>Tell the Lannister bros you’re going to kill them.
>Let them live.
Tell the Lannister bros you’re going to kill them
This scene made no fucking sense to me what so ever
He’ll be dead come Sunday
What didn’t make sense to you, retard?
Hey had to hammer it in for the new viewers that he is a selfish sell sword with no loyalties, and is only out for himself. You do realize millions of new viewers are watching this season and haven't watched anything prior to this season, right?
I think the hack writers actually thought that his monologue about how nobles were originally just killers was original and good writing.
He betrayed Cersei when he has nowhere to go. She even knows he betrayed her because Tyrion shows up in the ending to talk with her lmao. So he is kind of just like hanging there and they will explain it by him "hiding" or some stupid shit like that, which makes that scene completely irrelevant
You think Cersei’s offer was that Bronn kill Tyrion right then? So you really are retarded
No ofcourse not, she wanted him to kill them after the war when she’s potentially dead. Nigger
It was wayy to on the nose. Like a 14 years old deviant "artist" explaining his Sonic OC's background.
Could have been nice if it was kept shorter and not as outright.
but it was good writing.
you just don't like it because like 90% of Yea Forums, you're an embarassing /pol/tard incel who actually believes in neoreactionary drivel and you want absolutist monarchies back
>be Cersei
>hire a guy to kill my brothers because I hate them
>he doesnt
>my brother walks up to me while I have a hundred archers pointed at him
>decide not to kill this guy that I hate not to piss off Dany
>kill some literal who to piss her off instead
have sex
Something kinda hilarious how they've made him into this cave troll thing
imagine being this stupid
>Arya teleports behind you
>Bronn teleports thousands of miles through hostile territory and back again instantaneously
Heh based Bronn playing both sides he's smart!
Literally just fucked. Twice. Then chilled in the hot tub for a bit and talked before sending her packing so I can be comfy sleeping alone. You?
Have sex incel
Literally just fucked. Twice. Then chilled in the hot tub for a bit and talked before sending her packing so I can be comfy sleeping alone.
Nah, the dude likes the Lannister bros all along. He is trying to save them and himself by extorting them with a better deal. He is a good friend.
You'll be dead tomorrow idiot. At least you are bringing your big bro to hell with you.
I was in the tub with ya, cunt
getting me ass pounded so hard I fucking pissed meself
>S1 watchers not even 25% of todays viewership
>2M viewership hike from S7
and the truth is that is all that matters
I'm so sick of this trash
fucking hard dick Bronn
best character
bitches out
and lets them live
I hope it gets better
Virgins? I’m gonna watch the new Jeselnik special and eat some protein, try to brainstorm a better comeback by the time I check back in
bronn is going to die lmofa
Have sex incel
why is this user so sure the hound is going to kill bronn of all people, you made a thread about it already