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I thought you were the turkey
that's insane
I'm eating dog leg...
>you will never put your dick in the dob
No wonder Jez turned out gay if he wasn't into doing this with Michelle. What a fag.
>series ends with the characters having nothing to show for their lives, their friends and love interests have all moved on, and age is rapidly catching up with them
Any movies for this feel?
My life.
Mark was a bit of a prick. All he needed to do was chill the fuck out and stop looking for "the one".
He had a flat in London for fucks sake. A 2 bed flat at that. In Croydon you pay £400,000+ for a property like that.
Fuck off Jeff
>I'll bring the massage oil
>Two turkeys? Wow Jez, you've exceeded all expectations
Markcucks need to fuck off. Jeff probably did Sophie in the arse while Mark was wanking himself off in WoW lol
>FHM have only gone and done a bloody sex issue
>could use my sauna line
>you'll never be a middle aged man giving Toni the hot dilf dick
After numerous rewatches my attitude towards Mark went from secondhand embarrassment to annoyance to realizing he deserved everything.
>They're thinking about doing another series
Please don't ;_;
How thick is wall?
>You get a van, Mark, we could be men with ven
You mean Mitchell and Webb or mark and jez?
Jesus can you imagine? Jez will probably transition and Mark would have gone full left in a bid to fit in only to realize that it's "the right side of history after all" or some shit.
>Ooooo this gravy is......tickety boo
>Little bit thick for your mother, she likes her fluids heavily diluted
That whole scene is a fucking masterpiece
give us your tv or we'll fucking rush ya
Is Crunchy Nut as expensive as I recall?
Boomer post
Jez is bald now.
yeah but it's pretty fucking good
Tbh they shouldn't have done anything past series 7. Series 6 even.
The quality drops so hard in S8 and barely recovers in S9. It went from a well written, witty show to a bad impression of itself near instantly.
I wouldn't mind a S10 if it had the same quality as the s2-5 years. Length was never the issue. If anything, the length and how little they grew would add to the comedy. The show went bad because it stopped understanding why it was funny.
Pure unadulterated comedic kino
If there are any amerifats reading this and you haven't seen Peep Show, go and watch it immediately
americans don't get the show entirely and never will
In a way peep show ran into a problem where they want their characters to have it really bad, but because they need to have six major stories happen to them a year their life ends up being quite eventful and socially active. Like the end of the episode is always a humiliating disaster but they still often experience good things in the middle of the episode.
That crack is really moreish
My unreleased biopic
I relate to this but then I remember the two actors are Oxford educated, rich and successful in real life and it makes me feel even more alone and lost tbqh
1-5 is absolute kino
6 is good but you can see the quality drop
Everything after just gets worse and worse
This was great but only partially resembled my experience serving alcoholics in a rural corner shop
Poor me, poor me...
Pour me another drink!
Up on the South Downs, a haversack full of Beck's? That's the dream, ain't it?
I couldn't bring myself to finish the series and it's my favorite of all time.
The megatron? No
This is Southern England. No one dies in Southern England!
I’ll assign you some slave drones. Milk them till they’re dead. We just need them sweating facts and shitting stats till D-Day.