Who was in the wrong here ?

who was in the wrong here ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Adam for going on an alt-right talk show

Que to amalgamation of soibois and trannies that will defend blatant child abuse because it's suits their delusional world view and political agenda.

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Adam right about alpha/beta being bogus, Joe right about not giving kids hormones and that trannies should be in a separate sports division/bathroom.

Adam for not having a solid foundation for his arguments and resorting to word games

I'm not sure, but I know who was in the right.

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This. Forget that I disagree with him on a lot of things, he honestly came off as super uninformed. Every one of his arguments was...
>I have trans friends who think it’s ok, so it’s ok.
What the heck? The dude embarrassed himself.

Has he called out the Metzl episode yet?

>Adam right about alpha/beta being bogus
t. beta

t. beta

t. beta

How is it bogus?

>Everything left of Young Turks is Alt-right


He's right about that. I can think of fat dudes I know who wear suits, have a wife and kids, are terrified of a fist fight yet still pull 6 figures despite having what people would consider "beta" traits

Making lots of money doesn’t change your social status, just your tax bracket.


Money is one of the major determining factors if social status.

Being alpha is pretty much saying “he’s the leader”. From the information you provided no one can deduce your friend is a leader. Just cause he’s married and makes money doesn’t mean he is at the top of his social circle.
There is no delusion here, unless your friend is actually you

It enables you to reach a higher social status. Do you think someone like mark zuck is a alpha male? Do you see how that man carries himself? He has autism

that's not what an alpha is you dipshit

the alpha/beta thing is about recognising that socially dominant men are more desired by women

it's not about some insane detailed hierarchy like adam tried to strawman

well, not every incel is alt right but all alt righters are incel, and the viewership is mostly incels, so I can see where he's coming from

No argument on the podcast was that women will only seek out and breed with men possessing alpha qualities, which being fat and cowardly certainly are not

Shut the fuck up before I jam my thumbs in your eye sockets, faggot

it's not bogus you dumb numale pansy, it's the basic hierarchy of social dominance indicative of a man's sexual success

it applies to humans just as much as any other species no matter how society has reformed to allowed genetic shit males to compensate as cuuck providers

why are so many people seething at you for this post

We know by real life that isn't true. There are plenty if people who aren't "alphas" in that context who are married and have kids. That is a pretty childish way to look at something.

Adam for giving into pseudo-intellectual rhetoric from a meathead who has no formal understanding of gender dysphoria or the slippery slope of giving into visceral hatred of anything he doesn't consider "normal".

None of what he brought up is "to be debatable", those are not stupid sports tactics that are up for everyone to give their two cents, those are serious medical issues which need to be taken seriously by -PROFESSIONALS AND PATIENTS ONLY-. I don't get why are people so determined in giving their two cents about how to properly treat someone suffering from this specific condition, when everyone would laugh at a bunch of angry randoms giving their shitty opinion on how to treat a carcinoma.

Yet, here we are, the age where stupidity is galvanized by equally ignorant individuals spreading their poorly thought out mental diarrhea everywhere for even dumber rejects to pick up and eat it.

Apparently it's "cool" in 2019 to be ignorant and give uninformed opinions about subjects you know nothing about.

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I don't think Alphas exist and you are confusing yourself with what you think social status is. What makes you think you have a higher social statues than Mark Zurk?

"muh doctors" is not an argument
trannies will never be physically the same as cisgender women, and thus should not play in the same sports divisions
to argue otherwise is misogyny


But hey, let's forgive shitty, obnoxious, angry, and unlikable people, and force women to date those miserable pricks because apparently men are the true victims in society when they are denied sex after demanding it from women without giving anything in return, other than a disgusting excuse of a human being on his 20s who probably doesn't even shower or changes his own clothes at least daily.

It's all "muh feminism", it has nothing to do with obtuse pigs who believe to be owed sex just because they were born with a penis.

imagine being this guy

My social circle is different than his. I’m not sure what is really is like in his life, so I won’t pretend he’s actually weird as fuck, but come on, he’s weird as fuck. He carries himself like he hasn’t been out around other people in years. There’s just something greasy about him but I have a predisposition of disliking him. Think about your own social circle, who in there can’t get laid, can’t get group recognition, and you believe would be a bad leader. That’s your beta male

Who are you to say what is and what isn't ought to be?

You're an unwashed loser who nobody cares whether he lives or dies, why do you feel like ANYONE has to hear your shitty verbal diarrhea on a subject you know nothing about?

Go jerk off to ben shapiro, you fucking zombie.

Stay dumb, idiot.

This, alot of churchy goodgirl types tend to flock to non-aggressive beta men. I know, my cousin is one of them and her hubby is a dweeb.

holy shit. a real life discord tranny

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Based as fuck

Hey buddy, got your response right here.

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But bro, have you not considered the feelings of internet virgins who really hate transpeople? Think of the children.....

hey, dipshit, gender dysphoria is only a real medical condition when gender is a real biological category.
if gender, however, is merely a social construct, then rogan's efforts at treating it -- namely, by trying to influence social convention -- is as legitimate as any doctor's efforts to indulge sexual fantasy.

try taking a coherent position you dumb faggot fuck

why should anyone listen to trannies when they don't know anything about cisgender women?

have you not noticed that it's overwhelmingly men trying to push trans women and cis women into the same sports? almost no actual woman wants this shit
because it's fucking misogyny, not social justice

>No argument

This works out fine when the church and strong fathers are influences on daughters. But the left is trying to destroy such evil patriarchal institutions, resulting in a harem society where 80% of women only sleep with the top 20% of men. This is what the alpha/beta discussion is all about.

Have sex

because it's fucking wrong. Men's basic understanding of alpha beta hierarchy is why we can lead society to ensure survival. Men can identify a leader and work together when you respect the alpha.

ahahaha imagine being this poster

>on a subject you know nothing about?

what? The fact men have a penis?

Implying Chad isn't a real dude

Its literally right there in the podcast while the basedfag denies it.
Joe is alpha, Adam is beta

there's no scientific precedent for alphas and betas actually being a thing. arguing that alphas and betas are real tangible concepts is essentially on the same level as arguing that there are now 86 new genders that we just didn't know about 10 years ago. it's just broscience bullshit that people choose to believe because it makes it slightly easier for them to cope.

obviously there are going to be people with "alpha" and "beta" characteristics, but trying to classify all males within 2 very broad categories is completely retarded as a theory and it falls apart under even the slightest bit of testing and scrutiny.

kek fucking trannies

>Reddit spacing
>Reddit picture
>Reddit tranny talking points
holy shit

Its not the same at all, no one is enforcing laws based on "alphas and betas" existing

Pretty much this. Of course a beta would appeal to hierarchies to try to not be seem beta, but they are still beta AF.

Your intellectual dishonesty really is astounding. Gender dysphoria and a carcinoma aren't even slightly comparable medically speaking, and yet you're perfectly comfortable with lumping them together because it suits your specific position. Mental illness isn't an exact science. Doctors make the best guesses they can, but ultimately they don't understand what causes many of these illnesses any better than the average person. We're talking about the brain, which's the most complicated organ in the body; an immense interconnected network of billions of neurons all firing in specific ways to create who we are. When it comes to mental disorders, medical professionals can only make decisions that they believe are best for the long term mental stability of the patient. The key word here is believe. They don't know for sure whether a specific treatment's going to be to effective in the long run. It's not like a patient that comes in with a severe infection and is given antibiotics and they're all better. Here's a good question, why do some doctors prescribe gender reassignment surgery as an effective means for treating gender dysphoria, but those same doctors would be absolutely against the idea of taking a limb off for people suffering from body integrity dysphoria? I realize this isn't a one to one exactly, but it does go to show the level of guess work and moral relativism that medical professionals exhibit when treating different mental disorders.

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>Adam right about alpha/beta being bogus

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If you have more testosterone and a psychological tendency towards aggression, then you're more likely to be an alpha. That's an objective physical cause-and-effect observation.

In the wild, many male animals become "alphas" by fighting/dominating other males and getting priority breeding rights to the females.

>there's no scientific precedent for alphas and betas actually being a thing
Who gives a fuck, it's blatantly true.

>then you're more likely to be an alpha
yeah, and i was born in september, so i am a libra. according to astrology, i am cooperative, diplomatic, gracious and social. hey it's true, i am social!

There is a scientific precedent though, it's called wolf packs; among other animals' behaviors.

Wolf packs are led by an alpha who literally has a leadership position and decides where the rest of the pack goes to hunt, when they sleep, etc. They get the position by fighting/dominating other males.

I'm not saying it's an absolute, just that it's a higher likelihood; you disingenuous faggot.

>Listen I'm all about science and evidence and rigorous experimental methodology with replicable results.
>But your data on trans people conflicts with the anecdotal reports I've gotten from my friends so its wrong.

Wow I never thought of it like that before maybe we should let kids chop their dicks off.

the argument isn't about the likelihood, it's whether the definition has any significance whatsoever

human beings are way too complex to cut in two categories like ALPHA and BETA and the only people who think they can do that are willfully ignorant brainlets

like who?
The field that have been wrong about almost everything?

Alpha/beta being bogus is mostly taking the dichotomy too literally, when he knows full well what people actually mean by it. Social dominance isn't intrinsic and the words to gauge it don't have scientifically backed etymology but there are people who lead and people who follow. His attack on the words themselves is just side-tracking in order to hopefully detract because someone called him a basedaboya or cuck or beta.

Adam debunked this but it literally does not matter. Wolves aren't people, we don't need to comparisons to animals to justify the dichotomy's existence, it exists on its own.

Hi, Google Censor.

>making money means you are not a beta

Yeah bro, Marc Zuckerberg and Bill Gates confirmed for Alpha Males.

>infinite regression meme

Yeah, maybe betas can become alpha if they're injected with testosterone and given a 24/7 life coach and plastic surgery; but we don't make observations based on remote possibilities. Imagine saying all meteorology is bogus because they aren't 100% accurate, it's the same premise.

Because nobody can explain to me the logic behind it in a way that makes any kind of sense.

Imagine I teleported you to the Sahara Desert. You don't know shit about astrology, and there's blank sand all around you.
You have a radio and are able to get through. The guy on the other end says he'll rescue you, he just wants to know where exactly in the Sahara desert are you. How the fuck do you answer that question?
How can you possibly know what you have absolutely no reference for? You only know one mind. You have no idea what the "atypical" mind is, what the "female" or "male" mind are because you simply don't have a reference. Literally nobody has a reference. So how are they being assessed correct in their self image as something they have no basis for?

Alpha/beta is schema, not science, and that's fine.

>Who are you to say what is and what isn't ought to be?

Someone who has to live in society, dipshit.

Who are you to demand to be able to use women's bathrooms and locker-rooms and play on all female sports teams because you put on a dress and duct-taped your cock?

Science has proven that hormones effect behavior, and high-test men are more likely to seek leadership roles.

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>has gavin mc innes on
>has milo yannipopilis on
>has alex jones on
>has jordan peterson, for the sixth time now
>has ben sahpiro on, for the fifth time now
>has steven crowder on
>worst of all has dave rubin on
Literally every other guest he has on is alt-right, every single political commentator he has on is alt-right. It's an alt-right show.

Who are you to say what is and what isn't ought to be when you're the one who doesn't even understand the difference between a Man and a Woman?


This reeks of fucking newspeak.
They're "transsexuals". Or just "faggots".

Those men you're describing are betas tho.

rent free

>there's no scientific precedent for alphas and betas actually being a thing.

Except 200 years of Animal Psychology and Evolutionary Biology?


I don't think you know what that word means.

Most men are average testosterone or in that range, among this majority there are those who lead and those who don't, and there are those who lead in certain groups but don't in others. Testosterone isn't a full proof decider when being outside of the normal range, on either end, is uncommon.

There are men who lead more often than not in most groups they're in but calling all other men betas is ignoring the environment that exists when those outliers aren't present.

link your sources

>Apparently it's "cool" in 2019 to be ignorant and give uninformed opinions about subjects you know nothing about.

Adam spent the entire podcast saying he was uninformed and not an expert on his points.

Except there's still a direct correlation between testosterone and leadership.


>Here's a good question, why do some doctors prescribe gender reassignment surgery as an effective means for treating gender dysphoria, but those same doctors would be absolutely against the idea of taking a limb off for people suffering from body integrity dysphoria?

I honestly believe the only reason is because they know they couldn't "get away" with prescribing amputation at this point. People would catch-on and there'd be backlash.
Mark my words though, they will try it in the future. I fully and totally expect that "trans-disabled" and "trans-blind" and "trans-amputee" will be a real thing in the near future, with "progressive" California parents chopping the fingers off their kids and injecting Drain Cleaner into their eyes.

You didn't read my post.

Alt-right, conservacucks, right wing, its all the same to me.

Here's leftist SJW Huffpost admitting it's true:


Do you like being compared to neoliberals if you're a Marxist?

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>literally everything is "alt-right"

So does "alt-right" just mean "literally anything that triggers my snowflake sensibilities" to you?

link to the UT study on testosterone:


Alpha/beta is 100% real and scientifically proven
What most people get wrong is the definitions
The alpha isn't necessarily the ripped meathead, it's the man with social power


>has gavin mc innes on
Alt-right hate him because he looks like basedboy.
>has milo yannipopilis on
Alt-right hate him because he's gay.
>has alex jones on
Civ-Nat, married a jew, considered to be controlled opposition.
>has jordan peterson, for the sixth time now
Alt-right hate him because he wont answer the JQ and when he does he says that the reason behind the disproportionate number of jews in powerful positions is due to them having high IQ
>has ben sahpiro on, for the fifth time now
A jew, so not alt-right.
>has steven crowder on
Just a loud-mouthed, red-blooded conservative.
>worst of all has dave rubin on
A jew, so not alt-right.

Can't tell if this is weak ass bait or you actually believe these people are alt-right or are just clueless as to what the alt-right actually is. Go to /pol/ and ask if those people are alt-right, see what happens.

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It might interest you that science has also linked high testosterone with adherence to heirarchy independently of where they sit on it.

So the people arguing against it are just salty lowtest bottyboys.

>Marc Zuckerberg and Bill Gates confirmed for Alpha Males.

They absolutely are under any definition of the "Alpha" that could possibly be applicable to humans.
What you think you can get to the absolute top of an industry without having aggressiveness and ruthlessness?

Jordan Peterson is surrounded by Zionist Jews who fund and promote him in order to be a "gatekeeper" against white nationalism. Jordon openly opposes white nationalism, but never criticizes Jewish ethnocentrism or Zionism. He's controlled opposition.

>Can't tell if this is weak ass bait or you actually believe these people are alt-right

Many NPCs think Zionist centrists are "alt-right" because ZOG is intentionally trying to re-frame the Overton Window to exclude actual white nationalists. It's called the "kosher sandwich", a political zeitgeist where both the left and right think Jews are the best thing ever.

Thanks for your addition. I like Peterson for the most part but, what you have pointed out is a very glaring flaw in his work. I wonder if it's because he is keenly aware that even suggesting as much will get him canned or it is as you say.

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From what I understand, a large part of it is a constant feeling of upset and anxiety over not looking like a woman/man and not having that body and the social role it implies. It's less "I was born with a female/male mind" and more "I was raised in society and learned what (wo)manhood is, every day of my life is filled with dread that I don't have that." or something.

Seems like learned self-hatred maybe based on a certain neurological/psychological vulnerability for that kind of self-hatred. It then becomes hard-wired as a source of negative emotion whenever certain stimuli are/aren't there. It could also be present no matter what's done to change the person's physical appearance, hence the 41% statistic. Possibly a socially engineered mental condition afflicting people vulnerable to this sort of dysphoria. It's something that wouldn't exist without some type of society, but it is real.
With all that said, I don't quite understand why we're focused on trimming the hedge/painting them pink, rather than uprooting the plant. If the vulnerability could be identified then steps could be taken to ensure that this non-stop assault of negative emotion would never afflict people again and they would never have to ruin their bodies in order to /possibly/ satiate the dysphoria.

Took me a while to find it, but here is a video by an actual white nationalist who exposes Peterson as a Zionist shill:


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Supporting Israel is a time honored Republican tradition.

Republican =/= white nationalist

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Literally every clip where Joe or a guest expressed a leftist viewpoint, the downvotes come pouring in.

I think Joe is a liberal himself, but I also think that his audience is largely right wing because he's one of the only people that lets Jordan Peterson talk unopposed.

Why do you want to be a bodybuilder if you have no perspective over how it feels to be one?

Why do you want to avoid being fat if you have no perspective over how it feels to be fat?

How is it possible for you to dislike having man-tits, dark skin, or weird body proportions, or anything "wrong" about your body if that's the only perspective you have?

How can you strive to be better or dislike being something you don't like, when the perspective you have is NOT that of what you wish to become? Your logic makes absolutely no sense.

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>Racial based collectivism is good for whites, blacks, asians, hispanics and molding America to become one united group of individuals who work together despite race is bad

That makes you a piggybank for attractive women to cuck you while they fuck others.

Or maybe leftist opinions are just shit and people don't like them.

Just watched part of it, still strikes me when people talk about transgenderism as if it weren't a mental illness. Worst is there're kids right now who are being treated with hormones because they are saying stupid things, next thing you know they are sending children who want to be astronauts to space.

Whatever you say, Ben.

>With all that said, I don't quite understand why we're focused on trimming the hedge/painting them pink, rather than uprooting the plant
Treating the symptoms instead of curing the disease has kinda always been how we deal with psychological issues. We’d rather keep the looneys tranquilized and pretend there’s nothing we can do than admit that society creates the looneys in the first place.

The vast overwhelming majority of blacks/Hispanics/etc. are ethnocentric and will never adopt individualism.

Individualism is mostly a white liberal thing, and it essentially leaves whites vulnerable to exploitation by nonwhite collectives. Also, Jews promote individualism for goyim, but are extremely ethnocentric for their own race. They see it as a tool for decreasing goyim's collective power.

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I literally want to execute both (((Ben))) and (((Adam))) via gas chamber.

They aren't remotely comparable.
For one thing you don't claim "I am a bodybuilder" while you're scrawny and weak. You don't claim that you're truly a bodybuilder on the inside and that you're going to "realise your true body".

Those are things you obtain, not things you are.

Yeah it’s gonna be a few decades before everybody realizes how fucked up it is. It’s like enabling a schizophrenic’s delusions by telling them the voices are real, or telling a suicidal person they should kill themselves if they feel it’s for the best.

Those are aesthetic changes you wish upon your body in order for you to feel happy with your own image. How is this so hard for you to understand?

Different people want different things. Get over yourself and let other people pursue their happiness. It doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever, so why do you feel like you have the right to tell them what they should do with their bodies or not? Fuck off.

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Also, here's the Democratic leader in the Senate describing how much he loves Israel.



Senator (((Chuck Schumer))) (D). He screeches constantly about how keeping illegals out of the US is evil and Naziish.

>It doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever,

Some countries like Canada already have laws that force parents to give their pre-teen kids hormones and surgery if they claim to be "transgender". Some boy can see the transgender fad and think it's cool and attention-grabbing without fully comprehending the consequences, but if the state finds-out he wants his dick cut off, then the parents can't do anything about it.

No you're strawmanning argument by using a nebulous definition of what I said and then arguing something completely different underneath it.

I'm talking about the mental state of people who claim they are women in men's bodies, etc. You're talking about people who don't have any sort of self identity issues but want to change for whatever reason.
As my question relies on the self identity issues, and how it's possible to have them with no reference, your arguement is just avoiding that point.
I like how you follow up your answer with by essentially telling me not to think about it, truly the words of someone with a worthwhile, well thought out opinion. Especially since I never told anyone to do anything in this topic yet that seems to be the crux of your hissy fit.

seething tranny

So fucking what? That's none of your business.

If you want to be such an amazing role model go have kids of your own and stop trying to interfere with what other parents thinks is the best for their children.

You're not being altruistic by claiming your world view is better than anybody else's, you're being a nosy piece of shit who is too self-centered to understand your opinions only apply to your own miserable life.

Again, FUCK OFF. Go torture a puppy or something, and stop trying to "correct" the world, when your life is probably a fucking mess as it is.

>stop trying to interfere with what other parents thinks is the best for their children

I'm okay with leftist parents castrating their own kids, but not with conservative parents being forced to castrate their own kids.

>Again, FUCK OFF. Go torture a puppy or something, and stop trying to "correct" the world, when your life is probably a fucking mess as it is.
How do you not see the irony of your statement? Are you that delusional?


WEW lad.

Certain people can be "alpha" in different situations

A nerd being a dm at his local dnd sesh will be in control and appear pretty alpha, very in his element

So what is the point of this super generalizing term? We should at least admit that we only mean this in regards to sex and aggresion or something because with its current wide net defintion you can cleary be alpha in some places and situations but not others, so how many situations do you need to be alpha in to be considered an overall alpha

Nice rebuttal you fucking moron

>Wolf packs are led by an alpha who literally has a leadership position and decides where the rest of the pack goes to hunt, when they sleep, etc. They get the position by fighting/dominating other males.
>still believing this despite it being debunked by the person who made these claims in the first place
the research came from studying wolves in captivity
every study since then about wolves in the wild have confirmed that it's essentially always family-based hierarchies

they were both wrong and degenerate

I'm against a strong government and pretty pro-individual freedom but the vast majority of people being so eager to accept this sort of madness is one of the best arguments against liberalism

>correct i don't know what it means

What about the mental state of people who are not physically attractive and who wish to better themselves in order to be more appealing to other people?

Besides, why is it so important to you what a person thinks about themselves inside their own heads? Aren't you the ones who keep bitching and moaning about others being the "thought police"?

You claim others are not supposed to think a certain way just because YOU believe that is "wrong", by whatever idiotic measures you find convenient, while at the same time you hate when someone asks POLITELY for you to call them something they feel more comfortable, and STILL claim to be the reasonable and altruistic ones who "just want to be free"?

Jesus fuck, how much mental gymnastics does the average loser who posts in these hate threads needs to be in order to justify their napoleon syndrome?

Also, why the fuck do you even care what 0.2% of the population think about themselves? Aren't you the ones who are CONSTANTLY bashing them for being insignificant? So again, why is it so important to you that this specific 0.2% of the population thinks EXACTLY how YOU want them to think?

Are you starting to see why your authoritarianism bullshit is not welcome anywhere?

t. beta

He's saying that trannies believe they're born with male/female minds but are stuck in female/male bodies, and that that incongruity is where their alleged dysphoria comes from. He's rebutting with the idea that no one knows what a male/female mind is exactly and relatively normal people have blurred the line there enough to make it not really apparent or clear. So how can you believe yourself to be of a female/male mind when we don't can't really pinpoint what that means.

I think what he's saying trannies believe is barely above the concept of male/female souls, it's as scientific. However, very few of the trannies I've talked to (porn discords attract them like flies) actually believe that they have a female mind. It's more like they hate being masculine and they hate the somatic sensations that come with being male and would heavily prefer the feminine, the social role of females and their somatic sensations, except probably periods, yeast infection and menopause, kekkk. It basically fucks them up every day to look in the mirror and not see a woman, that's the premise most of them accept, from how I understand it.


Ever since he did the episode saying not to drink water I realized he was a little fuck

Nobody is trying to change your mind. You can stay an ignoramus fool your whole life for all anyone cares, but the idea that someone else might just live their lives free from your archaic and tyrannical paradigms just doesn't sit right with you, does it?

I wonder why is it so important to you that everyone HAS to live their lives exactly the way you want them to live it. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that you're unhappy, that nobody likes you, and that you're simply unwilling to change.

>He's saying that trannies believe they're born with male/female minds
So feminine men and masculine women don't exist?

Take your head out of your asshole, for once.

>What about the mental state of people who are not physically attractive and who wish to better themselves in order to be more appealing to other people?
Yes? They understand that they are a not very attractive person. They do not believe themselves to be an attractive person in an unattrective shell.
You're still conflating the issue.

>Besides, why is it so important to you what a person thinks about themselves inside their own heads? Aren't you the ones who keep bitching and moaning about others being the "thought police"?
Because I'm curious? I like to know things? Again, you're literally preaching ignorance. You're telling people to stay ignoranton, what I can assume is, anything not immediately relevant to them. How is this a good argument in your
When have I bitched and moaned about any "thought police"? For the third time now you've attacked positions I have never held. Why would anyone value the arguments of a fallacious

>You claim others are not supposed to think a certain way just because YOU believe that is "wrong", by whatever idiotic measures you find convenient, while at the same time you hate when someone asks POLITELY for you to call them something they feel more comfortable, and STILL claim to be the reasonable and altruistic ones who "just want to be free"?
When did I do this? That's 4

Jesus fuck, how much mental gymnastics does the average loser who posts in these hate threads needs to be in order to justify their napoleon syndrome?
I would imagein less than a percent of the ones going on in your mind to preach willful ignorance, preach that other people's opinions shouldn't matter to you while you clearly care about other people's opinions as your argument is itself what you are telling them is pointless, and then spend most of your posts ranting about things that only exist in your head.

You are quite simply stupid.

in your head*
fallacious ignoramus*

Dunno why that happened.

Are you guys actually arguing with a discord tranny that uses reddit spacing?

>alpha/beta being bogus

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the field where they basically throw everything out every decade or so and start over

I like to know how they think. Once I asked one why he was using tyrant or nazi as an insult against people who had openly stated that was their preferred position.
His reply was essentially that everyone knew it was bad to be a tyrant or a nazi, therefore proud tyrants/nazis would feel ashamed to be called as such (this is on an anonymous forum of course).
He genuinely seemed to think that everyone accepted his worldview as the correct one (in terms of who is good, who is bad) and some people simply chose to be bad guys. I couldn't believe it.

As I said, I like to know things. Look at the current one, spends half its time screaming how people shouldn't care about these things, the other half screaming about these things in response to statements nobody made. What do you think is happening in a mind that would do that? Aren't you curious?

>They do not believe themselves to be an attractive person in an unattrective shell.
Why does the reasoning behind someone trying to better themselves matter to you or to anybody else?

Shouldn't a normal and healthy person be happy that someone is trying to become their best selves? Why do you feel this need to be constantly shutting down every inch of introspection someone else has about who they really are? Don't you see how intrusive and unwelcome is this absurd extent of control you're trying to exert onto others?

Jesus fuck, 30 minutes here and it becomes almost instantly clear why anyone sane would think you miserable fucks are absolutely the worst humanity has to offer.

Thank god none of you will ever reproduce.

>Why does the reasoning behind someone trying to better themselves matter to you or to anybody else?
Because my question is "How do people know they are something if they have no reference".
Hence the answer to that question is the answer to the one I want to know.

>Why does the reasoning behind someone trying to better themselves matter to you or to anybody else?
I'll try to use an example so your mangled brain can understand.

Why do people watch science shows when they have no interest in a career in science?
Why do people watch nature dodcumentaries on places they never plan to visit?
Are you seriously asking why people would want to know something? Are you so vapid and so unaware that you can't even comprehend the notion of curiosity?

How do you develop your identity as a child if you have no reference of the person you will become as an adult?

Stop trying to claim every decision you make about who you are is a conscious one.

Lmao if the people around you didn't try to stop you when you decided to mutilate your dick it means you are even more worthless than I am, which is pretty sad

What is the reasoning behind ANYONE ever trying to be their best selves?

Are you really this stupid or are you just baiting for replies?

>Thank god none of you will ever reproduce.
nor will any seething tranny like you

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So fucking what?

How does someone else changing their bodies willingly, and legally, with THEIR OWN FUCKING MONEY, affects your pathetic excuse of an existence in any way whatsoever?

Are you unironically suggesting taking hormones and cutting your dick because nobody around you cared about you enough to tell you to stop is bettering yourself? Not like I fucking care about your sad existence anyway, I just want you to leave the children alone.

Don't you people ever get tired of being wrong on purpose just to shitpost?

>How do you develop your identity as a child if you have no reference of the person you will become as an adult?
Because you are it? Like, it's who you are at the moment? What the absolute fuck are you trying to say? Nobody goes to a party or makes friends with some sort of forward projection of themselves, they draw who they are from their past. Never in a normal childhood does somebody consider themselves as a "protoself" ready to be realised as the true self in the future.

The crux of your argument is apparently that children consciously develop their identity, yet you use that as a point against me while

I'm saying there is only one conscious choice you can make about your identity and that is that saying it is wrong and your identity is somewhere else than where you currently are. I am saying this claim is impossible to reference. That is what I am saying.
You on the other hand are talking about a whole range of irrelevant shit loosely connected to that.

Nu-males are always wrong.

That being said, Joe Rogan is retarded.

Not a single one of those people is alt-right

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Look at elon musk
He maybe famous and rich now and dates fancy models
But in his core he is still a beta, just watch his video with his ex wife and in front of him an the camera team
She humiliates him by saying she thinks about running away alot
And his response is really? Like a total beta, it oozes out of every pore
I can get as much hair transplants as he wants and go to the gym
But he will forever be the same nerd he was in school

Pretty much this. It's a free country, I couldn't care less what people do to their bodies as long as I don't have to pay for it

Not in my country, else I wouldn't fucking care, it's darwinism when genetic failures mutilate their genitals
>It doesn't.
Because in the unlikely event I ever have a kid I don't want teachers to fuck with his brain just because a bunch of mentally ill faggots pushed their bullshit through parliament because nobody cared enough about their sad existence to stop them

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*it doesn't affect you

Have you ever considered that YOU might be the one in the wrong here and your desperate attempt to keep your kid "safe" from information only shows how afraid of reality you really are?

>knowingbetter releases a video about muh wrong side of history and muh trannies in sports is fair
Is it really that easy to make onions boys uncomfortable?

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Humans developed fear for a reason. The idea that it is a "negative" emotion in the sense that negative means bad is simply anti-evolutionary thinking. Fer was evolutionarily selected for therefore it has benefits.

>Joe is alpha
Imagine unironically believing this

You are extremely narrow minded and hateful, in what way are you any better than the people who hate you, when you are acting the same way?

You're the exception, not the rule.

Your fear is based off your archaic mindset going extinct, as it should be. Why do you think no woman finds your sorry ass worth their time? You're going extinct, caveman. No need to worry about your children, you'll never reproduce, and it's a good thing you'll never reproduce, because this type of mindset of yours would only bring more shame and hatred into the world.

Children are very easily influenceable, especially by people they trust like teachers. In theory even if they put the idea in his head it should not be more harmful than him saying he wants to be a footballer when he grows up, because this sort of innocent childish dreams just go away with puberty. But if they send him to a doctor and they start feeding him hormones then it will not go away, they will not only have fucked with his mind permanently but also with his body and he will grow to be a suicidal mentally ill tranny that won't be able to pass my name (and genes) on.

You haven't seen Karl Popper's paradox of tolerance? It's the pinnacle of leftist doublethink.

It essentially states that tolerance is naturally disadvantaged against intolerance and intolerance would prevail over tolerance due to the definition of the word tolerance.
Therefore apparently you can select certain intolerances to be intolerant of because apparently once you call something a paradox you can make definitive statements on it.

Essentially he proved through reasoning the logical fallacy that tolerance as a virtue entails, but, because it didn't fit with his preconceived notion that tolerance as a virtue is a good thing, he rolled that preconceived notion right over his logical deduction despite the fact that said deduction was the antithesis of his preconception.

And this is someone leftists believe is intelligent.

t. beta

You shouldn't worry about that. Thankfully ignorant fucks like yourself will never pass their genes on, and your reptilian mentality will hopefully die with your generation.

t. beta

Tbqh if you look at it from a more philosophical perspective life is pointless, going against the laws of physics by trying to reduce entropy. But then again thinking about all the organisms that beared my genes before me and knowing I'm the result of thousands of millions of years of things reproducing if I have no children by 30 I'll visit all the sperm banks of the continent to make sure some fool gets my seed

If you have XY chromosomes you are a man.
If you have XX chromosomes you are a woman.
Until we can manipulate the chromosomes of a person from XY to XX and vice-versa a naturally born woman can never become a man or a naturally born man a woman. FACT.

I'm all in for burining the trannies alive but what you've just said is retarded

Hi! I am a transwoman who was born with micropenis. I am not trans because of it, it is actually unrelated. I am also gifted with a very feminine face and hips as well. I never fully masculinized. I have a few genetic herpdongs that don't cause many issues, I am sterile.

Interestingly enough, my penis is about a quarter inch smaller after hormones, from 2.25 inches hard to just under two. PROOF!

Behold, images. NSFW. Severely. One shows my penis soft and not manipulated, one shows it soft and pushed out, one shows it rock hard, one shows hormones proof, one is a picture of me. So, fire away!

you pretty much talked yourself into saying adam is wrong. Your problem is that you think they're absolute terms.

How so? Please explain how this is not the case.

>Adam debunked this
lol, no he didn't

>"In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."
Sounds like when a cult is removing the non-believers from their group. Those who question the "truth" must be removed before the seeds of doubt are planted among the enlightened.
This can only end badly in the schism that will follow (and already taking place).

There are some gene expression anomalies like swyer syndrome and you cannot genetically modify a grown organism, fuck trannies though

They're cult like in many other ways but this is just pure doublethink. It's not about what other people believe, it's about how they manage to rationalise holding the exact opposite position to the position they preach because the position they preach is logically inferior and fails a reasoning test. Thus to defend their failed position they will utilise the antithesis of it.
Not about removing anything, it's purely insular in how fucking braindead it is.

Guys, can we talk about movies?

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The cult like behaviour can be observed in our friend here though. Notice how most of his replies involve telling people not to think about it and just accept it?
"Why do you care"
"How does it affect you?"

After that it's usual just baseless insults hurled at the screen.
The man holds his position purely through guilt and shame. He genuinely believes it is wrong to even question his mantra.

I said until science could change it. I never said they would ever be able to. So I was in a round about way saying that woman could never be men and vice versa. Also weird intersex shit like swyer syndrome is an exception rather than a rule. I would classify them as Mutatis and therefore Exterminatus is the advised course of action.

Expert troll.

Hello Adam
You're a beta

You're a genetic dead end by your own doing. You are not normal and you will never be normal. A truly sympathetic society would lock you in a padded room so you don't kill yourself after realizing how horrific a mistake it is you made after willingly mutilating your body.

Your life is pointless. Stop projecting your insecurities onto others just so you can feel better about being a social reject nobody wants to be anywhere near.

>Apparently it's "cool" in 2019 to be ignorant and give uninformed opinions about subjects you know nothing about.

like tranny suicide statistics?
or basic science about gender?

>I said until science could change it.
Who is this guy known as science? And I'm talking about genetic engineering in general, you will never be able to modify a grown organism, how would you?

Anyone who unironically uses terms like alpha and beta are almost guaranteed to be a genetic dead end.

what insecurities have I projected pseudo-dr?

Good point, but it's not logically inferior among the enlightened. All brainwashed people no matter the political, religious or whatever act this way more or less.
Yes i see that too in our friend. Seems to be a very broken person. It's quite sad really.
But then again the broken ones are easier to "fix" and rebuild in whatever image there is.

Some kind of CRISPR manipulation. I dunno. I just know putting on a a dress and cutting off your dick just makes you a man in a dress with a mutilated penis.

Damn, Sopranos is good stuff

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