what are some of the best shots of all time?
What are some of the best shots of all time?
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It's a great fucking shot, better than anything in The Empire Strikes Back. Face it, Endgame and Infinity War alone are way better than anything in the Original Star Wars Trilogy.
>CGI Shot
>19.2 k upvotes on reddit
this. These movies are so much better than the Star Wars shit we've been getting, and obviously better than the prequels. The originals are classics, though.
Wow, a picture of a dragon shows how big it is even though there's nothing in the background.
why are capeshitters such brainlets? why do they praise children and entry level films?
There is nothing interesting or memorable about this shot. With or without context.
This is personally my favourite shot of Thanos; him reflecting on all the personal decisions and sacrifices he made to get here, all coming to the ultimate conclusion of his hopes and dreams for the universe. Pure genius from the MCU.
70's french porn
Absolutely. OG Star Wars is so fucking overrated and placed on an incredibly high pedestal by old boomers who only remember them nostalgically. I have no nostalgic for Star Wars nor Avengers and Avemgers hands down is the better movie. Particularly Infinity War and Endgame. Absolute excellent comic book movies that take full advantage of the material.
Your mom last night BOOYA
I quite liked the shot from Us of Zora lowering her head to look through the car windows and seeing Umbrae on the other side. Not sure why. I really liked a lot of the shots from Annihilation and Under the Skin as well, and Hereditary might be the most visually striking film I've seen that came out recently.
How is this a shot. It's CGI rendering. Saying this is a shot means I can say Metal Gear Solid 4 was a great movie.
Princess Diana?
>literally generated by computers
>deserves Oscar
Yea maybe if they include it in animations department but be honest Oscars are a joke and they only exist to push a agenda.
Moonlight or whatever that nigger faggot movie was terrible and they treated it like masterpiece.
MGS4 WAS a great movie.
I wish. It's Brigitte Lahaie.
Why didn’t Doctor Strange just tell Thor to aim for the thread 5m later after seeing the figure instead of putting everyone through 5 years of hell and internally inconsistent time travel shenanigans?
These movies don’t even try. At least Star Wars was coherent
Easily a better sequence than anything in the last six years of the MCU
Lmao where did Star Wars even come into question? Jesus Christ, you people are so fucking formulaic. It’s the same shit over and over again; like 99% of Yea Forums is now fucking incapable of individual thought and just keeps droning the same arguments and discussion without end. It’s fucking sad and pathetic.
Shut up nigger
what video game is this from?
* aim for the head
newsflash, neets on Yea Forums aren’t actually intelligent people. majority are brainlet drones and you’re fucking retarded for not being aware of that
Tony wouldn't have to die that way. Strange wasn't having that.
The sad part is that this isn't even some retarded layer of irony anymore. These fortnite niggers really don't understand that Lucas pioneered Visuals and Sounds for average movie theater, and they could care less about any movie past the 80's
TBQH I've been wondering if maybe Doc just wanted some... Pepper Lunch
this thread is bait
There are some scenes in infinity war that are legit kino. I loved that bit where Thanos woke up with the soul stone.
is there any genuine post in this thread?
I mean okay the Mad Max dust cloud is nice, although as a still, you can also have that a magic card.
The other posts are CGI or blurry
they could care less?
For me, it’s dogkino
Fuck off starcuck, just because you think people shouldn't accept the MCU as a pinnacle work of art doesn't mean that's the case.
infinity war was such a good movie, it is a shame that endgame is such a grabo conclusion with plot holes and retarded story
>the MCU as a pinnacle work of art
It's not even a "shot" it's just shit made on a computer like a video game cutscene. I get that it looks cool but it's just computer graphics. There's no cinematography involved whatsoever. It's composited from a man standing in a green room. That's the actual shot.
>infinity war was such a good movie
Oh nononono
damn it's like a still from a kurosawa film
The cinematography in this movie is just perfect, how they always find the perfect angle to see her ass.
the gayest bait or the biggest gay.
Agree on Infinity War, disagree on End Game. End Game was just a huge mess, while Infinity War was not just a well put together movie, as it was somewhat very original on telling the point of view of the villain. I'm not even a MCUfag, I like DC way more, and still I consider Infinity War one of the best capeshit movies.
>nothing to compare him to
There's the horizon line, you would learn that in in the very first page in perspective made easy.
Almost all big movies nowadays have huge CGI touches to regulate lightning and color in the shot. If you disavow CGI, you might as well start a thread saying you won't accept shots from modern movies.
Stop memeing this movie, it's a good movie and if you keep memeing it people are going to think it's just a meme movie
Literally any shot from the godfather is better than that garbage
retarded fight but great shot
the more i meme it, the more people will want to watch it.
>it's a good movie
Kill yourself pleb nigger faggot. Seriously. Do it.
One of the few cases where the movie is better than the book.
Samurai 3: Duel at Ganryu Island
You look like a conosseir.
Please, recommend me some classic japanese movies, I watched Harakiri and now I want some more. Doesn't need to be all about samurais, anything goes.
What's this from?
The one you just posted
Whole movie is a visual fucking masterpiece.
The underwater adventures of Chad and Stacy.
watched that shite with my history obsessed grandad. both me and him hated it. fucking boring ass movie
They are the pinnacle of cinema. The kino that rules over any other kino.
This and her death scene were kino, too bad they were undermined by how horribly written the episode was and how pointless her character was. Even when she lights the trench it's immediately undercut by the shot of Jon sitting on a dragon right next to the trench. Why didn't the dragon just fucking light it?
Almost every still from Kinobyl
Harakiri is my all time favorite kurosawa! The samurai trilogy(not kurosawa) lone wolf and cub, seven samurai, yojimbo, basically anything he made is gold. Anything starring toshiro mifune is great.
Animators usually good at frame composition.
shes dead? why would the mage ever come into contact with the front lines?
He looks huge because the horizon is low compared to his body. If the horizon was above his hips he would've looked normal size.
Also stop posting R*ddit screenshots.
the sound design in the movie is just 11/10
She dies after the battle because her purpose has been fulfilled, she takes off her magic necklace and fades into dust.
You'll never be as Chad as Alain Delon in his prime.
this post and most of its replies show how far this place has fallen
>CGI dude over a Windows 95 tier wallpaper
Zoomers are a doomed generation
heroin and meth in one shot.
蜘蛛巣城 Throne of Blood
He never came into contact with Thor, he was on another planet the whole time.
Basically every shot in kingdom of heaven
God I fucking hate zoomers
wouldnt we be able to see the sea floor from this height if its only 2 feet deep?
Millenials like it more and consume it more blindly. Its just another movie for gen Z to watch since there isnt anything else.
From 3:30 onwards
Kino whole take
nah it's like Galveston
This shot is spectacular and was the most memorable scene in the film for me. Shame that nothing else in the film come close to being as awe inspiring.
i stare into the abyss but i have only laughter left
>Pic unrelated
Specifically this one though
>That CGI
Why was it praised again? It looks like shit, and it has only been one year since its release.
this vast oceanic emptiness reminds me of Solaris
The movie was gorgeous. James Wan is great.
>best shots
>some capeshit cartoon
I'm sure glad you disneyshills stopped trying to compare the MCU to BASED Lord of the Rings. Stick to star shit you won't get your shit pushed in so much that way
>There's only one man that can help me
>cut to original BTTF ending with '55 Doc manning up and sliding down the cables to send Marty 1 back home
>Cut to Marty running down the center of the fire tracks
>Im back from the future
>fades out with TO BE CONCLUDED
I hate Harry Twatter, but come on you bunch of redditors
where's do and rah?
I wish all those talented artists were used on things other than capeshit...
Imagine a swords and sandal/mythological movie with this level of funding and talent put behind it
Id rather have it in the style of Snyder with allegory and minimal action rather than the BING BANG WAOH capeshit is reduced to these days
>Anything that's CGI
Pick one
Based source poster
God damn shame
Can real life be kino?
Real life kino
What movie is this?
Real life, assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey
nice shot marvelfag
Infinity War had a bunch of great looking shots but this one is clearly the best.
Kurosawa's "High and Low" (1963) might be one of the best movies about a police investigation.
>that faggot on the left ruining the shot by looking right
it should not bother met hat much but it does
What's his endgame?
is that event horizon
no because gravity also bookshelves and tars and shit just turn your fucking brain off fuckhead
Literally all of these stills are bad. Some of these are good movies, but none of these pics stand on their own. It's like posting song lyrics in a poetry thread.
he gives personality to the shot. His very "disobedience" characterizes the shot more than putin does
No no, it adds another layer. The ambassador was killed by one of his own guards.
>*ssssssttrrrrtttt*'ll need you to step close to the left
>like this?
>*kkkkzztt* closer
>but I'm almost in his way
>shit are we rolling?
>Bottom right
So Alex Jones was right about globalists interdimensional baby eating demons afterall?
Except the MCU is BASED compared to Lord of the Rings too.
thumbnail looks like a sword
Can sports be considered kino?
this isn't even fun bait. explain how the MCU is better than LotR. I was going to beat off but I'd rather hear your shit rationalization.
>no one has posted blacked yet
> full body standing pose, almost no interesting gesture
> no ingenious play with patterns, shapes
> literally the most boring thing you could do with the perspective
> only one subject of interest
> bland, uninspiring colors & lighting
It has merit because there's some nice show of anticipation in the character, and the location/scale is a bit bizarre. But it's hardly amazing. You could pick out almost any other scene from that film and it'd probably be more interesting.
thought so as well
shut up nigger
only the good sports
this is not how anything is
no, tell me. or are you such a low-tier shitposter that you can't even defend your baseless opinions?
oops wrong photo
Good thing you didn't say sequel trilogy, because then you'd be dead wrong
Yeah, probably one of the best shots in the show.
>films that came out in the 2010s are better than films from over 3 decades ago
Wow it's almost like technology is better now or something
>It's just a computer designed animation
>It doesn't even look good
I don't understand
One of the greatest movies of all time and one of the best opening scenes of all time
lmao faggot
Most of you guys have a pretty shit eye for composition. Just think about if you would want to have it framed and put on a wall
you absolute mong
they fucking filmed this IN WATER, it's LITERALLY what water that deep would look like from that angle
It's a good angle, but this shit isn't high art. It was never even intended to be high art.
>A sport
That was such an obvious larp
Canadians aren't that bad, are they?
>10 minutes of action in 4 hours: the sport
just IMAGINE if he had some kind of portral he could use.... maybe some magic tricks that would allow him to contact thor ?
water doesn't look like that normally do you seriously believe everything they tell you in the movies?
>This is such an amazing shot. He's a big guy, empty plane, nothing to compare him too - and still he looks so huge. If any movie ever deserved an Oscar for you, this movie does.
>no 4krip
>Star Wars was coherent
what about the time luke and leia kissed and then they never fucking referenced that moment again?
>good angle
There is no angle, it's fucking flat
switch the solenoids
Completely based, with the nazgul theme playing, surely one of the most kino scenes ever filmed
still a nice find
kek one year on and it already looks like shit
Jesus I never noticed that ass before
>still no Barry Lyndon
I am dissapoint
>nobody has posted it yet
>That post got nearly 20,000 upvotes
Holy fuck that place is full of deluded idiots, it's shameful that people who go there are allowed to post here.
Art imitates life.
Aquaman was terrible. Watched it last night after watching Jumanji 2017 which was litty times better. Visuals were ok but it went for 40 mins too long.
>could care less
I hate to be the bear of bad news but...
>a bunch of boring screensaver landscape shots
uhhh what’s going on here
>This is such an amazing shot. He's all alone, empty space, nothing to compare him too - and still he looks so huge. If any movie ever deserved an Oscar for CGi , this movie does.
Fucking based Benji
Honestly, I will mostly agree with you. The original trilogy is overrated as fuck, RotJ is actually mediocre even. But I'd say ANH and ESB are better overall films than any of the Marvel movies.
Now if we're talking anything post-original trilogy then I 100% agree with you, Star Wars hasn't been good since then and people who pretend otherwise are lying to themselves.
Empire is the only good Star Wars film, that's not saying much but don't compare it to modern capeshit for fucks sake
Dan Barrett?
where's this from? passion of joan of arc?
It's a scientist documentary about human reproduction.
OMG its so creative and iconic bros how did they think of that its so amaz-
>heh. Velly good, Tlump-sama. Your taliffs made me use 10% of my power.
for me it's Ran
Surprised no-one has put this
what's this from?
You are alright, lad.
and this
what movie is that?
> inb4: endgame
dude, nice screensavers
Lawrence of Arabia
>he needs constant action to be entertained
a pleb of the lowest order
Someone post THAT shot from Endgame.
Marvel stealing as usual.
Reminds me of the sandstorm in Prometheus.
I stare into the abyss and dab on it.
>This is such an amazing shot. He's all alone, no honey jar, no Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore to compare him too - and still he looks like Winnie the pooh. If any movie ever deserved an Oscar for CGi , this movie does.
let me school you in shots motherfuckers
is this from the newest rush hour?
Dont see anything its just black
Everyone in this thread (except me) needs to be brutally executed in the public space.
This thread proves that, hands down, Yea Forums is the most embarassing and infantile of all the major boards. Sweet jesus this fucking thread.
is this supposed to give me a raging boner
because it is
>plebs itt unironically posting nu-got, marvel and weabshit
I never realized Yea Forums was just full of a bunch pleb normies who dont understand art
Beet one itt
It's ok we're on the cunny board.
Yea Forums is a bit worse
Mars bout to have another mom with shots like that.
Almost as bad as people who use the word "peruse" incorrectly.
This should be undisputed.
Its because redditards dont fuck off. They just shit up the board with repetitive memes and dont post anything of quality. I fucking hate redditors more than any other group.
>this nigga hasn't seen Mars Needs Moms
That looks like President Trump
Reminds me of the 5 seconds where Jamie sees Bran for the first time and Reddit was cumming over it.
Like, he just stood there with a "Oh shit" look on his face and reddit tried to make it like it was so complex, and full of emotion
lol zoomer bait
God redditors are such low IQ plebs
May fortune befall unto ye, kind sir! Have an upvote!
This moment was when I realized that Infinity War was actually Thanos' movie where he's the hero fulfilling his mission
The one from the searching scene in Dog Pound
He looks like a cgi homer simpson grape homo
Literally Aragorn at the Battle of the Black Gate...
Remember when Bioware blatantly stole this?
I won't even scroll further
>til Berserk invented eclipses
And you look like gollum
movie was just good really but yeah, the opening shot is an all-timer
Thats not what your mommy said last night
Across millions of light years away? You think he can just do that?
>"people" watch movies from before 2010
It doesn't look cool though.
Imagine being this much of an absolute faggot.
The only CGI scene that ever deserved a nomination is Interstellar's black hole
what’s incoherent about that? it was an honest mistake, they didn’t know they were siblings at the time and wouldn’t have done it if they did. it doesn’t need addressing.
>the shot with the black "gun" in his face
this is a good picture
my men
interstellar blackhole is the most kino cgi shot
>being ruled by literal gypsies
In the context of the film, pretty much one of the best closing shots ever.
why is magua standing like he's a michael jackson backup dancer?
Precisely 1:53 into Endgame and IW, there's a beautiful overlap.
lmao what?
Because he's a smooth criminal
I'm still pissed that this isn't an actual film.
More of these, please.
Lotr is untouchable, no one will remember MCU in 20 years.
>Lotr is untouchable
> i didnt like it, therefore it must be shit
>Leia: Oh I love Luke!
>Solo: Oh.. i see how it is
>Leia: no, he's my brother!!
What about the time they made out? They were sexually in loe then, not brotherly love. And why would you suddenly start loving someone when you discover theyre your brother in your late twenties? He'd be just like a random person you're friends with.