Have sex.
well, I don't
What was there to forgive?
Literally the worst song I ever did head, worse than crazy frog even
That woman's breasts is very big
Hey, I'm a baboon
I'm like a man just less advanced and my anus is huge...
I was with you until your zoomer placement of the word "even."
Jews literally always do this kind of shit, where they underhandedly try to imply they're owed something and they're so gracious for not asking for what they imply they're owed.
I was flipping through the channels and started hitting some international networks. Landed on a channel that was showing some German show. Only hesitated because I thought it was funny that an Arab guy was speaking German to some big tit hooker. Anyway, found out the show is about some Turkish guy and trying to hook up with his white German girlfriend, or something. Germany deserves all it gets.
There are over a dozen such shows.
was soll der scheiß?
we don't forgive you America
Haha what if she showed her breast man wouldn't that be crazy
You basically just described all German television
So many Yea Forums cross posters
desu senpai we should have nuked german cities instead of Japanese ones..
not even memeing
remember when America was neutral and firmly against fighting in another a war in Europe?
Has there ever been a more dishonest music video?
god hates fags
read a history book
a lot
have sex chimp
That was part of a british disinformation campaign against germany, to imply the nazi leadership were all homosexuals.
They tried to capitalize on the fact the British people like cheeky stories
I'll never forgive
does that mean germans can stop making payments to the remaining halohoax survivors?
are germans responsible for all the wrong in the world?
>Burd grew up in an upper-middle-class Jewish family in the Elkins Park neighborhood of Cheltenham Township, on the north border of Philadelphia.[1]
>Burd says he initiated his rap career "simply to get attention comedically, so I could write movies, write TV shows and act". However, he "fell in love with rapping" and says he's "not leaving that game until [he's] proved [his] point".[7]
>Following the release of 32 songs and 15 music videos, Burd launched a Kickstarter, stating, "I've officially run out of money... In a nutshell, you are funding phase two of my rap career." The month-long crowdfunding period began on November 20, 2013, with the goal of raising $70,000 in order to enable Lil Dicky to create and produce more music, music videos, and go touring.[12][13] The Kickstarter well exceeded its target, raising $113,000.[14]
>rich jew jewed a bunch of idiots out of their money so he could use rap as a means of entering into a greater entertainment career.
>Burd says his musical inspirations are J. Cole, A$AP Rocky, Snoop Dogg, as well as Childish Gambino, whom he refers to "as a guy with similar aspirations."[24]
>Considers Donald Glover someone to emulate
this jew is pure cringe
>please buy my music and further my career goyim
is """global warming""" a new religion for post-religion secular zoomers and millennials?
>tfw when you're a rich, talentless upper class jew who only cares about making it in Hollywood who has no connection to the rap game but because you're a part of the tribe and a number of music companies are owned by kikes you can stand on stage with actual rappers and pretend you deserve to be there
"""science""" in general is (except the science that conflicts with their worldview)
Ive never seen anyone mention that the german
guy has shit on his mouth.
Yeah we love China, India and Africa just keep pouring out that pollution and massive populations. "We forgive you Germany " what is that even supposed to mean?. If he is talking about climate change i think the Germans have done more good on that part .
>The theory of empiricism is plausible because it assumes that accuracy about small matters prepares the way for valid judgment about large ones. What happens, however, is that the judgments are never made. The pedantic empiricist, buried in his little province of phenomena, imagines that fidelity to it exempts him from concern with larger aspects of reality.
This book really changed my view of "scientists" and other "specialists"
looks really comfy
burning all those ovens increased our carbon footprint
Losing the war.
I love how the kike really tailored this against the right wing he hates so much. Your pilpul doesn't work on anyone you dumb jew.
He is a jew user. Their worldview revolves around whatever has benefited or wronged them directly, hence the "we forgive you germany".
Germans actually extended the life of the Empire.
you're just jealouse because you don't have the high verbal IQ to be a successful rapper.
Going to Frankfurt next week what should I expect?
Of all the things rappers have been accused of, being high IQ is not one of them.
>"nazis are bad because they were evil racist homophobes"
>"um actually sweetie Hitler was a quarter-black quarter-Jewish gay man"
Remember when (((FDR))) knew the Japanese would bomb pearl harbor but let 3000 servicemen die anyways?
>"...contempt for the degradation of specialization and pedantry. Specialization develops only part of a man; a man partially developed is deformed."
>illegally invading
Someone should add them wiping out the Prussians
Imagine going through the hell that was the Eastern Front of WWII only to have your image used as a shitpost on how much you dabbed on young fraus more than half a century later.
holy fuck based (((lil dicky)))
I like how it forces it's way to the top recommendation when I search music, both incognito and otherwise.
I live in Frankfurt, pretty alright city if you have money. If you like Japanese shit there's a pretty big Japanese community since all the tech companies and banks have their HQs in Frankfurt.
Take a Rhine cruise if the weather permits and go see the black forest, really nice castles all around the Rhine and the black forest is pretty.
I wonder who would hate germans enough to make this image?
Reminder: If it weren't for FDR, 40% of your taxes wouldn't go to feeding Shaniqua and her 8 kids
Thanks user, it's more of a business related trip so I don't know if I'll have enough time to check everything out. We are planning to have a hike in the forest though
What? Gonna need some context because FDR was a massive subversive faggot. He was near LBJ levels.
Based FDR knew how shit battleships are and let the Japs sink them
the rumors came first from his war buddies
Fucking grow up
being jew enablers
>t. seething discord tranny constantly obsessing about "the evil straight white cis males that control and opress everything"
are germans really that fat and stupid looking?
none other than the ghost of Charles V
wtf this video makes me support a green new deal now?!??
>Be Germans
>Never contribute anything worthwhile to Europe despite being known for working hard
>Also somehow end up causing or being a major reason for some major event that always seems to negatively impact Europe
>Somehow a certain groups always benefits whenever Krauts ongo bonga
I'm starting to notice a pattern here lads, its like somebody tells the Germans to cause the most destruction as humanly possible which allows a certain group to always be involved in the inevitable "reconstruction". I wonder which group it is though.
based discord tranny poster
During the Civil Rigjts era he purposefully (like most before him) have gimmedats to Blacks so that he’d “have those niggers voting democrat for the next hundred years”
Have you seen Merkel?
essentially FDR set up the welfare in the United States while Johnson massively expanded it. Also FDR fully embraced Keynesian economics which is essentially doing a bunch of sort term plans without any longterm planning which people are starting to realize is a fucking horrible idea.
At least since modernity they even became saviors of communism. Twice one in 1917 and then during WWII.
A majority of known classical music from Mozart to Handel to Beethoven to Wagner is German. The entirety of western music owes it's existence to the Germans, could you please fuck off already Chaim?
well since it's a business trip and you might not be able to go far from Frankfurt or Hessen/Westfalen/Rheinland in general figure out if there are any local festivals going on. Those three states are covered in small villages and it's pretty easy to find local festivals or fairs going on pretty much any time of the year
>t-t-they produced some music goy, thats enough to make up the fact they keep destroying you
Nice try kike, but I know the true purpose of your German lapdogs
It's funny how people can see Germans as the bad guys of Europe when France was doing the same shit, and then Britain was actively destabilizing Europe in the 1700s to avoid a competitor from the continent, and Venice was actively undermining European kingdoms and crusades for profit- oh wait hold up, it's almost like they're all trash.
Why would he even be in that mv?
It's funny that this is probably a non German European accusing germans of being Jewish puppets. Classic projection.
I forgive Hitler, too. He lost the war, but he fought the good fight.
My normie roommate blasted this in the car so loud today that he couldn't hear his fiancee ask three times to turn the AC off her feet
cringe and normiepilled
Germany doesn't require forgiveness, kike.
>has nothing to argue with
>y-y-your just projecting goy
Kraut lovers are always pathetic, they always have to make up a narrative yet it always back fires since anybody who even has a shared history with Germany knows they are just savages
you whites sure do hate each other.
it feels good to be jewish
We did this to them bro.
no tears now Chaim
>I forgive Hitler,
He deserves to burn in hell. Caused a pointless war that resulted in millions of White deaths and gave birth to decades of white guilt still seen today.
>blaming Germans for the fall of the Western Roman Empire when it was the empire itself that anhero'd
>blaming Germans for the fall of Byzantium when it was the Pope's fault for schism that split Chalcedonian Christianity and Venetians who dropped of mostly French levies from mostly french counties and duchies
also >implying the Western and Eastern Roman Empires would have ever helped one another.
The Byzantine emperors were notorious for paying off raiding hordes of Slavs/Nords/Germans and sending them off to attack the West instead. In fact, during multiple sieges of Rome and later Ravenna the Western Emperors pleaded for aid from the East and were insulted, ignored, or best of all, were sent token "I'm sorry, but we're busy." gifts.
>blaming German's for Protestantism when the Catholic Church itself was corrupt as fuck and unwilling to make changes until after Thirty Years' War
World War 1 was stupid and hitler is a fag. Though to be fair the German Emperor thought he could convince Great Britain to fight on his side or stay out completely.
I thought Willie was an Anglo-eater at least since 1890s. I forgot what it was but something changed his opinion on them. Knowing him probably something to do with his mother.
>completely loses the argument
Nice try kike, but you can't suppress the truth this time
>implying Merkel isn't a saint who did the right thing
>implying the optics of having brown people die en masse at the German border wouldn't have created a fundamental moral crisis that would have created a cloud over the legitimacy and morality of the modern German state given the past history
So you agree the jews are cancer ruining media?