Wtf was he doing in the 90s and 2000s?

did that karate tournament ruined him or something?

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Seriously why was he in such a bubble for all that time


I spent the entire 2010s playing video games, watching porn and shitposting. it's not that hard wasting 10 years, 20 should be doable

Working construction in LA like Adam Corrolla without Jimmy Kimmle

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Here's to another 10 years

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>wtf was I doing in the 90s and 2000s?
>Seriously why was I in such a bubble for all that time
Stop it user, I just want to go back to that one moment when everything was ok.

me too :(

i dont believe anyone actually watches youtube original programming

they say and act like he was in bubble in the interviews to explain his lack of PC sensitivity.

In all honesty though lots of people don't care about or learn about those issues. talk to a trucky or a builder or any man outside of the city.

him not knowing how to use computers isn't even a stretch when you consider how many people really are like that, even people who are just 30.

I don't think he's been away from anything at all, he's just a normal man of his age now entering the world of teens who are completely different in culture to himself. And he's correcting them, at least in season 1.

This doesnt go unnoticed and the show creators could get in trouble for this kind of thing so in interviews they all give a uniform pc answer. "he's in a bubble"

That about sums it up for me.

He was riding the high of the 80s bitch. It's like asking where a hair metal band was in the 90s and 00s. Grunge and bleep-boop happened. Guys like this got drunk and had kids and played their memories on repeat

the most "cringe" line in the show is when he says he was out "partying with babes"...johnny is supposed to be the cool ladies man who barely keeps it together by working construction-type jobs. in season 1 you see him at the tail-end of his 30's where he's basically just drinking alone and the party has ended. reality has set in. he's making just enough to eat shitty convenience store pizza and pay the rent. he was never connected to the 90's-2000's culture because he's not the type to spend hours in front of the tv or computer screen. he doesn't read news papers. he doesn't follow cnn or any of that shit. he's not really in a bubble. he was living outside of the bubble. being inside of the bubble means being connected to the culture, keeping up with movies that continue to get gayer and more feminized.

johnny's favorite movies were from the 80's back when he used to watch movies at the theater with his friends. he's a social guy who never got financially successful. he's like the al bundy type character minus the wife and tv. if he does watch tv it's re-runs of stuff...from the 80's.

so he didnt party in the 90s? i still want to know wtf he was doing in 2000s? daniel looked like he grew up fine in 90s and 2000s. He kept up with technology

He literally was a 30 yr old boomer.

I can't even remember doing anything important for the past ten years

My Dad is in his late 40s and he can't operate a fucking computer. He can't even text with a cell phone, he can barely call people with one. He doesn't know how to email people and he doesn't know what social media is outside of what news channels on TV occasionally tell him about them.

He still functions well enough, but he treats everything like it's still the 1970s. If he's lost he doesn't consult a gps map, which is what I would do, he asks the guy on the corner for directions. Then he gets lost because the directions were bad and then asks another person and eventually gets lucky and finds the place.

Meanwhile the 70 year grandma I met the other day plays an MMORPG and enjoys chatting with people on fucking discord. It's really amazing because even the majority of old people are better at technology than some 40-something year olds.

Why do you think Yea Forums used to be such a "secret club" from boomers, and only became vaguely mentioned by clueless "reporters" on CNN and FOX? These people can barely email anyone let alone actually learn how chat rooms and forum websites work.

The guy was a drifter. What kind of guy drive a car like this if not for cruising all night ?

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I thought he was in his 40s?

In the 2000s he fucked up his family life with his addict wife and a son who hates him.

Oh yeah I forgot. Ok that solves the 2000s what about the 90s?

heh I thought you meant irl

Probably partied with his rich guy money for the entire whole of the 90s, he might even have a degree that's worthless, or he went to college and dropped out due to the partying. Sometime during the 90s his mom would've died which is probably what led to him choosing a shitty wife.

Who is the bigger fuck up as a father? Johnny or Daniel? Hardmode: Only compare the sons.

You just made it easy mode. Daniel easily fucked up more with his son. Robby is a nice chad who knows karate, but also accidentally potentially crippled someone.

I hope Johnny and Robby go full on bad guy for season 3, destroying Kreese and taking back Cobra Kai as the ultimate bad guy team. Badass. No Mercy ever again.

Well he definitely didn't intend to throw him down 2 stories and break his spine.