>All main female characters have sex in the last 2 seasons except for the hottest one
All main female characters have sex in the last 2 seasons except for the hottest one
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Arya already had sex
She'll become a spinster.
but best girl melly didn't either
Because she is too busy playing The Game of Thrones
Except she had sex with her beloved husband Lord Ramsay Bolton, castellan of the Dreadfort, lord of Winterfell and warden of the North.
have sex
Implying she did not renew her marriage with little pinky.
How many times did she cum getting raped?
but then who will rule Winterfell in the next generation? one of them has to have kids
I heard girls cum as a defense mechanism when being raped? Is this true? whats the science behind this?
More than once I guarantee it. She probably still schlicks thinking about him fucking her in the ass, while she sucked off his dogs.
As if in a lawless setting males court females instead of brute forcing
It wasn’t rape, they were married
do you think she...?
it decreases friction
he has an unborn child with her?
Rape has been part of human evolution for thousands of years. truth is, some women do achieve orgasm through rape. Many women experience different things during and after rape. It's so primal and not fully understood, but there is a level of instinct in some women to just take it and the body then reacts with an orgasm.
because she has a bad attitude
guys can cum when raped too. Orgasms aren't purely psychological. Rub the thing with nerve endings enough and an orgasm will happen
Wow... Just wow
Kill yourself you fucking incel
It isn't a defense mechanism, that's just how it's rationalized because people can't handle the idea that sometimes the body wants what the brain doesn't. From an evolutionary standpoint it isn't surprising at all, really, as orgasm in females literally exists to encourage their mate to cum inside and impregnate them and touchy feely romance around sex is a relatively new thing.
Based motherfucker triggering faggots like this who can't take a (decent) joke
it's a defense mechanism in the sense that getting wet means your genitals don't get wrecked by a violent rapist going in dry who isn't going to care about how lubricrated you are. better to risk pregnancy than to risk infertility from a genetic standpoint.
She wasn't raped it was just rough sex that she used to play the #MeToo card
>decreases friction
>spasmodically tightens vaginal muscles around penis to encourage male orgasm
Pick one, fren.
she's not even top 3
That bitch had the same facial expression in 8 fuckin seasons! We are on a Jennifer Lawrence level of "acting", jesus christ...
The body doesn't have conscious thoughts of its own. It doesn't think to itself, "Right, about to get raped, better lube up so we aren't damaged," it response to external stimuli. You can rationalize it as a defense mechanism but what it actually is is the body's unconscious reaction to sexual activity. Again, the brain doesn't like it but the body doesn't know any better and is just responding as it's designed to in order to facilitate pregnancy.
she didn't have time to peg theon before he died
now she's volcel
She tried to bang Sandor but his autism blocked the attempt.
lmao she knows she fucked up and she's trying so hard to find someone to tell her other wise.
it's accompanied by vaginal discharge have sex friendo
Alpha fucks beta bucks
it's a mix. Your internal thoughts and feelings can absolutely influence your body, but not necessarily in the way you desire. It's the same reason experience meditative monks can raise their body temperature at will snopes.com
Go put on a glove, spit in your hand and start jacking off. Then spit in your hand more and continue jacking off but tighten your grip. Sexual experience aside if you can't wrap your head around this concept you might be legitimately retarded.
it's not like the vagina clamps shut have sex at least once and you'd know this
>body responds to rape in the same way it responds to consensual sex
>must be a defense mechanism
This is your argument. There is nothing logical about that conclusion.
What was going on in this scene? Isn’t right after dany legitimizes Gendry, and then it shows Jon smiling and then Sansa looking totally disgusted. Why the fuck we should care if Gendry got legitimized, or if Jon looks happy with dany?
>it's not like the vagina clamps shut
No, as stated above it spasmodically tightens to encourage male orgasm and ensure pregnancy. Read a book.
Joe or whichever Jonas she's dating refused her haing a nude sex scene while they were daiting
whatever guy, just never say any of that to someone in real life
Even the quiet nerdy girl in your class?
>when he could have just linked the harvard study
This seems related to how you choose to believe the explanation that makes you the least uncomfortable.
She killed literally the one guy who was attracted to her goblin face
dude books won't help you if you've never had sex before I don't know what the fuck you're trying to argue with me about hell even if you're incapable of convincing a girl you could rape someone and you'd learn about it all the same go away incel
What caused shansha to get so moon-faced? She's not fat, but her face is w i d e and it's quite disturbing when compared to how she looked in the earlier seasons.
People said something about this due to acting like a slag and boozing too often, but is that actually true? I knew plenty of retarded dudebros and slags in college and they didn't have constant puffy moonfaces
Sansa isn't hot in the slightest, she's also pretty dumb, and doesn't actually do anything throughout the TV series, just watches as other people do things for her. At least caitlyn carried a knife.
too smart for sex
>gf of 2 years with 0 sex
i choose to believe this isn't real
You disagreed with me, but in place of an argument you choose to insult me instead. If you have an argument, present it and we can discuss it like adults. If I've said something you disagree with refute it with your words rather than sperging out because someone online disagrees with you.
I don't need to present an argument because I'm not trying to argue against objective reality
>my opinion is objective reality because I say it is, I don't need to back my claims up with reasonable assertions or evidence
How old are you, out of interest?
old enough to have sex
If the vagina legitimately does tighten when getting raped, which I fully believe because he's arguing the point while you're sperging out, then he's objectively correct and you're just too dumb to understand the implications.
>have sex poster
Figures. You had me for a minute there.
I get it a woman's body has a way of shutting the whole thing down
Sansa a cute, get out faggot
Well no, her body encourages it. That's the point.
that is the point I know I've had sex before I know how it works
Pick one.
If Dany does it to Jon she loses all power that she has.
Season 3 sansa was cute. Not anymore.
So we agree that the body encourages both rape and sex because it regards rape the same as sex. So why are you getting all bootyblasted to the point you can't even keep what strawman you're arguing against straight?
You seem pretty slow. Maybe if you get raped some more you'll figure out what's going on instead of all this incoherent denial.
Are you self aware enough to know that you're now stating what you were originally arguing against?
I don't think you are able to follow the thread properly nowhere did I say that
Forgot to trade mark that boy, you about to get the tax
Serious question now: are you legit retarded mentally somehow?
I don't think it's all that wide. The only abnormal looking thing to me is the giraffe neck.
What are you on about? Jon isn't a bastard.
My fucking dick
sure thing friend
im hard right now
The thing is, in real life Sophie Turner looks damn fine.
How do you think coke bloat mcfatfuck is the most attractive person on the show
she has a man trace and looks like a tranny.
7 billion people on the earth. Is it really that extreme to believe this could happen? nah
I don't really see what's wrong with this, the guy seemed to have treated her like she was a wax doll and rather than ask for it clearly, give ultimatum or anything he tries to play hard to get like a little princess.
He's either turbo uggo or he fucked up real bad.
This is why you can't trust women for their word. Of course the guy was a weak ass beta male.
All women are deep down sluts (like men).
They want to spread their legs open and get treated like a dirty whore. They just don't want to do it
Was it sex?
How is not wanting to manipulate your girlfriend for sex a bad thing? Assuming she was waiting for marriage or whatever it would have made sense, but she's clearly an idiot who would have likely cheated anyways.
lol look at this white knight
>How is not wanting to manipulate your girlfriend for sex a bad thing?
That's what he tried, he probably hoped she would fuck him and beg him to stay and realized his mistake later.
While it seems that he never was upfront about leaving her if they never fucked, and is it hard to believe that someone would want to fix what caused a break up.
Honestly, she's probably your average XXIth century thots but the guy seems like an unreliable and immature bitch.
>your average XXIth century thot
>not having sex for 2.5 year
are you seriously that retarded
She's 16, legal in my state
She had sex with the first person who showed interest in her after their break up, she clearly a slut.
it's not that simple. women require male attention far more than we require theirs, if they're not being pursued or in some kind of a sexual relationship they freak out. she had a great thing going, a little beta bitch boy who didn't even demand sexual gratification from her, all she had to do was refuse his occasional halfhearted requests, which she obviously did and kept doing because nobody's attracted to a worm that will take that kind of treatment. she was drunk on her own power and got a rude awakening when he broke it off--the world suddenly became a terrifying place. at no point during any of this was she thinking consciously about the ramifications of her own actions, which is normal for women. so naturally she responded to that flood of unpleasant emotions by seeking solace on the first cock which presented itself, some guy at work who very obviously was the unscrupulous and unabashedly predatory sort of pussy hound, a pussy weasel if you will. and she's only now beginning to comprehend how bad she fucked up her own meaningless life. not a legitimate slut, just a depressingly typical young female retard. the lesson of this whole thing is to not be that loser of a boyfriend she was with haha
because the rape
>the hottest one
i dunno, ask bran
something something strong women
something something penis envy
She's obviously a lying slut who wanted to whore around while still being able to tell her friends that she's in a solid relationship.
She never wanted to fuck him. She just used him as her "boyfriend" to feel better about her pitiful self.
But god damn imagine being in a relationship for 2+ years and ZERO sex.
This guy must've been the ultimate beta cuck.
Hot damn
It's true though. She agreed to marry him.
the crypt defender
*intro plays*
I agree, couldn't we have gotten one last flash from Clarice?? Gods her tits we're great then
Name a hotter character. You can't, faggy.
white people aren't allowed to have kids you racist fuck!
because she's ugly
Melisandre and its not close
Because he's a filthy fucking peasant and those things are disgusting.
white people are allowed to have kids you fuckin incel but their partner has to be black so the kid will be nigger enough to be a brainlet and don’t ask questions but not nigger enough to complain and riot
Did she and Littlefinger fuck?
>Hey Jamie pull up that video of Sansa getting raped
>Man that orgasm will melt her face off
Maybe if you're competing in the seniors department.
The defense mechanism is showing the slut that she indeed does want chads cock
Melisandre > Missandei > Dany > Arya > Sansa
why yes I am a manlet
oh my god i hate women
Margaery, Missandei, Melisandre.
Funny that they all have names that start with a M, though.
She wouldn't fuck the Imp and have wolf/lion hybrids
Newfags don't know the Taking a Break entry from Encyclopedia Dramatica,
Your logic is fucking retarded please kys.
Women are garbage
because sansa sees dany’s action for exactly what it was: a power play, a political assurance that this war hero and prominent noble from a highly-regarded family will be under her thumb for the rest of his life. sansa recognises that and is appalled at the blatancy of it. one of the few well-written scenes this season.
I just woke up from a dream.I was with dany and we were driving to lannisport from kl on some road.We fugged like 3 times and also licked her clit but in one of those lickings I was chewing on some food and she got pissy that I'm not licking.
Note she was younger and very petite in the dream,also very tight.
The view was nice in westerlands.
>and I'm a stannisfag
>All main female characters have sex in the last 2 seasons except for the hottest one
Because Bella Ramsey is still underage.
have sex
Dead, and she wasn't.
Not her true form.
Stannis seemed fine with it
> Hottest
> Salsa Stark
Yeah, not even top ten.
>says "I do"
pick one
She knows she can't get better than this
I guess I'm crazy, because I think Sansa is gorgeous, especially this season. I can't believe how many people think she's ugly. Are these women?
no you just dig the alcohol swilling anglo slag aesthetic, good for you i guess. there's a little island nation in the north atlantic you should visit
I looked the user up, it's a FtM. Sorry boys.
so she's larping as a dude but still getting fucked by older men? i don't get it
oh shit I got that around the wrong way. I meant MtF
She belongs to Jon. Everyone is getting paired up now except her. Do you think this was a coincidence?
Everything about Ramsey's character is maximum cringe.
Im so over women, tonight I went on a first date and she complained about this guy she was hooking up with "sexually abused" her and that she was always tired and bruised and beaten when she would see him. After bitching about it for 10 minutes, she started blushing and giggling that it was "abusive but in a good way"
She told me all this was on a FIRST DATE ...I played it cool because I still plan on fucking her,but the more I think about what she said, the more disgusted I become, she is hot but I'm leaning towards ghosting her
>She told me all this was on a FIRST DATE
the was in that sentence is a typo
I haven't had a conversation with a woman in 8 years, that is all.
She's talking about her exes during your first date? You're not gonna fuck her. Also, why the fuck did you let the conversation go there? You should know to never let her stir conversation to sensivite topics like past relationships or whatever stupid shit happened in her past.
don't listen to this user She is signaling to you that she likes it rough
why is there so many Sansa threads on Yea Forums why is this board so obsessed with her
She got raped. Killed sex for her.
Melly raped Gendry and birthed a shadow baby, that was enough after that
Dany belongs to reddit and Arya is a goblin. Sansa is the only one left, and since tumblr was nuked she was unclaimed. She's /ourgirl/ now.
incels obsess over whatever woman is in their capeshit
It kind of is though.
A woman that is aroused by rape is more likely to "go along" with being raped, and thus more likely to survive and reproduce.
A woman that isn't aroused by rape is more likely to struggle and be killed or beaten, and thus less likely to survive and reproduce.
Over time evolution selects for women that are aroused by rape.
For most of human history rape was common, it's only in the last century or so that it has become a major concern in wartime. I mean as recently as WW2 you had widespread rape going on with advancing armies.
>failing for obvious bait
>thinking that was a joke
guess again who's the faggot
>You're not gonna fuck her
why do you say this? she is literally sleeping at my place tomorrow night