What exactly happened?

What exactly happened?

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They thought making a trilogy of movies out of a trilogy of books was a good idea, so they decided making a trilogy of movies out of just one book would also be a good idea

I thought they were alright movies except for the albino orc, the weird forced love triangle plot written for normie females, and the fact that the dwarves looked like anything but dwarves.

Not enough preproduction time.

A series of long, pointless, wildly unrealistic action sequences that went nowhere.

Not enough pre-prod time as mentioned: del taco fucked off at the last second and Peter Jackson took over and had to restart everything without given any time to prep for shooting. Then i guess the studio told them to make it a trilogy, so they added in even more contrived bullshit. PJ is already pretty liberal when it comes to using CGI, but the 3D and HFR forced them to use it even more, sjnce the "bigatures" technique used on lotr didnt work, and apparently some of costumes didnt hold up either.

Also, PJ was under so much stress and sleeping only 3 hours a night, he ended up getting an ulcer and other forms of sickness. I watched the behind the scenes and felt bad for him, the studio was forcing them to do one every year, with no prep time. Actually the original release daye flr the third one was only 6 months after the 2nd one. Thats insane.

I enjoyed the first one, the second one had some good parts, but the 3rd was just a mess. They shouldve stuck with 2 movies and added in a bunch of stuff for the extended editions.

>3D and HFR
This is also why there was so much green screen. That famous image of ian mckellen crying in a green room or whatever was because they had filmed all the dwarves in bag end separately, but couldn't use forced perspective like they did in lotr, so he had to be filmed separately pretending the green rooms and green balls were bag end and dwarves lmfao.

i actually didn't think the first two were that bad honestly

They werent bad on their own. Just compsred to lotr they were shit. Same as Godfather 1 and 2 making godfather 3, an otherwise ok movie, seem likes shit. Hobbit 1 and 2 was better than the sw prequels imo, apart from the 3rd.

Desire for money led to an unnecessary trilogy.

As a life long Tolkien fan who was quite pleased with LOTR, seeing this made me understand exactly what it’s like to be raped. It was even more pozzed than Crystal Skull.

Simple answer, this: youtube.com/watch?v=20vA9U7J2qQ
But to give a bit more background New Line were in financial trouble and needed some hits. Insisted that the Hobbit become a trilogy (at the time it was 2 movies) which caused original director Guilermo Del Toro to leave the project. So Peter Jackson was forced to step in as director (Wingnut, his company, had already spent millions on the Hobbit's development and I think he may have been forced into the role thanks to studio politics but what those politics were is a bit hazy) unfortunately they already had set release dates for the films and Peter Jackson was forced to start making them with little to no pre-production work. They had done a fuckload of pre-production with Del Toro but when he left and the films were changed into a trilogy it meant that all that work had to be re-worked for a Peter Jackson vision of the movie.

In the end Jackson just had to make up the movies as he went along until he finally cracked during the battle of the 5 armies and shut down production in order to actually write and storyboard out the complex battle scene instead of pulling it out of his arse 5 minutes before shooting it like the rest of the film had been. It's why the first Hobbit is the best one, Peter Jackson had enough time to partially prep that one. By the time you get to movie 2, Peter's just making shit up as he goes along. And he didn't want to do it either, he was forced to thanks to the business machinations of Hollywood.

The Hobbit was a fun light hearted adventure series that fits in perfectly in mood and pace. I’ll gladly enjoy the series before my LorR marathons.

Inexcusably poor and immersion breaking CGI. I watched all six Hobbit/LOTR movies back to back recently and despite being made more recently the Hobbit movies look awful compared to the older LOTR movies.

Cgi bullshit. They used cgi for almost anything. Even scenes that had decoration instead of a green background.
They milked everything they could

Peter Jackson was a hack. Don't believe the bling lotr fanboys who think he was held at gunpoint for shitting out three terrible movies and going full apeshit lucas monster cgi whore

Basically bilbo the hobbit joins on adventure with dwarfs to get back some dwarf treasure from dragon. It's prequel to lord of the rings.

>Peter Jackson was a hack
Wrong. Peter Jackson was a brilliant director who made a stuff-up with the prequels, just like George Lucas did. Prequels are very hard to do right, which is why I was extremely impressed by the Planet of the Apes prequels, in which all three were in the top ten movies of this decade easily. In fact Dawn has the strong potential to be the very best.


the studio was threatening to hire brett ratner to direct the hobbits which is essentially the same thing as being held at gunpoint

The entire point of the movie was missed. In the Lord of the Rings yes there are epic massive battles and heroes fighting Orcs and monsters constantly.

In the Hobbit there isn't supposed to be all that much of that, making a white orc villain was 100% unnecessary. The Hobbit is more about Bilbo and the Dwarves series of mis-adventures. The most intense moment in the book, other than Smaug, is when Bilbo has to fight those deadly spiders. He does some badass shit, but their decision to make it into a hardy action movie every time was stupid.

Also the final battle of the five armies was stupid, in the Book, Thorin is struck down during the battle, and then expresses his regret to Bilbo that he wouldn't let go of his anger, and apologizes before dying.

There is no secret end-game threat, and all of the allusions to Saurons arrival were unnecessary and shouldn't have been there.

So why even take the project? Why didn't Jackson just give them the middle finger?

PJ himself has all but apologised for them and admitted he had no time for his own preproduction just dropped in to improvise Guillermo Del Toro’s movie on the fly.

I actually liked the first one. Watched it multiple times.
Barely remember the other two because they were abysmal.

Just watch Maple Films - J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit instead.

The hurr durr one book one movie thing is such horse shit. It could have been a successful trilogy out of just the single book had it stuck to the single book.
The problem was, they actually removed book content to shove studio mandated bullshit onto the screen that wasn't even in the books.
We all wanted fun adventures and dwarves and singing like the first movie with some LOTR movie flair like the first movie had, instead they shoe horned in all this bullshit Legolas nonsense and fuckin PEOPLE NEED TO BLUNTLY KNOW THIS IS A LOTR PREQUAL despite it being the fucking LOTR prequel already.
If they just kept it contained to Bilbo and the dwarves and the time period it was set, and let us get to know the dwarves and Bilbo and their journey without cutting away every 10 minutes to say REMEMBER LORD OF THE RINGS GUYS HEY HERES THE LORD OF THE RINGS TM SOUND TRACK TM you could have easily made a successful three movies, let us enjoy the story, gave the Hobbit narrative room to grow and breathe throughout three full movies.


This, he wanted to make his WW1 In color thing or whatever.

Good for WETA and Co, I assume
He runs his little empire in New Zealand, a big trilogy is employment for a lot of people who were involved with LOTR, not just himself. Jackson gets a lot of shit but people don't understand he became more than a filmmaker, he's the captain of a ship. Same fate that struck Lucas. You have to compromise because you now have responsibilities to hundreds of people. Great for your bank account, hell for your creativity.

He still didn't need to make 3 movies. Battle of hurr durr was essentially 3 hours of boring combat with maybe half an hour of decent content.
Which is why it baffles me that he actually took out a bunch of the epilogue like Thorin's funural and other decent character scenes that are only in the extremely unnecessary and bloated E.E.

2 movies were enough to tell the story in The Hobbit. But theywent full Jew mod and made a third one with a lot of filling bullshit.

They let a guy with an elf fetish make a movie about dwarves

It’s supposed to be an adventure tap in the vein of Robin Hood or the Princess Bride, but instead they tried to make Kingdom of Heaven in Muddle Earth. Totally the wrong tone and focus. Overblown action sequences and terrible, terrible CGI

Warner Bros wanted more money, Jackson said "nah", they got Del Toro, he got bored and left, then they begged Jackson back and the subsequent years of hellish production sucked his soul out of his body and produced one of the a prequel trilogy rivaling Star Wars prequels in quality.
People who think Jackson did this misunderstand the whole situation, the project was doomed from the start.

;_; this is sad

First two were enjoyable. At that point i've given up hoping that it would be like the books so i just went along with it. But the third one really ruins it with all the useless cg extravaganza.

Kek. That's one way of putting it.

It's still fairly impressive that, by no means good movies, he still managed to do something good while literally winging it. I thought Smaug was great.

Yeah but I gotta say, I kinda have to respect Peter Jackson and the movies because as far as production clusterfucks and movies that have had to pulled out of the director's arse at the last minute goes... at least the Hobbit's watchable. Not a great series of films but it's coherent at least. Christ imagine if some amateur had been stuck in the same situation Peter Jackson was stuck in and imagine the films that would have resulted from it.

The last time I remember a big budget clusterfuck on this scale was probably Alien 3 from 1992. And in that case most of the good shit that David Fincher shot got cut out by the producers because it slowed down the film.

I think Solo is latest great clusterfuck of a production.

Watch Lindsay Ellis docus. I think they were very comprehensive on that matter

Nah. Solo isn't anywhere near the level of clusterfuck that either the Hobbit or Alien 3 were. With Hobbit you had a great director who had to essentially make up a film as he went along for 3 fucking movies filmed back to back and no finished script. With Alien 3 you had a great director (only one who hadn't made a movie yet so no one knew or trusted him) making a movie where the producers would change the script overnight to be completely different almost every day. There's a really great blog somewhere written by one of the actors in Alien 3. Basically he was allowed to pick any character because Fincher liked him, so he chose the everyman character who survives in the end. Then a week in he gets the new script and finds out his characters now retarded, except he'd already flimed multiple scenes of him not being retarded. So if you ever wonder why '85' in Alien 3 comes of as incredibly smart and coherent for someone with an incredibly low IQ that's why.

Especially once you know what Pete had to go through. The fact that there's some good shit in the Hobbit movies at all is kinda impressive.

They forgot that the story was supposed to be about Bilbo and instead focused on forced love triangles, emo Thorin, and unnecessary foreshadowing of events in LOTR.

>The Defining Chapter
Is there a more cringey line you can use on a movie poster?

They went too far in too many places.

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I have nothing to offer but an archived thread from around the time The Hobbit was released. Take a read if you please.

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Bilbo was miscast. Dwarfs had too wacky designs, short beards and possibly started the nu-male beard craze.

That's because all they can think about is squeezing as many shekels from the goyim as possible.

Probably would have worked if they did three 90 minute movies instead of three 3 hour movies.

There are tons and tons of reasons but one of them is tone. It doesn't feel like the Hobbit, rather it's just as dark and serious as LotR, maybe even more for some reason. This doesn't work at all.

>the weird forced love triangle plot written for normie
I wish the autists would leave. You should spend time with actual women: everyone thinks this love triangle was crap.

They added a stronk wymn, just cause. Wasn’t in the book and it’s inclusion didn’t profit the movie well in quality.

>and it is inclusion
have sex but do your english homework first

Oh i'm sure they would have found 12 or so dwarve actors

Did someone made an edit to fit those 3 movies into one?

Really sad, made me love Peter even more though.

That scene when dwarves arrive and attack elves is awesome. Too bad about the rest of movie(s).

Yeah I really love him. I like his earlier stuff more though. The fact that you can tell the same guy who made Braindead (the goriest movie ever made) also made Heavenly Creatures 2 years later... he's a real talent. Shame the Hobbit films still kinda suck but forgivable considering the circumstances.

>autocorrect fucks up your spelling
why is this allowed

>prequel flick
>canonically essential plot point occurs

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This is the one I watched:
Thought it was bretty good. As kino as any LOTR. No Legolas or Kate from lost anywhere.

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hobbit reads as a pokemon season, every chapter is a big baddie who tries to kill our heroes, nothing wrong with it in a book but it can easily turn into a shit movie in the hands of a hack

You are 100% retarded, you even missed what he said. Who else do you think that shit was written for? You?

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