What are some examples of things the show did BETTER than the books?

What are some examples of things the show did BETTER than the books?

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Tyrion's speech at the battle of blackwater

the battle of the blackwater, in the books it's ridiculous with all the ships crashing into each other forming a bridge and tyrion somehow building a chain the size of a highway that can keep boats inside the bay

The war stories moment was the only good O.C scene


you know chains like that actually existed right?

How did it play out in the show? Did Tyrion go around with an axe killing people like in the books?

they weren't nearly as big as they're made out to be in the blackwater

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they weren't much larger than that in the books, i dont know what you're talking about

I could be wrong but I thought the chain cut them off at the mouth of the river leading into the bay, once they had already sailed upriver. This is a shorter distance to cross, and meant the ships could gather up in one spot because of the current of the river pushing them together
Yes. Although he was on horseback. Also there were more wildfire filled ships, and a few manned Lannister ships

Maybe it was a chain that was once used to hold a huge ass dragon. Just an idea.

No Tyrion had the chain constructed

they used wildfire.
Tyrion almost got killed by one of his own men (presumably sent by Cersei) and Podrick saved him.
did they have magical green fire in the books?

yes wildfie is in the books

no, tyrion goes around kings landing and gets a bunch of blacksmiths to make it. it's basically the same thing as the chain the byzatines used, because....thats where grrm got it from. it wasn't stretched across the entire bay, it was at the mouth of a river


jaime is a mile above the rest of the characters on the show...at least up through what I watched.

this is the best scene in the entire series probably

checking these quads

Removing Lady Stoneheart, reviving Catelyn really deminished the long term impact of the red wedding

i still don't understand why everyone hated jaimie in the books and the show
everyone calls the mad king mad
he killed neds brother and father ffs
yet ned still had a problem with him?
doesn't really make sense

The music in that scene!

ned didn't like him because jaime was a king's guard who should have fulfilled his duty no matter what. instead jaime killed him and sat on his throne as if gloating in the kill. ned is stupid in this case

He was Kingsguard. Breaking oaths shouldn't be taken lightly. If he wasn't going to protect his king no matter the cost, he should't have joined the Kingsguard.

ned wouldnt have a problem with him if he just told him what happened. but of course, most dont know ned is actually understanding and all that honor nonsense is lopped on him.

because muh honor. if jaime actually explained why he did it people would probably thank him. it's honestly pretty stupid when you think about it, there are literally caches of wildfire all throughout the city that he can use as evidence

That scene is right out of the book though???

It’s similar to how people in real life shit talk snitches for getting criminals arrested. Loyalty is something that’s universal, everyone admires it

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>What are some examples of things the show did BETTER than the books?

nikolaj's acting made the scene better than the book

>things the show did BETTER than the books?
That "thing" wasn't even in the books though. But it's a good addition I agree.

i like joffrey more in the show than the books. he is very entertaining

Even if it was a bit silly, they were very good scenes.

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theon is better in the show due to alfie's acting. he's just a smug shit head in the books. we don't see ramsay torturing him, theons story stops after he loses winterfell in book 2 and we don't see him again until book 5 when he's reek and completely broken.

Yes, his actor was very good for his age. I think he's done acting though.

Arya in season 2, although that was because she was with Tywin, and she is only as good as the characters she interacts with

That is why Arya has been shit and boring since Brienne and the Hound had a fight

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People can shit talk Maise all they want but she proved her worth as an actress in the scenes with Tywin and Aria. Very rare for a child actor to hold their own so well against an experienced actor.

I don't know in the show. But in the books, Jaime was at fault for himself (albeit understandable given that he was a young brat back then). Basically when Ned entered the throne room he saw a smug Jaime sitting on the Iron Throne and inviting him to take it, which disgusted Ned.

If Jaime just told Ned about what happened instead of acting arrogantly, I'm sure Ned would have understood. But back then Jaime had the arrogance of Joffrey (but unlike Joffrey he could back up that arrogance) since he was an absolute prodigy in swordsmanship.

what was the size in the books?

Iain Glen is better than Pedobear

Plus Iain Glen always made Jorah interesting, even after the writers stopped caring about him. Jorah never has any true weak moments, like Jaime has nowadays

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Maisie was a good actress up until “le cold detached badass”. She was great as the scared angry little girl.
Same for Sophie

These were fucking awful.

I shuppose I agree, but Reek’s POV are some of my favorites in terms of empathizing with a character.

I never truly found Arya interesting, but aT least she was an okay character until returning from Braavos. Now she is awful

Sansa used to be unironically my favourite Stark, even when Robb and Cat were alive, but now she is just unbearable

dude you're oversizing the length of the chain - it closed off a narrow section of the river as it bent towards the inland, not the actual bay

just trying to remember all the transpires in harrenhal in the books is a fucking headache. i never liked how arya never made herself known to roose, she knows roose is under her brothers command, but she doesn't trust him because she finds him creepy. it just never made any sense to me.

She made a lot of mistakes up to that point and finally her gut feeling proves her right for once. I thought it was nice that her bad luck had ran out.

i absolutely despised arya when i first read the books.

she feels so out place. feels like a character from a young adult novel

Arya was great when she was meandering through the Riverlands. I lost interest in her when she went off to Braavos.

Honestly, Clash of Kings was such a fucking slog in my opinion.

The show also tried too hard to make Roose "le creepy old man who is probably evil xd", that was stupid as fuck

Clash of Kings is basically just an elaborate set-up for GRRM to pull Red Wedding off. At times it defies logic just to set up the absurd circumstances to make the red wedding possible. Sort of anti-climactic after AGOT.

Stannis being at the front of his armies. It doesn’t make sense but it was good for the screen to get across that he’s different than the other kings. Wish they would have kept in the “then we will make new lords” line too, as that also shows this as well.

fuck me, I forgot how kino the earlier seasons were

it was just too convenient for me. i'm glad the show changed harrenhal around and dropped roose being in control of it when arya is there.

Jesus Christ Lena can actually act? This show truly has gone to utter shit


That scene is bad because it serves only to show off Lena's acting skills. It actually fucks up Cersei from the very start.

t. great other

its a very childish thing to do. its supposed to show that robb is still a boy in some ways

Fuck would you do if you found out your dad go fuckin decapitated.


Lena is a great actress, but like Nikolaj she doesn't care when the writers butcher her character

>Lena is a great actress
nah, she's just good at being a cunt

Even beyond that, aside from a handful of Tyrion and Davos chapters, it was just generally really uninteresting.

the blackwater battle made it worth it for me, but yea it was really sluggish up until that point.

season 1 dany is a victory

the books dont do her justice

i guess this is the shinji equivalent of LOL ID JUST PILOT THE ROBOT WHAT A PUSSY


Ned is a hypocrite. He shits on jaime for breaking his vow for justifiable reasons (he doesn't know about the wildfire, but certainly about the other horrible shit aerys did), but has no problem breaking his own vows to the king for justifiable reasons (murdering his family members).

Ned isn't really all that honourable frankly, he just thinks he is.

how many books are left again? 2 and 1 of those is basically just being edited at this point?


> Tyrion meets Jon stumbling out of the party drunk, instead of doing a retarded pirouette off a rooftop

> Good scenes humanising Cersei, her marriage to Robert being a tragedy from the circumstances of arranged marriage, rather than "le ebil jizz-eating woman"

> Tyrion gets knocked out before the battle of the ford instead of being a great fighter despite being a dwarf in a battle with no drama

> Aging up all the characters to realistic ages

> Dany gets raped on her wedding night instead of some bizarro consensual fingerpulling

>her marriage to Robert being a tragedy from the circumstances of arranged marriage
thats in the books

Yes but the way he writes means that he's probably got 1.5 books of material at this point. But dummies would have you believe otherwise

>S1 Robb, you ruined your sword
>S6 TOJ Dayne sticks his sword into the ground

I forgot about this, it means Beric won't be around for any of the ending like he was in the show.

Just started reading your post, and at the very first line, your post is already wrong garbage.

Tyrion was suppose to be a trained circus performer. Fuck off retard.

Trying to be funny, witty, and entertaining is how he coped with the fact nobody liked him.

> Dany gets raped on her wedding night instead of some "bizarro consensual fingerpulling"

Ned isn't a hypocrite. It's one thing to openly rebell, it's another to stab the king you've sworn to protect in the back, very conveniently timed too.

To add to what everyone else said, a big part of it is that everyone thinks he killed Aerys to make it easier for Tywin's attack on King's Landing (while for the rest of the war the Lannisters stayed neutral and kept out of the fighting, and Jaime never once acted out before it), so on top of oath-breaking he's seen as daddy's lapdog spy.

in books did tywin make any attempt to save jaime during hte sack of kings landing?

George RR Martin wrote that episode (which is why it's so kino.

fuck imagine he finished the books long before the show and wrote the majority of the episodes...

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From her experience with Lannisters, she's well aware of realpolitik and how she would be considered a hostage held against Robb if she were under Roose's care.

She sees Roose hiring the Bloody Mummers(mercenaries warcriming the Riverlands), she sees Frey men under Roose's command raping women who had slept with Lannister men, she knows about the bear pit, Roose threatens to have her tongue cut out if she keeps complaining about him not taking her with him, etc.

She knows Roose is not like her father and she doesn't trust him to do the right thing if he knows who she is.

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We went from this to dick jokes and stammering. Fuck you D&D

Roose looks like a vampire in the books though. Long greasy black hair, Irises so pale they're almost white, tiny pupils, a pale complexion due to continued leechings, and a pink furcoat.

save from what
also tywin hated jaime

>Aging up all the characters to realistic ages

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This post is bait.

that jaime is sworn to guard the life of the king the sieging army was deposing

He didn’t actually stop writing the show because of working on Winds, he stopped because D&D butchered his script for the Lion and the Rose and so he didn’t want to write for them anymore. His version set up a bunch of book plots and they took it all out. There’s a Vanity Fair article about it that shows excerpts of his script.

He probably just told them "Don't kill my fucking son"

>also tywin hated jaime
where the fuck are you pulling this? Tywin was pissed that Jaime joined the Kingsguard in the first place, but he valued him very highly as his son.

The Lady Stoneheart subplot is dumb and contributes absolutely nothing to the story. One subplot of many that shows how GRRM ruined his own series years before DnD ever got it. Everything from the A Feast for Crows onward is to GRRMs work what what the prequels are to Lucas'.

Dem feels. The end of the scene is even more perfect

you can hate someone you value, its not a mutually exclusive feeling

how many sons hate their own mothers?
how many wives hate their own husbands?
how many men hate women but still want a wife?

That "subplot" (retarded term) is literally just starting. Calm the fuck down.

i dont really see how its possible to have a satisfying conclusion to the stoneheart plot. it seemed like a huge mistake from the beginning. what's she going to do? sacrifice herself to bring jon back? that's fucking stupid. is she going to meet her children again? that's fucking stupid. is she going to kill jaime? that's fucking stupid. i don't see a single non-stupid way to end it. it was always a mistake bringing her back

Buy tywin doesnt hate Jaime , what books did you read ?

>literally just starting
>the literal prologue to ADWD is her introduction

you're really misreading their relationship if you think Tywin hated Jaime or Cersei. Tyrion he genuinely despised, but everyone else in his family he's merely controlling towards. do you not remember the "they have my son" scene?


The public view of Jaime is that he saw that the Targs were losing the war and snuck in a backstab on the man he was supposed to die for to save his own skin. Jaime is extremely chivalrous and idealistic deep inside and felt so bad about what he had to do to save the people of King's Landing that he let them believe it as a sort of punishment.

I don't watch garbage shows with fanfiction in them so no, I don't remember scenes that never happened.

the ones you didn't

Everybody in his family that isn't Kevan disappointed him

That scene is in the book too, brain boy.

>the prologue to the last book that has been written is her introduction
Yes. which is why it means the subplot is literally just starting you fucking ape.

If it had started a while ago, it would be during A Clash of Kings, but it didn't start a while ago, it started recently, and all we know about it is the beginning.

The show will have and end.

What the fuck were the writers doing with that stuff anyway. Arya was her normal self when she had her fight and left Braavos and stayed the same when she talked to the Lannister soldiers. Then she suddenly goes north and changes personality entirely, except for that one scene of her reunion with Jon


Removing ninja hopping Tyrion?

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grrm said he considers this the dumbest thing he ever put in the book and he's always thought about removing it

> people defend this

Whether you kill him or overthrow him you are still breaking an oath. Everyone was an oathbreaker in the rebellion. Ned making a snarky remark about Jaime doing nothing during the burning of his father and uncle only to berate him 20 seconds later for kingslaying was hypocritical and petty.

>Tyrion was suppose to be a trained circus performer
That's an exaggeration but he did learn to walk on his hands and stuff to amuse his uncle

Arya is a strong independent woman that can do whatever she wants, okay!!???

desu this would be fucking awesome on screen

There's a clear difference between "Hey Aerys, we rebel, come and get us fucker" and stabbing the person you've sworn to defend in the back just as your father stands outside knocking on the door. Even Jaime realizes it looks so bad that he doesn't even bother explain himself. He knows it's indefensible.

sounds cool

>the battle of the blackwater, in the books it's ridiculous with all the ships crashing into each other forming a bridge and tyrion somehow building a chain the size of a highway that can keep boats inside the bay

You've just described actual historical naval battles that happened several times throughout history. GRRM is a boring hack but that's a rare instance of where he nailed it. Way better than the show's depiction where it's basically a D Day beach landing.

The user right above you said even GRRM doesn’t defend it

Tyrion was a little attentionwhore when he was a youngster because nobody paid him any attention. I think he did retarded dancing on tables for his uncle who went to Valyria and died.

>this scene
>Tyrion is an acrobat
>every other scene in the books
>my legs hurt, I can't walk properly, my wife was a whore, I want to go home

He wounded his legs in the battle of the ford

grrm didnt know at the time he wrote that stupid acrobat scene that dwarfs have a lot of joint problems

No, he couldn't walk properly because his legs are stunted

If the books were already finished i'm sure they still would have gone their own route. It's quite obvious if you look at the interviews or them episode analysis that they started to see it as their story and their succes and kind of resented GRRM's "meddling".

GRRM not finishing the books probably made them extremely happy so they could do their own thing without getting compared all the time. GRRM was more than happy to guide them for the remaining seasons but they wanted to do it their own way and not take 10 seasons.

yeah, like I said, after the battle

the show has a ending

iirc Jeoffry in the book was taller than Robb, and just as skilled in swordsmanship as him, while only being 12 years old. This was when George planned on having Jeoffry and Robb be rivals at war.

But Ned was never sworn to Aerys. He became lord of Winterfell when Aerys murdered his father and brother. He wouldn't have taken a knee after that. Essentially exactly like Robb.

The whole story is about how cyclical these things are. Breaking the wheel won't look like Dany expects.

They explicitly instruct their actors NOT to read the source material. That's how far they've diverged from the source. Stephen Dillane had no clue what the fuck he was doing and it shows.

A few dialogue scenes between Varys and Littlefinger.
They had one of those in Constantinople. That's why they held out so long even after the Ottomans took all the surrounding lands.

I'm fairly certain he only had his elbow smashed up a bit in that battle and seem to recall him walking funny before it as he approached Tywin. Something about always being more aware of how awkward he walks whenever his father was present

Jaimie’s dad just looted the city, had the princess raped and killed along with her children, and when Ned walked into the throne room Jaimie was sitting smugly on the iron throne with the king dead on the steps of the very same throne.

To Ned, Jaimie is an opportunistic, backstabbing little shit that wouldn’t have attempted to save innocents from burning (Like his father and brother), unless he already knew he was about to win anyway. That’s why the show had him say “You served him well, when serving was safe...”

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>This was when George planned on having Jeoffry and Robb be rivals at war.
Early drafts of ASOIAF were cheesy as fuck.

Ah yes, midges are famous for their deft acrobatics and strong joints. I dont get why any of you think it silly that Tyrion would be able to take a 15 fall directly onto his wrists before backflipping onto his feet.

this sounds kino actually

> Yowee-zowee right in the fireballs

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this thread is for bookfags only

fuck off

i read the books, faggot

How cares. Oaths are retarded in this setting. Everyone is a drunken backstabbing petty power grabber ruling over dumb whoring peasants who rob and rape each other with abandon. Such an ignoble atheistic hellhole of a civilization would not have oaths to begin with, and even if they were noble enough to have them in the beginning they've long ceased being relevant. GRRM misunderstands the very basics of human nature constantly.

The first three seasons.

> yeah, like. Why cant women just stay frightened and angry and powerless forever, I want this magic dragon epic to be MORE believe for ME specifically.
Some people call themselves fans of the story....but they really just cant wait to talk about how they had a "BETTER IDEA"
I've loved every episode, I've loved every choice for wardrobe, setting, actor, music, lighting. I mean, its a fucking masterpiece you choads.
You dopes should go...TO THE HOUSE OF THE UNDYING...

(the motherfucking chicken scene with the Hound and Arya.)

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I'd like to see D&D not getting the Star Wars gig after all the backlash, they could have at least given the show over somebody who wanted to do a good job.

> Tyrion meets Jon stumbling out of the party drunk, instead of doing a retarded pirouette off a rooftop
The shows version of Tyrion is a lot more dignified and kind, it's actually not bad but I do think the books version fits better.

> Good scenes humanising Cersei, her marriage to Robert being a tragedy from the circumstances of arranged marriage, rather than "le ebil jizz-eating woman"
She's a lot more cartoon villain-ish in the show than in the books. In the books you can tell where her arrogance comes from and why she does a lot of the cruel and stupid shit. This point is retarded to me because book circei has a lot more depth she's just not as succesful in her shenanigans.

> Tyrion gets knocked out before the battle of the ford instead of being a great fighter despite being a dwarf in a battle with no drama
He's not a great fighter. When he goes to battle he literally has top-tier armor and weapons and fights levied peasants in shitty armor, it's not that weird for him to be able to kill a few men especially if he has a talent for it.

> Aging up all the characters to realistic ages
The kids being actually children explains a lot of the stupid decisions they make. Them being aged up in the show just makes them often look like stupid idiots. The show is also inconsistent with how long it's been since roberts rebellion. Sometimes it's 25 years, sometimes 17. It's not better at all.

> Dany gets raped on her wedding night instead of some bizarro consensual fingerpulling.
Dani is described as being otherworldly beautiful in the books, it's not hard to imagine Drogo trying to try and seduce his new wife rather then just tape her into obedience. In the show we have this weird thing where Dani keeps talking about how much she loved Drogo and the Dothraki while complaining about how she was raped and abused by them. The books at least try to show you why she ended up loving Drogo and his horde.


She's shit now, as the whole show is, but at least in the show earlier on she had an actual character beyond ' i'm a giant cunt who is pretty and some witch told me some spooky shit once'

in the books shes just needlessly petty and useless

Is it bad that I can't tell whether this is bait or just a plebbitor?

>I don't watch garbage shows with fanfiction in them so no, I don't remember scenes that never happened.
Then why the fuck are you in this thread? Did you come to bitch? Did you come to pretend you're superior because you don't watch a shitty tv show and only read the books on a board about tv and film? Either way, Yea Forums is more for you, but I'm sure you're here because they laughed you out for reading GRRM.

its clearly bait

its bad that you need it to be one or the other.

Starks are literally retarded though.
Honestly, if they were anything but the main POV house in the start of the story everyone would laugh at how utterly fucking stupid they are in nearly every regard
Besides that, most people didn't know that the Mad King was going to level the whole city, so killing him just seemed like backstabbing to make things easier for his dad to sack the city

I come here exactly for this reaction. Keep seething, redditor. Your show is shit and so are you.

>either way Yea Forums is more for you
I won't fine imbeciles like you over there to make fun of.

Okay, bait it is

A lot of the minor side characters got better on the show imho. Roose and Ramsay in particular are so much better with the changes the show made to them. Likewise Robert Baratheon, Syrio Forel, Olenna, Oberyn, Bronn, Osha, Maester Luwin, Varys, Salador Saan all benefited from being brought to life on the screen. The show has also found something truly special in its treatment of Sandor Clegane.

Lastly, I have to admit that there's a special place in my heart for Karl "the fookin' legend" Tanner as well.

"War Stories" and "Robert and Cersei reminisce" are particularly outstanding in season 1. Mark Addy was Fan-fucking-tastic as Robert.

the show makes you underestimate how fucking scary roose bolton is
he has a fucking flayed man on his banners and everyone in the north knows how fucking awful the dreadfort is.
also Arya (in the books) isn't stupid, her father would have known that he was an ambitious fuck and probably wouldn't do her much good going to him because he'd leverage her in some way

How is that inherently bad in any way?

yeah, don't come to Yea Forums, you troglodyte.

Have sex

> GOT sucks because everyone should have been smarter. Also, people aging and changing frustrates and confuses me.
The show surpassed the books.

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There are literally none.

obviously its not better because it doesnt exist in the books, but i do feel like the casting of the show was pretty fucking excellent.
Aging up the characters was an inevitability because nobody is going to film a show where a 14 year old gets raped by a mongolian warlord, or 15 year olds are leading men into battle etc

But for the first 3 or so seasons i feel like the major characters were all pretty much spot on. I'm sure im forgetting a couple and i'll be called a faggot but the Baratheons, Starks, Lannisters are all pretty great. Cersei could be a bit prettier considering shes supposed to be 10/10 material but they got a good actress out of it which is better

A Storm of Swords' epilogue was the introduction.


> Acts like he has great reading comprehension
> Misses the part where I called the show shitty
> Reddit spacing
Who's the imbecile and redditor here? Honestly, I don't care how you space your posts or whether you came from reddit or not, but you could do more than bitch while saying nothing of value. Either way, I suspect what you want more than anything is (you)s; so here you go, little buddy.

I think Jon is miscast in a sense, ShowJon has been morphed almost entirely around Kit’s acting and presence. I couldn’t really believe his eulogy in the last episode, you could tell he was trying to deepen his voice and sound more commanding.
BookJon is a much more generic hero.
Dany is another example of the character morphing to fit the actress.

>15 year olds are leading men into battle etc
But what about a 10 year old girl?

She can't keep her eyebrows under control.

I can't think of any conventionally beautiful actresses who would do justice to Cersei. Historically, maybe Grace Kelly considering her irl cruel and wild personality but that's impossible

ned wanted to kill the man who killed his father and brother, jaime took that from him. i've always seen the 'muh honor' bit as an excuse to hate the man who robbed him of his vengence

oh im pretty much writing off the more recent seasons, its basically not even the same show

Yeah but that's because she's part Terminator now.

>Dayne sticks his sword into the ground
I have been knife collector for 30 years, that scene really ground my gears.

"And yet here i stand"
It's the voice man.His voice contributes so much to his lines. It adds that extra kick which improves the delivery of his lines a huge amount., so many cool characters in this show how these amazing voices. Him, Bravos, the jew guy from the bank, Roose and a bunch of others

As if Lady Stoneheart isn't going to end up as a giant dead end in the books too. Eventually. If they ever get written.

"I'm glad we've never met on the field Ser Barristan. As is my wife, I don't think the widow's life would suit her."
I love this line from Ned to Ser Barristan. IT adds that much more to both characters. And apparently it wasn't from the books.

Lena Headey was really pretty in the earlier season but then she got old and cut her hair

>tfw remembering why you like Tyrion

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At least Michael McElhatton was really great as an evil character.

I think Tyrion either had it specially made or it was always there at the mouth of the bay for purposes just like Tyrion used it for. It's called a 'boom,' btw.

Well, technically that sword is supposed to be like magic ultra strong and sharp metal that is impossible to damage so they get away with that one.

Honestly they should have had Wyman manderly as an entire subplot instead of the fucking mess that was season 5.The whole point of Manderly is that heroes are sometimes unexpected. By the time we get to Merman's court, GRRM is bashing us over the head with the notion.

I love the Wyman Manderly subplot, honestly. I think he would have worked great as a major side character for one season, much like Oberyn. Tell me this wouldn't work on TV: Wyman gets introduced like this fat useless lickspittle that is kissing Frey ass and seems clearly outsmarted by his own granddaughter. Then you hear Davos is dead and you're like OMG THAT FAT PIECE OF SHIT?! But, just when you hate him most, you get "the North Remembers..." in episode 9 or something and it gives you a chubby. Especially his whole: "I am fat, men think that makes me weak and foolish..." speech is fucking gold in my mind. It's GRRM telling you that you're heroes aren't always going to come from where you expect. Show completely missed that trick so they could give more screentime to Kalorissi who is by far the worst character and actress. Mostly because female fans love that fucking power fantasy of everyone worshipping them based on how 'special' they are and nothing else.

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>Robert almost had a real heir
I forgot about this

>he should't have joined the Kingsguard.

Have not read the books, but wasn't Jamie basically drafted by the Mad King as an FU to Lord Tyrion?

It wasn't one of his own men, it was Mandon Moore, a Kingsguard. He also wasn't sent by Cersei it was Joffrey.

> Tywin.

He had the choice to refuse, but he wanted to be like Dayne, it's one of the reasons why Tywin is such a shitty cunt

The foreshadowing that something like that might happen to Catelyn is way back in the first book too.
>Alyssa Arryn had seen her husband, her brothers, and all her children slain, and yet in life she had never shed a tear. So in death, the gods had decreed that she would know no rest until her weeping watered the black earth of the Vale, where the men she had loved were buried. Alyssa had been dead six thousand years now, and still no drop of the torrent had ever reached the valley floor far below. Catelyn wondered how large a waterfall her own tears would make when she died.

>best minor character isn't even in the show

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I hate how I can't grow a full beard.

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You're kind of not allowed to refuse. Also his father was trying obviously to arrange marriage for him and being a kingsguard was going to make him close to his sister.

Minoxidil 5%

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I still don't understand why they left out the Tysha story during Tyrion's escape

It's the sticky theme of 'honor' that GRRM spends a huge portion of time unpacking and subverting in ASOIAF that prevents anyone from respecting Jaime. The Valyrian blade Jaime ends up giving to Brienne is named Oathkeeper for this reason. An oath is something both sacred and absurd in the logic of the series. Jaime's ability to see the absurdity of remaining faithful to the Mad King is what makes him an outcast to the blinder swords of the realm such as Ned, to whom it would never occur that he could break an oath. That scene from the show, however, does an excellent job of conveying that Jaime's situation was so uniquely horrible that no one would likely've been able to stay themselves from killing Aerys.

>pink furcoat
I'm seeing Snape wearing this

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Beacuse their target audience doesn't even remember that.

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does George watch anime?

sounds about right for a 14yo

Its funny how all these brainlets are already writing off the stonheart plot when they have no idea where its going to go and has had only 2 short chapters related to it. Brainlets

>*annoys Sandor Clegane*

he fucking should!

his whole romance bit with the foreign nurse lady is so fucking stupid
they should've kept it to the books
nearly every change was stupid as fuck

Cersei genuinely loving her children instead of just herself makes her so much more interesting.

Jorah-senpai please speak Dothraki to me

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Also fuck Catelyn


>jon stabbed by watch
>jon revived
>stoneheart suddenly ded

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Yeah but he's an arrogant asshole so it's not in him to pretend he cares what others think even though he does.

I love the trope of elder female family member that everyone turns into a child in the presence of.

That Wyman part is how they would've done it if it was S1. There was literally no reason not to adapt that part 1;1 from the books. All the dialogue and shit was already done. Just copy paste.

>No Jaime thought. My sweet sister holds that title too

AFFC Jaime is basically that High School kid that learns that his life's love was a major whore all along and it is destroying him.

She loved her kids in the books too. And her love ruined them.

source for that? just curious

>got too popular
>females watch show
>must cater to female fans
>female fans want totally unrealistic power fantasy where men worship kalorissi because she has a magic cunt
>must base more screentime on major characters like Jon and Danerys because the actors make too much money not to use.
>kill off more side characters to save budget and generate shock value when it makes no literary sense.
The show was never going to be like the books past a certain point. It just is the way TV works. They have to have certain major characters on screen the most. Major characters draw female eyes and drive up Q rating of the character.

It's infuriating because D&D explicitly stated in the beginning that they would not take that route, instead playing it close to the books. Then they fell for every jew trap in the book. I guess it's commendable they're willing to end this shit instead of milking it for five seasons more.

But Wylla Manderly is fucking based as far as female characters go, she even literally dyes her fucking hair green like that stupid bitch from the Burlington Bar

>Roose and Ramsay in particular are so much better with the changes the show made to them

I was done the minute they did my boy stannis the mannis dirty. He's literally set to be the fucking star of WINDS but the fucking jew and kike donkey show completely missed his fucking character and why him becoming an hero in the story's third act makes literary sense.

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I agree. A lot of the vaguer plot details deemed unimportant in the moment have a way of creeping back later. For instance, the books depict The Hound basically dying but legends persisting that he's still out there ambushing Lannisters and shit Just because Stoneheart is in the background doesn't mean she doesn't matter any longer

And it shows how little they know about ASOIAF in general. Wyman Manderly was only mentioned in passing in AGOT. And then he comes back big time for ADWD. There are so many minor characters everywhere that then explode in relevance a few books down the road.

Characterisation is better in the show, GRRM writes them pretty flat and a bit cringe, mainly because he can't write.

This went to shit after S4 with awful fucking dialogue though.

Also the books do inexplicable things. The two lannister bros are reuinted a trillion words later in King's Landing and GRMM doesn't bother to write one scene of them together until Jaime's rescue of Tyrion. Even though we told the entire time how great their relationship is.

Ramsay in the books is just an ugly brute. He's trying to make himself valuable to his father but roose has a weird uncaring psychopath quality about him. Prior to Ramsay killing roose for no fucking reason in the show the show actually did a great job of giving them a relationship and more depth of character. Making Ramsay into an attractive psychopath sadist made him more interesting. His scenes torturing Theon were fucking great and weren't actually in the books. These were two of the very best scenes of the show:


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Tyrion was under trial and Jaime felt too guilty to go talk to him because of his raped wife. You literally missed the point.

>him becoming an hero in the story's third act makes literary sense.

But it makes no logical sense, since he's literally a retard being manipulated by a cultist and everyone in the setting can clearly see that.

I was talking to some friends about the books and one was insisting that characters like Ned are why he "doesn't value honorable people anymore"

idk what to say to that but it seemed retarded to me.

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Not even Stannis believes half the shit Mel spouts, his wife and the Fl*rent's however explicitly believe everything she says

>Jaime felt too guilty to go talk to him because of his raped wife.
Except the writers said it wasn't rape. What happens to your argument now?

It doesn't work like that, the book completely and utterly blanked the fact they were both in King's Landing, Tyrion never ponders for a moment that something is odd Jaime, Tyrion never attempts to see him either. It's written as if they literally don't even realise they're brothers. From what I can remember too Jaime arrived in the city before Tyrion got tangled up in the kingslaying accusations.

It's a good reason not to value honorable characters in the franchise... Possibly the entire point of Ned's demise was to disillusion the audience... But if he means he doesn't value honor in general now he just sounds like an edgelord.

It is retarded, and an immature/edgy way to think. Especially since the books make it a point to show that even though Ned died, his honor lives and it helps them in the long term. This is in contrast to the Lannisters, who are having a hard time getting truly loyal allies, despite being at the height of their power.

I feel like you did miss the point, though. How could you not have missed the point here? Jaime is literally the leader of the Queensguard, he's not going to just waltz to the cell of the most hated man in King's Landing and be like "Hey brother."

I thought the ice dragon was alright

It shouldn't really work though, dragons literally steam on cold nights in ASOIAF

>dude Cat is a zombie now!!
I laughed my ass off when I got to that part

>everyone in the setting can clearly see that.
Wrong again. Every time things go wrong it's because he Didn't listen to Melisandre and yet he is still skeptical. He diplomatically keeps his army of northerners and queens men together by balancing how much devotion he shows to the red God. The point of stannis is that he is supposed to be misunderstood. He's a dick to everyone because he can't stand bullshitters and false friends. He's the only one who knows that the real problem in kings landing is how inattentive robert was to all the fucking schemers and traitors and how he forgave everyone who sided against him in the rebellion - disloyalty waiting to happen.

Stannis isn't a great fighter, but he's well-read and has a long record of winning battles. He's THE best military mind in westeros. The reason he keeps winning is because just like real life: he's put in the time, study and work and he has the temperament to keep calm and stay the course even when things are going bad. He's not pretty or special or well liked - but he is loyal and smart and puts in the work. He doesn't even want to be king - in his mind he has to because it's his duty. The whole point of stannis is that he is the exact opposite of robert, rhaegar, Jon, Daenerys etc. He doesn't have any of the hallmarks people associate with 'leaders' - Birthright, the right looks, makes friends easily etc. He's a foil for robert who seemed to have all the right hallmarks but was a shit king. Stannis has none of the right hallmarks and everyone hates him and thinks hes a dick who shouldn't be king - but actually he is by far the best choice precisely because he doesn't want it and only leads because it's his duty to. His story needs a third act where he wins a massive victory as his swan song. Grrm is even clever enough to have him win someone else's battle on someone else's lands with someone else's villain. Stannis isn't even painting his masterpiece for selfish reasons.

both the audience and stephen witnessing the continued character assassination of stannis

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This part is really disappointing: [ [N.B. A note for future reference. A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.]]

Seeing the direwolves against Ramsays hounds would have been great to see :/


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GRRM said it was rape.

need i say more?

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>Start watching Season 1 on first month of going to college, full of hope and aspirations, kino by my side
>6 years later, watching Season 8 as a jobless college drop out, longing for the end, there is no kino anymore

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It was one of Arya's smartest decisions not revealing herself. She has probably grown up listening to stories of Boltons flaying Starks

Literally fucking me kek. Although it's been like 7 years for, it's fucking nuts. I was telling myself after season 2 that I have to get a job and wont sit around all year waiting for the next season. Well here I am.

>A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.]]
GRRM is a proper story planner. D&D don't deserve this adaption.

>Start watching GoT when Season 3 was just ending, must've been 21, still living at home, drinking and doing all the drugs I wanted, read the books too and it was a glorious time
>Here I am, 6 years later, 27 and living in a shitty space, college grad with no goals, and the show isn't geared to show Jaime killing Cersei and Stannis becoming King like I wanted to see
>It truly was a Game of Thrones

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It genuinely seems like given his affinity for teenaged prodigies with super powers. Also purple eyes being a genetic trait for one family.

Yes, I'm almost convinced he came up with Darkstar after watching Naruto

have you looked at him? of course he does

Oaths are not retarded. The North remembers in the books, Jaime's haunted by his breaking of an oath and Ned's memory still inspires something in friend and enemy alike.
The entire point is that good and evil are clear, just not people's ability to follow them'

Dillane's performance is all over the fucking place as the script continually clashes with the source material they're working with and DnD's inexplicable butthurt over Stannis' character. The dramatic villain music playing as he literally SAVED THE FUCKING DAY at the battle for the wall was baffling.

i honestly really like this scene and its d&d oc, about one of the only good ones before they went full ramsay naked meme man mode


literally one of the worst pieces of acting in the entire series. that dude chopping on the tree, total hack

The only thing the show is doing better than the books is the fact that it's on track to actually have an ending, as pozzed and convoluted that it will be.

The fat fuck will croak long before he finishes writing the rest of the series.

When it's the show, D&D's word is law. Books, GRRM

Grrm constantly impresses me with his subtlety. Jaime and Barristan are 'esteemed' warriors and whatnot but I think Grrm uses interactions like this to show that they aren't necessarily students of military history. On the other hand, look at the interaction between Jon Snow and Stannis about *Conquest of Dorne*:

>**Jon Snow:** “When the Young Dragon conquered Dorne, he used a goat track to bypass the Dornish watchtowers on the Boneway.”

>**Stannis:** “I know that tale as well, but Daeron made too much of it in that vainglorious book of his. Ships won that war, not goat tracks. Oakenfist broke the Planky Town and swept halfway up the Greenblood whilst the main Dornish strength was engaged in the Prince’s Pass.”

Just that quickly, Stannis shows us a big reason *why* he is an extremely effective battle commander. This casual interaction belies a deep knowledge and more importantly a *critical eye* on military history. Keep in mind that we as the reader know a lot about *Conquest of Dorne* at this point: "It is a slender book, written with an elegant simplicity, and it is rich with blood, battle and bravery." The book is widely seen as the best account of the war. However, we also know from Doran that the book is full of exaggeration and oversimplification. Stannis' dismissal of the oversimplified *Conquest of Dorne* account shows that he is very well read in this area. Tellingly, this is just one specific war that happened almost 150 years prior. In real world terms: Jon Snow is a kid who just watched *The Patriot*, Stannis is an experienced general who went to West Point and can diagram the Battle of Cowpens (and probably a hundred others) from memory.

Show completely missed the entire fucking point. Stannis being the most important character in WINDS and winning a great victory is 100% necessary to the story.

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literally me except i was in school when i started watching season 1, now 8 years later, its rather tragic

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the casting and execution of Tormond

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I don't blame showfags given the show completely ignored the point of why the North was so fiercely loyal to the Starks

Shut the fuck up.

>Yea Forums is more for you,
>Yea Forums talking about genre fiction

Up until this and last season, yup. Now he's a cartoon character

Holy shit, so many wrong opinions.

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Reminder that television is forever ruined and will never be good again.

eat my ass nigger

what went wrong ?

Most characters are improved by the Show tbqh
t. Has actually read the books

get over here big boy

Cutting out the part where Arya is chilling with his brother's bannerman and could just ask to be taken to his brother but instead he decides to run into the woods where she was literally just captured to be raped, tortured and killed.

I mean of course the tv version was also shit and they made Tywin look weak and stupid but cutting that out was the right decision.

Cersei and Robert just having a talk about their marriage is one if not the best scene in the series and it wasn't in the book.

How is lady stoneheart a "corner"? It's meant to compliment the world building post the war of the five kings (the fallout of the war on the riverlands) and hooks on the duality of the mysterious powers of the red priests. Something would happen in these lands after the red wedding, grrm just mixed things into a new faction and has a Tully revenging the murder of her family. He has plans to further bring to the reader more info on the red priests shit through this as well.

Also, Cat, maybe one day forgiving Ned and Jon once she learns the truth is also something interesting to bring and give her a closure

This is bait.

The show would have been fucked no matter what by D&D, if only for the fact that they didn't want to make more than 70 episodes and have been in a rush to move on to other projects for years now.

Christ, this actually feels like a real battle that's taking place in a real castle, I can't begin to imagine how cringy tomorrow nights episode is going to be compared to this.

So give up the show to somebody else

"I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything."- Jon snow
He broke an oath he should never break no matter what

Every scene with Tywin, the additional Rob Stark scenes, Theon scene, and the Fookin' Legend.


Sounds like reddit is more for you, buttboi

I hate D&D so much.


That's what I'm saying, he got laughed off Yea Forums so now he tries to come to a board about tv/film to talk about how much better he is for not watching a show Yea Forums has agreed is shit. It's pathetic.
I know, but it's sad that the result is that the show portrays honor as something only idiots adhere to, such as when Salsa says that her dad was a fool for being honorable instead of smart. Speaks to the state of society

They miscast Jorah by making him too handsome and charismatic. No way this silver fox would ever have gotten cucked by his wife and forced into exile.

"Jorah Mormont was not a handsome man"

>that he’s different than the other kings
that's retarded. He was supposed to be different from other Kings in that he was a tactician and general like Tywin, who lead from the back. Robb was the reckless one who charged in with his men.

Tormund went from "mass murderer/rapist barbarian" to "lol he says funny stuff and he wants to fuck Brienne hahaha"

This, but if they made Jorah ugly, people would think he was creepy instead of feeling bad for him.
> Because why should acting and quality writing matter?

>best minor character
>L I T E R A L L Y a cool wine aunt
But she is pretty cool. It's a shame that some of the interesting side characters like Lord Borrell or Lord Manderly are barely or not in the show.


and really the point of Jaime is that the honorable thing to do was not the right thing.

Ned shouldn't be liked by the viewers at any point because every single decision he makes is wrong.

she's a cool wine aunt that's about to have kids, mind you.

Why not just kill him in the Battle of Winterfell? The fuck was the point of him and Ghost miraculously surviving that battle only to immediately cast them away in the next episode?

Deciding to leave Robb in Winterfell was a good call though

I thought jaime didnt want to explain himself to ned, since he judged him the second he walked into the throne room

Aren't "cool wine aunts" by default spinsters? Genna's got a bunch of kids and a husband wrapped around her finger.


Roose was 100% evil in the books too

Ned makes plenty of solid decisions, ultimately though he had a lot of bad luck and trusting Littlefinger was the fatal bad decision.

So he can arrive with the wildling fleet next episode to save the day when the battle of King's Landing is going poorly for Jon.

Cause obvs the leaks are true and jon will join him and ghost in the north, it just makes sense.

From Neds prospective, he was probably going to stay in KL for sometime, Rob was basically king in his stead.

i feel like the show did an ok job of Jamies story until i read the books again
being Jamie must be so fucking depressing, i feel quite bad for him tbf
>grows up wanting to be a heroic swordsman and looks up to them
>actually becomes a fucking amazing swordsman and joins the kingsguard
>kings guard golden age is over, the one hero left on it fucking hates him anyway
>dad is pissed at him because now he cant inherit
>everyone else despises him because of being a kingslayer despite him saving tons of lives
>cucked by Bobby B (still was all over his sister even if he didnt nut inside of her)
>loses his hand which makes him lose literally the only thing he ever cared about - being a good swordsman
>even the other heroes he looked up to like the Northern ones like the blackfish hate him because of the War of Kings

Jamie had a hard fucking life honestly.
poor guy

His scenes in Qarth are all kino especially him telling the dothraki to take all the gold and jewels

where can I find more leaks?

I think it's an oversimplification
Eddard dies mostly because he tries to be merciful which isn't necessary the same thing as honorable and because he greatly underestimates Cersei's fear for her children and desire for power
again, Robb dies because of his own experience with Jon being a bastard and values marrying Jeyne Westerling over fulfilling his promise to the Freys

Just lurk someone will post it eventually i don't have the pic saved

why did jamie not just tell people about the wildfire? There would have been caches all over the city, and there were other pyromancers than the ones he killed who could have shown people where they were

>his brother, probably his only friend fucking hates him now after finding out the truth behind Tysha
>also learns that Cersei was serial cucking him while he was away

Show did an ok job until season 4 when they completely butchered it.

Because from his eyes Ned Stark had judged him a monster the moment he laid eyes on him, and in any case the situation always looked terrible for Jaime, he betrayed and killed the King moments before his father sacked the city.

Jaime is evil for no good reason in the show. Him killing that squire in the cage made zero sense both in terms of character and in the scene itself. It's the little things like that that highlight just how much dabid are hacks.

And you'd think someone else would have known about them too or discovered them after years but it's just a plothole, or maybe they did discover them but thought it would be better not to move them

>>kings guard golden age is over, the one hero left on it fucking hates him anyway
I thought barristan was in good terms with jaime ?? or did he hate him after he killed the king ?

who gives a fuck what ned stark thinks though? The realm at large hating him everywhere is the issue
and sure you can go
>hurr lion doesnt concern himself with the opinions of the sheep

but there is literally no reason whatsoever to have the whole realm think you're a piece of shit. In fact its quite tactically disadvantageous, so even in purely emotionless thinking you would do everything you can to dispel the rumour.
yeah it is pretty much a plothole imo.
i forgot about those too
yeah DnD suck shit. the reason jamies story is compelling is because he just wants to be the stereotypical good boy knight and is forced to do awful things - yet the world sees the exact opposite, him pretending to be a good boy knight whilst enjoying doing evil things

> Tyrion gets knocked out before the battle of the ford instead of being a great fighter despite being a dwarf in a battle with no drama
What, that whole battle was one of the worst changes in the early seasons.

>Rob splits his army in two, takes most of his cavalry to go fight Jaime, puts the rest of the cavalry and all the infantry to confront Tywin in the hands of someone he knows will retreat in good order
>Tywin see Tyrion has brought a bunch of poorly armoured and disciplined savages
>Believing Rob to be in command, and thinking him to be a headstrong teenager, Tywin uses Tyrion's force on a flank intended to collapse to draw the Stark forces out of position
>But they don't take the bait
>Lannisters win the day, but the Stark force retreats in good order, meanwhile Jaime has been BTFO

>Rob sends 1/10th of our army to go commit suicide
>Tywin somehow believes his none of his scouts can tell the difference between 2000 mean and 20,000
>we don't see shit
>somehow 90% of his army marching at usual pace manage to take Jaime by surprise, his scouts are shit as well
>the end

he hates him for breaking his vows
it was weird because they have a friendly moment telling war stories in the show
then its like DnD forgot that because when they replace him with Jamie he is disgusted and calls him the Kingslayer

you didnt read dance
he constantly is doing stupid fucking tricks when hes with Griff on the boat

Penny and pretty pig are fine in the books but wound not have translated well on the show.

The war story scene is one of the scenes that they wrote and filmed in a hurry at the end because they didn't have enough material.

Same for the Cersei and Robert wine scene that is for some reason loved even though it doesn't really make any sense.

am i in the wrong for not being mad they didnt put the dornish plot in the show?
it fucking blew imo and i've read it twice

dont get me wrong, sand snakes was fucking terrible and they gutted the characters, but other than Oberyn coming to KL they could have ignored literally everything else about Dorne and i'd have been fine with it

i can't even understand what he is describing here.

There's a guy on YouTube who made a 3 hour video explaining what went wrong with dorne
Basically they were obsessed with getting an award for acting so they bough their way into a historical palace so that the acting of Indira Varma was amplified
They gave almost 0 shits about the actual plot

What? They went to all the trouble of filming in that palace because they somehow thought that would lead to a C-list character getting an acting nomination? That's nonsensical even for D&D

btw everything in that palace was shot horribly

I'll let slide anything that costs money. At least I can understand. But money problems only account for %10 of the thier bullshit.