She a big girl

She a big girl

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not for me ):

Her eyes terrify me. Imagine her furious and running right at you.

it simply isnt fair


Taking bets on birth defects and genetic diseases.
>Autism, Down’s, and Tay-Sachs are pretty much all a given.

Ugh thanks for reminding me there are rats nesting in my woodpile and breeding

Do you think when kikes are pregnant they still call it a "bun in the oven"? Or would they flip their yid-lids over that?

She better be a good jew and push out 14 children

how to impregnate israeli cute

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Honestly bros, how did a fat ugly fuck get a girls pregnant like her? I’m 32 years old fit, have crappy job that pays good, 6.8in cock and a nice car. I can’t even start a family. Does god just choose who he wants to have kids with?

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what do her feet look like

are jewish women attracted to exotic foreskins

Have you actually tried talking to a woman

For jew

What happens if I jump on her belly?

H3H3 is reproducing? OH NO NO NO NO

cute bump though

well you should be bro she served in the Israeli military

You're clearly an insecure sperg devoid of charisma and personality. That might be it.

I’ve had 3 serious relationships and they all lasted 5 years and then they dumped me.

He got rich. They were telling a story about how they met and when he got into financial problems she basically wanted to go back to Israel.
Him getting Youtube rich saved their relationship.

I guess it's just bad luck. You need to keep trying.

Would be a shame if her baby was stillborn.

But in all seriousness H3H3 are the pinnacle of gay r3ddit cringe.

They stuck around for your cock, but contrary to popular belief, that gets boring after awhile

Jewitis and Kikeism

So in the end it was all about money?

Discovering you are in a creation is the first step to realizing the creator, brainlet.

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You're probably ugly

they met at a holocaust museum

I AM the creator, faggot.

thats a rich persons house i wish i was rich

>believing in a creator that created niggers

I mean, that doesn't disprove the existence of a divine creator, it does mean that they are evil though

He ripped off sam hyde and hasnt been funny since before vape nation. Hes pretty cringe and is afraid kf being the least bit edgy.

pretty sure they were married for like 5 years before their youtube took off. he moved to israel to be with her before they were married.

his videos of him in Israel made it look like a shithole

be a jew

we won sam

you lost.

get over it.

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> ripped off sam

Uhhh, in what way...?

>sellout jew hacks and a literal
They sure "won".

Make sure to go buy ilas frumpy clothes you stipid goy cattle *le epin cough*



Just be yourself bro

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One of his videos was nearly a complete ripoff, but also the formats of the early videos are very similar to sams. He cited sam as an influence a while ago too. Its kinda shitty how he gives him no credit and is too afraid to have him on the show. Thats honestly pathetic.

>like her?
she is ugly like him

I hope the baby is happy and healthy. I'm gonna miss the videos since they'll understandably be very busy, but my interest had kinda been waning anyways.


Thic fuba lords xD

Not the user you're replying to but watch their "story of us" video, she literally was close to leaving him because he was a worthless YouTube troglodyte. Then he blew up. Kikes are all the same.

for you

Imagine having these two creeps as parents

>I'm gonna miss the videos since they'll understandably be very busy, but my interest had kinda been waning anyways.

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have sex

bait, fuck off troll faggot

He's been making ~5 vids a year for a few years now, not to mention his content is trash


I'm just imagining a healthy black boy inside that kike womb and now I'm rock hard.

It was really pathetic the way he treated pewdiepie. Also that one video by gokanaru or whatever fucking ripped him appart and hes never recovered.

No matter how hard you want to believe "true love" and fairytale romances exist, in the end most relationships are literally all about money, timing, and convenience.

Stop trying to trick yourself into thinking there's some girl out there who will be with you even if you're a poor, fat slob. It's just retarded to have that kind of mindset. Of course girls want handsome, wealthy men with their shit together, just like guys don't want fat slutty slob girlfriends.

>No matter how hard you want to believe "true love" and fairytale romances exist
Not him but I know for a fact they exist. Doesn't mean they end well...

can't wait to see Ethan spend 50 minutes of a podcast defending his decision to circumcise it.

I wish I could round every jewish girl in the world and impregnate them. My impure goy seed will seep into their hairy cunts, I will be a king with many queens.

>watching the goy3 podcast
Good goy

how can I contact Sam to tell him to go on H3H3 podcast? And how can I contact Ethan to tell him to gave Sam Hyde on

Hes too edgy

t. incel

hey sam!

>all those edgy comments

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Please never stop posting on this site

Everything there is knowledge readioy available on the internet. Kill yourself h3h3 fanboy, your jew youtuber is terrible and a shitty person.

>waahh waahhh people say edgy things on Yea Forums
Go to r3ddit where they ban people for edginess then, fucking pussy.

why is this shit thread still up

when the youtube was small he had an office job in israel. stop making shit up

based retard I meant it as your posts being hilarious, thanks for doubling down on yourself, goy

Oh ya. Alright, thanks goy.

this snake. his neuroticism and eye twitches guaranteed to be passed off to his spawn

its gonna be one of those situations where the kid is gonna be beautiful or completely fucking disgusting.

hold the fuck up is that krang?

I saw a qt pregnant woman today. Turns out, she wasn't cute or pregnant. It was just some woman with a bag in front of her

looks like a horse

the baby is going to be a gross premature opioid baby because it's whore mother is an addict

am i the only one that thinks hila is a qt

>skeleton kike and fat gypsy king

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me too

maybe she in love with him you fucking incel fuck?

She's hideous

You just know she's into kinky stuff

shes pregnant? fucking yuck. who would impreg that ugly cunt.

What if I told you there is no creator, the sum total of matter and energy in the universe is zero and everything you've ever observed in life is really just polarized nothingness?

please kill yourself

I enjoyed that vid more than the classic h3h3 videos. Well thought criticism about something that's been annoying me a long time is my fetish

She's an arab jew, so they're not race mixing. It's sad to see ash jews disappear. Many many pures ash jews left now. I'm ash and all my sisters are married to non-ash.

Be a Jew (pic related)

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I haven't watched a single video of theirs in probably 3 years, why is this a thread topic? I hope that jew dies in childbirth and the kid has cerebral palsy

>so they're not race mixing
*so they ARE race mixing

he still gets millions of views

"pure" ash are literally mongrels in their origins i hope you realize

it's not fair

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I thought Joosten succeeded in reproducing for a moment.

Maybe you don't know your ideal aspergian girl yet user. Try harder

Don't reply to seething haters bud, I haven't found h3h3 vids funny in a long time but it's retarded to say anyone but obsessed incels even remember that time a dude criticized ethan for being a hypocritical jew

>So in the end it was all about money?
With Jews it's alway about money.
With women, it was also always about money.

The mommy fat will do her a world of good, she was a little too skinny imo

such a shame he started pandering to the zoomer audience


I think she's into girls and she almost certainly fucked Donna Burke.

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Ashkenazi Jews are mutts to begin with.

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It's not going to stop me stealing OP's image and making a bait thread.

aging so rapidly

Well you're on Yea Forums so that explains your shit personality.

Our societies are now shredder machines for genetically superior persons.

What's her children kill count?

Because you're not trying, nigga. I truly hope this is bait, because this is an unadulterated incel post

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Imagine how numinous she would have been between the ages of eleven and thirteen.

With her and ethan being the parents how fucked do you think the kid is gonna be

She doesn't look significantly different from her pre-MGS days, I think she's just one of those girls whose weight goes entirely to her face, she was exceptionally skinny during that time.

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worthless without pics

How is he particularly fucked? He called out that abominable "Mikayla are you crazy" stunt on his own so he must have some sense.

who is that?

imagine being raised by ecelebs
your entire childhood broadcasted to a whole community of degenerates

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Ew I don't watch these kikes but haha god damn says a lot.

I'd tell that bitch to get out

Delet this

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does she shave her poon?

Please don't disrespect my (future) wife

Completely smooth

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Didnt thought this is possible. I always thought she is a tranny?

>How did she get pregnant?
Put Benis into Vagoo!

Imagine being raised by Xev

>sellout jew hacks
They're a bunch of Nazis just like you, ((( failed LISP programmers ))) guys.
Actually, it appears Tim Heidecker is a sellout for agreeing to appear on their Nazi podcast.
He's definitely not a liberal, I can tell you this much.
Oh, and, btw, both Aethyle a.k.a. h3h3 and sam_XUY'd a.k.a. "RUSSIAN DICKSUCKER EXTRAORDINAIRE" ripped off THOM_heediouis'turd's and erig'ware-l'heim's comedy.

he's got better hips than most women...

>She's an arab jew
She's s Lybian jew aka North Aphrikkan Jew.
she's probably more Berber than Jew actually

I was told she's iraqi

The Kleinfelter

Where's her khazaars breh? I was expecting milk
Lmao /jews/ btfo

for jew



Me three

>religious guy calling someone a brainlet

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She's french so it's probably a side effect of chain smoking

Go to bed, Sam

>She's french
fucking retard

nigger nigger nigger

so is every ethnic group retard

I hate to tell you this, but while you were working on your career, getting the car, and getting fit, it looks like you forgot to cultivate any kind of charisma or interesting personality

Ethan and Sam both spamming in this thread. Nice

You don't belong to gods chosen people. You don't get to breed goyim

*tips fedora
Real classy my friend. You seem like a highly intelligent man of culture.

what does it feel like to know a woman is carrying your child bros?

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Military service is mandatory for both genders in Israel. I believe her job was to escort birthright tourists around and that's where she met Ethan

even if its healthy, the jews will still say it has some problem so they can ask for money for treatment

you act like she's above average or something

The real funny part is that this kid is Alex Hirschs kid

You won’t hear this talked about anywhere though

for jude

4jewsI unironically love Jewish women if they are Thicc but the ones I've met irl are all rat sticcs
I'm 28 virgin never been with a women 7inch noodle no job a crap car and decent fitness with no friends I'm fucked no not literally in life I mean

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i have heard it talked about on 4channel's television and film board

tips fedora

Once he becomes a toddler she will leave you and fight you tooth and nail over custody. You'll be lucky if you ever see him again and now half your check is being garnished.

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five bucks on their child literally being the anti christ jewish messiah

So I vaguely remember Ethan talking about this on a podcast(hot ones I believe). Apparently the Israelis will send women from the military to popular tourist destinations to convince other foreign Jews to marry and move in Israel with them. But Ethan managed to get her to come with him to the states instead of him moving to Israel.

Damn, alison brie is looking worse and worse by the day.

Why the fuck does Ethan move his eyebrows like Emilia Clarke on crack?

He was a child sex slave, forced to give browjobs day after day. It's muscle memory.

I hope that slave owner got his money back.

i bet they have alerts whenever the j, k or i word is posted on Yea Forums and a "defender" is dispatched

Eating FOR TWO

For Jew.

they did a video on how they met, in some program in the israeli army, for this exact purpose of hooking up. Bet you wish you were a jew now haha

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Can't get anymore worse of a sight than a kike breeding


Every single comment against jews literally makes me laugh, it's so fucking stupid. And the funny part is, it started as a meme and then newfags picked it up and went with it truly believing this shit. Fucking nutts man, i love the internet

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Supposedly tourettes but I've also heard drug abuse

The ayy Dee el does. There are a bunch of other orgs and agencies too. Look into it if you dont mind being on a list

Nice try rabi

That should be my child in her womb, not that fat fucks. It's not fair bros

>it started as a meme

Pathetic attempt to "control the narrative" there Chaim.

Don't worry, soon all jews will be ash.

yes I could just fuck off to Israel, enjoy the sun and join the IDF. my life would have actual purpose, instead I am slowly rotting away.

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Don't worry
the for free member babysitting it is about to get dropped by warwicks lawyer

Israel isn't a developed country on par with western countries, and IDF has to deal with all kinds of shit, from religious zealots to Palestinian/foreign protesters. Not worth it

this dutch tranny needs to shave her arms too

You have time dude. The clock starts ticking for women at 30 now (used to be 36) but we are in an age where younger women are openly saying how they want older guys. If you keep up the rate you're churning out with women, you'll find a good one no doubt. You just need to remember that WOMEN are WOMEN.

Link this.


any pics of her feet?


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perhaps you should start eating more and lifting some weights so you wouldn't be scared of a 5'2 90lbs thot

same. however i have a job but don't have a car/driver's license

>Does god just choose who he wants to have kids with?
yes and he laughs at all the seething incels

She will birth the Antichrist

Not everyone is born to understand, some are mentally deficient and their first instinct is to laugh at things they don't understand, it's ok dude, you're not to blame because of how you were born, however learn to keep your imbecilic thoughts to yourself

That fat fuck never did the obligatory military service, he doesn't have the Israeli citizenship. He met her at the fucking holohoax museum kek.

I don't even want to watch it, but anyway gib link.

I never understood why people who dont believe in God dont commit suicide

My God the creator of the universe doesn't want me to kill myself so I won't

But you just think this suffering is all there is and the only hope is when everything turns off after death.

She looks like she drinks goyim urine

why has this off-topic thread been up for several hours when threads just like it for actual actresses get deleted within 5 minutes? Are they back in new york giving swaglord cash again??

Why would he think that mute autistic woman is fit to be a mother?

yes i completely believe this

The tranny janny hates women but this one doesn't register as a threat for some reason.

obvious newfag is obvious

It was heavily implied by anything4views that he ripped vape nation from filthy frank. Also heard that it pissed him off

>Jew hating only started this century

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