ITT: comic book characters too Kino for capeshit

>ITT: comic book characters too Kino for capeshit

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He might be not mexican, but this could be Kevin Spacey's big comeback role, akin to RDJ as Tony Stark

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uhhh sweaty.......

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>another Nikolai Dante fan
>on Yea Forums
Bozhe Moi!

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Fincher was asking for too much money to get this made

Too based for Yea Forums

But Yea Forums likes cunny

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Would kill for a gritty and accurate on-screen version of The Shadow.

Shit would be the Punisher in 1920's Mafia-saturated New York.

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Please fund this one.

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dark horse always had the most kino comics. i remember being 10x excited to buy Goon and Spawn issues when i was a kid compared to the occasional spidershit

Fucking this.

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Soul vs. Souless

The second version is fucking brutal though, nigs are simply unable to solve 2 + 2...