Uhhhh.........not cool

Uhhhh.........not cool.....

Attached: louis.jpg (474x474, 82K)

Based Nigtler

Attached: kik.jpg (634x516, 68K)

Farrakhan btfo the Jews for 30 years I'm amazed hes still alive

oy vey

i dont even get how this is controversial. of course hitler was a great man he rose from nothing and for better or worse ended up being the most influential person of the 20th century

>noun, plural greats, (especially collectively) great. a person who has achieved importance or distinction in a field

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Why does he talk in the third person?

Ben Shapiro needs to DESTROY this dood

What did he mean by this?

Termites are an insect that bore their way into a structure then erode it from the inside out.

Ernst Zundl did nothing wrong

a motherfucking rap phenomenon

Based negro.

louis farrakhan is known to be based

Pretty based, we should make half of Alabama and all of Georgia a negro reservation where they can have self rule. There is literally nothing wrong with separate but equal.

People with massive egos always do.

pure bantz

>killed malcolm X, btfoing blacks
>makes the jews seethe eternally
>always talking shit about ypipo
is he, dare is say it, based?

blacks think that if you can make something rhyme then it's logical
hence "if it doesn't fit you must acquit"

Have sex

Based Big Dick Louie naming the Jew.

And then he lead Germany into a great loss which reduced it even more. Not to mention how the cities got bombed to shit.

dilate faggot

get pregnant

If post has trips then cum he sips.



napoleon lost too but noone would claim he wasnt great

get pregnant, tranny

He said that so long ago. I remember when this was on tv

Fuck Jews. Subversive little liars.

sandniggers were the good guys all along

>And then he lead Germany into a great loss
you mean the eternal anglos and the kike-controlled puppet countries