
The quality is surprisingly clear. If you want to spoil the movie for people 2 weeks before it comes out, here's your chance.

Attached: brightburn_xxlg.jpg (2024x3000, 2.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This isnt a link, retard.

wow thanks mr gunn! i sure cant wait to download this illegal copy of your movie

Why have you been posting the same shit all day in the exact same format?

No one cares about the film. Stop trying to establish word of mouth.

I know, nigger

I just watched it, total kino... fags.

Post webms

Yeah just post webms of the ending and notable kills

>visionary filmmaker
jesus, how full of yourself can you get

oh look! a shit movie i cannot care less about

Oh goody a one bet cam .... I fucking love watching the nonstop ads for one bet on a shitty cam movie

Who the fuck is enticed to go to that website by a ad in a cam?

Just watched it, it’s alright but I expected him to be worse and wreck some havoc, not only a handful of killings

Why does hollywood hate Snyder so much?

>1+ GB
I'll wait for yify.

People hate what they don't understand.


Spoil it all.

What’s the full plot

It's lame.
I hoped for some evil Superman with carnage and stuff and all it delivered was some kind of The Omen with a capeshit touch.
Big disapointment.

>shitty movie for babies

who cares?

as said its a Omen or Orphan but with superpowers

its not

Are you stupid?

Where the fuck is the download?
How do I know anything is even real
Someone just post a fucking link already

>can literally do anything
>can throw cruise ships into space
>nah I'll put on some mask and become a serial killer

Obviously. And you're calling others retards?

Yeah dude my baby has telling me all week about how excited he is for this movie. Well, he actually shit his pants, but I KNEW he meant he wanted to see this movie.

I swear to god you fucking idiots are as annoying as an anal rape session on the receiving end.
If you don't know your way around the internet just kill yourself and spare us the embarassment.

The trailer for this movie just spoiled everything. Did James Gunn agree to do this as a favor for his family?

just watched it and it fucking sucks

don't waste your time

this, what a waste of production money. this is literally a low budget movie made to make money, that's it. teach these assholes a lesson and make them lose.


potato quality not worth the dl

Attached: 141515.jpg (1263x511, 39K)

I was hoping for a moment, a movie I never heard of would be anything but capeshit.

when will this shit end?
I won't watch any capeshit for free.

It’s more of what if Goku didn’t bump his head

That sucks. Does alien-boy get iced from behind by the Hunchback of Notre Dame?

>Where the fuck is the download?
imagine being as dumb as this guy

He only produced it.

Nah, he kinda wins.

how come?

Gentle Reminder that this was already done.

Attached: rsz_chronicle_ver51.png (350x518, 192K)

>adults that need handholding on the internet

Attached: 1532293265965.jpg (500x500, 46K)

yeah but this one is more blatant

That's irrelevant.
The movie ends where it should start.
Would you want to watch a superman flick that deals with his parents and stuff? Because that's exactly what this is about.
I wanted him to battle the world and crown himself king but no, a shitty teen drama is what i got.

kill yourself

but chronicle wasn't made for brainlets like me

gotta wait for tomatometer score before decide if i'm gonna watch it or not



Naked and absolutely transparent attempt at astroturf viral marketing for a film I don't even want to watch for free.

I saw the trailer. It looked like complete bunk. It was interesting to deconstruct Superman thirty years ago, at this point it's ground that has been covered so many times be so many people it's been turned into a mud pit.

No thank you. Not even for free. Not even if you paid me. And hopefully the mods IP ban you.

Attached: 200px-Miracle3.png (200x311, 143K)



plz stop

based boomer retard

I don't watch movies made by pedophiles, sorry.

Spoil the plot. How exactly does it end?

yea but capeshit is way more popular now so we can subvert it for brainlets

>Bad superman is bad because bullies
>Bad superman kills family when they both try to kill him
>Bad superman goes apeshit and starts destroying the world

Thats it. Thats the movie. Credits are the cutaway news footage bits that show him destroying cities and shit. Probably the only good part of the movie.

Brendan pretty much kills both his parents (dad gets a laser through the head and mom gets Black Widowed) because they tried to kill him

he then crashes a plane cause...he can and to cover up his mom’s death

From what end credits I saw, he goes around the world destroying stuff, but I’m not sure.

Credits are the only good part desu. Would just love the film to be his entire solo conquest to world domination and the world in shambles.

>crashes a plane
Are there any survivors?


The link I was watching didn’t show all of it. Was it good? What happened in that?

In that scene where the girl bully is told to help him off the ground, does he just break her wrist or does he rip the whole thing off?

Just breaks it, he gets suspended

Results in a creepy scene where he breaks into the girls room. Girl says “my mom says I can’t talk to you” to which he replies “I’m gonna take care of that”

And we get that infamous diner scene


Attached: 30i8b4vzhwt01.jpg (680x318, 13K)

smashes all the bones in her hand

>caring about cam quality when the movie isn't even out yet

We watched the same thing then. It cuts off after he takes down the second building.

looks good enough for me to get the story

HOw gory is it? Love a good gorefest.

Is it actually bad?
I was really looking forward to it.

There’s some gore here and example is the car scene, his uncle’s jaw is essentially almost dislocated from his face

Is there a good amount of carnage too? Or is it just more like a slasher in terms of kills.

thanks I can handle kids getting hurt in movies but gore would be too much

heres that shitty Snyder cut all you dummies were complaining about, was it worth it?

I liked it. Doesn't really feel like a Gunn movie though

but he is just the producer

Yeah, guess I figured they just downplayed his involvement a lot due to the controversy

More slasher, but weak on kills

>visionary director
i liked his films well enough but how is he visionary??

He made himself producer so he could the molest the children in the movie.

it's hollywood. all directors are visionary according to copywriters

They didn’t downplay it. If anything they tried to capitalize on the controversy
I kind of figured it would be more a more slasher-type horror rather than big destruction scenes due to the low budget and all and a lack of carnage shots in the trailer
Not surprised one bit, definitely still not interested enough to watch it. Glad they didn’t pussy out and have the mom kill him or something
And far better desu, underrated little flick

Why would you download this 1xbet nightmare? just watch it on any putlocker or series9 site.

>just watch it on any putlocker or series9 site.
because it's easy to download. streaming sites are for brown people.

You want this potato on your hard drive? For what purpose will you re watch this abysmal cam? The majority of the film relies on visual gags that are out of focus 95% of the time.

>You want this potato on your hard drive?
It's there. I'm watching it while posting. What's wrong with downloading? It's not fucking hard. I just click a link and its on my desktop. Then I delete when I'm done.

it's decent

can confirm. pure shit.
also elizabeth banks hit the wall and can't act


Anyone have a magnet can't seem to find it on my trackers?

Attached: Bob Cut.png (99x100, 26K)

always use the metasearch from torrentz2 for these cams

its CAM what the fuck did you expect?

Why is the "i was bullied so im going to murder everyone" such a fucking lazy cop out for writers these days?


Attached: Brightburn 2019 720p HDCAM x264-1XBET fall.webm (1280x536, 1.76M)

>Bad superman is bad because bullies
That's not true, bad superman gets programmed by his ship in his sleepwalks.

Attached: Brightburn 2019 720p HDCAM x264-1XBET stalking Emmie Hunter Caitlyn.webm (1280x536, 2.87M)

That trailer scene was taken out of context, the girl "bully" refused to catch him because he was stalking him.

Attached: Emmie Hunter (1).jpg (800x1000, 71K)

He doesn’t turn bad because of getting bullied (he isn’t even bullied at all), it’s his fuckingn programming that is activated by his spaceship
How dense are some people to not understand this? It couldn’t be more obvious

Here's a link if you don't want to download. Looks like it has the advertisements muted / blurred, but I haven't watched it yet, so I don't know.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-11 at 11.02.38 PM.png (1340x657, 691K)

Don’t know why you “you” me, I’ve watched it

>complaining about (You)s

But yeah, sorry, didn't mean to.

>based Miracle Queer poster
But that comic is way better than most people give it credit for.

Can we make this a LEWD thread now?

Attached: 640c-f-4-phantom_q_fit.jpg (750x488, 79K)

Michael Rooker in a terrible wig ranting about other rumored evil superpeople, such as an aquatic monster and a woman who chokes people to death with her lasso. That's right, an evil Justice League is teased.

Attached: BRIGHTBURN - Know My Name Cutdown tv spot.png (1920x1588, 2.45M)

>actually downloading a cam THIS shitty

You guys are Somalian tier. I wouldn't waste my bandwidth on this shit even if I was paid in real Doubloons.

Attached: basedcurry.gif (300x206, 921K)

oh this is that evil superman origin story right?

Thanks for the spoilers lads. Now I don't have to read the Wikipedia plot.
Can't wait to watch John wick and zilla

looks like crap

I'm legit going to watch the leak, I live in a shithole country and god knows when it's coming to my theaters

The child acting is really bad.

Attached: Brightburn 2019 720p HDCAM x264-1XBET jawdrop.webm (900x376, 1.7M)

Does anyone have the pics from the credits where he goes crazy?

I'm sick of Evil Superman plots, it's been done a hundred times in already, the only Evil Superman plot that worked was Irredeemable.

Attached: 250px-Irredeemable_Cassaday_cover_art.jpg (250x384, 40K)

So what the fuck happens in the movie for 90 minutes ? He can't just go around and kill people right ? What's the story, plot etc ? These webms show that it's just gore porn and jump scares shit

You should have seen him in Avengers: Endgame as 12 year old Scott Lang . Just as bad.

Attached: ant man scott lang turns into a baby, old man, toddler avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET..w (1280x536, 2.27M)

I really liked the premise of this movie. But not surprisingly it sounds like it's shit. Oh well.

First time hearing about this movie, is he some kind of Tetsuo

Attached: Brightburn 2019 720p HDCAM x264-1XBET laser heat vision.webm (1280x536, 2.42M)

Pay respect to the best streaming site, not those shitty slow nigger sites with 100 ads and mining shit. This site runs on a potato PC.

But what's the plot?

>Visionary filmmaker James Gunn
Almost vomited from laughter.

I don't think an Evil Superman plot has ever been done in movies though, unless you count Batman's nightmare from BvS

>Use a VPN you niggers


because you usually vomit from choking on dick, right ? haha

Attached: 1544704703537.jpg (267x261, 22K)

Just watched it, It´s REALLY BAD

pretty based flick

It's the Superman origin story, but the kid is evil instead. That's it.

Attached: No Fun Allowed - Judge Dredd.png (694x642, 211K)

Basically Carrie if Carrie was Superman.

Attached: Carrie_560x330_MSDCARR_EC002_H.jpg (560x330, 25K)

Carrie had reasons, the kid of this movie is just a spoiled cunt

They're all going to laugh at you Clark

Worst fucking releaser out there, like i'm going to use a betting site that advertises on an illegal download.

Based venture brothers poster

It's more like Evil Superman x Goku

He crashes in a pod thing like Superman, and when he reaches a certain age the pod "activates" and starts fucking with his head. It keeps repeating this thing in an alien language to him over and over that he repeats and eventually translated into English as "Take the world".

So it's like Dragonball where the aliens send off babies to planets to wipe out the local population

Read "The Fountainhead." All will be made clear.

Attached: Brightburn 2019 720p HDCAM x264-1XBET Brandon Breyer breaks Caitlyn's hand.webm (1280x536, 1.79M)

He should've had sex

Bitch shouldn't have dropped him


Attached: 1554677746996.jpg (500x500, 53K)

I'm so glad pedophiles in hollywood still get work.

the got the "Autistic having a meltdown" look down pat.

>that kid's face


So Earth 3 Superman + Injustice ?
What a fucking hack.


>not a single MEGA

That stupid scene where the diner lady looks at an exploding light and keeps her eye open then they have a glass shard fly into it.

only took a minute for me

>Loaded and tracked torrents
What's with these threads lately?

oh, the boomer in me went to torrents first. Thanks zoomer bros

>he's never bleed
>never been cut
>no bruises
>shoots him

>film doesn't end with him completely annihilating earth

fucking DROPPED like his mom

kek no

fake and gay

also cams suck. if poor, just wait for the amazon/netflix leak (usually comes out a week or 2 before the dvd/bluray release)

have you seen the omen? its that but with superman powers not satan powers


Do they even show the gore?
Movie would be fun if they showed him ripping people in half.

>From what end credits I saw, he goes around the world destroying stuff
Ah so he's a muslim.

>nu-male faggot uses a situation he's responsible for to skirt responsibility

Attached: xBrightburn.2019.720p.HDCAM.x264-1XBET.mkv_snapshot_00.17.00_[2019.05.12_12.18.53].png (1280x536, 1.33M)

Attached: Brightburn 2019 720p HDCAM x264-1XBET Brandon Breyer kills deever the black sheriff.webm (1280x536, 461K)

Is he ok?

>Where the fuck is the download?
>How do I know anything is even real
>Someone just post a fucking link already

That's more like it, but it should show him exploding into bits. This is movie where less needs be left to the imagination. He should rip kids arms off, melt cars with people inside, blow people's skin off.

Why would i watch that?

Why not? It's perfectly watchable.

Attached: 1521141039874.jpg (1200x788, 258K)

Stop posting these

Post webm's of the terrible wig

Watched it last night, because fuck cinema prices.

It goes out of focus a couple times near the end, but overall a very watchable cam. Film itself is pretty good. It's not even pretending to be anything else other than 'superman as a school shooter'.

Surprisingly violent, and despite being a total psycho the kid is very watchable and I didn't want to slap him. He's not some perma-bullied victim, he has one bad day and decides 'Fuck you normies, time to die'. His honesty and comfort with his dominance was a good take.

Overall a solid 7. Maybe even an 8.

Wait til you see him kill his uncle. Holy fuck.

None of this would have happened if the parents weren't a bimbo and a weak nu-male.

Attached: Ma-and-Pa-Kent-DC-Comics-Superman.jpg (500x628, 147K)

too young to remember VHS?

On the other hand it is quite good quality for 1XBET


Attached: sliceable-crockpot-roast-beef-3-small-480x270.jpg (480x270, 25K)

All this autistic reeee-ing about cam quality. In a cam rip.

I wouldn't even mind, but I know most of the faggots bleating will watch it in a 400px window in the corner of their laptop while arguing on a Latvian pottery forum about how they fucking hate capeshit and CGI.

If you're interested in the story, watch the cam. If you're just in it for the GRAAAFFEEEXXX, then wait til it's in the cinema and hand over your $15. Nobody thinks you're special because you cry bitch tears about video quality on a leaked capeshit fan project.

>Chronicle is a 2012 American found footage
>found footage

Instant garbage.

Attached: 1520903702391.jpg (1274x720, 97K)

>waste bandwidth
YOU are Somalian tier
I'm just watching a movie that's not public yet, and won't have a decent rip for another 3 months probably

Playing cam as audiobook.

Attached: 1549171615147.png (225x225, 5K)

the rape sansa

This is more Akira than capeshit.

At least it has an ending unlike that Gayman abortion.

>2 weeks before release
>already 6.9 on marveldb

someone explain me this

is this a beta uprising movie?

Everyone watched the leak

I haven't watched a CAM release in 12 years and I'm not about to start again, but I thought this movie looked fun and the WEBMs in this thread are confirming my hunch. Can't wait for Blu-ray rips to come.

Goku didn’t bump his head

Yeah, you can tell Josh Trank is a big Akira fan. Doom's escape from the lab in Trank's Fantastic Four movie is clearly influenced by Tetsuo's escape from the lab.

you're the retard

You Speed Watchers!

>Use a VPN you niggers


Attached: joker.jpg (1800x900, 219K)

was my theory right?
does the mother kill the kid at the end by stabbing him with scraps made out the rocket that brought him to earth or with some other material from his home planet?


Based boomer

I was right!

He uses the plane to destroy the house covering up his murders.

Attached: BatSmile.jpg (480x270, 37K)

Tries, but fails.

somebody just spoil how it ends

No, the kid kills both his parents without remorse.

This was the plot of the original Superman

Attached: original superman.jpg (270x187, 12K)

He fully embraces his evil side, kills his parents and other people. He's gonna fuck up the whole planet and there is literally no one who can stop him.


isn't this kinda like what dragon ball was meant to be?
goku comes to take over a planet as a kid but instead hits his head and becomes good

>girl looks out of window
>slow, tense reaction shot
>we don't see what she's reacting to
>dumbass jumpscare
>she tells woman to look out of window
>woman does so
>reaction shot
>we STILL don't see what she's seeing
fuck this looks bad

Not much of a story, really. Attention-getting, slightly satisfying that for once a super powered person just says “fuck it, gonna squash you ants”, but still not much of a story.

0:17 top left corner. How fucking blind are you?

There has to be a Lex Luthor stand-in

but my "only things from his home planet can hurt him" theory was right?

mum tried to kill him in the end by stabbing him but the kid is faster and kills her by taking her high up and dropping her.
Movie ends with a montage of the kid causing destruction world wide

Even if so, he would still only be human. Unlike Superman, the kid would simply kill him. This kid has no known weaknesses.

They theorize it will hurt him but fails to try it.

wow nice large image

Attached: large_44b51b0d8f7b467743c36849af81ddf1-Reign_of_the_Superman.jpg (1200x832, 540K)


if the mum didn't try to kill him maybe he'd change

It does hurt him, near the beginning he falls into the ship while it's brainwashing him, and he cuts his hand on it. The mother remembers this, that's why she goes to the ship at the end.

That's it. Her betrayal was the breaking point, the last straw. The kid lost all hope for humanity.

Okay I skimmed some parts. So he's evil because he's brainwashed? And not because he's a bullied psychopath?

These idiots actually put commercials and watermarks into their releases. Fuck them.

His ship starts making weird noises and lighting up one night. He sleepwalks to it, and starts speaking it's language while floating and spasming. It turns out the language is telling him to 'take the world'.

Almost immediately after the ship brainwashing scene he starts behaving like a psychopath, and he immediately suspects that he is different and more powerful. He isn't bullied, he just has some awkward moments.

At the beginning in a classroom scene, he explains about some animals using other species to raise their young. Exposition out the ass.

at one point he made a twitter post about how his Akira adaptation only cost 15 mil and had MBJ in it
He's a tremendous fan

Okay, that's a bit disappointing. I would have preferred no brainwashing. Just a bullied, aloof kid discovering he has superpowers.


This educational film has been brought to you by Luthorcorp.

Attached: He was right.jpg (500x750, 86K)

>If you want to spoil the movie for people
Literally no one cares about this movies spoilers.

Basically yes. This is how Kakarrot would have been had there not been the accident that wiped his imperative. I think the only functional differences are there wasn't an old Chinese kung fu master in Brightburn, and Kakarrot came out of his pod extraordinarily violent for a toddler, whereas the kid in Brightburn was basically normal until activated,

Attached: 1557487877336.gif (280x358, 2.17M)

This post reeks of r*ddit

This shit is basically a WHAT IF GOKU DIDN'T HIT HIS HEAD

It's the CAM.
I'm not watching a CAM like some chink or ruskie

>i eat shit willingly to be hip and because it's free
You're a upboat obsessed zoomie whose brain is melted by memes

>It's the Superman origin story, but if he were real.


Attached: IMG_20190512_163129.png (500x482, 175K)

You sure seem to know a lot about aliens and how they think.

"You know what the problem with a metahuman is? The human part. We got lucky with Superman. He shared our values. The next Superman might not."

"What if Superman had decided to fly down, rip off the roof of the White House and grab the President of the United States right out of the Oval Office? Who would've stopped him?"

Nice quotes. And the end credits show the kid wreaking havoc.

>Frog poster
Opinion discarded. Leave my internet.

>Movie ends with a montage of the kid causing destruction world wide

Why aren't we getting a webm of that?

Attached: 1308052652921.jpg (275x275, 22K)

Better than you it seems.

Camrip ends before the montage is over.


Do share your expertise on alien development.

>He crashes in a pod thing like Superman, and when he reaches a certain age the pod "activates" and starts fucking with his head. It keeps repeating this thing in an alien language to him over and over that he repeats and eventually translated into English as "Take the world".
>So it's like Dragonball where the aliens send off babies to planets to wipe out the local population

Pretty kino honestly. Has a decent cosmic horror/nightmare feel to it but made all the more tangible by giving it human form.

Attached: Anakin-Skywalker-anakin-skywalker-17185775-1024-768.jpg (1024x768, 139K)

It ends shortly after the credits begin. You do see a couple of scenes, such as him leveling buildings, news reporting about a mysterious flying being. I take it when the full credits are out we will see him do even more damage, such as wiping out cities and causing world panic.

Sent. ;)

>doesn't feel like a Gunn movie

So it have a chance to be good?

I don't even need to watch this. just from the trailer I can tell you. mom kills the kid in the end

>Doesn't really feel like a Gunn movie
He was doing fucked up shit long before goofy GotG shit.


Attached: 45567567.png (320x180, 63K)

I know someone will fall for this.

Attached: 1531724883003.jpg (1000x1000, 76K)

>It's the Superman origin story, but if he were a GAMER.

how fucking retarded are you? in what universe is what I posted bait? I'm telling you my guess for the ending. end your life retard

Honestly it's great having a movie that doesn't pull punches every once in a while. Fuck mutts and their need for happy endings always ruining good stories. Even Chronicle, which people keep bringing up in this thread, ended with the psycho kid getting put down while the "good" member of the group goes in a spiritual journey or some shit.

Fuck that shit, just show me the world ending already.

Attached: 1318951876268.jpg (702x600, 87K)

>endless spoilers ITT
>"hurr i'll pretend i didn't see any of them and make a completely wrong statement for (You)s"

lmfao, sounds like literal trash
superhero movies already have bad writing

>the pod "activates" and starts fucking with his head

>Gunn movie
>child gets mindfucked

checks out

Attached: gun05.jpg (675x249, 23K)


>dude what if we take Superman and make him evil
The sad thing is this is the most creative thing they can come up with

Not evil. Just realistic.

t. Zack Snyder

Don't listen to him, this movie is 110% redpilled.

>kid gets pushed too far by women and normies
>rises up
>changes the world forever

nice fucking quality rakesh

>t. panicking WB execs

Attached: maxlandisredditfault.jpg (1353x761, 97K)

kinography right there


don't insult me

>children expecting a cam to be 4k blu-ray copy

LMAO. Also the wasp thing could be a setup for an eldritch TWEEST in a sequel but probably not.

Attached: siege.jpg (1280x680, 121K)

Oh, now i can watch "Man of Steel" snydercut.

I forgot Badger was in this movie!

>"It's okay to give into your urges, when it comes to girls, sometimes."

>immediately starts harassing the girl in his classic

Fucking classic

>>"It's okay to give into your urges, when it comes to girls, sometimes."
>>immediately starts harassing the girl in his classic
>Fucking classic
Who are you talking about?

Meant "class" instead of classic the first time.

cancer detected

I feel like this either should have been way shorter, or focused more on the kid in the first half.

He's still b8ing!

Eh, not interested. I'll stick with worse films that appeal to my special interest.

>boys will be boys

should have stopped at "American"

But honestly Chronicle is really good. Possibly the only good thing Landis 2: The Sequel has done. Worth a watch if you keep in mind the context (this was before the capeshit boom, before DD and MBJ were big names). It's really creative with the way it is shot, you almost forget it's found footage when the superpowers come into play, and the characters get really creative with their powers. You get the sense that they'd have reality-warping potential if the story continued. Also it's the best "What if superheroes were real" story I've ever seen/read apart from Superman: Secret Identity

>likes Chronicle and Secret Identity

At least you're consistent with your shit taste

What didn't you like about SI? Chronicle I'll admit is a guilty pleasure for me, but I always considered SI was generally liked by readers.

It just loses me when it starts to break down its unique premise into something really generic and kinda formulaic. Like the last two issues are really uninspired compared to how the first two really tried to handle the premise.

The spiritual sequel "Batman: Creature of the Night" has been doing it so much better.

have sex

IIRC that dealt mostly with Old Man Clark dealing with fatherhood/new superheroes emering in the world. Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the off-screen worldbuilding they were doing and once the babies were born the fatherhood arc was really lackluster, especially compared to the first few issues of the story. I appreciate those last books more for the relationships between Clark and Lois and the FBI Agent.

>Batman: Creature of the Night
Haven't even heard of this. Will check it out, thanks user.