What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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talk shit get hit

African American street gangs are just as bad as Nazis.

that he was literally right all along
Reminder that the original and canon ending has him shaving his head and becoming a nazi again. Wouldve been kino

Nazis commit 50% of all violent crime in the US?

History can be changed to a letter

its wrong to hate

Well the intended moral is "violence solves nothing and just causes more violence", but it unintentionally comes off as "getting gangraped up your ass makes you anti-nationalist."

Don't be a nazi or you'll get raped in prison, goy

doing laundry with a black guy makes you not racist

The problems that black people cause are actually our fault, so we should hate ourselves instead of them.

Not all niggers are bad but most are and should never be trusted

That shitty endings and bad acting can make an otherwise mediocre film a bad one

sounds low, are Latinos doing 40% on top of that?

around blacks, never relax

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I get why it was changed; even though I imagine the intention behind the original ending was to leave you with a depressed feeling that he's gone back to being a skinhead; it probably wouldn't register like that to the cheapseats and would come across as "his Nazism is understandable."

The 90's really was optimistic, it basically expects/prays that the inherently violent racism of the skinheads will be enough to deter you from thinking characters like the dad were right.

When Iwas young Ithought it was a simple message about muh racism but as Igot older Ihad a different perspective. To me it's about how groups of people are manipulated into fighting each other while a minority ( Ididn't say the juice ) remains on top and watches us.

The murder scene at the end ruins both teenage characters' lives. Danny dies and the black kid will most likely spend a very long time in prison if not worse. Danny died because of his affiliation with nazi networks in the state. He was manipulated by Derek and his friends, themselves indoctrinated by Cam. The black kid commits murder because he's an idiot being used by the older gangbangers telling him he needs to act up because of racism.
Both kids were robbed of their lives because older people, with more knowledge and power of influence used them to serve their own interest.

It might also be about how forced multiculturalism ends in murder, Idon't know.

shut up reddit nigger

I've never seen this but want to, spoil the rape seen for me how bad is it

Never relax

Jill Kews and Nomp Stiggers

that nazis are just white niggers

You get raped if you go to big boy jail

Interesting observations user.

but it was the white guys who destroyed his bumbum

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Edward Norton goes to jail for curbstomping the nigger breaking into his car or some shit. In jail he associates with the Aryan Brotherhood or some Neo-nazi group. Edward Norton took the clean living and 14 words seriously and gets deeply disillusioned with the Neo-Nazi movement because he witnesses them slinging drugs inside the jail and calls them out on it and quits. To show there is no leaving the group they rape him in the jail. He starts going solo in the jail and talking to the one black guy he has to do laundry with and strikes a friendship up. Black friend puts the word to the black gangs to leave Norton alone. He finishes out the rest of his sentence and returns home and tells his younger brother the whole Neo-Nazi movie is bullshit designed to control people with an artificial sense of community and making them feel valuable. Younger brother starts down a more positive path and gets shot by a black kid he started a feud with while a young Neo-Nazi in the school bathroom.

>un-skinhead yourself
>nigger shoots your brother in the bathroom at school
like pottery

Nazism is completely understandable. Im not saying it's the right thing to do, but if you're a poor white american in contact with minorities and a government that openly shits on you, it is not remotely weird that you'd have Nazi tendencies.

Unironically around blacks never relax

The Edward Norton character was an asshole from the beginning to the end. Even after he made his 360 he kept imposing his will on others and remained deaf and blind.

He probably felt he had to be in charge of everything after his father's death.

>anal rape turns you into a liberal


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hello fren, we're frens now

>defends nazis
latino confirmed

>What was the moral of the story?

When white supremacists and black gangsters are killing each other, the rest of society wins.

>shits on nazis
jew confirmed
t. proud amerimutt

Damn that's hard to argue with.

Just say you're swarthy man, it sounds white enough but exotic like you're a mediterranean or something.

>get raped in the ass
>become a liberal

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women like sub 80 IQ niggers now dude

if you're a tall muscular swedish retard youll get plenty of pussy too, women arent very race particular

The real reason that losers Yea Forums won't accept for obvious reasons: for the average person, the one who gets hurt the most by racism is the one perpetuating it. That shit poisons your soul. Yall need to quit

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>Yall need to quit

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Kill black people, but don't get caught

Despite being only 13% of the population

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>and then one day, for no reason at all, people elected hitler

Rape the Aryans

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t. kike or subhuman slav

>What was the moral of the story?

that whites have no excuse to ever defend themselves or point out the truth and black people always have excuses.


The moral was that if you are /fit/ you still look good no matter what. I bet left wing bitches were even more wet as they know they "shouldnt" be.

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I'm 100% certain you as a retarded /pol/ brainwashed Ameriturd lack any real idea of what Germany was actually like before Hitler or why was Hitler elected, or how Germany came to be like that. Fuck history, let's just say it's Jews lmao.
What makes your historical illiteracy far worse is your arrogant and smug approach, implying how you are somehow superior to libtards because you believe opposite thing while using same methods to reach your conclusions.

t. triggered kike
Educate me then you faggot

>this is considered fit to alt-cucks

I mean, what really made me sad is how 90% of you people unironically believe it was Churchill who declared war on Germany in 1939, which shows how fucking oblivious you are to historical facts. There's this period you obsess with, around which you build your whole identity and mythology, and you don't even know the basic course of events. Fuck, you didn't even bother to skim through Wiki article.
You read something on /pol/, it fits your worldview, no need to ever check it, it's true. Awful, just awful.

not an argument and you literally proved right with every word of your retarded post.

>educate me
But that's your problem, you mindraped nigger. You can't get ''educated'' by reading shit anonymous retards write on anime imageboards.

Read actual historical works, get a proper (that is, one based on facts) perspective, and THEN come here and discuss stuff and form your political opinions based on it.

There is no ''redpill'', there's just learning. If you aren't inclined towards it, that's absolutely fine but then stop acting so smug and arrogant while sitting on top of Dunning-Kruger mountain.

You're so fucking lost you don't even see how your cringy quips are qualitatively exactly the same shit that your nemesis (muh sjw kikes libturds) spew. You're engaged in this cringy propaganda war with equally retarded people (who don't even post on Yea Forums, for fucks sake), and neither side is rooted in reality. And it's always fucking Americans. Something is terribly wrong with you people.

Whatever. I'm not even writing this for you. But in a few years you'll look back on this period of your life and realize what a fucking idiot you were.

It would be low, if they didn't make up only 13% of the population.

That life's too short to be pissed all the time.

The problem was that no argument was brought up why the dad was wrong, it was just assumed he is because it turned his son into a neonazi.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

The gay rape scene was very very hot.

I guess the point is if you go nazi go all the way. Dude only got killed because he backed off.

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Talked like a nigger.

According to them walking my dog, working out and reading books means I'm one bad painting away from becoming the next Hitler. ANd then they wonder why I can't take them serious and can only see this shit as living in a clown world which also means I'm somehow a nazi.

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Nazis are fags

>nice pecs
>solid arms
>visible abs

he's not arnold swatzenneger but he's looking pretty damn good. better than you for sure. if he dressed in well-fitting shirts he would look quite jacked. he is practically strong enough to fight off most people 1v1. if you actually lifted you'd know he'e in pretty damn good shape, way better than most people

niggers, jews

bad news

Niggers are bad, but that's no excuse to act like a nigger yourself.

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don't relax among groups of certain ethnicities

what does this say

Your mistake is the one that so many liberals make, that you can correct the inbred retardation these people believe in. They believe in it because they want to, because it makes them out to be the heroes, and any failure they've experienced in life isn't their own, but a conspiracy caused by anything and anyone that doesn't conform to their standards. They don't believe in it because it makes sense. They believe in it because they want to. Because it shifts all their problems onto someone else. Because it makes them feel better about their shitty, sad lives.

>What was the moral of the story?

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>or point out the truth

>The day I married my beautiful valkyrie. I'm sure the furer happily witnessed our union from valhala. Wanger (sic) during the cerimony (national socialist composer), and for the celebrations music by rammstein (the best nazi band in the world) and pitbull (a skinhead rapper). The white chocolate cake and horchata water ran like rivers of blood of our jewish enemies, unpure and defenders of the homosexual cause. 14/88! VIVA MEXICO! VIVA EL NAZISSMO!
pretty based if you ask me

that is based

you just described blacks and leftists

>racism is evil but you just have to talk to blacks and minorities and you'll find out they are cool
sadly its pretty low effort dumb message because they had to cut the original ending. with that the moral would be more like hate begets hate and its a cycle etc.

>imposing his will
>bad thing
Faggot soiboi detected kek

no,no, it's one that only nazis make

equalising rightwingers and progressives is not only historically and theoretically inaccurate, it absolves the neo-nazis of their true, inherent violent cause, which is to devalue labour power, dismissing them as bad because they are "extreme", not because what they actually stand for is bad.

It's crazy how we have to school newfags every two years or so, who come off straight from high-school with the age-old, tape recorded "arguments" of muh crime statistics and other rehashed republican/neonazi adages

>Dad saying over dinner firefighters hired blacks because it is expected of them but they would not pass the bar based on abilities alone
>later Dad dies in fire
It is never addressed whether Dad was just racist or whether the blacks really were only hired to fill a quota. I wonder if I missed something in the movie or if this was intentional
>pic unrelated

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Not him and what the fuck are you even on about?

Haha holy shit, thanks for doing that. What the hell makes some Latinos so attracted to Heetlorr anyway?

kinda makes it out like original Derek had it right

That retard is so far up his own ass he actually believes he's being coherent.

Sup exxon schizo? Still using “nigger” and “faggot” to pretend to fit in here you actual braindead leftist monkey?

That he was right, despite what the world tells you

niggers gonna nig.

I think the point was that the Dad’s casual bigotry served as a primer for the son’s more hardcore racism? That’s just a guess. That maybe because it was never an accepted principle in their house that racism is bad, is partly what led the son down that path. The movie kinda avoids assigning direct blame, which is good because that’s how real life is.

Nazis have gay sex with each other all day

That you shouldn’t be a racist who things black people are inherently violent or else they will shoot and kill you, thus demonstrating there peaceful nature

Here's something for you /pol/ wannabe nazis. If you do a crime and end up in jail. White prison gangs have an alliance with Mexicans. So if you behave like this idiot in the movie prepare to get assaulted and possibly rape.

>Dad’s casual bigotry served as a primer for the son’s more hardcore racism
Yeah, there's no doubt about that. However I'm wondering whether Dad died in the fire cause bad luck or whether it was direct result of having blacks on site which weren't able to do their job properly.

Answer to this basically determines the movie's final impression.

How the fuck is being frustrated about losing your livelihood due to racial politics that aren’t indicated by ability “casual bigotry”

Was blacks who protested in the civil rights era against firms who refused to hire them for there race “casual bigotry”?
If anything this just shows how 50 iQ solutions to racial imbalances in the work place like quotas perpetuate racial resentment and hatred not help it

get shredded

kek, stay seething

the movie pinpoints the moment exactly where Derek got his values from, what are you even on about?

>Was blacks who protested in the civil rights era against firms who refused to hire them for there race “casual bigotry”?

it was pretty casual back then, you spellingless moron

committing crimes and going to prison is a nigger thing. we'll be fine

all fucking niggers must fucking hang

Yes user I'm sure you look much better.

not an argument

cycle of violence
very simple
brainlets itt

They were going to keep the other ending but Edward Norton didn't like it. He's apparently difficult to work with because he often wants to do changes to the script. He did the same in The Incredible Hulk. Partially why they replaced him.

hate breads hate, dont matter the skin color

No, just a fact.

You become liberal after getting raped by gays.

Don't "watcha doin' Rabbi?" on your tits.

Jews are the cause of all problems

Hate begets hate, nobody wins.

That's crazy considering they are only about 13% of the population

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The moral of the story is jews will change the ending if they don't like it, even if it is for the worse.

no, it's the moral of the story

Oh horse shoe theory. Ya got us sargoy

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oh really?? really makes the old nogging jogging

I have never heard of this before

I have never thought of this before

It's like your fact-based argument, funded in statistical analysis, makes me see the world for how it really is.

I wish I was as reasonable as some of you are to check these things, I envy it, I really do.

But at least, even if some of us (most of us) never think this way, there are still people like you, enlightening us with your grounded, reasonable thought.

It's a propaganda piece from Zionist Jews to demoralize whites into thinking that white nationalism is a terrible thing. And keep in mind that these Zionist Jews are in full support of Jewish nationalism to the point of extorting tax money from the US to support it.

This film is pure propaganda.

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