What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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artificial personality of main character
complete redesign of son
no interesting side characters
No interesting settings

several surprisingly good stories, but like every show that follows episodic tropes, if the characters aren't there neither is the crowd

a lot...

It didn't need to exist

This. Nobody asked for it

You don't think african Americans should be represented on television?

they picked the least interesting support character from FG
we could have Leisure Suite Quagmire or C.O.P.S. spoof with Joe, but we got nogs instead

It didn't air on BET/animal planet.

There's no reason to have Family Guy: But Blacks because one Family Guy is already too much saturation, let alone two.

It was a better version of both Family Guy and American Dad. pure comedy, no lessons, no fake feelings, it's great except for Rallo
best part is the "i'm using a young boy for sex" song


as a brit i will never understand the cringefest that is american culture

American Dad in it's prime is better than Family Guy and Cleveland Show. Hell, even TBS era American Dad is better.

then you clearly haven't watched it or are one of those weird redditfolk who love the crutch character Roger
Roger ruins every episode he's in, but they use him for every fucking excuse plot

Weak bait.

So you don't think african americans should be represented on television? You Nazi bastard!

show was decent people are just weird about them being black. really had some funny moments.
for me its the freight train mystery episode.



>Lad, they're all Muslim
There, translated it for you.

The show's better than people give it credit for. I won't go out of my way to watch it, but I enjoyed it when it came on randomly. The side characters like Cleveland's friends are pretty weak compared to American Dad or Family Guy though.

Nothing. It's brilliant and on my list of essential chillout kino.

it didnt sneed to exist