Marvel phase 4 looking lit. Btw who's the new big bad after Thanos?
Marvel phase 4 looking lit. Btw who's the new big bad after Thanos?
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The patriarchy
>who's the new big bad after Thanos?
Straight white men.
Is it all niggers and women?
Please let this be satire
The article doesn't exist anymore but have an archive of it.
So where’s Spider-Man? He’s obviously going to be the new face after fan reactions to captain fungus feet.
Aftikaaners are cucks I guess
Probably Galactus or Dr Doom now that Fox belongs to the mouse. Tough I do hope they go with the Beyonder and Secret Wars to fuck everything up beyond recognition.
I don't think we'll ever get this to be honest.
Where are the black women?
I’m more amazed that a Swedish couple just uprooted and moved to S.Africa like that...
when will jennifer connelly be added to the mcu? who could she play?
>snaps his fingers
>all white males get dusted
Daily reminder that Marvel is trash and you are a low iq drone if you consume it
Could a Barbarella type Mantis solo movie with sex comedy elements save the MCU?
>this is God's blessing
This isn't a blessing. It's divine punishment.
Reparations for colonialism.
... Bane?
Honestly, I think it's easier to know who's going to do well with Chinese opening weeks.
Still waiting for BW movie.
man, I wish I had black twins as sons...
Of course not with a black woman, white bitches suck.