
It's the most kino Bond film.
Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Best video game movie of all time definitely

For me it's The Man with the Golden Gun

Attached: man_with_the_golden_gun_UKquad2.jpg (1800x1367, 1.59M)

>it is best video game so it is best movie
retard opinions

That isn't Skyfall

Attached: that bond list image.png (790x1250, 1.12M)

It's Octopussy

Not even the best Brosnan film

Attached: tomorrow.jpg (600x249, 33K)

tnd & sky lower

It doesn't hold up. If you try to play multiplayer, the frame rate drops to 5 frames a second. Put off your nostalgia goggles

fuck you quantum of solace was easily one of the most entertaining bond films

Attached: FilleChé-2274_05.jpg (1024x683, 132K)

but it can't possibly be? It doesn't have pic related in it.

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>impossible to follow quick-cutting of battle scenes
>half the time you can't even see what the fuck is going on
>drain the fucking water supply is the motive

it really was not though


Based and redpilled

It was short and sweet at least, the other Craig films dragged.

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>for your eyes only in anything but shit tier

It had prime Famke

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>mfw when Xenia's legs choke a man

It's the best Pierce Brosnan Bond film yeah, but it's a step below the likes of the first three films and a few others. It's a good film though.

Attached: James Bond Goldeneye.webm (1258x522, 2.76M)

I liked it.

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Tank chase was brilliant

>when she's got bond between those thighs and she's screaming wildly while Bond tries to break free
I was entering puberty and that scene fucking changed me on the spot.

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Use deh bumpa, sat's vat idz foah!

Attached: james bond-3.webm (1280x720, 453K)

play goldeneye source

Attached: james bond goldeneye for england.webm (1268x532, 2.02M)

Tank Bond

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What are some other post-cold war films?

Attached: GOLDENEYE_t00.mkv_snapshot_00.34.56_[2016.07.15_17.52.51].jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Dark Knight

Every movie after the cold war.

Both of Dalton's Bond films - The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill.

Attached: james bond living daylights.webm (720x306, 2.7M)

if you could EMP a country

would you really do the bongs in ?

I'd hit the fucking frogs

Attached: Goldeneye 1995 [1080p].mp4_snapshot_01.48.54_[2016.10.22_11.18.24].jpg (1920x818, 173K)

Either Israel or Israel Jr.

Goldeneye's soundtrack is a plebfilter. Some of the most unique music I've ever heard and it all set the tone perfectly.

I thought /T.V./ was a pratrishin forum.
Diamonds Are Forever is /Best_Bond

Why'd she do it Bros?

and why did she seem like a completely different woman in golden eye. didn't even realise she was Xenia when I saw her play the tranny on nip tuck and Jean Grey in xmen

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can someone tell me what bond's plan was with the remote mine? did he know Alec would disarm it? why did he have the guards shoot holes into the tank?

Attached: Goldeneye 1995 [1080p].mp4_snapshot_01.50.11_[2016.10.22_11.22.11].jpg (1920x818, 84K)

was getting captured part of your plan ?

you lads are all right

of course

don't go to Severnaya tomorrow

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I would eat corn kernels from her shit

Live and Let Die and From Russia With Love are God tier

Well congratulations, you got yourself caught. Now what's the next step of your master plan?

True for FRWL though not sure about Live and Let Die being God tier.

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Hitting women is based.

Star wars games don't count?


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I have no intention of proving you wrong, because your assertion is correct.

Only when it's absolutely necessary.

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I didn't remember anythign the next day

If they had any brains they'd give the edgy Bond a rest and go back to this kind of shit after 25, exactly the right kind of tone.

Attached: james-bond-25-cast-jamaica-film-launch.jpg (2000x1333, 894K)

This was the best part.

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I just get the impression Craig and Barbara Broccoli are fucking in secret.

3 N I P P L E S

When did that come out? I remember them talking about it years ago and then it just fell off my radar.

tecmo super bowl

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I'd say Broccoli probably bangs every Bond and Bond-hopeful, part of the job

If it was still the 90s I'd agree with you. But then TTT and RotK came out on PS2/GC/Xbox.

I too grew up with Goldeneye, it was my first real James Bond movie and I loved the game.

A shame what happened to Rare, a great British developer fucked over by Microsoft. For me though, along with Goldeneye, it was Killer Instinct.

Why did Craig always looked like he had a stick up his ass (and was enjoying it)?

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KI Gold's theme song was great.

>tfw parents bought KI: Gold, Shadows of the Empire and Diddy Kong Racing for my brothers and I's Christmas presents one year.
>tfw brother got mad at me because our cousins wanted to watch me play SotE instead of playing KI

Attached: Ed boy.gif (500x377, 498K)

Pretty good. The recent American made Killer Instinct has a good remixed theme.

I really liked how your ultra combos in that one would be to the beat of the level you were playing on.

ok incel
(Sean Connery looks cool doing it though, bitch deserved it)

God I hope Dan Stevens is next in line.

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Fight scene kino

Never Say Never Again is shit. It even recycles the plot of Thunderball

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>skyfall in meh tier
shit opinion

OP is correct!!!FACT!!!

Also, I suck cocks.