It's Nigella Lawson for me.
Favourite tv chef?
literally the only correct answer(s)
Wtf are those things?
Us gamers, huh?
I only have patience for this
Wtf are they cooking?
I just want here to sit on my face and use me as a toilet, is that too much to ask?
Tina is CUTE!
Me too user, me too.
Non meme answers?
and America's Test Kitchen.
how can one man be so based?
>hai guise any other beta virgins want to join me in my fawning thread today?
Take your viring ass to with this shit where it belongs.
troubling lack of diversity
the only one for me
>watching cooking shows
unironically what's the point? you cant eat it, it's like watching porn without jerking off.
>watching it for the entertainment
theres an arab and they have an indian girl now guesting
Rip my nigga Francis
RIP Francis
>tfw you have a signed postcard from chef and Francis and have it framed in your kitchen and look at it every day.
My most prized possession.
I heard she likes choking :^)
Are you really having a good meal if you aren’t also fearful for your life?