What causes this degenerative behavior. To people not have good foresight of future consequences?
What causes this degenerative behavior. To people not have good foresight of future consequences?
Thinking liberation from stingy social norms means you need to run 150% in the opposite direction and re-enslave yourself to a different ideology
This is actually caused by /pol/. People are fighting back against conservative values and it’s working.
Honestly? If it triggers /pol/ I support it
Fucking this
I feel like smoking some pipes right now
>Raw or it doesn't count
>Safe Sex +5
go dilate
Unironically being abused in childhood.
I don't see anything wrong with this, but I'm English so people here are allowed to have sex without people kicking off about "good old Christian values" when their pastors are dicking their 10 year old sons.
This image predates /pol/ and if you think /pol/ isnt the reaction to shit like this, you're so out of touch and probably a zoomer who thinks the internet = real life.
i wish i was a medieval peasant or something
get a virgin wife who isnt a whore and we only love eachother
we work hard and feast on holidays and get to drink ale with the bros and die believing i get to go to eternal paradise
instead im born into a time like this where nobody gives a shit about anything except competing to see who can be the biggest hedonist
Where are these women? Do I need to join a frat to find them?
>no mention of /pol/
>people instantly bring up /pol/
The people destroy themselves.
that board traumatized a lots of young men,
god bless /pol/
>Not banging tons of women and then ending up with a virgin
Lmaoing at your life senpai
they are not that cute and they will cry rape if you dont make them cum
>New body added
Because these faggots are too afraid to discuss politics on the politics board.
>tfw not chad enough to bang lots of women OR even get a virgin
>white women
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Not even once
have sex
/pol/ collectively lives rent free in the empty space between seething redditor tourist libcucks' ears. They are obsessed.
What makes you think you'd get a girl 700 years ago? You'd be dead at 12 you whiny little faggot.
Does lesbian incest trigger /pol/
I can't stop jerking off to Dellai twins.
I feel like people mention it because /pol/ is so easily triggered it's amusing
Probably Television & Film
>I can't stop jerking off to Dellai twins.
what a failed human,
well played schlomo you broke this young man
Why did you reply to my post as well fgt
thank god feminism liberate women
Or when their new policemen, scientists, astronauts and engineers are gang raping 10 year old girls
every Yea Forums poster is a /pol/lack at heart
watch any star wars thread, GoT threads, Netflix threads etc. nobody likes niggers, trannies or sóibois
Would still bang
no one's buying it sweaty
>raw or it doesn't count
>safe sex +5
Good for fucking and sucking yeh. Poor fuck who marries her has no idea what he’s getting into LOL
mens fixation with porn is a large factor
Women inherently being whores is the biggest contributing factor.
>mens fixation with porn is the reason why women want to sleep with every Chad in town
W*men are the literal jews of gender
men are always naturally gonna be "fixated" on naked women you stupid nigger and there's nothing wrong with that
27) picking faults with hoelympics - a billion
Sorry user you are in last place currently better get swallowing to catch up.
If you walk of shame in your clothes is it all his clothes or just one thing? The cost would be enormous surely abandoning your clothes every night. What about shoes?
Thing Hoelypmics
It's the pill and wide availability of contraception.
1. Pill.
2. Condom.
3. Morning after pill.
4. Abortion.
Probably antibiotics too.
There is no immediate consequence for women that are whores anymore. In fact, I would say our society encourages it. We as men certainly passively accept it from our daughters, leaving their sexuality to be defined by their mothers, their peers, the school system and the media.
The only thing that could potentially save us is a massive economic calamity, followed by the coming to power of a group that will use government fiat to reverse all of this shit.
>men can’t get laid because women keep fucking Chads
>men watch porn to compensate
>“well obviously men watching porn causes women to be whores”
It's not actually the majority of women though.
these are just the ones which stand out.
The other problem is there are women with healthy sexualities, they have sex with men who they like and know, but then you group them as whores too, when they're just normal.
>they have sex with men who they like and know
Translation: They have sex with Chad
You're just assuming any man who has sex is chad.
>The other problem is there are women with healthy sexualities, they have sex with men who they like and know, but then you group them as whores too, when they're just normal.
That is the definition of whore, minus the payment.
A healthy sexuality should be contained within marriage and should at least have the chance of resulting in offspring.
>That is the definition of whore, minus the payment.
So the definition of a whore is a woman who has sex outside of marriage?
Fuck I know a girl exactly like this and looks exactly like the image
/pol/ predates /pol/. Socially awkward sour grapes retards trying to arbitrate what other people do with their lives have been around for centuries.
Not at all. Not all men who have sex are Chads but all w*men prefer to have sex with Chad than with not-Chad
Thanks for reminding me that not everyone here is a retard.
Literally just because of obsession.
Leftists control 99% of media, tech and especially the Internet. /pol/ and a few other places they don't have a complete and total hegemony. So they obsess over those places constantly. /pol/ is the Trotsky that they can blame literally everything that goes wrong on.
We have the data that the top 20% or so of men get 80% of women.
It's a nuclear arms race when 50 years ago all you had to do to get a wife was go to church and have a well paying union job in manufacturing.
I mean we're all going to have to swallow our pride eventually and breed these roasties, but I want the concession out of them first that they are whores and submission thereafter.
It won't happen until we're on the brink.
keep crying incel idiots
keep seeking out things to make you angry instead of fixing your lives lmao these people do not think about you at all
>Thanks for reminding me that not everyone here is a retard.
How old are they?
>Television and Politics
With many men. Yes.
Yes and men prefer to have sex with prettier women.
Then get in the top 20%.
I'm a bald manlet loser and i keep getting laid, so why are you bitching?
>ha, i became a human sex-toilet for college dudebros and now have a stretched-out pussy and three STD's. take THAT, /pol/!!!
Wow, you sure showed them.
That'll teach that nebulous collective of people you don't agree with on the internet to think things you don't like.
>instead of fixing your lives
I own an 1800sqft house with a pool, two cars, and I have a full time career with benefits. W*men dont want to have sex with me because i'm not attractive.
>Yes and men prefer to have sex with prettier women.
Men date/fuck down. W*men dont.
That's how humanity works.
Men arent stuck being pregnant for 9 months so there's no risk, women are so they better make the most of it.