Finished watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and left feeling depressed because we never getting season 3

Finished watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and left feeling depressed because we never getting season 3.

>John Connor has gone to a future where he either does not exist or is not the leader of the Resistance

>John Connor would have grown close with Allison Young.

>John's destiny would have been explored and how in the new reality he was not leading the Resistance.

>Danny Dyson would have had a key role in Season 3.

>Savannah Weaver would have appeared in 2026, and there would have been a love triangle between her, Allison Young and John.

>Sarah Connor may or may not have appeared in this future.

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more of that show would be infinitely preferable to the terrible fucking movies we got instead

>YWN get to feel around in Cameron's chest cavity
Just fucking kill me now anons

Terminator Genisys made me nauseous and i got no hope for Terminator: Dark Fate

I honestly enjoy the show more than any of the movies, including the first two.

Attached: sarahchronicles.jpg (400x266, 44K)

>So down deep you wanna kill me.

I do.

>Then why don't you?

I might someday.

I need to show you something.

This body Get on top of me.
Put your knee here.
Right here.

If I'm damaged, we should know.
Reach down under the breast plate.

What does it feel like?


>That's good, right?

That's good.

That's perfect.

It's time to go.

TV show are better in some aspects in my opinion. The length of a TV series allows the creation and development of characters with a depth that will never be possible in a movie. For the storyline, there are advantages too. The length of a TV shows allows a better development of alternative storylines

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Agreed, also there is a greatest wish fulfillment aspect to TSCC. A teenage boy surrounded by gorgeous women that are obsessed with him, also I've whacked off thinking about Sarah and Cameron in this show at least 500 times.

Mother of resistance

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TSCC was hurt a bit, being your standard relatively low-budget scifi series. A few of the episodes, plots and writing were just awful. I really liked the overall narrative though, it had mystery and suspense which the mvoies didn't have. T1 and 2 at least, the only ones worth caring about, are pretty cut and dry action flicks. Camerons motives and the actual truth of her history with connor was great. The ranga t1000 was similarly enigmatic. The black detective dude was imo the best character in the show too.

>christian allegories and entire scenes spent discussing bible passages

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It's funny because the subtext is obvious but the actual text of the scene is she wanted to know if her reactor casing was cracked - if there was warmth, it meant she was leaking radiation all over the place.

So her solution is "hey buddy stick your hand in there and see if you get cancer lmao"

I might be remembering wrong, but wasn't there also going to be a S3 plotline about John getting cancer from being around cameron so much? despite her not having any damage to the energy core

She shouldn't even need outside help to do that. In T3, the T-800 immediately knows his reactor has been breached and cuts it out to toss it himself - right before it explodes. Shit, in T2 the T-800 immediately knows his reactor has been breached because he fucking dies for a minute when it happens

Attached: t2poster1.jpg (920x414, 76K)

those were catastrophic failures of his reactor. during the season sarah constantly cries about cameron maybe leak radiation, even though cameron assures here the reactor is sealed. cameron was checking for a more subtle leak. having said that she probably didn't need help to do so and it was her continuing to emotionally manipulate john by having "sex" with him right before shit went down. remember at that point everything came crashing down. The uncle guy was dead, sarah was in prison, there was a manhunt in place for john/cameron etc etc. cameron was using that time to further sink her claws into john.

That moaning and Sexual tension.
What does it feel like?
That's good, right?
That's good.
That's perfect.

Need ero fanfic

"Cameron shook her head. \"No, not with a handjob,\" Then she sat up and wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, the other going into his boxers to gently cup his balls. Then John watched with almost detached fascination as her head came down towards his groin, her mouth slowly opening. The detached felling vanished as soon as her lips touched the tip of his penis. He groaned as her hot, wet mouth engulfed his member, her lips sliding down his length as her tongue stroked the underside of his dick. Her head continued to descend until her chin and nose were pressed against his jeans, the last inch or two of his cock buried inside her throat."
"Then she started swallowing. John bucked as he felt her esophagus contract around him, trying to drive himself even deeper into her throat. She kept this up for almost a minute before her head started coming back up, reveling inch after inch of his shaft, which was now glistening with her saliva. After a moment his tip came out of her mouth with a small popping sound. Cameron looked up at him for a second, then kissed the head of his cock. She tilted her head and started kissing and licking her way up, down and around the length of his erection. After doing this for a little while she moving back to hover over him, her right hand that had been at his base coming up and gently rolling his foreskin back to reveal the purplish mushroom shaped head of his penis. She put his exposed tip inside her mouth and swirled her tongue around and over his glans. John moaned, and would have thrust his member further into her mouth if her hand had not been holding him in place."
"Meanwhile, while her mouth and right hand been occupied with his penis, her left hand was fondling his balls. While her tongue played with his exposed head, her left thumb caressed the center of his scrotum. Then her hand shifted and she lightly squeezed first his right testicle, then his left. She cupped him

The series was easily the worst of them all. The latest one might beat it, with its SJW bullshit.

Read Happy Birthday and The Gift That Keeps On Giving By Midknight they are so good.

He fucked a terminator?

Canceled before he fucked one.