Nigs are already pissed at this. If white chicks was acceptable than this should be to, it's comedy, I'm tired of the double standards.
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This movie looks like shit. You know it and if you support it just to spite muh SJWs, you’re a fucking mongoloid.
I don't give a fuck about this movie, I'm just pointing out the double standard.
this movie looks great
This is the funniest poster ever, it looks like a fucking parody from Tropic Thunder
Based and redpilled, bro. Hottest opinion of 2013.
If he doesn't wear blackface and a dress then into the trash it goes
#1 white girls aren't an oppressed part of society
#2 they use the white girl outfits as a disguise, idk the plot of this movie, but it looks like he's using for gain and personal uses, so it's a bit more problematic
#3 have sex
>black women are opressed
Go away, nobody wants you.
okay yeah you;re right lol, but my other two points stand
Based. Black wahmin are the only people in the U.S. with absolute free speech. They can say anything, even make death threats and nothing ever happens to them.
It's obviously an homage to Total Recall
Fuck these dry humor, low budget, glimpse into the mundane life of a person boring ass comedies.
Whoever this Jeremy Saville dude is, he's either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Maybe both.
I want them
>are liberals/niggers/jews mad about it?
>It's fucking great!
>If white chicks was acceptable than this should be to,
No, sweetie, no, that's not a thing.
Whites are the oppressive majority. This is why I can call the President a chode-licking shitgoblin, but he can't say shit to private citizens.
Or couldn't until 2016, anyway.
hahaha holy shit this looks like its gonna be the best movie since Soul Man. racism rules!!
goddamnit i knew this was too good to be true! SJW fun police ruin everything!
>Upon the negative reaction to the film's trailer, Jeremy Saville apologized through his Twitter account, promising that he would fix the film before its release date to make it more racially sensitive by having his Loqueesha dialogue dubbed over with the voice of an actual African-American actress. As of this writing, no actress has yet accepted Mr. Saville's offer. See more »
>#1 white girls aren't an oppressed part of society
uhm, hello? White girls are the most oppressed part of society? We have to deal with so much shit and incels think we are their broodmares?
>he dubs over himself doing an even wackier black voice
This could have been kino if the guy at least sounded like a black woman.
Leslie Jones wasnt available?
Thats the funny part you retard.
For real though, if you've filled out a fucking job application in the past 5 years, you know full well that the phrase "female and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply" shows up more often than the actual pay of the job.
I won't say anything about the apparent quality of the film, but the premise is much further from absurd than anyone is willing to let on. Pretending that African Americans don't have an enormous leg up in the academic admission processes (need hundreds fewer SAT points to get into elite schools vs. whites or especially Asians) and hiring processes is deluding oneself from reality.
If you're an African American with a modicum of intelligence, work ethic, and professionalism, you have it made more than anyone in the world.
fucking lol i cant believe somebody made a movie like this
it is probably trash but still lol
>If you're an African American with a modicum of intelligence, work ethic, and professionalism
yeah that's the thing though...
based baitposter
Yah it was funny for the first bit but a whole movie of that would have to be terrible.
Very offensive
>I'm tired of the double standards.
umm black people are a protected class sweaty... they are too low IQ to take care of themselves, those poor savages, so we need to protect them and make sure to even the playing field because they’d never be able to survive in their own.
this is what leftists actually believe
surprised Sorry to Bother You isn't coming up when you're talking about this movie
that had (based on the advertising) the exact same premise only racially reversed, and that was just last year and a big cause celebre for politically correct folks
nobody saw that racebaiting trash, maybe thats why
>b-b-b-ut how come theres no WET tv?
Dumbass poltards. there is no double standard you're too deep in white privilege to realize how dumb you are. Brie Larson was right.
nobody's going to see this trash either, so you don't have much of a point
shit looks legit funny. How the fuck did this get made in 2019
I will.
are you the guy who made it, or do you work for Buzzfeed?
maybe because sorry to bother you used that as a mechanism to make a point about race
and this movie just uses it as a joke because lol black women talk funny
>a point about race
and... what was that?
white chicks was kino
it was showing in a literal and absurdist way how black people have to "act white" in certain situations. wasnt the main theme of the movie, but that was the context for that aspect of it.
next time consider context. idk or just use critical thinking skills
by 'acting white' you mean not commiting violent crime and complying when confronted by a police officer?
oh no, woe is them.
>it was showing in a literal and absurdist way how black people have to "act white" in certain situations.
Somehow not a single other nationality or ethnicity across the globe has ever framed the idea of presenting yourself formally and professionally around other people as "acting white". Niggers really are the lowest of the low.
looks bad, but the premise is smart in that it's controversial therefor people are getting mad about it, talking about it, and exposing a way wider audience. if this came out like 10-15 years ago nobody would know about it
Never forget
This is how clueless cacs are. They literally watch the movie, bitched about it but don't understand any of it. It's not about being "professional" you stupid fuck its literally about presenting yourself whitewashed, using white America's colloquialisms, interests, sports, entertainment etc its mimicry because white Americans get completely ass blasted when you don't parrot all of their 'culture' back to them. This is why you fags are MAGA'ing right now and trying to kick out the immigrants with accents, you're vehemently racist to anything that reminds you of anything nonwhite.
would it be more believable to accuse a black woman of being a rapist?
Black girls aren't an oppressed part of society either.
>But doctor, I AM Pagloqueesha.
if you hate white people, white culture and white society, then get the fuck out and go somewhere else you pathetic nigger retard. we don't need you; you need us
shush, nigger, that's enough outta you. here, this oughtta calm you down.
have sex
Elite jews and a few elite families are the only truly protected class. Everyone else is just a grenade to be deployed at their pleasure in order to stir shit up.
>blacks without whites
most of the stuff in the picture was produced by whites and then thrown away
>nonblacks littered in black countries and this is why they live in shanties surrounded by filth
>it's wypipo fault that we live in filth and never invented the receptacle or developed a concept of sanitation and hygiene!
no, nigger. it's yours
>Triggered incels provide no argument as they chimp out
As expected virgins
I wish Patrice were alive to react to this.
never heard of a single one of the names on that poster
guaranteed shit movie
could you imagine eating a feces and dirt pie
why do they do this
maybe it actually taste good and we're all the fools
>Hasn't bathed in weeks
if you hate whites, stop living in white countries, benefiting from white creation, and demanding handouts from whites. it's that simple. nigger retard
Christ, are you living under a rock? It was only THE official selection of the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival. OFFICIAL. SELECTION.
Okay! Okay! Relax! Here, take the rest! Sheesh
>Took the time to explain something to the neanderthal that his subhuman brain couldn't understand
>He gets massively triggered and starts rambling about hating white people
PEAK White Fragility. Your family moved here in the 60s at the latest, go back immigrant trash
When the Moors, who were not negros, got to Toledo they were amazed because it was the greatest city they had ever seen. The biggest towns in Europe all had public baths.
the moors weren't niggers, you pathetic thief of culture and history. and they didn't invent bathing. maybe stop listening to your embarrassing "hotep" lectures and pick up a book. if you can read, that is
>PEAK White Fragility. Your family moved here in the 60s at the latest, go back immigrant trash
Whites were settlers and pioneers. Not immigrants.
>Whites are so bad
>Can't live without whites
I don't know man who is stopping you from buying a plane ticket to Africa and living with all those so much more smarter black people?
Honest question
Do you people believe you are scoring points? Or making amends for something your ancestors may have done?
I can tell you that we are laughing at you. White liberals are the dumbest gullible fucks on the planet.
>subhuman brain
>t. member of race that never invented the shoe
get out of white lands you worthless parasite
>what are settler societies?
>THIRTEEN thousand a semester
another thing blacks are incapable of
>discord tranny has to put on his trip to agree with himself
pathetic, dilate
Why are niggers offended about a movie that's going straight to vhs? No one owns a vhs player anymore so no one is going to see it.
>Immigrants that haven't been in America more than 3 generations
>Muh land
How the fuck are you still mad about White Chicks in 2019? Especially when Yea Forums likes to dab on roasties and RDJ did blackface after White Chicks came out. Which was also years ago. Now you're advocating for this shit movie because you feel slighted by a 15 year old movie. White Chicks is only a year older than Yea Forums. Think about that. Imagine seething for that long and never feeling you got payback for it.
not an argument. you hate white people, so stop living in their countries. parasite
yes, goy. trump is building the wall. he is not giving away all of your tax money to israel. he is not fighting their wars. good, goy.
>a scene from a movie is my argument!
blacks really are something else
If you can't contribute anything of worth and leech off of those around you, you need to go back.
Now go ahead and spit the canned response about us all being Yea Forums.
this guy sounds like norm a bit
>Canned response
>Says nigger 20x because I called him stupid
>Canned response
The low IQ hairless chimps are at it again
>Zoomer zooming and can't figure out how to resolution
still no argument. go to africa
>Put forth zero argument
>Randomly wants me to argue with him when he's made no argument just whined about random ass pulls
Holy shit, someone makes a point without using any expletives and all you hear is literally "nigger" 20 times over. Literally more perfect than any point I could make.
leave white countries if you hate white people. it's that simple. nigger subhuman
Oh fuck. Like being bald wasn't bad enough.
I support it. I don't mind being a hypocrite.
>The entitled neadnerthal brain literally warps reality around his low IQ perception as if we can't simple just scroll up
My 1st post has 3 replies and out of the 3
Are exactly what I stated. Cope harder mutant.
Now show where I said anything about hate. Your white fragility has you interpreting things that were not said. I explained what the movie was about and I made no judgements on the right or wrongness of the actions I described, I simply explained what they are and that they were not simply "professionalism". Your white fragility that you think doesn't exist immediately felt threatened and went "MUH WHITE GENOCIDE HURR". America is not a white country, if you even live in America you are still not in a position to dictate anything to me as you are a product of IMMIGRATION. GO HOME to whatever plague infested shit country your grand dad fled from you refugee garbage. Now go have sex with your sister thats enough attention for you for the next week incel.
remember how colon crucified they got over this?
i havent bathed in about 2 weeks
trannies LARPing as niggers truly is rock-bottom Yea Forums
leave white countries if you hate white people. and incest is your people's thing, nigger retard
>thrown away
because nigs moved in
Isn't that the point? They want nice things but refuse to put in the effort? They didn't build anything, they just use until it's useless, don't build anything, and can't even keep up the existing buildings?
>pedophile sister fucker projects from his shit hole country because he wishes he was AMERICAN
what a disgusting soi
The funniest part of these things is when countries that are "diverse" get cucked because of one indigent population. Like India, for example, is so racially and religiously diverse it makes NYC look like a Pennsylvania suburb from the 50s by comparison. In most of their communities, be it the upper castes or the lower ones, things like incest are punishable by honor killings. Yet the muslim population is so goddamn incestuous that the whole country ends up on a map like this one.
I guarantee that if these things were not covered up and were instead accurately reported and researched in Europe, the countries there that have admitted fuckloads of refugees would be light blue as well.
Have sex, incel
This is 100% the guy who wrote/stars in this trying to get us to go to bat for him lmao
It's literally white chicks what's the big deal here?
Viral market somewhere else
user, you're not following along. Those images of shitholes are from prestent day, from places built and run by your people. That's the present user. That's your reality. You are quite literally a carpet bagger race.
make sure you guys like the vid and subscribe haha
>America is not a white country
it was. it shall be again
No one mentioned Trump, schizo. Take your blue meds.
He'd probably be in it.
>those comments
Fucking nuke america already
viral marketing seems to be working.
>nigs are chimping out about something on twitter
well shit stop the fucking presses
I like this a lot. And the premise of the Loqueesah movie sounds hilarious to me, but the movie, judging by the trailer, is an amateurish romp devoid of any charm and a boring as fuck flick. I'm a shitskin though.
Tyler Perry or Jordan Peele could do the same thing race roles reversed and make it a semi successful date movie and no one would say shit
did the angry nigger tap out? shame
Maybe if we leave this sitting out it'll draw him back here
>White slaveowners raped their female black slaves numerous times in recorded history
>Somehow in the 2000's, white men no longer have the inclination to ever rape a single black woman, no siree
You don't think that's a teensy bit suspicious?
the "rapist slave master" trope is a hollywood invention
Thomas Jefferson was not a Hollywood invention, he was a historical figure. You must be thinking of the bestial black rapist, an actual Hollywood invention, going back to Birth of a Nation.
this movie was made for me
>white chicks offends whites, gets released
>loqueesha offends blacks, gets released
What double standards
>jefferson fucked a slave so that means everyone did it
please don't be this stupid. for your own sake at least
>Okay, it happened sometimes, and Hollywood didn't invent it, but it must not have happened very often!
>"Statistics further suggest that rapes were rare on plantations. Most people of 'mixed race' in the South were either slaves who lived in cities, where opportunities for interracial liaisons were far greater, or free. According to the 1860 census, 20 percent of urban slaves and 39 percent of free blacks in southern cities were mulattoes. But among rural slaves, who made up 95 percent of the slave population, only 9.9 percent were mulatto. Of the slave population as a whole, mulattoes made up only 7.7 percent in 1850 and 10.4 percent in 1860. Moreover, only 1.2 percent of the former slaves interviewed by the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s reported being raped by a master, only 5.8 percent reported hearing about the rape of another slave, and only 4.5 said that one of their parents had been white. According to Fogel and Engerman [Time on the Cross, 1974], all of the available evidence taken together indicates that the 'share of Negro children fathered by whites on slave plantations probably averaged between 1 and 2 percent.' Even Fogel and Engerman's most hostile critics concede that it was no more than 8 percent. There is also evidence of significant numbers of consensual relations between white men and slave women, which would make the percentage of children produced by rape even smaller." (in Thaddeus Russell, A Renegade History of the United States, 2010, pg 67)
just stop. the statistics are right there . if you have a problem with them, take it up with the doj. you have nothing
>if you have a problem with them, take it up with the doj
That's the point, you're really going to believe something just because a government document says it's true? Like the government's never lied to you before?
Why do you think black and brown people immigrate to America and not the other way around you retard? Yeah white people want while culture to remain, because we all know what you get with black and brown culture, which is why nobody wants to actively move to places with predominately black and brown people.
Wasn't really that bad in terms of race politics.
There was the bit about him using a white guy voice to help sell things as a telemarketer, but then that was sorta the end of the race politics. After that it was more about telemarketers selling out humanity to a corporation wanting to make horse people.
>the data is wrong because i don't agree with it!
again, you have nothing. stop embarrassing yourself
The data is wrong because it's essentially statistically impossible. You're really going to read "White men raped 0 black women" and believe that uncritically?
>these guys trying to use logic and coherent arguments on niggies and lefties
my poor naive friends
not an argument. unless you have some actual data, i'm not going to reply to you again. have a good one
Looking at the OKCupid statistics it's clear black women are the least popular women around, while Asian women were typically the most popular. While white men were the most popular among women and black men the least popular.
OKCupid had no reason to lie about their statistics as it was largely some quirky stuff people looked at because it seemed interesting, but it also aligns with these government statistics regarding crimes like rape as white men being the most popular for dating means they have the least reason to rape (doesn't mean they never do) while black women would be the least likely to be the target of rape (especially from white men).
>"You go, girl!
(((Hollywood))) is really blacking itself hard now. First they rename the Dune character from Chani to Chaniqua, and now a movie about Loqueesha.
>based on the advertising
So you never saw the movie, then?
Go tear down the Statue of Liberty, Enus
That's his best big black woman impression? 90% of guys out there do a way better one
It's shit for several reasons
>guy can't even do a humorous or convincing impression (the whole point of the film)
>seriously suggesting affirmative action is a problem for radio hosts
>actor has no comedic prescence when he's not being loqueesha either
>trailer pretty much shows the whole movie and it's still boring
>comes off like a boomer not knowing how to vent
the concept could have probably been carried if it was in better hands.
Not even being able to do the voice kills it immediately though.
>thinks "per capita" isn't an indicator of violence
Per capita is only one metric. There are many, many metrics and they all indicate that blacks are a serious problem in the United States. One statistic that gets mentioned is the "Blacks are 13% of the population of the US and they commit 56% of all crime". That is a misleading statistic designed to make blacks appear less violent that the reality.
The reality is that blacks as a percentage of the US population is now 12%. Also, that crime stat implies that 100% of the black population commits is responsible for crime. That isn't true, in fact 98% of all crimes committed by blacks are committed by male blacks ages 18-55. Male blacks ages 18-55 are just 4% of the US population. The actual statistic should read "4% of the population commits 55% of all crime". That is a very serious problem that is ignored by the media, excused by black leaders, and denied by apologists for the black community in the US.
dass rayciss
If you really want immigrants gone, tear down the one national symbol reflecting our status as an immigration hub.
Make everything actively worse so nobody even wants to be in the country anymore and other short-sighted solutions
>national symbol reflecting our status as an immigration hub
the statue was built before 1965, shitlib
>getting rid of invaders and parasites will make the country worse
the leftist mind in action
but they don't commit 55% of the crime, are you a retard?
Think for a moment
After you hypothetically get rid of everyone nonwhite, all that's left are whites, yes?
Nothing changes, however. You still need exploit the lower class to work the jobs nobody wants to do. To farm, to perform maintenance, etc. There will still be a wealthy elite class and, therefore, class disparity. No foreign imports means whites will have to make their own tech companies without the help of foreign components. Predjudice will 100% still be a thing, just against other whites.
How does that work out in your all-white fantasy?
>waaaah some people have more than i do!
no one cares commie
That's exactly the kind of attitude they want you to have desu
Never question anything, things are fine, just keep working like the NPC you are.
>Never question anything, things are fine, just keep working like the NPC you are.
just like msnbc and cnn tell me to do
They'd have no choice but to pay adequate wages for low end jobs. The fetishism for uncontrolled immigration and class separation go hand in hand. That is why it's politically desirable to 'condem racism'.
And Fox. Remember to only look outward at the groups of people who cause your problems. Don't look up.
Why would that suddenly change? If all that's left are whites folks who believe they're superior, nobody is going to want to degrade themselves with a shit job. They'll have to be forced into it due to there still being bills that need to be paid and let's face it, corporate America would still find a way to discriminate even amongst a group of white people
Therein tensions would rise
Are you people really having these arguments? You really want to get caught up in pointless toxic energy? What are you even fucking talking about?
>if you hate invaders and parasites that means you love the elite who bring them here and give them free shit!
stupid commie
why does this movie look hilarious?
im not joking I actually want to watch it
funny how americans managed to do all those jobs before the doors were opened in 1965
If you hate the elite so much, why do you start flinging wild accusations when somebody criticizes them?
A Talking Nigger!?!
God conservatives are such petty pathetic morons. Just accept your irrelevancy already and die out
This is a shill if I've ever seen one. This movie looks like absolute dog shit
I can already tell this is gonna be a cult classic for all the wrong reasons.
Meanwhile in middle America, whites are going bankrupt because they can't park their boats on Chinese lands.
And god knows how fucked this country would be if we couldn't export our manufacturing to shithole countries while stealing their resources.
calm down tranny
like when leftists defend zuckerberg, soros and other leftist billionaires?
That's how life is you dumbshit. When you're outside the norm you have to act normal for the sake of not alienating people. The fact that you're a minority doesn't change that.
>Door were opened in 1965
Do you legitimately believe there weren't any immigrants before then?
This film looks so low budget lmao
What are you smoking? White people loved White Chicks, especially white women. Black people hated the movie.
Blacks oppress themselves and eachother. Ever seen a nig go off on his fellow black for "talking white"?
yeah, white immigrants. see and seethe
You're mad because white males are becoming more and more irrelevant.
and? should they be happy instead? what a moronic statement
So then what you're saying is that Billionaires manipulate the left through shows of supposedly holding the same values. Is that about right? Sounds likely. Sort of like how they manipulate the right into believing if anyone who criticizes their power in society is a communist here to take your freedoms. You think you're free from this? You're struggling to defend yourself against this idea by pretending this is a left-only phenomenon, to try to avoid facing the truth.
>I didn't get any (You)s the first time, lemme quote it again
when billionaires and corporations start publicly advocating white nationalism and antihomosexualism, then you'll have an argument
>They'd have no choice but to...
Says who? The conservative party has trained you fucks well to accept whatever corporations are willing to dish out as fair wages.
Although this would just be a minor problem compared to losing 40% of the US population in a time where other countries are making strides to close the gap between themselves and US.
there was a short lived sitcom in the 90s called Rhythm & Blues that had a similar premise
man that movie looks hilariously terrible
So much this holy shit
White girls are oppressed, and it’s by black and Muslim men who have been given special dispensation to rape, groom, pimp and traffic white girls, by libtards. See current England, Sweden, France, Germany etc for proof you dumb, evil, naive turd.
you dumb fuck, that's WHY I said based on the advertising, because I saw the fucking movie and know it's actually about fucking horse people
stupid arrogant dipshit
stay mad because the facts don't support your narrative, leftist retard
>Only 40% loss
Don't forget the act of kicking out all minorities would alienate the entire Democratic party and a good chunk would leave after (although, again, two new parties would emerge from the existing Republicans so there's a new "them" to rally against)
Even before then farms were rolling in Mexicans and other immagrants by the boat loads to do farm work. Post slavery plantation owners would just draw up shitty contracts to trap freemen to work their fields.
There has never been a time in America where the low tier jobs and fieldwork has mostly consisted of whites. Closest you got was during the early years of the country when when blacks and poor whites were closer to equals as indentured workers for a period of time.
>when billionaires and corporations start publicly advocating white nationalism
They know enough not to call it that. When Laura Ingraham advocates white nationalist talking points, she uses coded language like "The America that we know and love doesn't exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people."
having some manners and keeping yourself from chimping out and yelling isn't "acting white"
O boy Neo Cons vs. MAGAs. I'd pay to watch it.
>this one radio host says it so that means it's supported by elites and elite institutions
keep grasping at straws retard
the movie nigger trannies from Yea Forumseddit don’t want you to see
Shit like this makes me want to skin people alive, holy shit if I was a violent nutcase I'd probably lose it but I'm a normal rational person.
It's Fox's entire business model, and has been for years. To rile up conservative white people, but only just enough to focus their ire on the designated targets.
Your own facts betray you
Nothing in that image says whites performed their own labor
All it says that they were the only ones at the time with citizenship. All manual labor was performed by literally every other minority listed in that image
The most disrespected woman in America is a black woman, it's exactly why I have zero empathy towards people and actually enjoy seeing people suffer fucking cunts. Shit like this slowly drives me to insanity I fucking hate kikes so much, fuck jewywood, hope this bastard dies
This looks dreadful, like a cheap American sitcom with bad mic work.
maybe because it was competently made and the jokes were funny unlike this taxbreak piece of shit
obsessed liberal. talking heads on tv don't matter
Woah woah back up beep beep beep
This whole conversation has been about The ways the elites that own the media use it to further their own interests and manipulate people, has been since You're undermining your whole argument.
america used to be overwhelmingly white. it's not anymore. that's all that matters
I support it to spite you
i will never support nonwhites invading and polluting white countries. ever. all your commie propaganda is just noise
The editing, cinematography and effects look terrible.
And it happened long before 1965, brainlet
Absolutely based.
>"Guys let's give these Jews more money for a terrible movie that we honestly would have dismissed as shit until someone we don't like pointed out its shit."
Imagine being that retarded.
Your mistake is thinking you haven't already fallen for propaganda.
your mistake is thinking you're smarter than me or anyone else. you'll hang like the rest of them
black people are so insecure
>america used to be overwhelmingly white
why don't black people have any sense of humour?
>you'll hang like the rest of them
Oh right, "the day of the rope". Because while you're dreaming of some fantastical turning point at some point in the future, you're not focusing on all the real ways you could be working to stop the ways the super-rich fuck you over now.
low iq
the best way is organised violence. always has been, always will be. good luck stopping even 10,000 armed and disciplined white men on a mission
t. didn't see Boots Racist's pathetic Devil's Advocate ripoff
Look at how introducing just a little bit of nuance in your world view triggers the snowflakes and gets you so many (you)s
Its literally shooting fish in a barrel here
Even if they can't be stopped, they'll still be standing around wondering why their lives didn't improve after they got rid of the people who were supposedly ruining their lives.
oh well. at least they'll be gotten rid of. they won't be missed
Like that episode of Xavier Renegade Angel
*blocks ur path*
>I might have been manipulated into an act of violence against an external target, and my life didn't improve because it was the wrong target, but at least I got rid of them!
what does that mean?
i thought you said the elites were the right target. do you want them to survive now?
Oh, you're saying you're going for the elites with your ropes and pitchforks. Well that's an improvement at least from forming militias designed to catch illegal immigrants, so I wouldn't stop you.
>when you're a white criminal in britain and you're deemed so bad for society they ship you off with heaps of other white british criminals to a deserted island hellhole cut off from the rest of the world with little resources and where everything is trying to kill you and then it becomes a first world country in only a couple of hundred years
pitchforks? there are these things called guns. maybe you've heard of them
>forming militias designed to catch illegal immigrants
lol. this is really what you leftist retards think we want, isn't it? are you really that incapable of understanding how others think and feel?
this is showing in a literal and absurdist way how something can be made more appealing and marketable in modern society by changing the race and gender of the messenger to something leftists like
if black people can "act white" then he can "act black"
or idk kys
>this is really what you leftist retards think we want, isn't it?
Actually, it's something people in certain border-adjacent parts of the US already do.
>Dude but what about MENS rights? It's white men that are really oppressed you know
Those militias already exist user. As do actual white nationalist militant groups
>when you're a city-dwelling, söy-chugging numale who hates free speech, hates guns, loves brown immigrants, and loves having your internet censored
yeah how dare they enforce the laws of their own country. truly despicable
Nobody in real life aside from voice actors got their job by pretending to be black
>enforce the laws
They're not border Patrol, they're militias. They do it because they think that's what's needed, for private citizens to spend their free time looking for illegals.
>As do actual white nationalist militant groups
all of them infiltrated by feds and completely powerless
and? what's wrong with that? do you have a problem with criminals being stopped?
Hes implying white people dont like spicy food. It's a black Twitter/insta meme
I think it's funny that they think what they're doing will make a positive difference in any way.
it stops criminals who might otherwise have gone undetected and on to commit more crime. normal people don't have a problem with that
oh right. sometimes i forget the nigger delusions. there are so many
Infiltration goes both ways.
>Upon the negative reaction to the film's trailer, Jeremy Saville apologized through his Twitter account, promising that he would fix the film before its release date to make it more racially sensitive by having his Loqueesha dialogue dubbed over with the voice of an actual African-American actress. As of this writing, no actress has yet accepted Mr. Saville's offer.
Actually, pretty much every race dunks on White people about this.
>muh racist cops!
any more classics you want to throw at us?
now way this is real
spicy food is for subhumans. that's why french and italian cuisine is considered the world's finest, while shitskin slop like indian food is relegated to roach-infested takeout status
>FBI knows that the KKK intentionally infiltrates Police Departments
>Oh it's just those silly liberals saying cops are racist!
>spicy food is for subhumans.
This is how you try to come back? That's weak as fuck, man.
no one cares
go shit in the street, rajesh
Hey, frenchfag here... you know nothing about France if you think we don't eqt spicy.
You sure about that? Can you prove it? The problem is if anyone ever got their job this way they could never reveal it because they'd be torn to shreds immediately by leftists for "exploiting the black identity" or some other excuse that all leftist journalists would agree on and push when really it would expose their racism and hypocrisy.
Let's assume there are no cases. That's simply because it's so hard to pull off. If you could convincingly make yourself black and then answer one of those "POC and women welcome" leftist HR job adverts then you'd have more chance than a problematic white male.
Pretending to be native American sure helped Elizabeth Warren, until it backfired on her because she made the stupid mistake of proclaiming it on the political stage, and then made the doubly stupid mistake of proving she herself a liar by taking a DNA test of her own accord.
Your protests amount to nothing more than
>it's okay when we do it but not when you do
or idk kys
I-it's not like I wanted to eat spicy food anyway! You're lesser than me for being able to eat it!
the point is french cuisine is not famous for flooding everything with hot spices, as niggers love to do. but feel free to continue missing the point
lol. shitskin comprehension
What the fuck are you talking about? Black women go to jail for minor shit like weed possession more than any gender of any other race besides black men.
What does that have to do with white supremacist groups literally executing plans to capture law enforcement agencies?
It's okay Kyle. We won't hold it against you that you think jalepeños are a really spicy pepper. Not much at least.
>be black
>commit more crimes
>have more criminal history
>get put away for more time for weed possession because the judge is not inclined to be lenient given your prior assault, battery and regularly charges and your lack of both cooperation and remorse
"racist cops" means nothing when niggers are dangerously and pathologically criminal to such a shocking degree. if anything cops being more racist would help the situation
Racism in law enforcement usually manifests itself as harsher sentences for the same crime, so I don't know how you justify more of that.
>populate the shitty equator that has so many parasites and toxins you need to load your food with natural antibiotic substances that you call flavoring just to have a chance of not dropping dead from everything you eat
>do this for generations and develop a resistance to it
>when you could have just moved north
>act superior to the people who just moved north
no it doesn't
His voice isn't convincing. They didn't even change his pitch, which would be simple to do over the radio. The jokes don't really land and are all stale. The joke about him ignoring the girl on the bridge about to an hero could have worked with better delivery. Most acting was trash. If you watch this movie just to own the libs, you're just as much of a cuck to hollywood as fans of nu wars.
Yep. Black men receive sentences on average 19.1% longer sentences for the same crimes perpetrated by white men.
I'm not going to watch it. I'm just going to laugh at them getting mad at it
Black men have an average of 19.1% longer criminal records and so the judge is inclined to be 19.1% less lenient.
Riddle me this: what is but 13% but also half?
because they always have prior convictions, commit other offences during arrest, fail to appear in court, or behave badly in court, or some other nigger stupidity. your propaganda doesn't work here
Nigga here, I'm fucking with it
Grab Ankles
Sounds like a shitty premise, but it course dipshit leftists and the professional victims known as African Americans would probably start getting mad by just the cover alone. Especially black women , fuck I can already here them bitching
>*claps* OKAY
>Asserting even though you have no idea what the premise of the movie is you're still pretty sure it's "problematic" is nuanced
Imagine being this much of a regressive moron
I think they're just shitposting
Not in Bulgaria and Ukraine
>mfw reading this thread as a based chicano
whitoids and nigs are the most pathetic races. Truly the world will be inherited by Asians, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Meds, and Latinos
>ariba ariba behead children and women it's the gringo's fault muchachos very tired senior take siesta now
and destroyed by them
Probably because they chimp the fuck out and act like shit in court or when interacting with the police retard. Maybe black people shouldn't be in our fucking country then if it's so unfair? Go try to make africa even 1/10 as great as america you stupid nigger and quit complaining for fuck's sake. America is white person land. The races need to be seperate because racism is a natural part of every human being on this earth and forcing the races to live together just causes more problems.
seething whitoid
how's it feel getting replaced ese?
Seething spic, how's it feel that we put your kids in cages ;)
I'm sure you are really smart in your special school.
I thought white supremacists already eternally controlled the entire state apparatus?
Plenty more where they came from
this is some very expensive trolling
how the fuck do cops have anything to do with sentencing?
Damn this show really triggering a bunch of jimmies
Everyone has inclinations to do things that they will never do. Also most slave women would realistically be happy enough to fuck the owners, they where powerful men with resources next to the powerless slaves which is a turn on for women.
Say's history, in the UK not that long ago trades got you a good wage and things where looking good for the population in general but then the floodgates where opened and the value of labour crashed. There's a reason the west has been going to shit when companies realised they could skirt fair wage laws by outsourcing labour and then devaluing a lot of other professions by importing from a pool of billions.
>For real though, if you've filled out a fucking job application in the past 5 years, you know full well that the phrase "female and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply" shows up more often than the actual pay of the job.
No? What kind of shitty jobs are you applying for
Sorry incel, but you need to have sex.
he sounds like Rufus Sewell or Norm Macdonald
lol this movie was made for you
kek I'll watch it just because it pisses niggers off. most obnoxious people ever.
Heres the thing user. Society runs on more than blue collar trades. Yes plumbing, construction, etc starts to go back up in value. But you now have a major vacuum in areas like teaching, nursing, house care, fruit picking, janitors etc. Good luck changing decades of programming that has taught Americans these jobs should be paid crap. Whites alone aren't going to want to do it and even if they did, you're still going to have a hell of a time finding enough people.
And on the upper end, you're still fucked as contrary to Yea Forums belief, you're causing a brain drain as non whites do contribute to the intelligence of society and make discoveries.
Finally since I'm assuming this fuck the world sentiment is two way, you're now going to be stuck figuring how to substain the US since you can no longer exploit everyone else's resources or export pollution. Rest of the world will be more than happy to continue building without the US as we've seen with the steel industry and now 5g networks. God knows we're fucked if the dollar is no longer the standard for oil.
>If you're an African American with a modicum of intelligence, work ethic, and professionalism
Unicorns don't exist user.
not the guy but right now all major software companies now have to spread cheeks and welcome diversity despite qualifications
>complying when confronted by a police officer?
You'd be surprise how many whites act like niggers when confronted by police. Mostly white trash though.
Yeah when is that happening? I don't see you killing blacks nor asians.
hopefully soon. and white racetraitors will be the main targets
Yeah when is that happening again? I have heard about this "day of the rope" since at least 2008 when stormfront started to spill to Yea Forums.
Why do we care? Let those people be angry.
Maybe you should start it. Also who do you count as race traitor anyway?
There are blacks like that and they don't live in ghettos.
white people who desire or act to harm the white race, often through partnership with alien races. an example being white politicians who enact policies of immigration of nonwhites to white countries
So if you are friends with black guy you are race traitor?
honestly this is correct.
Well just wanted to clear that out.
>Are you that kid fucking faggot Jimmy Saville?
>No I'm Jeremy Saville
luck of the draw.