/got/ S8E5 LEAK: let's hear it for /ourguy/

He will kill Cersei when he learns the bun in her oven is not his. This will more than likely cause a big shitstorm on Twitter since the episode airs on Mother's Day in the USA.

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This isn't a leak. It's just speculation

Mechanic here. I'm stealing that line.

This is the worst character on the show, change my mind

You're right though. I almost dropped the show when his shit character started being forced on us.
Instead I dropped it for other reasons

if jaime doesnt kill cersei this will officially be the absolute worst ending to a series ever

he's up there
i don't find him intimidating or threatening in the least. i figured he was just a comic relief character but i think you're supposed to be like "woah look out, it's euron"
very bad casting. the actor looks like a pussy. and his outfits are weak too. and at least give him a full beard. anything but that. the guy has chipmunk cheeks and a pretty weak chin. he's never going to look like a tough guy in the face. forget about the half-lazy eye. the guy just looks like a chump

actually yeah he is the worst character

>he doesn't like teleporting ships

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Nah that's the entitled ugly smug bitch Dennis.

He isn't even that

That's not Talisa

Honestly, he doesnt jave much reason to trust Cersie or even have her at this point honestly Euron betrayal would be kino

>i figured he was just a comic relief character
in the books he's not!

what? how was talisa even remotely offensive

The show was already becoming shit without him, Adding him in only improved things just by being a madlad that makes the plebbit crowd angry.

>He likes D&D's rape of original Euron
cringe and bluepilled

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Every character in the show is one note, but his is the loudest

why did they cast a pug-faced man?

>Adding him in only improved things
it really didn't. and what a shame too i loved the greyjoy culture in the books

Yeah that ugly mutt whore was unbearable and we were supposed to believe she was sooo hot she made Robb forsake his promise

he's not even the Euron from the books, they should've changed his name if they were going to rewrite everything anyway

He's literally just Trevor from GTA if he were in GoT.

>blue lips
>muh magic
>dragon horn
>valyrian steel armor
>people have the audacity to call show Euron a Pirates Of The Caribbean character
have sex sweety

Some ramdom girl who's "witty and clever" travelling alone but is not murdered and raped and is also a lady somehow? I mean how did they know she's an actual highborn? What is this bullshit?

gynaecologist here. I'm stealing that line.

because he looks like a real man

The character's OK, but his fleet doing whatever the plot needs at any given moment whether it makes any sense or not is shit.

RIP your license

I'm a plumber. I'm stealing that line

UK Defense minister here. I'm stealing that line.

why are all the e-personalities turning on the show now ?
seasons 5, 6 and 7 were way worse than this

If they were going to give Euron such a big part they should have kept Euron and Victarion and cast MUCH better actors. He's just an even more obnoxious Ramsay at this point.

Watch him kill Rhaegal again. You're welcome.

if they were going to combine him with Victarion, use Victarion since it's a cooler name

Mob mentality

Okay, that one wins.


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>he thinks Stannis is coming back
Tyrion wins and makes it a republic, you know this to be true


>Literally the gamzee of got
Seeing him constantly break logic and generally just fucking with ever major character in this trainwreck is fucking kino. Literally /ourguy/

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sneed here. just wanted to let you know I like to suck and fuck. sometimes I ive just found my favorite toy in porn...mmmmmmm and sometimes I want to start my anal fantasy. that's where my friends come in. there are two ways in which you can enjoy a blowjob. you can just sit back and enjoy, or you can use one of your fingers. or you can just try it and see for yourself. i am happy to introduce you to them, because in addition to being a horny stud, i am also a dirty slut. today's job requires me to suck the big cock of my favorite MILF, and she doesn't let me go until I have given her everything i could possibly want. she demands it. and I am going to give it to her like she demands me. and when I say give, you can bet that i am going to treat this cock like my own. i am going to swallow each and every drop of cum from this huge dick, until it is as hard

Jon dies

Anyone else hate Dany but think her fall from grace is too contrived? Like shit the girl couldn't have just "forgotten" about the Iron fleet, she's an entitled bitch but she's not that retarded

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You live by the shit writing, you die by the shit writing.

Remember when Cersei was her own character instead of the show version of fAegon?

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Balloon elasticity and expansion overseer here, I'm stealing that line

No one can because he is garbage. Sad thing is if he'd been book euron he would be a solid end of show final boss.

You forgot the things the fat fuck decided to add in "The Forsaken"
>a pedophile who raped and killed his younger brothers
>wants to kill all the gods and become a god himself
>fucks women until they're pregnant, then mutilates them alive
Book Euron up to and including ADWD was an anime character but tolerable. Good thing that TWOW is never going to be published because this 7edgy6me shit sounds like something written by an angsty school shooter.

t. David Benioff

I can't believe how great this season has turned out to be kek
It's like the reverse TLJ
Who could've known those two Jews fucking over their show to go work on Star Wars after Rian destroyed that franchise would bring us all this hilarity?

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More boar, your wine?

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When they cut her hair and she started dressing like a sith lord I knew there was nothing left of that character.

Book Euron it's kino you fucking spergs.

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Darth Cersei is kino though.

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t. dabid fag

discord .gg/QZDfEWN


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quints get

discord .gg/QZDfEWN

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Is all the leak spamming from HBO shills or just autism?

quints roll

discord. gg/QZDfEWN

Fishing boat captain here. I'm stealing that line.

quints roll 2: electric boogaloo

discord.gg /QZDfEWN

Discord is gay and no one but trannies and furries use it.

Quints roll 3, i really want it ok

>spends years learning that she can't just ride in with dragons and make people obey her
>actually burning people with dragons is the only thing that works
>actually that's bad again
What did they mean by this?

what a twist!!

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I am a fireproofing and fire caulking inspector, and I am stealing that line.

Niggers, niggers. Under the sea the niggers are white as snow, I know, I know, oh, oh, oh.

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The leak already said she isn't really pregnant and lied from the beginning to even Tyrion.

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>Rhaegal and Viserion didn't even get into any battles
>Drogon saw action once
why did dany think that her dragons were her trump cards again?

get ready lad

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nth for littlefinger isn't dead

That’s a pretty pleb opinion. I think 8 seems better because our expectations are literally rock bottom now. Back when season 5 and 6 were on air I expected better so was more thoroughly disappointed.

Memes here, I'm meming that meme


what's the matter? don't you wanna get

this is the only correct leak

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>Dany starts attacking KL, fight is one sided, her dragon has some stupid new armor that's apparently resistant against everything
>there's a scene of Cersei talking to her magician dude, they talk about how "it's time soon", mention something about a signal
>they are then shown going into some secret tunnel that leads underground
>more scenes of Dany fucking over the Gold Company, shortly after the surrender bells are shown ringing
>Dany seems upset but ultimately tries to stop her troops, yet suddenly there are huge explosions involving wildfire all around the city
>Dany looks confused, her companions look at her and seem terrified, especially Jon
>they all think she's responsible for the explosions but it's heavily implied that the wildfire was a trap set by Cersei and the bells were the final signal to set it off
>some scenes of KL burning, this is when Cleganebowl happens
>Arya is also there and helps some peasants escape from the fire or some shit
>scene of Cersei underground, apparently that's when Jaime finds her.
>Jaime begs her to hurry up and leave the city with him, she then confesses to him that she was the one responsible for the wildfire
>he gets angry and stabs her but realizes what he's done right afterwards
>breaks down in tears hugging her dead body, the ceiling collapses above them
>Jon meets Dany in the throne room, looking furious. He says he can't swear his loyality to a tyrant and draws his sword
>they stare at each other, the whole encounter heavily mirroring the one between Jaime and Cersei
>it looks like Jon is about to kill Dany but then he drops his sword on the ground, saying he can't do it
>Dany then confesses to him that she's pregnant
>Jon breaks down in tears because he almost killed the love of his life and his unborn child
>Jon goes back to the wall as "punishment" for what he almost did to Dany
>final scene is Jon coming back to the throne room with Ghost on his side and meeting Dany who holds their newborn baby, smiling at him

>peter bealish turns up with an army from the erie and riverlands and fucks them up

If this is true and Jaime doesn't kill Cersei this will be the most retarded thing in the entire show.
Subverting a lot of build up, foreshadowing and even a prophecy that has proved otherwise true is NOT ENTERTAINMENT. This is just terrible writing and a severe disappointment.

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Bran being under utilized is a red herring. In the coming episodes Bran summons up his strength and wargs into Drogon and is smothered by a pillow. Egg is Moon.

Pool installer here. I am stealing that line.


gary stu faggot villain, comes out of nowhere and lays waste to everything then dies, not because he fucked up or some shit but because the writers decided he dies so the good guys can win. Also if he kills cersei it denies catharsis to the starks or anyone else for all the torment she has levied against them.

I hope it happens, fuck twitter

I'm tired lads

I can't wait for this show to be over

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This is the most r*ddit ending imaginable.

Why do you faggots still come up eith these autistic theories? There are 2 episodes left, youre kidding yourself if you think jew and jew would do anything moderately elaborate.

But the other user stole my last scene

My word people!
After Blackfish was killed by a couple of lannister shits, you are still thinking this shit is worth watching anymore?

>I loved the greyjoy culture
Ironniggers are the worst

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>Euron rapes your wife
>you beat her to a pulp and toss her into the sea instead
>travel all the way to Essos just to be used as sacrificial meat when that Dragonbinder horn is used
Is there a bigger cuck than Victarion?

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Soviet nuclear power planet technician here. I'm stealing that line.

Hes barely a character. Has almost no screentime or development, what makes him based is that despite all that the few bits he gets hes always shitting on the main characters.
>steal the iron fleet and fuck with Yara and Theon
>thumbs up Cerseis bum
>noscope a dragon
Its always great when he shows up.

All the main heroes fly away from the Iron Bank on the back of a dragon.
Big explosions. The whole fucking castle is on fire n shit.
Good guy who you thought was the bad guy reveals he's the good guy and dies in the arms of the hero.
Nevile kills the snek with a magic sword.
Harry snaps the wand in half.
They all live happily ever after

Unfortunately it is now canon that he is a cuck. Poor guy never had a chance.
>my wifes son

Is he a champion of the Great Other?

Based Neville of Longbottom Hill

But, but, Dinklage is the elf. An angry elf.

>dany sometimes uses violence
>hurr durr mad queen, just like dad

>blonde hair blue eyes
Its still a white power kid so whats the diff?

>Bronn kind of forgot that he loved gold

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I thought the leaks were that Arya kills Cersei while wearing Jaime’s face and Danaerys goes on a killing spree with the dragon at Kings Landing until everyone decides she is unfit to rule and kills her