Kinos about living the Canadian lifestyle?

Kinos about living the Canadian lifestyle?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you now I want timbits

Iced Coffee with 10 pack of chocolate glazed timbits

You know you're in for some kino mouth time.

We don't like Tim's anymore.

It's fallen heavily out of favor.


Tim's is a piece of shit fast food chain run, owned and staffed by retards that has somehow managed to insert itself into the Canadian collective conscious as some kind of patriotic icon when in reality it's just a piece of shit fast food chain.
If it weren't for their extraordinarily, bafflingly successful marketing campaign they'd have gone out of business by now.

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Is it because they opened a few locations in the US? I like their coffee.

fuck off back to /r/canada

Tim's donuts are terrible. Krispy Kreme is so much better.
The only good thing about Tim's is that most of them are still 24 hours but good luck getting anything but coffee at 3 am.

They were bought out by some other conglomerate (Burger King maybe?) and the quality of their already mediocre food declined even further.

Strange Brew
Seconded, Timmie's sucks now.

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Tim Hortons fucking sucks. The only good thing left there are the Timbits. Also it's not even a Canadian company anymore, they sold it off to Brazilians.

Poor service. Lukewarm shit coffee. Inedible food.

You have shit taste for coffee. Even Mcdonalds coffee is better (in Canada, can't vouch for American Mcdo coffee).

McDonalds coffee tastes like shit though, too fucking dull and then other times tastes too much like a lukewarm hot chocolate.

Mcdonalds coffee in Canada is legitimately not that bad. It's hands down better than Timmies coffee.

I still like their coffee more than the competition's. The problem is most of these stores are so understaffed that they'll fuck up your order anyway.

>not that bad



The only alternatives are Stabucks and Dunkin' Donuts, which both taste like shit

Strange Brew
Canadian Bacon
Death by Popcorn: The Tragedy of the Winnipeg Jets

Only decent coffee shop in Canada is unironically Starbucks. For their Iced Coffees and Frappuccinos.

The actual truly good coffee shop used to be Country Style, they made awesome donuts and their own timbits, but they went out of business in the mid 2000s when Tim Hortons reigned in and dominated the market.

Timbits suck you fat fuck

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I keep hearing people say McDonalds coffee is so much better than Tim's but I actually prefer Tim's coffee over McDonalds. Then again, I drink coffee as energizing sugary milk and don't care for the aroma.

I'm pretty sure CS is still around and is the 2nd or 3rd most popular coffee shop in Canada.

Culturally, I think it's still an important spot. As soon as I walk in, it's like I'm transported directly to the phillipines

>Timmies coffee is better than Starbucks
Terrible taste. You can get a Pike Place coffee at Starbucks that tastes 5 times better than the swill they give you at Timmies.

Mmmm no. No it's not wildly popular at all anymore, the majority of locations are now small mini kiosks at like malls and in convenience stores, nothing like the old coffee shop restaurant chain they used to be.

The coffee and food really slipped a notch over the last few years. I honestly don't know anyone who likes them anymore. Ten years ago everyone up here loved them. Your little local place is usually better anyway.

Letterkenny is pure Canadian kino

why can't they make good doughnuts?

Van Houtte and Second Cup are decent

McCoffee is not bad up here, better than tims. Tim's fell off bit time.

mcdonalds coffee is far better than tims, at least it actually tastes like coffee

gay porn already exists

Every Tims in Toronto pretty much functions as a homeless shelter since all the refugees Trudeau invited have taken up all the shelter space. Can't get my breakfast biscuits with 3 drug addicts begging me to buy them a bagel lmao

Never been to Second Cup, do they have their own Iced Capps or similar drinks?

The used to user, they used to.

Do you have mccafe in the US? They use proper espresso machines in Australia(even in the drive through) so it really just depends on the barista making it. The only bad coffee I've bought from mcdicks was made by some sudo whore.

Because they all come in pre-frozen.

They used to bake them from scratch, and they tasted fucking marvelous.

my nigga

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Most likely

Tim’s fucking blows now

All frozen shit with bad coffee served up by a filipino

It used to be baked FRESH, IN-STORE, DAILY. They used to pay decent wages to retain professional bakers and whenever you drove by one in the winter the windows would be all fogged up from the cozy heat of the pastry ovens.

I;m addicted to iced capps. what do bros?

Same experience in Canada. It seems like American Mcdonalds has shitty coffee in especially if they say that Timmies is better in comparison.

>buying donuts and coffee versus making your own

you buds ain't gonna make it

Switch to ice coffees

All that shooping and they don't even make the base of his dick more impressive. why?

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Their caramal cino is really good. Used to drink it all the time before I started eating healthy.

Every tims in Canada serves as a homeless shelter . You go to Tim's at night it's crazies schizos and bums.

They pay kids minimum wage and the employee turnover is probably the highest of any company in Canada. They are like the Walmart of fast food.

where? every tims and mcdonalds in the city is filled with homeless white crackheads

Isn't Van Houtte the coffee they sell at fucking gas stations?

Post your favourite Heritage Minutes -

Has anyone here worked at a Tim's? How bad is it?

>tfw I knew someone who messed up one order and they fired him for it

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Are you fucking kidding me? There was a woman working at the Tim's near my old workplace who fucked up my order DOZENS of times, on top of completely failing to understand my order when she was working the register while training and as far as I know she's still working there.

Post more kino Canadian cuisine

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Being Canadian is so fucking boring, we're the laughing stock of the world

>hahaha maple syrup
>aboot! LOL

I wish I was American or British

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Worked there 10 years ago, right before it went to shit. Free donuts no matter how many you could eat, free unlimited coffee, muffins... you name it. 50% discounts on all food items... shit pay, lots of work though.

ha he must have been white

cake doughnuts are vastly inferior and make up the majority of their selection, also theyre all old frozen and trash

Listening to Rush while watching Crash Canyon

This shit right here

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Why are canadians proud of (or have ever been proud of) a glorified fast food chain?

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Being Canadian is comfy as fuck.
All the benefits of America (except for cheap food), without the rampant gun violence and atmosphere of danger 24/7.

And outside of /pol/ I don't really see anyone considering Canada as a laughing stock. But we will be if we continue letting America dictate our foreign policy.

>imagine living in chinada

Don't think so. You can buy their coffee in grocery stores around here and it's average to above average quality coffee. Better than fucking Timmies anyways but that's not hard to beat.

Literally everyone in the world knows you're Chinada now and a completely cucked country.

The nearest Tim Hortons to where I live is entirely staffed by immigrant kids except for the manager which is a girl I went to primary school with funnily enough.

I worked as a clerk and a baker there. I would never eat the food again in a thousand years.

Because we have nothing else to be proud of

Lol is this Guelph

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these are fucking bomb

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>the benefits of America
except for a shitty dollar, expensive gas, expensive food, high taxes, low pay, terrible housing, only two major cities, and muslims everywhere

Fubar was an accurate portrayal of early nineties Canada for me
I had burnout uncles who partied hard and drank Molson Pilsner

Absolute dogshit, I refuse to believe theres a human that likes that abomination of a lasagna. I had to throw it out it was so bad.

>nobody posted the video of the bitch taking a shit and throwing it
lazy fucks

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sour cream glaze is the true patrician choice for true patricians

Is this happening in the big cities? I live in the Okanagan and it is slowly being filled up with poos.

>only two major cities

This is supposed to be a bad thing?
Also, there are at least 3


Toronto and Vancouver are both shitholes. Ottawa is pretty nice though

thats my local tims

>and atmosphere of danger 24/7.
You haven't been to some of the bad parts in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, or Winnipeg I see.

I'd say Montreal is definitely more of a major city than Ottawa.

There is no kino here anymore. This country is hell and in of itself, especially after the first Trudeau fucked it all up with his multiculturalism bullshit.

I would list montreal before ottawa

What happens here?

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Fuck Tim Hortons.
They don't even have a station where you can doctor your coffee? Double Double? How bout I pour my own damn amount of cream and sugar, not some arbitrary amount that's always dissatisfying.


ma nigga

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>Literally everyone in the world knows you're Chinada now and a completely cucked country.
There are many more Asians living in America than in Canada. Not per capita, but 22 million to 6 million. No one is calling American Chamerica. Besides, your xenophobia is what cucked you out of good economy. If you didn't arrest Huawei's CEOs daughter for America (who is now turning their back on the whole affair) then China might have worked with you to mutually improve both your economies without having to rely on America.

>a comfy Canada thread would happen at 1am when I have work the next morning

God dammit Yea Forums

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Rape and freezing

The absolute worst part of Vancouver isn't even dangerous. It's very nasty and full of junkies and other homeless people but the likelihood of actually receiving physical harm is basically nonexistent.

aw, little Canadians are so cute.

>Alberta: Oil and ranches
>Sask: unending farmland, potash
>Winnipeg: lakes and natives

Alberta has an oil industry, but everyone I know has agreed with me when I've said there's basically no reason whatsoever to go to Manitoba or Saskatchewan unless you're visiting somebody you know who lives there.


I live in downtown Toronto.
I walk outside at night a lot at 3am. I might even go out later.
I don't feel any danger whatsoever. It's mostly harmless bums or non-violent druggies and the occasional tranny.
Nothing compared to what I feel in some parts of America.

Natives killing one another.

Stay strong bro

Calgary had the Olympics in 1988
since then you mean?
The Jets got their hockey team back but they're still horrible

I only like their frosted cinnamon rolls

Never been to Moss Park area I see?

They got bought out and quality slipped even lower than we were used to.

>wanted medium iced capp
>lady messed up and gave me a large

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>tfw a local movie theater sells poutine to eat while watching movies

This is like some yuppie on the waterfront of downtown Vancouver thinking the whole city is like that.

Apparently Toronto has a gun crime epidemic.

Try walking around the bay street corridor, parkdale, or moss park at night then get back to me

Much better than popcorn. Unfortunately no theater in my area offers this of if they do its probably overpriced and trash quality.

yeah that's what happens when you bring in massive amounts of third world migrants who then break off into their own segregated communities and feud with one another. It also doesn't help that police can't fucking card people now because of muh racism when we know damn well WHO is committing the crimes here.

Crime and gang bullshit used to be contained to seedy parts of the city, even as recently as when I was a kid. Now it's everywhere, it doesn't matter what neighbourhood you live in.

It's only going to get worse from here on in.

The tims by my work is shit and always fucks up. I've gotten upsized iced capps like a dozen times this year so far. I always ask for a small but they somehow keep giving me mediums or larges for some reason.

Speaking of iced capps is that new oreo one any good?

>And outside of /pol/ I don't really see anyone considering Canada as a laughing stock.

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>tfw black
>tfw canadian
>tfw work a good engineering job
>tfw 4k in investments
>tfw still get called a leaf nigger
ShakeMyHead bros

Canada is gay

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I've been there, nothing wrong with it.
Oh no, a gun epidemic. What is that compared to America? Nothing.
I live on the bay street corridor. Nothing wrong with it. Yonge is more sketchy at night, and there's nothing wrong with that either.

lol no it's not. Most crime is down you fucking boomer. News is just 24/7 and doesn't end. 99% of the city in every city in Canada is fine. I've literally stumbled past fucking hastings and main and pigeon park at 1am-2am and have never even been bothered. Sometimes a few people ask for change but if you just say no nobody cares.

lmao a few years ago as a student I moved in to an apartment on the corner of church and gerard right across from ryerson and some guy was literally shot and killed on that corner the same night I moved in

I get what youre saying though, I'm never really scared or nervous walking around Toronto at any hour

no, it's trash-tier whipped cream with crumbs of oreos, neither of which goes through the straw

McDonalds literally uses tim's old coffee supplier which is why it's so much better, Mcdonalds coffee today was tim's coffee yesterday

All I see in that picture is a good sense of humour and self deprecation. What, poking fun at yourself makes you a laughing stock now?

yeah okay dumbass, keep sticking your head in the fucking sand and ignoring what's going on.

we have fucking mudshits going onto the danforth and shooting little girls in the head, but yeah things are getting better, in fact, things have never been better!

BC Leaf here, McDonalds has unironically decent coffee and is better than tims in every way. Fuck Tims and fuck CuckBucks

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lol you're actually a fucking retard, statistics don't lie. It's not historically low but crime rates are way down compared to the past.

And fucking stats canada lol

You're literally ignoring real actual facts like a fucking retard

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Not that dude but your obsession with pinning the crime on minorities is baffling. All the bums and druggies I've seen were white.

Damn what a shame. The mcdonalds oreo cookie frappe is actually not bad. I miss the salted caramel iced capp from last year

>notices a growing problem
>oh but America has it worse so it's ok

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Alright Toronto bros, lets be real here. Has anyone visited the hooker area near Sherbourne/Carlton/Jarvis? Thats where I found out that trannies are only appealing in porn, and absolutely awful in real life

It was pretty bad. We were always understaffed so that the manager could cut corners and meet their budget. I was usually encouraged to skip my breaks. In my case I was a baker and didn't have any real training, or even the proper supplies at times. Most mornings I was expected to complete the entire bake and cover any customers to the store despite having a single oven to cook with, and often having to run over to the sister store because we again didn't have enough inventory of x or y. The night/afternoon shift from the day before wouldn't prep things like they were supposed to (e.g. fondant) so even just decorating the donuts was hard as fuck because the fondant was usually fucked by the time I got to it, and I always had to be the once to fix/replace it despite already doing the job of 2-3 people at any given time.

And then there's the times, so on top of being paid minimum and doing tonnes of work, you needed to do it by a certain timeframe or the customer/manager would freak about it. I've since worked two jobs, one at 17/hour and another at 28/hour, and both were easier than the one I had a Tims, amazingly enough.

Hamilton, Ontario here and I hate this fucking city, this country and this fucking planet. I only hope to live long enough to watch it burn to a fucking crisp!!!FACT!!!

You should have realized that simply by how they behave online or on videos of them protesting at university campuses.

Also only aboriginals and blacks are over represented in prisons for crimes. Mainly because they come from the poorest communities. There's literally nothing your argument can stand on if you're saying the sky is falling in Canada and if you blame anything on immigrants. Wages are increasing and unemployment is dropping. BC has like 4% unemployment lol.

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I love living in Montreal it's honestly my favourite place in the world. I think of it almost as half Paris half Brooklyn. People will always complain, there is no utopia. Montreal has problems just like everywhere else but on balance I can't fault it. Moving out of Toronto is the best decision I ever made. It's literally nothing. You don't get any kind of vibe from living in Toronto. It's just there being big and loud and dirty with nothing to do. And the Leafs fucking suck. Awful, awful town.

they used to do a chocolate sour cream but it's so hard to find

surely it isnt the fact that everyone in this place bombards everyone else with cherrypicked facts, broscience, and constant bias.

go outside and talk to real people once in a while. you're figuratively sitting in a room filled with books about HOW DEADLY BEES ARE, BEES KILL COUPLE OF 2, BEES MIGRATING TO NORTH AMERICA, KILLER BEES FOUND IN CHILDS ROOM, and now you're afraid to leave the house and you dont understand why people arent concerned about constant bee attacks and ridding the whole country of bees.

I have a confession Yea Forums, I actually like Starbucks's coffee. Their cafe latte is nice.

I'd rather be Canadian than British. Sure the Brits may have more of a national identity but at least we don't have to pay for TV licenses or get put in jail for offending muslims on Twitter.

How much French do you need to know to get around. I have like a basic grasp of it and can hold a conversation for a few minutes (hi, how are you, where are you from, what do you do) and that's about it. Do I need to be more fluent if I go there?

>lives in hamilton
>hates his life
surprise idiot

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>mainly because
Yeah....sure. That's the reason

It's trendy to hate on Starbucks because of their association with obnoxious hipsters and far-left activists. In reality their coffee is unironically decent if a bit overpriced.

Pretty much this. It's insane how sheltered people are on social media and the internet. If you went just based off of what you read online you would think we're living like 13th century peasant in thatched roof huts on some landlords plantation or some shit and every week death squads roll through and kill random children. The real sentiment I get from people every day is shit could be better but people are mostly happy and i've never felt unsafe anywhere in this country, not even Winnipeg.

the littlest hobo

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no shit the homicide rate per 100,000 people is down, you have faulty numbers.

back in 1960 the population was 19.7 million people which means that with about 1.5 homicides per 100k people we would have had about 296 homicides. Now with the population at 38 million we are at more or less 670-680 homicides a year. Almost triple the amount of murders per year. Also convenient that your data ends in 2012 when beginning in 2016, with immigration growing exponentially and the effects of multiculturalism/third world importation being exposed we have had an uptick in crime that CONTINUES to trend up.

yeah its just a coincidence that gun crime is going up with the effect of a generation of multiculturalism and mass third world importation now taking effect

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Aboriginals literally still live on reservations that don't have running water or electricity. It wasn't that long ago they were literally stripped from their homes and forced into boarding schools.

Growing according to whom though. That other dude that posted the statistics already proved your point wrong, but I don't care about statistics. From my own personal experience living here in downtown Toronto since 2005 to now, the only time I ever felt there was the slightest hint of tension in the air was during the G20 riots when cops were patrolling the streets late night and I was buying food. But the cops didn't bother me either. I also used to bike late at night down quiet residential areas at like 3am like Wellesley to the DVP/acropolis cemetery, sometimes I walk along the Rosedale Valley road at that time too all the way from Bay Street, and walk up underneath the overpasses, but it's just garbage and graffiti. No one in there right minds would be out and about at that time on foot. Not dangerous in the least.

>I;m addicted to iced capps. what do bros?

Stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger while you should be use to having something long and hard shoot a hot load in your mouth, faggot!!!FACT!!!

Timmies is just Canadian Dunkin' Donuts. Never understood why some people think it's anything more than that.

Now Krispy Kreme... there's a donut chain that's deserving of the hype, so long as you don't make the mistake of ordering anything other than an original glazed hot off the line. Coffee is decent, too.

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trailer park boys

Dude I think you're illiterate, You really need to get a life outside of Yea Forums

>Are you fucking kidding me? There was a woman working at the Tim's near my old workplace who fucked up my order DOZENS of times, on top of completely failing to understand my order when she was working the register while training and as far as I know she's still working there.

>There was a woman

This is why she hasn't been fired. Companies are deathly afraid to fire stupid lazy fucking bitches because they'll cry sexism!!!FACT!!!

They could join the rest of the country and work for a living instead of living off the government dime in squalid conditions. They have like the highest handicap when it comes to employment quotas too, as long as you're qualified, if you tick that native box you're certain to get an interview call.


yeah man, despite the fact that I travel around downtown toronto by car, foot, or transit for my job on a constant basis and am required to communicate with clients from various economic backgrounds and walks in life daily I clearly live a sheltered life, unlike you who probably lives in his mom's basement and lives off of neetbux.

I am making close to 6 figures and I'm struggling to budget in this fucking city. My taxes keep going up but shit keeps getting worse. We have our own homeless in the streets and our infrastructure is crumbling, but of course its my duty to pay for women to kill babies and for mohammed and his 5 wives and 20 children to leech off our system and contribute nothing but higher taxes to support them because they refuse to assimilate and get jobs coupled with the increased crime.

>wah canada is so dangerous look at how bad it is
>crime rates are literally down
>live in fucking east van and have never even been bothered
Holy shit some of you people are sheltered if you think it's bad in this country


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>All the benefits of America (except for cheap food), without the rampant gun violence and atmosphere of danger 24/7.

>without the rampant gun violence and atmosphere of danger 24/7.

Not according to news reports where Toronto and surrounding areas are turning into Detroit due to an increase in niggerosity!!!FACT!!!

Blame the psychopath boomers who run the chain now.

Ice Caps are overrated and their bacon is shit
They're donuts are ok tho

According to the article i linked here

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Fuck this counter looks exactly like the Tim's at Keele and Wilson

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Burger here, McCafe drinks are consistent across the country when I’ve tried them. Honestly I’d say their coffee is better than Starbucks and rivals Dunkin. Dunkin sucks everywhere outside of Massachusetts though

The donuts suck, iced capps and bagels are all I get. They also have a new chicken sandwhich thing so might try that

A huge majority of people are bilingual so you won't have any trouble at all with communication at least. All government services can be provided in either language so no issues with any of that. You won't be able to work in any job where you speak to the public at all since they have the right to be served in French and if you can't do it your employer can get a massive fine. But English speakers can find jobs in tech/financial sectors pretty easily. Of course it's harder to market yourself to prospective employers if you aren't fully bilingual but tech firms especially don't give a shit as long as you are well-qualified/have experience.

Quebec government offers French lessons but idk how much they cost. You can take French lessons at McGill. Tuition is like 2k a year. But I know people who don't really speak French at all and they get by fine just from picking up the language around town day to day. The job hunt is the hardest part.

and sugar spikes that'll keep you awake for 24hours

rural alberta is /comfy/, mainly the forested northern and mountainous western bits
saskatchewan is alberta's retarded little brother, we love them but there's really no reason to be there unless you're in the farming or mining industries
manitoba outside winnipeg is boring but kinda comfy, and winnipeg is genuinely the shittiest city in the country


Again that data looks at two points and this year is an outlier. The historical trend and the literal facts show crime is down and homicide is down.

>trusting mainstream media

Phil Hortons. It's awful, not only that but they've taken the bakery portion out of each location and forced a frozen goods sale upon each one. The baked goods are clearly not the same anymore
Rip timmies

I have walked around after midnight on the danforth, the problem aren't muslims, its the junkies

>my national identity is a Brazilian fast food company and a retarded slogan about diversity
Epic, Canada has never been greater dude.

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This is the superior Flipnada donut joint.

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Who here /edmonton/?

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>winnipeg is genuinely the shittiest city in the country
says everyone who has never actually lived there. most of winnipeg is actually comfy as fuck

what was his fucking problem

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Is that the one on 41st? It's like 2 blocks from my old elementary school.

>Make 6 figures, paycheck to paycheck
1000% guarantee you're wasting heaps on money on multiple things

Natives chimping out because they didn't get enough handouts.

Face it, like the USA, Canada's golden age is over. Niggers, shitskins and poos have taken over. Growing up in the 80's and 90's was comfy as fuck. Mostly white neighborhoods while the worst aspects were white trash welfare whores and their scummy kids. Maybe two or three minority students in any school.

Now you go to a public park and it's nothing but poos and Muslims while niggers infest the city cores while Asians are buying up everything.

Everything that was once good about this county has turned to dust!!!FACT!!!

Superior donuts, their Long Johns actually have custard cream inside them unlike Timmies, and equivalent, if not cheaper than Timmies.

No but I have gone to a massage parlour and its a pretty kino experience if you get one that's reasonably attractive.

>sour cream glaze is the true patrician choice for true patricians

It is!!!FACT!!!

>tfw albertan

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Fuck man, just moved to Kelowna a few years back. I remember coming here and it was white as snow. Living here I see nothing but Indians in any spot that isn't rich

My national identity is being able to live in a country free to live my life without having to fear being persecuted for my skin color, culture, religion or disability. I like living in my country where everyone around me is free and can share in equal opportunities. I know it's hard for an autist like you to understand this but 99% of the population doesn't really care about some retarded /pol/ memes

I fucking love these. Add bacon and fried onions and serve with sour cream. Absolutely amazing.

All coffee tastes like shit.

>You haven't been to some of the bad parts in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, or Winnipeg I see.

Winnipeg fucking sucks. Native niggers there make Hamilton's homeless look affluent while a lot of those peace pipe smoking boozers look like they have fucking leprosy. Literally wretched scum of the fucking earth!!!FACT!!!

My friend gave me a free donut roll of the rim but I still haven't got it because they are so shitty now. I'll still buy their coffee sometimes but it's annoying having to repeat the order 10 times to a filipino that can't speak English no matter which tims you go to.

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nice one eh

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>What happens here?


This reads like a post you'd see an old boomer post on facebook.

Where the fuck are you even going. I literally live in Kelowna and you can't even find someone speaking a language besides english unless you go to UBCO or OC. The city is literally 95% white

permacorp literally just sounds like such a fucking shitty soulsucking place to work in some film where that is the entire point of the plot

The reason people gravitate towards racial, gender, and fetish identities is because of a lack of an overarching and strong national identity. This can only lead to bad things, mark my words.

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Southern Ontario hillbilly culture is kino

Couldn't be more incorrect. Edmonton has a huge crime rate, mostly because of Muslims and blacks. Millwoods and 118th are crazy areas, I wouldn't want to be there at night

all fucking real estate agents must fucking hang

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Canada has been full of immigrants for 100 years. People have literally been saying in Canada everything will collapse because of immigrants since this country was created

what is the best leaf show and why is it nirvanna the band the show

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Funkin Tron

it's trash and you have shit taste. tim hortons is literally owned by a brazilian conglomerate now, enjoy your uma delicia coffee.

Edmonton has always been a shithole. It was a million times worse in the 70's and 80's. I know people who lived there then and they would stop going out around 6-7 in quiet suburbs. Downtown Edmonton at that time was barren and desolate and had nothing but gangs and crime.

>Canada has been full of immigrants for 100 years.
Canada was full of immigrants from generally the same place (The white parts of the Commonwealth). The amount of Asian immigrants was intentionally kept low until recently.

t. hasn't been to edmonton for 15 years
millwoods is fine these days, basically just middle class poos and lower class whites
118th is still kinda a shithole but slowly it's being gentrified

This. The fact that it's still even culturally relevant is a true testament to how retarded the average Canadian is.

>I live in Kelowna
>Let me tell you why diversity/mass immigration isn't a problem
There are literally so many people in the Toronto Subway system now that sometimes the platform is too full to allow people to get off the train at some stops. There will be no improvements for 10 years and in the meantime we will let in another 3+ million people.

Immigrants used to assimilate fairly well. Helps that the vast majority of them before 1970 were white too.

Now you go to parts of Vancouver and it's basically chinatown. In Ottawa I saw areas with nothing but Hijabi women waiting for their kids to come back from school. You're naive if you think such disparate cultures can live peacefully in perpetuity if they have nothing in common except for sharing legal status in a country.

No Canada wasn't at all lol are you a fucking idiot? We had large German diaspora throughout the country and we had to change the names of towns and force them to speak english because of world war 1. We also had to start forcing Germans to change their last name because it was considered too foreign. We also had irish neighborhoods full of squalor and irish catholics working shitty jobs under the table and being treated like rats. We've had Chinese immigrants for 100+ years as well working on the railroads and being forced to blow up mines with dynamite for next to nothing for pay.

I attend OC. The Indians that study there don't give a single fuck. My economics class last year was 95% Indian and 60% of the class failed the course. I don't know why some of them even bother going to school.

American McDonalds also uses beef that is several grades worse than in other countries. Shit was literally inedible to me when I visited.

>assimilated well
>some towns in Canada literally didn't even speak english/french and everything was in Ukrainian or German or Norwegian

Kids In The Hall

I went to OC as well. I did the Accounting program. I had maybe 4-5 indians in my classes and only 2 asian students. The school has a large asian population but I seriously dont know where they went. My macro and micro classes had 0 nonwhites in it. It was usually 90% white students and a few random foreign exchange students in my classes.

love this movie

Ctrl f and no Degrassi Junior High? Citizenship revoked Harper style.

I live in Rutland and I just finished up a course in OC. It's very white, but man there's a lot of brown around here too.

John A. put a head tax on chinks, Asian immigration was discouraged until the 70s

I mean they hardly go to class. The ones that do and give a shit are pretty westernized and may as well be white. Most of them are doing the bridge programs to UBCO

Poor reading comprehension.
Are you another one of those "students" buying up multiple million dollar properties in Vancouver?

They were white and Christian. Both aided asssimilation greatly. Also they were pressured to learn English or french.

Muslims have an extremely poor track record of assimilating and the Chinese are simply not assimilating at all and we have fucking retards like you who think we shouldn't do anything because of muh diversity.

Are you that braindead hipster that lives in downtown Toronto? No wonder you're so naive.

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Why did I laugh at this?
Like is it so bad in edmonton that a wojak of that caliber would the thing to describe it?

There's near my place of work. I get a coffee if I'm not able to make one at home. It's frustrating as hell, they can't do much right and even mess up a standard double double

wut? We pay for it through taxes to promote the shitheap that is the CBC, and we're even more cucked since we have no choice and can't tell the TV loicense man to fuck off when he comes to the door. We also do jail people since there isn't any actual free speech here lol.

Lived there for 6 years. Moved out 2 years ago. Millwoods isn't as nearly as bad as it was, that's true. But 118th and the Northside are trash right now

RED GREEN along with Kids In The Hall. I also really miss Much Music as it was in the old days. Sook-Yin Lee was my fav VJ and I was happy she started doing hardcore fuck scene's in movies. Hilarious House of Frightenstein was shot here in Hamilton at the old CHCH building. The early seasons of Red Green was too!!!FACT!!!

That still literally doesn't change how immigrants were treated before. You only don't notice it now because we're all a bunch of european mutts. My grandparents were treated like fucking shit by everyone when they immigrated to Canada because they were eastern european. They were denied service all the time and my grandpa worked shitty labor jobs till he destroyed his body. He was treated that way because everyone just assumed eastern europeans were sub humans bringing crime with them everywhere.

my niggas

you guys ever been to 5th avenue cinemas? i hear they serve booze, but you cant steal the caramel corn like you can at the scotiabank

Canada isn't even getting a large amount of muslim immigrants. It's not even 2% of the population. I think you really need a break from Yea Forums

pic related is more accurate

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What surprises me is how many Indians fail or do poorly. I've even tried to help some Chinese students do better, but they just seem to carry on failing instead of changing how they look at some things

>most crime is down
>except for arguably the most violent type of crime
this faggot watches the cbc for sure. just zero critical thinking skills.

Yeah, all these rich mainland chinks are really blowing their backs out doing manual labour.
We definitely need more money launderers in our country!

>they integrated well
There were literal race riots against Greeks in the 1910s

Sounds like bullshit to me. My grandfather came from Poland and worked hard and became a millionaire.

I may have had a different experience than you.

Gun homicides are literally down though so I don't get your point

Being treated like shit makes people assimilate, makes them want to become like you so they can blend in and no longer be an outsider.

When you let immigrants in and tell them their culture is wonderful, better even, it encourages them to walk over you and impose their beliefs on you. Sikhs, Jews, Muslims have all done this because they get virtually no pushback from cucks like you.

I drove across the Prairies in May of 2012. It was magical and amazing. There were lots of little lakes at that time of year, and there were birds everywhere. Avocets, blue-winged teals, black terns, white pelicans... truly fantastic.
Not that anyone here cares.

>Aboriginals literally still live on reservations that don't have running water or electricity. It wasn't that long ago they were literally stripped from their homes and forced into boarding schools.

Fuck them. Know what their problem is? The evil white man tried to force them into being CIVILIZED people but they'd rather circle jerk each other over how much better they had it riding on horseback and living live savages. Boo-hoo, they couldn't live in Tee-pee's and educate themselves with cave drawings. Either assimilate, move with the times or fuck off into the tarpit of history!!!FACT!!!

Half the construction sites in this country are filled with East Indians. Most Chinese came here in the 70's-90's and already went through that.

Except they aren't in Toronto which is what the entire discussion was about you fucking idiot

>2% of the population
>literal ghettos already forming
I've seen predominantly muslim areas with my own eyes you fuckwit. If you can't see the issue with that then you're a brainlet of the highest order.

Residential schools were objectively evil

But they literally are historically

Were there anti-Greek riots in 1950? Seems like maybe they assimilated pretty well then.

/pol/ memes dont make something true