do you really think that isn't shit?
It looks like they already did considering the cinematography is just as bad as DisneyWars
Woah, epic videogame cutscene. Soulless.
congrats, worse than the original scene
>original fight
>fencing, technique oriented
>this video
>jedi are flashy and showy
As cool as duels looked in the PT, the OT felt more organic with their duels.
jesus, those 1 second cuts and shaky camera are hideous
Everything Wrong With Star Wars: The Fan Film
Pretty cool
I liked it better than the orginal snoozfest
looks like shit. Lucas based it off of samurai duels.
Fencing is quick and boring in real life as well.
Felt like the only really cool looking duels in the PT were in Phantom Menace. most fighting in II and III was just quick cuts, CG, or overly flashy bullshit.
Pretty good, in no way better than the original but not as bad as these people hating on it just to stay in the Yea Forums status quo.
*tips fedora*
Luke going berserk and beating the absolute fuck out of Vader with his lightsaber is far more kino than muh dancing shit from the prequels
Hire DUDU Films. He get's it. Special effects guys are meaningless without story.
looks alright desu
If Lucas put this in the special editions fans would've screamed "ruined forever" but when this fan does it fans are like "omg better than the original".
The part that was in the original teaser (2:27-2:43) was mostly fine but the rest seemed too retarded and flashy
I like how this thread is everyone posturing to reach the most contrarian opinion possible.
*tips fedora*
>fencing, technique oriented
What did he mean by this?
Don't you know that fencing is based on making random twirls in combat?
>if it is based on shit that makes it ok
>Star Wars is a Space Samurai Western
>never had a scene that felt like true fight straight from samurai/western kino
The whole franchise is one big waste of potential
ITT: contrarians, crabs, and boomers pretend this epic reimagined scene and it’s creator are not worth commending
>>original fight
>>technique oriented
Obi-Wan struggles to even raise his lightsaber at times lmao
Thanks, I hate it. The focus in the OT should not be between anakin and obi wan. Their shit is done. Everyone they once knew have been dead for like 20 years. The only thing that matters is Luke's relation to Vader.
Except that scene in rogue one where you see the desert town. Feels just like when they go to town to recruit hungry samurai.
What. There's absolutely 0 star wars fights like that. It's all flashy impractical shit from the getgo. If this is precise technique then Hollywood fucked our perception of reality so hard that you would think real military soldiers dualwield like a John Woo film.
I mean, its impressive that they did it. So from a technological perspective, it's nice.
Though it also represents everything wrong with lightsaber fights
Also playing the whole "you were my brother anakin" clip is just outright insulting
It basically assumes whoever is watching is so retarded that they couldn't understand the context of the fight at all and had to be reminded just before the killing blow
This is now a KotOR thread
You’d think with all of the fucking effort they could have found a taller Vader and a better Obi-wan robe
You picked out the one silly move out of that entire fight.
The lightsaber fights in the prequels are some of the best action sequences that have ever been put to cinema.
Anyone bashing the prequels is a troll desperate for (you)s, and should be ignored
Rey's character arc in Force Awakens is better than this.
I completely agree with you. It's a kino remake of the original boring lightsaber duel.
A balance between the two would be the best
Decently lengthed well choreographed duels with some personal flair and style mixed with emotional backing would make them way better.
Too bad Nu wars completely shit the bed with their abysmal fight choreography.
It's not contrarian to hate video game shit like
>waaaaauuugh hate yooooouuuuu
>you were my brother anakin i loved you!
way to ruin the twist otherwise pret gud. style doesn't really go with the rest of the movie tho
Some parts were pretty good but I thinn they should have used less shaky cam and jump cuts and more 70s style cinematography to match the rest of the movie
The original cut of this scene was just supposed to mimic some light kendo. This jump cut needed to make the post-prequel recut of this scene look more 'acrobatic' is so fucking glaring and ludicrous. It honestly looks like they spliced in a blooper reel take where he messed up and spun around for a laugh or something.
Lucasfilm is run by a militant feminist.
Why would she hire a man making toxic masculinity content?
The editing is terrible. Although it's fan service so I won't judge too harshly.
That part with the knee kick was good but the rest is garbage
Vader/Obi Wan Death Star fight is kinoest fight in SW, with the (at the time) implied backstory and bantz.
It's amazing.
It's amazing for a fan project, you ungrateful, jaded, caustic, talentless, edgy, useless piece of shit lol
It would have been better without the music in the first half. It jumps from zero to WHOAH LE SO EPIC OMAGASS IMMA BUY ALL THE FUNKOS without any kind of transition.
Original Fight:
>Old man with a stick
>Man in a bulky suit who can barely move
This video
>Two men experienced in the use of fantasy buddhism use their powers to wield their weapons
>hiring a (white) DUDE in 2019
Eh... no sweetie.
>"When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master."
But anakin had an apprentice making him a master already. Did lucas forget all this or did he just not give a fuck when he made that pos cgi film with ahsoka and jabbas baby?
Bullshit. This fan movie is better than anything Lucas did for the special editions. It's almost embarrassing for ILM. They could have done this and more back then and they settled for a song and dance number.
He was just styling on Vader for the lulz. It's Obi Wan after all. Cheeky old pervert.
You can take an apprentice once your rank is a jedi knight
Pretty shit but respect for the obvious time and effort put into it. It's better by far than anything in the prequels and sequels but that bar was never high to begin with
it's actually pretty good. The parts with Han etc, make it clear that the series always sucked.
>Someone installed steam generators on the door so Darth Vapor could make an epic entrance
But then again same shit happened with the Emperor arriving on the death star and there was no logical reason for it there either.
That "now you will die" line at the very end was unnecessary IMO. Makes him too cartoonish. It'd be more impactful and in character for Vader if he didn't say anything at all.
Stupid fucking choreography like the Prequels.
It's like they're trying to hit eachothers swords instead of trying to kill eachother. Real fighting isn't as flashy
Aye, so in the scene it's really just a reference to him not attaining that title while he was a Jedi?
I’m actually okay with the choreography, but the cinematography and editing are Whedon-tier bad.
> brainlet detected.
There. I summarised you and everyone who agrees with you.
Fucking shit that, Obi Wan's a frail old fuck. Why would he be fighting like he's in his early 20s.
>telegraphed strikes
>obi-wan obviously portrayed by a much younger, more athletic actor
no, the choreo is not okay
Implying this scene was at all about action.
Absolute trash, when they eventually remake the original trilogy I fully expect the fight to look just like this or worse.
Does typing like a retard not make you feel embarrassed at all?
These niggas get it.
This looks so fucking stupid!
>darth vader literally punching him
I mean fuck. Obi Wan came there to die, not fucking play a round of Jedi Outcast II.
Any subtly of the scene is gone. I mean maybe they could have added something to the scene by having Obi Wan have a 'gotcha' moment where he could have struck down Vader but didn't. Thus making Vader even more pissed and doubtful of his path, giving him the anger to finally strike him down.
Instead it adds nothing.
oh no no no no
No one will read this but the original duel was choreographed like that partially because the original props were really fragile. There was basically a motor inside the hilts that spun plastic (?) rods covered in reflective tape to achieve the glow effect but they figured out how to rotoscope better by the time of V and VI so they could use sturdier rods and without motors needed
Well if Yoda is a billion years old and flips around like a roided rabbit I don’t see why Obi Wan can’t. Though obviously I’d prefer his fighting style to look more like a refined, economical duelist or samurai than flippy mcSpinslash
H I R E !!!!!!!
because the force shouldn't bestow you with youthful agility (same with yoda) but the wisdom of the ages, ergo minimalist swordplay
>I will try spinning, that's a good trick!
Why would anyone be grateful for this?
Yes. Fans of Star Wars cried you little bitch. What have you done in your life?
/Our Autism Girl/ cried as well.
"fencing" is a very generous description, they were gingerly swatting at each other in ep 4
>lets apply the prequel lightsaber fighting standards to the OT
Absolutely disgusting
>audio from Rots
Could they get any less subtle?
Based. I must admit I giggled when Vader threw the legos at Obi Wan. I really dislike when they show him using the force to pull his lightsaber from his fucking belt, as if he couldn't just reach down and grab it. The original fight is fine as it is, exactly what you'd expect from a old guy vs a cripple.
That cripple was the Emperor’s most feared enforcer. If he really fought like he did in ANH all the time he’d be a fucking joke.
>minimal motion is a sure sign of lack of skill
based retard
this, Empire fight is the best duel technically
>pointless twirling
mustafar fight is a fucking rave dance sometimes
It’s only that five seconds in the control room. That fight is full of great moments, like when Anakin savagely backhands Obi Wan (McGregor really sells the shock at his own padawan’s brutality here) or when they grapple as lava erupts behind them. Not to mention the score.
so this... is the power... of the white man... whoah
Light sabers!
Dude I dont have the Webm of it but when theyre on top of the table and Obi Wan kicks a running anakin in the shin so hard he does a backflip, I fucking laff
That was because Anakin jumped at him, probably to drop-kick him or something. Obi Wan used the force to increase the power of his kick. It wasn’t really a backflip, more like anakin twisting in the air.
>It's like they're trying to hit eachothers swords instead of trying to kill eachother
this is the problem with these flashy star wars duels. it fucking pisses me off.
Too many cuts and bad camera effects
>lens flares
Jesus christ
now he's just trying to milk his 15 mins of fame
You could just apply lightsaber glow and sounds to good Samurai movies if it really bothers you.
>the original duel was choreographed like that partially because the original props were really fragile
the parts weren't the only things that were really fragile in that duel
I enjoyed it quite a bit FOR A FAN FILM.
The positives
It doesnt have NU wars retardation.
It captures Vader's rage pretty well like Rouge 1 did.
It somewhat shows Obiwan is old
The Negatives
The background old quotes from the prequels are unnecessary and cheesy
Some of the animations are jarring, like the force push. I would have toned down Obiwans lightsaber tricks and dont a bit more of old man dodging.
As a child this was my favorite part of all of star wars. I would rewind the VCR over and over watching it.
I think it's fine but they shouldn't have added additional dialogue or the Anakin flashback
I have watched it numerous times, theres no choreography involved its just bafflingly bad. I still love ROTS tho but still
I really wonder how did shit for kids like Star Wars get so fucking popular. Lucas must have bribed all the top jews
Well at least Ewan and Hayden sold even the crappy parts of the fight because of the insane amount of rehearsals they did for it and their own acting talents, which is a lot more than I can say for Xenomorph Girl in TFA and TLJ
he failed up
If you have watched any of Lucas interviews you would understand that Lucas entire angle was to be free of (((((hollywood execs))))) and their attempts to take his precious monies. Then he sold it old to ((((((them))))) and watched it sink faster than the Titanic. Few men are more based.
Whats the name of the choir version of star wars theme at the end/?
It's good on an amateur level, but nowhere near Hollywood.
I am impressed by the amount of detail that went into this.
I like the choreography.
Clearly a labour of love.
That said, I don't want it or anything like it ever put into A New Hope, ever.
>A New Nope
Bonsoir Monsieur Rian Nevaplus.
>>A New Nope
This, but the dancing kino shit in the prequels is more kino than... whatever the sequels were meant to be.
Stop shilling your retarded shit here