Yeah, I'm thinking she's back
Yeah, I'm thinking she's back
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like she's finally turned the corner
isn't this the pornstar that is mentally retarded
>ywn get a regular message from her
why even live bros
No, you're thinking of your mom
AbsoLUTELY fucking owned.
Some poster in the last thread said he had visited a chinese message parlor 50 times, still wanting that greentext mate
Top fucking kek
heh eheh
This slut is dumber than a bag of rocks and it shows. I never thought I could get turned off by a woman being too dumb until I saw her.
I think this is a step down from porn.
So who is she dating?
>kiddy porn is never going to be legal
>start jacking it to mental children
based deranged posters
Why do I find retarded girls hot as fuck?
>White knighting a hoe waifu
so shes trying to say she wants to be a prostitute? I'd fuck her
Fuck you I'll never post in a thread again
And it feels amazing.
She shouldn't legally be allowed to do porn desu
>wants massage parlor but also more than that
So she wants to open whorehouse, still a whore if you ask me.
I mean she has about the same IQ as the black guys she fucks so it seems fair.
>I'm just a young soul trying to find her calling!
She already is.
who is this retard
Based Hannah
lol there is nothing more pathetic than /pol/tards getting emotionally invested in this dumb whore's life
She dyed her hair black and said no more IR.
Fuck this bitch!
she looks like she fucks black men but will marry a nice white guy
blacked pornstars....great intelligent people
Pornstar, nice and BLACKED
I actually feel sorry for her, literal living evidence the jews should be gassed.
Hitler was a bad guy, not because he wanted to kill the jews, but because he failed.
Naming them and not dealing with the problem was the worst thing he ever done.
jesus dude
Based and redpilled.
>That /pol/ goy trying to give her conservacuck advice and she denies it by responding with the syntax and grammar of a 3rd grader. The absolute state
blacked especially
I think it's hilarious that she had a serious boyfriend from her college days, did some softcore graduated to hardcore graduated to interracial graduated to bringing home blacks to fuck in front of her bf graduated into dumping the bf graduated to dating/fucking only blacks graduated to wanting to have black babies.
If there was a poster child for "cuck" it'd be her ex-bf.
that boyfriend was in her blacked video playing as the cuck
hilarious shit....I guess she finally got tired of him and is now all about that black dick
Reverse racism doesn’t exi-
Why you'd subject your children to having low IQ's and being bullied for the rest of their life among polite society is beyond me.
Seriously I'm mixed race myself (not black-white) and I'd never subject a kid to it. It's worse because I pass for white but I have this retarded fucking name that's foreign. So I always got the questions "What's with your name" > explain my dad isn't white > get bullied.
Inb4 it was the whites, nah it was other fucking mutts that were assblasted that I actually looked white so wanted to take me down a peg.
Spaniards btfo
Finding the abuse and mental nonsense of a literal female retard ho. Islam can't come soon enough.
She's retarded but her interviews are kinda cute.
bull fucking shit. she's definitely had more than her fair share of shmekeled pecker from her (((white))) managers
>Islam can't come soon enough.
islam can't stop the black cock
already happening in france
I hope she's okay and finds a way to be happy.
>not a single white french woman in that collage