Its a Alanah sits upfront video

Its a Alanah sits upfront video

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Other urls found in this thread:

Alanah can be funny but generally James or Bruce are the best for setting up jokes, Alanah can be very preachy tho

>sits up front
>makes sure to go low cut
god bless her

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agreed. She can be very peachy.

Imagine watching Funhaus. Imagine not watching Kyle Bosman

when you see alanah without instagram angles and filters he looks like a tranny like that fag blair white

God I just want to rub her nose on the tip of my cock

Post moar pls

Eliese might be the only funny woman on the entire planet.

How fucking rare is it that a group adds one of their GFs to the main cast, and not only does she not ruin it, but she ends up being one of the funniest ones?

It might be the rarest thing.
Elyse is so cute it's not fair.

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>it's a drunk Elise hits on another guy right infront of James publicly on a livestream episode

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29 minutes in btw.


imagine watching numales at all


>defends the crying star wars guy on twitter stating she would totally date someone like him
>look at her most previous boyfriend
>10/10 chad


when i was little i always thought the fella on the right was a huge chad

Looking at this cunt makes me wish we had another jack the ripper

>this post was made by a male feminist trying to make Yea Forums look bad

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James IS a chad

This turns me on.

A lot.

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Can someone explain to me why all these "men" look like the Village People who's mom still dresses them?

what is this shit. Is this popular? Fuck the internet was a mistake.

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post a pic of yourself

Dumb fake bitch.

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Friend simulator

You're trying too hard, you can make fun of them legitimately without reaching like a manlet.

Have you seen his Twitter? He had a pretty funny meltdown after Trump won.

I'd fuck the shit out of her, doesn't mean I need to listen to her stupid woman talk.

I don't care about politics

Imagine being Lawrence, going in everyday to work and having to see Elyse and Alanah, you can barely hold your boner while you imagine of all the ways you would destroy their bodies, all the ways you would leave work just to kidnap them and make them your sexual slaves both now and in the afterlife. But, in the end you have to go back to your hambeast, having to endure the smell of her meatflaps while she rambles about white men, all you can do is follow her game and keep living your dirty life.

I'm glad I have real life friends, and online friends that I don't have to sit and watch chucklefucks play games I could just play on my own.

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Does he have a gf? How's she look?

These guys look pretty old to be playing video games.

i would destroy her asshole

>I'm glad I have real life friends
So what are you doing here?

congrats bud

Cum dumpster

>See a new FH upload
>Open it up
>The line up is Alanah/Jon/Jacob/The token black guy instead of just the og 3+Elyse

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yeah I wonder why they even accepted her. Funhaus seems like one of the more vulgar and non-pc (to a degree).

I'm not constantly with them.

open at your own risk

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Good for you my dude! Friends are a wonderful thing. People tend to lose touch when they hit mid-twenties and onward, keeping them around is invaluable. An old geezer once told me "fertilize your friendships". I think he meant metaphorically. He was something else. Anyway have a good day

>its a My Summer Car or My Boyfriend gameplay

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>It's a comfy demo disk/wheelhaus with just Bruce, Adam and James losing their shit over a kids game

who are these cucks

You as well. I mean I only have like a couple, but we try to get together every couple of weekends for games or horror movies or something. I have lost touch with a few, interests differ, or they move way too far away.

Elyse was never funny

I now know why he is constantly trying to kill himself doing dumb stunts

> respect women!
> don't sexualize us!
> boobs are only sexualized by society!
> but hey here's my cleavage

really rustles my jimmies, these hypocrites

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Rahul is a no good unfunny bum-bum.

Sweet jesus, why?


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My god she got fatter.

Peak Funhaus was actually during Inside Gaming
>Adam up front sucking ass at whatever game he’s playing
>Bruce raging out when it’s his turn but still offering great laughs as he watches Adam fail
>James hitting it out of the park with comedy while simultaneously making me question my heterosexuality
>Lawrence making his autistic comments off camera so he can be on his own machine

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>its an eceleb discussion thread

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I guess someone is too young to have watched G4

They were alright when they first jumped to Rooster Teeth but then Spoole and Joel left and it started going down hill. Adding Elyse was a mistake and then ruined it completely when they added that Australian chick in the OP.

matt peake more like peake reddit

Jake is the only non-white man who should be allowed in Funhaus ethnostate, change my view.

Attack of the Show was cancer.

He has a plan.

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Can't wait the end of the year when Cowchop dies and Aleks joins Funhaus

Unironically have sex

pretty sure he said on some stream he did he's considering leaving LA

Is he even there anymore?

>its an alanah is in the video video again
fucking skip

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I hope that not to happen. Aleks doesn't mix well with them. Maybe he and whatever is left of sugar pine will do something.

he was just in a video this week

my gf isn't a basic thot

piss off you nigger just because they were on Yea Forums once does not mean they are Yea Forums related
i guess you're a fucking newfag and you should eat my asshole

Hard for her to be when she's not real lad

there is an entire sugar pine 7 episode of elyse cucking her husband with that exact guy, which makes it weirded. even a scene where there in bed together

If RLM is Yea Forums related than Funhaus is Yea Forums. Not only have they been on tv and made two tv shows. They talk about movies and t.v. way more than RLM

stay in denial feminist cuck. Not all women are attention seeking thots that gets triggered when they get called out.

go to 2:17

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Somebody give me the rundown on the sexual tension of Funhaus.
Are there more clips of Elyse cucking her bf.
Or videos of Alanah being sexual toward males.

Alanah is a prop hired so the guys can talk about 90's stuff and make it related.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is why you never date a fat chick, even if you're fat yourself.
You go for 5s or thin girls you can get.
First priority should be to unfuck your shit. UNJUST! Then go out and date and fuck.

If youre in a relationship with that and lose weight, suddenly having more opportunities but being emotionally binded, you're gonna hate your own guts.

RLM is reddit tier too and everything related to youtube channels should just fuck right off
one mistake does not condone the other

I haven't watched a video of them in a while. I figured Peake would just hide in the corner with his sack of oats.

based user

Elyse and James have a pretty solid relationship, iv never seem any of them cucking one another. Sexual topics do come up when Alanah is around but there’s never any tension

wait these people live in Pittsburgh?

Am I the only one who doesn't buy the whole I have a friend who is cucked bit. I'm pretty sure there isn't a friend.

I dont know who these twiddle dum dee fucks are but calling a woman preachy is like calling water wet.

Here's another strange one
"I only have dreams about my husband leaving me..." - 7:43

Aww, another pittsbro

I really have no clue what they are talking about. She hasn't really done any preachy thing expect talk about how her uber driver texted and drove.

Elyse is one of the few funny women in existence

Alanah is boring as fuck though

> boobs are only sexualized by society!
yeah, not like they are indicators of fertility, obvious physical differentiators between the sexes, and hosts for erogenous zones or anything.

The preachiest woman at Rooster Teeth is Ashley Jenkins
The second preachiest woman is Gus Sorola.

huh? When did this happen?

> Perfect

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I can't remember the exact video I think it was a GTA game play, but Adam said Alanah knows about cucking. When Bruce ask her she claimed she had a friend who is a cuck.

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>sack of oats
you're literally over a year behind on everything. the sack of oats has been gone for a long time now; he doesn't even live with bruce anymore since he (peake) got married.

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Jokes on you, I fap to this kind of shit everyday.

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based. keep fighting the good fight again the Yea Forumseddit scum

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>Actually being this triggered by a thread about ecelebs

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poo poo pee pee

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did you have sex yet?

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How do these sub humans avoid sepsis?

>instantly killed the thread
how can one man be this based

they are ubermensh

based. it's a damn shame that GT getting destroyed caused Kyle to completely lose any motivation to bring back Final Bosman for Easy Allies. Would be so easy and get them so many more viewers, Jones has tried multiple times to get him to do it but he wont

I miss spoole

i dont like either of these faggot online entertainers but at least RedditLM is related to television and movies. funhaus is for gen x and millenials who still spend 60 hours a week playing video games and not working. they are ecelebs whether you accept the fact or not.

Yikes. What a whore

>watching people play video games for a living

If someone describes a women as "sometimes she is [not good]" then she is annoying as fuck 90% of the time

>janny deletes the scat but not the offtopic garbage thread
based janny earning his pay

welcome back

It's the jany posting the scat, then deleting it himself in a false flag attack on us fa/tv/irgins

Alanah is smoking hot but she adds nothing to funhaus

I fucked her

Prove it, if you did, you should have a receipt.

Youtubers and their fans are all faggots

Here we go again I suppose.

oh nononononono jamesbros
we got too cocky

>I see a twinkle of myself in you.

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I’ve always wondered the qualities of her blowjobs are.


Agreed. She was the only funny woman Rooster Teeth ever had.

Shut up Lawrence

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Name one (1) woman with dyed silver/gray hair that is not a massive slut

based scat poster
dabbing on jannies and those faggot ops

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Women can't be funny


Maybe when you've finished babysitting this thread you could clean up the board, mod/janny. OR get lawyered up since warwick is coming for you :^)

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As expected of a funhaus thread.

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What was in there

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a buncha poop stuff

> Posting a fag
> Calling other people faggots
> Doesn't even use the term op properly

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Reminds me of the YTMNDNSFW forums

based and shitpilled

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Why don't you spam this on the other completely off-topic threads?

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what's there to watch with Kyle? His shitty paper show? The streams where he laughs at his own jokes?

It's only the podcast, there's nothing else