Thanks for clearing that one up George

Thanks for clearing that one up George

Attached: Screenshot_20190511-065345.png (1080x2160, 860K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>A-ha! My credit score is FAR better than yours, Dumbledore! Yours is very low and you are not like to get any loans from the bank!
>Aghhhh..... curse you Gandalf......

What authority does he have over Harry Potter and Tolkien properties?

Is hbo gonna remake got when he finishes the book

He’s a fat nerd with shit taste in hats, I don’t know how much more credible he can get


>JK Rowling says Goku would "kick Naruto's ass" in a fight

he fictional character tho

Attached: 1464747454800.png (895x565, 666K)

what's your having sex policy?

>old gay magician vs. angelic ageless being
Yeah no shit

ITT: fat virgins who sit around making capeshit threads all day get mad avout a fat virgin's opinion on a wizard fight

He wrote a fanfiction about Jaime Lannister beating up Rand Al'Thor from Wheel of Time. I think he did the same with Aragorn too.

t.even fatter virgin getting mad at fat virgins talking about nerd things

Its a 90s born queer sucks corporate cock episode

Ok but who is the gayest?

that would be so epic to see xD

Rowling appears to be making Dumpldum gayer by the minute, so probably him

Why do leftists get so triggered over imaginary stories? Is it their low IQ or mental illness?

This!! Make them quip like in a marvel movie xD

t. even fatter virgin getting mad about even fatter virgins getting mad at fat virgins talking about nerd things

back to /pol/ kiddo

The fat fuck went down the JK Rowling route.
While Rowling is obsessed with gay characters, GRRM can't stop talking about The Lord of the Rings.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (684x360, 39K)

grrm has always been a fanboy

t. even fatter virgin getting mad about an even fatter virgin getting mad about even fatter virgins getting mad at fat virgins talking about nerd things

>JK Rowling says Goku would "kick Naruto's ass" in a fight and Ron Weasley can suck a mean dick

Gandalf has god on his side, literally.

Yeah he made Jaime beat everyone form Rand to Cthulhu.. at least it was obvious it was meant to just have Jaime win though.

pretty homophobic tbqhwyf

But he used to write his own stuff.
He's even worse than Rowling because she finished her magnum opus.

i mean how? dumbledore has a vast of very powerfull spells , gandalf can light his staff and thats it i REPEAT HOW , i know hes a mair but he has a physicall body and can die if the battle is gandalf human form vs dumbledore , the latter should rape at least powerwise the first so book fags explain me how gandalf can beat dumbledore

Attached: gandalf_vs_dumbledore_by_rodolfoguerreiro-d5tr8tn.jpg (992x806, 151K)

Dumbledore is a guy with a natural talent who studied a lot.
Gandalf is actually an angel.

These unironically work though

God damn Luna sounds 20x hotter now.

Dumbledore has intense sexual relations while Gandalf is an incel, so naturally Gandalf is the better wizard

t. a virgin of such incredible fatness that it makes the ground shake gets mad at even fatter virgin getting mad about an even fatter virgin getting mad about even fatter virgins getting mad at fat virgins talking about nerd things

So hes not a complete idiot. Most on point thing diabeeetus has ever said.

Attached: l0dmX1543983625.jpg (398x320, 80K)

GANDALF is like a super powerful spirit you dumb fuck
Dumbledore is just a GAY FAG wizard

It’s the first sensible quote from him that I’ve ever heard actually.

t. a virgin of the size of planets, a virgin who has his own gravitational pull, a virgin who makes the world break who gets mad at a virgin of such incredible fatness that it makes the ground shake gets mad at even fatter virgin getting mad about an even fatter virgin getting mad about even fatter virgins getting mad at fat virgins talking about nerd things

kill yourself faggot zoomer, you're humiliating yourself.

GRRM never finished writing Sandkings?

Fuck /pol/, its full of left wing retards who think more taxes and bigger govt is good. Fucking retards. Oh and fuck you too, faggot.

An archangel vs some old fag. Gee I wonder. Dumbledore couldn’t even fuck with Voldemort

Holy shit this battle would be so epic. Make it happen.

Gandalf beat a Balrog in single combat, died, and came back to life even more powerful than before.

Dumbledore’s just a retarded old faget.

he's a literal angel you dumbass

i repeat GANDALF is limited in his HUMAN FORM retards thats why he died against the balrog i know hes an angel but thats his spiritual form only there hes inmortal , in his human form he can be killed easily by the great variety of spells of dumbledore

This. Dumblefuck is literally gay and old. His fucking ass must be ruined. Imagine being like 100 and also being a buttpumping homo. Fucking disgusting, i fucking guarantee he wears diapers. Whats even more fucked is rowling and her dyke Twitter friends probably get off on this or telling this to kids.

kill yourself

Yea Forums now has to defend Harry Potter

I think you're underage and thus require bannement. There's no way a grown man can type like THAT

He fucking killed a balrog while in mortal form. And died and came back even stronger. Dumbledrumpf would’ve died to the balrog.

i'm not him nor do I even give a shit about this thread but wow this is some good insight as to why your social life is shit

rowling had a magnum opus?
she is constantly changing what i assume you are talking about

Dumbledick probably wouldve tried to have the balrog fuck his ruined old man asshole.

Finally I have a use for my gandalf dumbledoor voice
Not even my best one either fuck it I have a flu
Also forgot what Gayass dumbledork sounded like lmao haha

Gandalf doesn’t just rely on spells, he has a vast army of familiars and allies, powers of prescience and intuition, and is as good as any warrior in Middle Earth with a sword. No human stood a chance against him or even got the drop on him in the books.

Meanwhile isn’t Dumbledore now a literal faggot by the author’s decree?

Im the guy he told to kill himself and i say youre a fucking faggot, you should kill yourself.

Btw, who tf wouldnt want to see a Dumbeldore vs Gandalf fight irl? That shit would be so epic. Just imagine the conversation they would have before unleashing hellstorms of magic on one another too. So sick.

>i'm not him
Yeah right

t. Virginos, the World Ender, The Destroyer or Galaxies, The Slayer of Stars, the greatest virgin the universe has ever known, gets mad at a virgin of the size of planets, a virgin who has his own gravitational pull, a virgin who makes the world break who gets mad at a virgin of such incredible fatness that it makes the ground shake gets mad at even fatter virgin getting mad about an even fatter virgin getting mad about even fatter virgins getting mad at fat virgins talking about nerd things

>wow this is some good insight as to why your social life is shit
who wants to hang around a walking talking buzzfeed article?

He wasnt me. Kill yourself faggot. Gandalf vs dumbeldore would be literally rhe most epic thing ever.

grrm notoriously hates jk rowling because of hugo awards

Harry Potterfags are the absolute worst. They think their little kids novellas can compete with a fully architected world the lore of which was laid down by its creator from the beginning, with a half dozen artificial languages constructed by an expert in the subject...

Tolkien always maintained that he merely ‘discovered’ his writings and that they were ‘true history.’

T. Me
A fat virgin
Gandalf wins because he's not a gay fag unlike bumblrgayore

wouldn't that be a hate crime?

uh oh

>Gandalf vs dumbeldore would be literally rhe most epic thing ever.
you should have been aborted reddit nigger



To be fair grrm is a fucking moron who should just shut up and finish the fucking books.
LOTR is goat nothing can compare
Harry potter has been shit since I grew out of it in my teens the fanbase is insufferable and even they can't stand Rowling
Unbased I'm reporting you to the subreddit mod

Watching Dumbledore attempt to shoot his super pozzed load over Gandalf would be "so sick," yes.

Did Harlan Ellison ever shit on jk?

Gandalf has the power to level a country if he was allowed to use it.

Wow. Just wow. You must be fun at parties huh? Who hurt you?

Fuck you homophobe


faggots should be executed

>cares so much about children stories
why is gurm such a manchild?

Tbf you have a point


>/pol/ is too leftist or this guy
we got a badass over here


I thought it was very good. Upvoted.

there are in fact leftists on pol, it's kind of impossible to avoid when there is next to no moderation

No, go to the catalog, and you will see its full of left wing bait and garbage. Probably half the threads. Also, Nazis are very left wing in some ways, but thats another conversation

Honk honk

Of all the reasons to hate Rowling

"Faggots are just like you and me goy."