live action movies

I'm going for kino old man scoob oscar bait

I'd ring back the cast of the first two so we could have milf Daphne and Velma.

The fact that it is supposed to be the lead in to a Hanna Barbera cinematic universe kill all my interest in the new movie.

>Hanna Barbera cinematic universe
Fucking why?

Linda Cardellini Velma was my first crush and my first fap.

Attached: O0scb0H.jpg (720x540, 66K)

I'd watch it.

You have good taste

nowhere to go but down from there unfortunately

It could be worse. It could be pic related.

Attached: edgy scooby doo.jpg (279x396, 68K)

How bad is it.

>Who would you cast for a new Scooby-Doo live action?

I wanted a Scooby-Doo movie in the 90's with Jim Carrey (Shaggy), Brad Pitt (Fred), Nicole Kidman (Daphne) and Janeane Garofalo (Velma)!!!FACT!!!

who would be scooby?

Danny DeVito

Party on, Wayne.


*Signals cameraman to step aside for a private conversation*

Is it just me or did Wayne just like disappear and get replaced by some weird ugly black chick in a wig?

You know they purposely cast the ugliest white bitch they could find to make the goblin mulatto look even halfway attractive.

This has been a milked-enough franchise. Let’s NOT

They failed then because she is still more attractive than the mutt playing Daphne.

Daphne played by early 2000s redhead bondage model Jane Stonewood

Let me show you, this is Velma not being the character. And Daphne is now being the younger sister in nu-charmed.

Attached: depositphotos_126603350-stock-photo-actress-sarah-gilman.jpg (678x1024, 70K)