Are there any other kinos like this one that explore the hipster lifestyle of the late 2000's?
Are there any other kinos like this one that explore the hipster lifestyle of the late 2000's?
>tfw no Hipster Runoff movie
Excellent, thanks! I hadn't heard of this one before
prepare for discord trannies
lol. The main actress is cis though right? Her face is interesting.
She is Iranian Bi-woman
I really like this movie. Frances reminds me of myself in a way.
were you stupid enough to want to open a restaurant in ny too?
Same here, I could relate to her character a lot.
More like a constant string of fuck ups, holding onto a pipe dream, a fractured relationship with a close friend and then some small victories in becoming the person I am.
is the """"""sequel"""""" any good?
who watches these atrocious movies?
besides art hoes of course
What are you talking about? Frances Ha is great. Have you seen them or are you just assuming they are bad? Did you never enjoy a "coming of age" movie? Fracens Ha was different because the character was already past being a "young adult". I guess maybe you have to relate to her being imature and a loser who doesn't know how to fit in, to enjoy the movie.
mistress america is great and in my opinion better than frances ha
Not him, I saw Frances Ha and it sucks. What age did you see it? It seems to be aimed at middle school tweens, but I don't know if it was originally conceived that way, or if the screenplay was dumbed down to target the John Green / Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants audience.
Archipelago (2010)
It's a masterpiece, but it is about rich hipsters only
Fucking loved this movie.
Genuinely hilarious.
I think I saw it when I was 22 or so. Back then I was already feeling hopeless about my future since I still had depression, felt like I was immature compared to people I knew, stopped having friends and started failing at college (besides realizing I wasn't studying what I want to study). And my family is middle class.
I didn't think this was about "hipster lifestyle" at all, it was more about being lost and directionless in your 20s while everyone else around you seemingly get their life together. I found it very relatable
Found it a bit too wacky for my taste, almost vaudevillian
Looking that one up, thanks!
Amazing. The climax where a bunch of the characters all end up in the same house is great - it's like an indie farce.
I agree that it wasn't "about" the hipster lifestyle as the main theme.
greta is goat
look at any mumblecore film
greta gerwig is so cute
looks like zoey perry
if only she wasnt(werent) skinny fat,...
I fucking HATE this god damn movie. It's shit. It's all SHIT. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's not quirky or clever. It's fucking DUMB. I remember doing a god forsaken mise en scène essay on this SHIT FILM and it is SHIT. Fuck that talentless HACK
Noah Baumbach and that stupid boring talent CUNT Greta Gerwig. Horrible, horrible people, stupid, ugly, talentless, pretentious RETARDS. FUCK THEM AND FUCK YOU.
What did you not like about it?
The PRETENTIOUS FAGGOTRY. Black and white film in 2000s? Give me a fucking break. Going to Paris alone as some sort of stereotypical pathetic analogy? I hate this shit so much. Fucking HACKS.
Wobble Palace is 2016 hipsters in LA.
Maybe check out the movie Girlfriends from 1978 I think? It's very similar to Frances Ha but 30 years earlier.
Literally "nothing happens, the movie". I didn't like the jokes, her friend was a cunt, she herself was stupid, and she didn't bang that dude that was totally interested in her.
I wish the movie had been in color, I agree with you there. Or that at least they had released both versions like In Search Of A Midnight Kiss.
About the trip, I liked it, it was in character to do something impulsive like that against what the conformist normies think.
Why would she bang a dude she wasn't into?
i may be wrong but she showed some interest too
22 seems like it's much too old to be a fan of Frances Ha, sorry.