Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#496 Born Again Edition
Previous Thread:

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Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

Bless this thread with Holy Gets, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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horrible facebook meme OP wtf

As an aside Marx would be fucking PISSED that this comic is comparing him to a god

So you're saying that Cameron should have remade the OVA but better?

yes we know

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Learn to poke fun at yourself.

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I don't think it's actually saying that. It's saying religion or otherwise, deity or otherwise, everyone has someone or something that they're really passionate and devout to about, willing to base their life around it. I don't necessarily agree with that either, but it's a bit deeper than what you say.

Also, we're just being silly with our meta-irony and shit, yo.

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Zapan a rich white man
Poleece give a fuck less even if he did do sumfin

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not as much as ed skrein

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Before you start talking about sequels. The sequels are NOT happening. Terminator Genisys made the same amount as Alita, but on a slightly lower budget, and the sequels were scrapped. It's over

Religion is human nature, all the giant statues people make of Buddha completely miss the point of Buddhism, as well as the Japanese custom of buying super-expensive carved tombstones from Buddhist temples. If you tell people "no gods, no masters" and they find it inspiring they will make you into a new god.

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There's a new Terminator coming out that is a direct sequel to T2 (the others are in an alternate timeline now) and it's being produced by James Cameron

That film also had absolutely no fan base afterwards. Don't underestimate that user.

My dudes, threads #499-501 are going to be insane.

Anyone else on edge wondering if maybe, just maybe, Jerome is right and mods nuke us after 500? Feels a little exciting, doesn't it?

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That would be the biggest mistake of their lives.

How are you doing anons? Comfy?

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might be for our own good until we get the BD

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No? I'm very glad it was made into a movie. It's a very bold and risky decision to make, and it could have failed in so many ways. Major props to Cameron and Rodriguez for pursuing their artistic vision and delivering something unique and visually pleasing.

There are things that I believe don't translate well into live-action and that's where the movie treads on thin ice. Staying faithful to the source material to the still frame was never an option, but that's not why it could be criticized. It cannot support itself on animation and CGI mastery and alone.

better than keean any day

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Please be specific. Which moments did you feel that it failed on. I'm genuinely curious.

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Now that is some fucking adorable fanart.
I'm doing ok but I have to write a bunch for my honours paper which is kinda bumming me out

How the fuck do mocap actors stay in character while looking at other stupid mocap actors and their stupid mocap suits?

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>actors doing acting
Gee, dunno.
Probably something related to their job, you think?

>Being a fan of the manga for over 20 years is not really relevant here
My review is in contrast to the self-proclaimed manga purists shitting on the movie.

> It is not perfect though and it's irritating to see how much of the praise sometimes boils down to "It's not capeshit" or "It's not a shit adaptation like Ghost in the Shell (2017)"
Rivalries with movie genres are an annoying distraction. Alita easily stands among the best action/adventure blockbusters of all time. Script and dialog are better than any Star Wars. Characters are much better than Avatar, Matrix, Indiana Jones. The action and visuals are among the best ever done, name a movie with better fight scenes. The characters are on par with Star Wars and maybe even a bit better, the main characters have more emotional gravity than the heroes in Star Wars.

>You have to be critical of it a stand-alone work and demand more of it and its possible sequels, otherwise you can't justify the near cult fandom it generates on this board, especially when anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) treat the theme of coming-of-age and have equally superb animation despite being 20+ years old.
Eva doesn't come close to Alita in story and character quality, it's an iconic anime but it's memorable for similar reasons to the Matrix or TDK: it perfectly captured the mood of its era. The characters are very interesting but the story is kind of red herring and it ends up with a fairly conventional message, just taking a lot of weird twists and turns to get there.

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didn't he acknowledge this in a social media post and the rosa commented that she wanted his dick or something?

If I had to guess I would say acting skill

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He made an instagram post basically saying they looked ridiculous in their mocap suits and Rosa's comment was "I'd bang us"


Alita isn't just the best US film adaptation of a manga, it's one of the best adaptations of any work to film because 1) the original work was genius, one of the best comics ever done, and 2) the creators faithfully transferred the essence of the original to the screen.

There's room for adaptations that take lots of liberties with the source material too, like Robert Altman's The Long Goodbye, but with Alita, JC and RR took a unique and beautiful work and created a film that kept all that uniqueness and beauty and will stand the test of time. There aren't many adaptations of anything - comics, novels, plays, whatever - that reach that level.

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It's literally just a few autists shilling the movie. check the IPs per thread. Over 300 posts but only 30 IPs. Consider that most people will make just 1 post, which means that there is likely 1 or 2 autists running these threads.

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Yup I make 100 posts per thread you're right.


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Stay comfy user. You are one of the good ones.

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Thanks fren I clearly have another 98 posts to go so I better get on that.

It's all in small moments of human characterization that have nothing to do with how expensive it would have been to animate, that is to say nothing. This is a not to bash on Rosa which I think did a fantastic job but more so on the script which wastes time and at the same time has to cram so much within 2 hours that it skips whatever it can.

Specifically? Okay, an example. When Alita duels Grewishka, it misses a small moment of self-doubt and fear before the underground fight that highlights her insecurity. Her previous cringe speech in the bar is just bravado of course but the movie doesn't stop to show she's more talk than anything, especially since at that point she still has the doll body. Grewishka comes in, shreds the dog, she gets PISSED, puts her eye black, goes down, nearly kicks his ass, etc. This fight cements her character as a good person willing to risk their life to do the right thing, but some nuance is lost in the movie.

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I still have to make about 90, myself.
Bless our /alita/ frens/ that keep us off page 10.
There are only a few of us at this hour.

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Well realistically if we go by the Pareto Rule then 20% of the users are making 80% of the posts which means that's like 7 users making 30 or 40 posts each.
Which is why it never dies but sometimes one person leaving can slow the thread down a noticeable amount.

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>/ALITA/poster is a nigger

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Is this the panel you're referring to?

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MK you did a lot of good work in the early days my friend I'm glad to see you're still around.
I post a fair bit in the quit hours here but that's because of my location in the world.

She isn't more talk than anything. She's legitimately "drawn to conflict without hesitation" and willing to fight to the death against a powerful opponent.

The bar speech is genuine, not just bravado, and she backed it up by fighting the Kansas patrons. The bar speech failed because words alone would not convince the hunters, actions speaking louder than words is a major theme in the movie. Almost every promise made in the movie is broken.

Alita does feel fear in the Grewishka fight, this comes through some of her expressions after jumping underground.

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can i get a quick rundown on who mk is

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>What do you know about me...

MKULTRA is one of the first namefags on the threads

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There are only 13 of us in here at the moment.
Keep /alita/ alive. She will heal us.

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I have a sick meetup idea, ladies and gentlemen.

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The stain specialist

We will attend a stainfighting expo

But I got sick at the last one....

Lol that video reminds me of this: youtube.com/watch?v=C7ZFeViTl4g
which I just realized is a perfect song for Alita


Are you VA or someone else?

Also didn't VA just get injured?

She had her personality broken in two and Suffering-user was born. Since then the two sides have battled for dominance.

I have a lot of free time to make content for us, also /trek/ and /godzilla/ threads./trek/ is full of jerks, though. /alita/ is most comfy.

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I thought SA existed on the downlow before the scope bash incident

a new poster linking to wsg?
peaches i know it's you

I am her
I said it before, but it'd take a lot more than a concussion to get me to enjoy someone I love suffering!

wasn't there a different suffering user last night?

Well I look forward to meeting you at the next meetup.

Maybe I'll be able to sell you on an even more ambitious plan in the future.

SA did pop up a few times but she was also goblina user which was a revelation

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yes actual SA is apparently a very young girl and quite far away

well she wasn't wrong, Rosa IS a goblina, but she's OUR goblina.

Tell us user

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Should be a lot of fun! Meetup can't come soon enough.

Amibitous like what?

Are you ready for the reveal?

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Meat Alita.

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Is that Desenhista que Pensa

Yes I'm excited

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okay i don't buy that shit without a broken shin and broken ulna

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Great Sand Dunes camping trip meetup

Time: TBD
Date: TBD

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I will consider making something with Alita, the Damascus blade, and Shonen Knife in the morning. I have to think on it a while for it to come out well. It sounds like a good idea, and I will meditate on it while I pretend to try to sleep tonight (I sleep very little, so I try to stay relaxed to get rest). Have this for now.

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>where the movie treads on thin ice
good point, thats how i felt at times watching it and when i saw a boomer guy that came alone leave during a similar moment.
more gore and grittyness shown in the world they created would put up the stakes and make the threat real. it felt to clean

This chintya candranaya she really can all this shit.

>Great Sand Dunes
you must be one of the CO anons. as a CA user i don't know about that one for me, mainly because of money

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on closer examination she's hitting the flat part of the wood, not the corner, don't mind me

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Could be fun

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It can be done on the cheap, if you borrow gear you don't have and carpool you could probably do it for under $100

Oooh, that could be fun. Would be a good place for shootin too
a little sketch tho

Not Peaches, but he does make a ton of content for us. Our threads would be all text if nobody did that.

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Desert Alita is pretty cute desu

Nova needs to deal with the boomer infestation in the factories.

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Yeah you made a shitload of webms in the early days. You're also kinda nuts but we love you anyway


found a thing

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I am waiting for the Blu-Ray, so I don't have to make shit with watermarks and ads. I have never denied my insanity, so I am not offended.

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The new rip doesn't have ads and it looks better

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I wrote starfall before I got to this point in the manga but holy fuck did this page speak to me. I think for all that people make jokes about lewds a lot of us identify with the actual spirit of Alita's character. I don't want to be a cyborg girl, but I admire her tenacity and reflection on the world which she finds herself in.

On the contrary, it's not sketch at all. Shooting isn't allowed there though.

The further into the dune field you go the more raw and untamed it feels.

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

Ed Skrein is more handsome

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*Rosa Salazar is extremely hot.
Fixed that for you...

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fucked up teeth though

he'd be a 10/10 if he got those fixed

Hugofags btfo'd

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now this is a good Rosa

>that smile

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Blessed Hugo/Zapan thirst.

Fucking Unifags

Alita is as far from obscenity as possible for a character.
There is no problem to imagine Alita in a sexual situation. Alita with the Fourth. Alita is not a child, not an innocent lamb.
But it is so out of history that it is simply not interesting.
Her will power, her attempts to find a way to do the right thing in a terrible world.
Sadness, joy. Despair. The desire to die and finding a reason to live on.

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To be fair, steel reserve guy did get the kissu

This, except i want to be a cyborg girl


i was here for the #99 thread but might not be here for the #500 one... I'm headed to bed now but if someone could post my oc there on my behalf i'd appreciate it

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Being a cyborg girl is the best of all worlds, you get the aesthetics of a girl, and strength and durability equal to or better than that of a man.

I'll take on the responsibility

Yeah it's a fucking meme.

Power to you my friend.
b my cyborg gf bb

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what a stupid fucking image

I want to get up hundreds and thousands of times.
I want to be machine forever trampling evil.
I want to be a soldier of the Jupiter Union and LADDER agent.

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I've always wanted to camp in the desert, let my inner jim morrison out ride the snake to the ancient lake.

Well I hope enough other people share your sentiments. I can be fairly certain at least 2 or 3 CO anons can be rangled at minimum. It's an amazing place, I've been there once but the time I went I was going on 30 hours without sleep on arrival, only to find out it was the last day the park was open for the season, so without sleeping I promptly hiked for 6 hours until my friend had to quit due to fatigue (she's fat and out of shape.) I didn't finish making camp until late into the night, and it was a very cold night. I slept maybe a few hours amidst it all.

Despite everything though, it was my most memorable trip in a long time. As corny as it sounds, I felt a sort of spiritual connection with the place, and it fed me energy and enthusiasm out of the ether.

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This woman promise heaven and hell in one bottle with that smile?

what do you con-
but what do you consider a "god" ?

I will be the founder of Section 31, before Trunp's Space Force (Starfleet) ever exists..

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Wrong thread buddy

I've been meditating on the song, now I have to imagine the video edit. I need to consider whether it should be just Alita, or a pastiche of many women with knives and swords. Input?

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This movie was nothing special.

>Whoa, Vamplita. You got a little excited, huh?

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God i wish i could her my blood

Nice very clever

I would just do it with Alita but a version with other blade-wielding women is not a bad idea

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Alita European Tour (please add to this if you have found wild screenings):

3D: Berlin, Germany UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz, Friedrichshain: May 12th
Neufahrn, Germany: May 12th and 13th
Kaufbeuren, Germany: May 11th
Zaragoza, Spain: May 11th and 12th
May 13th: Barcelona, Spain
May 13th: Gonesse, near Paris, France. Warning: Dubbed
May 18th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino.
June 1st: 3D Imax in Oslo, Norway (confirmation pending)
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

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I am tired of inadequate, I want perfect.I have other shit I am working on, I don't want ads, watermarks or subtitles. I can wait until there is a Blu-Ray or VOD-rip. Can you? I'll still be here. I love this film.
Download Xmediarecode, and make some yourself. It is an easy program to use, but your first dozen attempts will be outside the file-size limit.
You can learn this, though. I have confidence in you, user.
Help us make content (and throw /GoT/ threads off page 10.
This from an early rip with shitty audio.

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Here's a screenshot

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Godspeed you madman

I think this is a misunderstanding of the Pareto principle. That principle doesn't say that 80% of the EFFORT is done by 20% of the people. It says that 80% of the USEFUL RESULTS come from 20% of the people. I'm more than willing to believe that 20% of the posters here make 80% of the GOOD OC - just look at the most prolific OC creators, whether they be namefags or not. But that doesn't apply to raw post numbers, since all that's needed to make a post is to pass a captca.
If you look at a sales staff - the bad sellers likely put in at least the same number of hours and calls to customers as the good ones. In fact, the best sellers can likely go home sooner because they've sold enough to get all the bonuses before lunchtime, and anything more is just flexing.

I just use iMovie (free with Mac), and then convert to webm with online-convert.com. For files for Yea Forums I check the "disable audio track" checkbox, and I play around with the screen size and bitrate to make the files size fit.
I made the "Alita rolling past seething Disney fans.webm", and that was really at the limit of what i can do in iMovie.

Yeah I think that's a reasonable point

why exactly is there 500 threads about alita

haha, you joker, what's up my man??

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Archetypes and autism

You bringing Jung in to this?

On the verge of #500, and since we're halfway to our goal, it's worth taking a moment to reflect on the journey thus far. Don't forget what brought you here in the first place, and what keeps you here. Have a peaceful night everyone and here's to being over the hill.

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This is a good post. I came here somewhere around thread 200. Because I refuse to taint my Alita viewing experience with crappy camrips, I haven't seen the movie for nearly a month. At this point, what brings me back here is one part habit, one part community, and one part OC.

I think that's OK though. I don't want to get burned out watching the movie too much, and I want my initial blu ray viewing to be as magical as possible.

Everything in moderation. Remember not to neglect your own needs in the pursuit of this fandom, frens. It's going to be a long road to a sequel, so try to live your lives the fullest in the meantime.

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And as has been mentioned before too, if anything happens to us here and we scatter for a bit, remember that we'll always come back once news hits. The sequel reunion tour will be a riot.

While there are many transitory elements to this journey, I for one hope to take something lasting out of this whole thing. I think the people I meet because of Alita might be her greatest gift.

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jannies are absolute retards

We will see where the road takes us.
You reckon that insulting the jannies will convince them that they should delete these threads?

Jannies have no reason to crack down on us when the rest of the Yea Forums is a dumpster fire

>mfw us getting close to 500

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One of my favourite things about people complaining is that at ANY time of day you can go to the catalog and find 10-30 threads of irrelevant garbage which really proves how we're a good change compared to the rest of this place.

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Here with some old quality stuff

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> kissu

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Damn it! I'm not going to fall for this again!

Ok user, choose your fate

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You bet! I don't think I've seen a more Jordan Peterson movie than Alita, except maybe Aquaman.

Good morning, friends. This was a pleasant thread to read upon waking up and I hope we can maintain that vibe for a nice cozy Saturday. That means no responding to shitposters, ok?
What do you all have planned for the day?

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How about a Halloween sukku?
And a sneaky Boop

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Don't worry, we've burned through our arguments for now. I'm still trying to wrangle 1000 more words on fucking qualified privilege in media publication so that sucks but otherwise I'm decent.

Even though Peterson is a hack I'm interested to see your analysis on this.

>I'm glad people have stopped fighting
>I just want people to be happy
>We can do so much together
>Thanks for being here for me and believing in me

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Going to stay up a couple more hours on here, help my roommate load some cakes in her car when she leaves for work, go to bed, and sleep until my work shift tonight.

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Any time girly-o

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You're my hero writefag-kun

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I will weather all the foul boops in the world for one transcendent sukku.

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Maybe come Halloween time she'll have figured out how to become an ACTUAL vampire who knows...

It would be kinda weird but also kind of arousing especially if she could give you some healing nanites.

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still no HD stream or torrent? People really don't care about this film.

People care plenty, but when there is no dvd/blu ray to rip, it's kind of hard to have an HD stream or torrent.

>not buying a dvd/blu ray to support Alita
It's just you that doesn't care, apparently.

Ah spittu-user glad you're still around. We'll see how things develop with the ideas that I have.

like dredd?

Yes, even though he's done some interesting research in psychometry, he's mostly known for pop psychology stuff of questionable validity Anyway, Petersonmemes in Alita and Aquaman, in which the ones in Alita are more significant while they're more surface level in Aquaman:
- Pinocchio: Alita herself is a variation Pinocchio, with Ido as Geppetto and Hugo as the street urchin who lures her into Vector's circus act. In Aquaman, the Pinocchio reference is more on the nose and surface level, as they literally ride inside a whale and look at the Pinocchio book.
- Rescuing your father from the underworld: Aquaman rescues his mom from the literal underworld. Alita rescues Ido more figuratively - because while they never leave the underworld of Iron City, Ido is healed by her. He also rescues her more concretely from the Underworld below Iron City.
- The over-protective mother: Ido is this to Alita when he refuses her the Berserker body.
- Don't bother kids when they're skateboarding: Ido again, except now with motorball.
- Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street: The dog.
- Lobsters: How Alita behaves with the hunter-warriors. Lobsterpeople in Aquaman (again, surface-level).
- Hero's journey

In Alita there's also a mass of obvious and less obvious references to Judeo-Christian and other classical myth, from Alita as a Christ-like figure, to the Book of Enoch parallels that David Stewart made a youtube video about.

I wonder if we'll get to "There’s No Such Thing as a Dragon" in the sequel.

Dredd bombed almost incomprehensibly hard and yet there's still talks of a TV show. Have faith.

Yeah there's flops and then there's bombs like this.

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>communists pray to Einstein

I don't understand how a movie that good could flop that hard, you would think it was White Girls 2 or something.

plenty of films that release earlier have already been out on blu ray, I'm guessing the distributor is not that interested in releasing it now; 'cause you know, no one cares about it. What is the point of "supporting Alita"? All the money made from home release will just go in Fox's pockets. There's like 3 movies in the entire history of filmmaking that had a sequel because of good DVD numbers.

I wonder if Zalem is Pleasure Island in this analogy; not sure yet.

>AMA PA user
>Doll purist (a.k.a. manga purist, but I call him doll purist since he did not remember the plot)


This one is gonna make four.

>making this post so soon after someone makes a Dredd box office post

Bad timing user, even Dredd got a home video release, Alita absolutely will. As for sequels, that's still up in the air, but we have no reason to believe as of yet that it won't happen.

Here is my updated attempt at listing notable figures in the history of /Alita/ based on my shitty memory and a few helpful anons:


>Jerome (?)
>vamp (?)
>AMA PA user
>Manga Purist


>LA anons
>CO anons

Did I miss anyone?

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One more new Vamplita before the sun rises too high.

Attached: angrysukku.png (945x802, 919K)

Based, from one Vampalita editor to another, I thank you, fren.

Attached: Comfy Vampalita.jpg (782x773, 285K)

The fact that you guys are so consistent in OC creation is why I felt the need to make a tribute to you guys. You keep the evening hours cozy even if I personally don't really have an investment in vamplita.


There are rumors passed around on Twitter that TSG Entertainment (owned by Chip Seelig and financed by Magnetar and Polybona from China) guaranteed the financing of Alita in return for extended rights to the sequels. That would mean that they wanted a stake in a sequel even if Alita: Battle Angel lost money - and that it was never so much about how much money it made as it was about proving that they would make their money back on the project as a whole. Of course, if it had been a legitimate box office bomb, that would have been the end of it - but if that rumor is true it adds credence to Cameron's statement about a sequel if people like it. And that Cameron wouldn't need to fund it all from his personal war chest.

Ok, I'm not even mad, if this is Jerome, I'm frankly kind of amused.

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Yeah like it's clear that Alita has an impact even with a terribly mismanaged marketing and release, so the next question is clearly imagine how high it could rise with the proper care.

>A withdrawal, then?

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Of course, with the sun coming up, it is time for Vampalita to retire until the next coming of the moon.

Attached: arg fuck the sun.jpg (913x802, 359K)

I got a better idea. Up your OP game or never OP /ALITA/ again. K?

I'm supposed to be finishing my thesis but I haven't even started. Probably gonna need to do an extra year.

I might have to consider adding the (vamps) as a faction, since now I can tell there are at least two of us making this OC, or three counting writefag.

Kek you guys are the greatest.

Also VA has done at least one although I can't promise that I'll personally get any more vamp stuff out any time soon.

Attached: cursed alitaforce.gif (311x467, 76K)

Yeah she posted something in the last day or so and I'm not entirely sure if it was meant to be Vampalita content or not.

replace one of the lewd Alitas with Leeta and it'll be perfect

Attached: leeta accuracy drill.jpg (397x412, 103K)

kek at the triforce being off-centre

Actual, correct Triforcing is a lost art dating to before the Fall, so this is just a best-effort representation.

My grandma lives about 20 miles north of there. On a clear day you can see the dunes from her front yard. If there is gonna be a meet up there we need to go to the alligator farm or crocodile deserve or whatever its called. Its a little north of the sand dunes.
If you want to ride the snake in the desert I suggest Moab, UT instead. Its actual desert. These dunes look like the desert but they are actually just a pile of sand blown into an area next to mountains. Besides the mountains on the east the rest of the area is flat dry sage brush / farm land. Its all private land.

>Grewishka Sadist (I'm not sure if this was suffering-user)
>Doll collector
>All Smiles
I remember some more known namefags and non-namefags from other boards who I've seen in the threads, but not enough to add to the list, I think.

>I don't understand how a movie that good could flop that hard
Surprised me too, didn't even realize it was a box office bomb. Everyone I know who saw it thought it was pretty great.


>you're at the club and this slobbers on your leg, what do?

Attached: doggolita.jpg (1242x1150, 1.03M)

Pet it of course, and call it a good girl.

So where do YOU live? Another CO user?

Archive user though they haven't been active since #200

Is All Smiles a confirmed dedicated entity? I just thought it was random people posting the meme

Yes, it was random people I know because I did it just once, but one person started it by consistently posting it.

by Doll collector do you mean the user that was planning to buy the sex doll?

I'm the Denver user that posted a few days back about maybe going out to CA for the meetip.

> Reylita

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Attached: DON'T.gif (500x213, 729K)

Ah, as I suspected.

I've also been wanting to visit White Sands, but I don't know how those dunes stack up to GSD.

I don't really want to go to Africa or wherever the hell I have to to get [[[LEGIT]]] desert dunes.

No, the guy who has a classic Alita doll collection and refuses to watch the movie because he can't stand seeing cyberskin on Alita's neck area. He might be manga purist, but I'm not sure if same person.

There are some dunes north of Granby. Can't remember where exactly without looking it up. Somewhere by Rand maybe.

the nurse is here to heal all of /ALITA/

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They actually look like they could be a legit couple

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I thought more like father and daughter.

sexy rosa

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I don't know how old they are but there are some couples with extreme age differences so whatever

>all those strange lookin' dudes
they must have money or connections or something

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ok user i need to take a pic to show dr. Ido

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maybe they have talent

Attached: sdzxc.png (708x768, 102K)

Well, are they public and campable? Actually substantial size? Need more info.

this fuckin' guy though

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the nuse was secretly the prettiest character all along.
even more than chiren

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There is Original OP user. They started and pushed ABAG and made the jump to ALITA. They were highly active for the first 200 hundred threads and posted probably 75% of the first 200 OPs. They never took a name or ego fagged but have talked about it a few times.

Ah yeah, Original OP. I guess could say, OP squared? Or OP^2?

She kind of looks similar to Vanessa Blue in that pic

> those hips

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I unironically like both Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver, and I wish that they never had to play in NuWars and never got subjected to the /reylo/ shit that they have to deal with now.

how do you do pic spoilers

yeah look gotta say if we're not harassing actors in their personal lives we'll never be like /reylo/

check the box next to upload file my man with blessed trips

Love you frens I hope you have a great day

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wtf I love niggers now

Making silly OC and letting them see it on Instagram is as far as we'll go.

Oh shit, I never even realized there was a box there, since it only turns into a box if I mouse over it. Cleverly hidden.

Which is pretty damn far, honestly

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so diverse. they are all on the right side of history. problematic that there aren't any trannies though.

Underneath the 'im nota robot' captcha there is a little box that says spoilers.

What i could never figure out is spoiler text.
I know the code for spoiler text but it never works for me

I also find the lack of large-tittied asian thots problematic

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Hes actually a nice actor. He does his roles well. Hes nice in real life too.

what is this from?

I don't know who he is. What's he in?

Thanks to our intersectional hero Jerome, we can check the boxes for Latinx LGBTQ+ people as well as slight mental disability.

>intersectional hero

Attached: 1553655063553.png (587x926, 636K)

Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Love Actually, Maze Runner, Game of Thrones etc.)

>I'm glad this general is finally stepping into the 26th century

Attached: leeta.jpg (515x590, 189K)

Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Movies: the maze runner trilogy and nanny Mcphee

Tanji and Grewishka are our bisectional heroes.

kek nice
i love u too fren we've had a really comfy evening tonight

Attached: LEETA-FREE ZONE.jpg (515x590, 226K)

>With the recruitment of any Grewishka unit we have a limited-time offer for 1/8th off a Zapan model

I don't even know what all this fancy social justice jargon even means

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Attached: alita disdain.png (400x489, 345K)

It's Zapan model without a face, isn't it? You'd literally pay less just because the face is missing.

Yeah I agree, I don't even have a blu ray player but I'll be buying the blu ray anyhow

Attached: 1557496720250.jpg (533x800, 78K)

you still have to pay for 2/5 of a face

Attached: 1554070988854.png (260x234, 116K)

I dont have a blu ray player either.

People shit on DVDs now, but when Alita comes out on DVD we could all buy cheaper DVDs to give to family and friends and grow the fanbase


Mostly I'd just want to bone her tho

Here you go
>North Sand Hills OHV Area near Walden, CO

They are campabale. Its an OHV area so BRAAAAAP! sounds in the background may happen now and again. I've never been but I think this area is less grandiose then the Great Sand Dune park. Do you or any of the other anons dirtbike, quad or OHV?

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Yeah that's probably how I'll end up playing it, blu ray for me, dvd's for everyone else I know.

and also a dvd for me so I have something I can actually watch

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Bisectional: Cut in half.

Intersectional: The more axes of oppression you intersect, the higher the score in the oppression olympics. If you're a black quadreplegic Wiccan transwoman from Bhutan, you're worth more than an an Asian double-amputee Muslim transwoman from the Bronx.

Attached: 1557417676643.jpg (1242x1269, 1.22M)

Yo grab an xbox one, they can play 4k 3D Blu-ray and cost practically the same as a BluRay player, and they are also a console as a matter of fact... and their dirt cheap at the moment.

But doesn't the face cost more than all the rest of Zapan?

DVD is an antique format that should have died 9 years ago, Alita deserves better. If you don't have a BD player, pirate a BD rip.

Attached: alita bd vs dvd.png (1918x1604, 2.59M)

i picture them as cheesy anonymous tuxedo guy for some reason lol

Attached: tux.png (382x565, 51K)

I don't own any recreational vehicles, sadly. That area doesn't look very big or nice though, honestly.

>tfw made notable OC but not on this list

Attached: alita.gif (405x405, 3.47M)

Reminder that some of us are going to make a pan-and-scan VHS copy of Alita and hide it in thrift stores to confuse people.


Yah probably isn't that great without an ohv

The list is based on either memorable namefags or anons who became honorary namefags based on consistent posting patterns or OC.

Apologies to any OC creators I might have missed.

Reread my post, I'm glad I'm not part of the cancer faction.

Attached: alita laf at u.png (500x522, 209K)

Thread OST user? Is that even the correct name...

Oh I see, well clearly what that means is that I should make a faction for cancer, and put you in it.

Attached: 1552844546422.jpg (200x200, 11K)

Do what you want, you have no idea who I am.

Attached: alita laughing.jpg (1200x675, 72K)

Canzer Punt

>unsung OC heroes
Our reward is to drop in on threads and see our work or re edits of our work. We may not make these lists but our OC will be around forever. I think its better that way. Name fagging OC cheezy on an anonymous image board. It leaves a taint on the OC I feel.

Completely agree, that's why I used that gif.

Anonymous. Not your real name of course. Just an insignificant girl.
I have no need to namefag, and I have the same motivation as you, but I think the namefags are cute as long as they keep it a gimmick for their OC and don't make it an ego thing.

Namefagging is a more meaningful thing to anons who actually go to meets, since those anons actually know each other IRL, and might like to be able to connect posts with people from time to time.

Attached: BAKEERRR.jpg (1349x564, 118K)

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But i dont want to steal

Why would Alita wear an MCU shirt?

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First of you're a massive faggot for even thinking that. Secondly, if it bothers you, just buy a BD copy to ease your conscience.

Attached: motorsm.webm (1280x720, 956K)

I'm sure she would like some of the MCU films. She has an open mind and is willing to see the best in everyone.


Alita a cute.

I might know who you are. If you are the user I am thinking of we were in many threads together. I thought of us as haiving duelling OC for inspiration in the ABAG days. We pumped a lot of content still in rotation today. If you aren't that user well fuck ya' then cause I dunt' give a fuck. I love you anyway. lmao

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Here is my updated attempt at listing notable figures in the history of /Alita/ based on my shitty memory and a few helpful anons:


>Jerome (?)
>vamp (?)
>AMA PA user
>Manga Purist (doll collector?)
>Archive user
>All Smiles
>OST user
>smugly-anonymous user


>LA anons
>CO anons

Did I miss anyone?

Attached: 1556511399045.png (688x968, 275K)

>smugly-anonymous user

Attached: 44e6.png (412x442, 348K)

>8 hours later, still on this thread

The list looks good but ffs don't have Jerome and flop-kun listed at the top of it. Maybe divide the list into Alita frens and Alita nemesis lists or something.

>Did I miss anyone?
You forgot me, The Artist Formerly Known As Anonymous

The list is not in any sort of order of importance, nor should it be interpreted as such.

Too precious.

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Anyone baking?
I meant categories, like in a Venn diagram.

I never thought anyone would actually save my gnome Paint edit kek. It looks so weird

If there is one movie that deserves not being stolen
Is alita

Pretty much anything and everything here gets saved by someone, even if only *because* it is fucking bizarre.

some guy was even archiving the spittu edits

Remember: we save everything

Do it my friend

I agree with this

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I figured. Its still weird to see our nemesis at the top of a list of notable anons.

I agree that we should support it and I plan on buying multiple BD copies, but I'd much rather people pirate it than buy it on DVD.

>I'd much rather people pirate it than buy it on DVD

I mean really it's not that weird, considering Jerome has probably the most consistently prolific mention rate of any personality in /Alita/ for as long as I've been here. He's like Trump, Obama, Monsanto and the NRA all rolled into one entity and relabeled to be a relatable villain for us.


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I think namefagging is more important for people like Peaches who post work which doens't inherently have an account attached externally unlike my stuff.

Attached: shake shake.gif (603x566, 232K)

Buy the dvd and pirate the BR at least

nah. put those faggots where they belong, on a list of shame.

If it comes to that I'd rather just steal my brother's Xbox One to be able to play the bluray.
I'd give it back after ~12 watchings though

I don't care how you justify it, namefagging has no place on an user image board. Go to fucking facebook if you need names attached to art and persons.

The war between namefags and people bitching about namefags is going to continue until Yea Forums removes namefag functionality, Yea Forums gets erased, the internet gets shut down, or the world ends.

Your complaint will solve nothing. Deal with it.

>Yeah, 15 years ago. Get over it.

Neither will yours faggot. Deal with it.

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