Marvel phase 4 looking lit. Btw who's the new big bad after Thanos?

Marvel phase 4 looking lit. Btw who's the new big bad after Thanos?

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The patriarchy

>who's the new big bad after Thanos?

Straight white men.

Attached: 1540598236489.jpg (500x764, 90K)

Is it all niggers and women?

Please let this be satire

The article doesn't exist anymore but have an archive of it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-11 They are Black but they are mine Cape Town man whose wife gave birth to Black (1013x455, 437K)

So where’s Spider-Man? He’s obviously going to be the new face after fan reactions to captain fungus feet.

Aftikaaners are cucks I guess

Probably Galactus or Dr Doom now that Fox belongs to the mouse. Tough I do hope they go with the Beyonder and Secret Wars to fuck everything up beyond recognition.


I don't think we'll ever get this to be honest.

Where are the black women?

I’m more amazed that a Swedish couple just uprooted and moved to S.Africa like that...

when will jennifer connelly be added to the mcu? who could she play?


>snaps his fingers
>all white males get dusted

Attached: 1557334782429.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Daily reminder that Marvel is trash and you are a low iq drone if you consume it

Could a Barbarella type Mantis solo movie with sex comedy elements save the MCU?

Attached: 1118full-pom-klementieff.jpg (1118x1677, 111K)

>this is God's blessing
This isn't a blessing. It's divine punishment.

Reparations for colonialism.

... Bane?

Honestly, I think it's easier to know who's going to do well with Chinese opening weeks.
Still waiting for BW movie.


man, I wish I had black twins as sons...
Of course not with a black woman, white bitches suck.