shit people in early GoT would die from
Shit people in early GoT would die from
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Eyo is that a plot armor hiding under that shirt?
not only not dead, but seemingly all of her internal organs undamaged and walking like after 2 days of bedrest.
literally what robb and jon died of
>be gendry
>about to fuck arya
>she strips
>"wtf happened there"
Remember the Red Wedding when all of the important characters lived and then Roose Bolton died?
>he missed the scene where she stuffed her shirt with the entire box of ketchup packets from McDonald's
more like running and swimming
By early do you mean anything other than the first season?
why is it okay when japan does it?
In One Piece bandages fix everything. That’s fine because One Piece is about a monkey boy made of rubber.
People don't understand that GoT becoming anime was a blessing.
They're too busy bitching that their favorite character is dead/pathetic.
Yep, what this guy said.
Nobody except Khal Drogo had this problem.
don't forget with those open wounds she fell into the dirty medieval era river which they dumped fecal matter and dead bodies into regularly
she'd be dead from infection within before the weeks end
I have a question for all the logicfags who constantly question everything about it.
How the fuck would you write it? In such a way that everything is "realistic" and the plot works as intended and the characters have purpose.
Like it is beyond obvious GRRM wants Arya to be a badass assassin. How do you plan on doing that while you have a minimal amount of time to show her training, and then you have to do her revenge arc afterwards and maybe have her involved in the story endgame as well.
>Like it is beyond obvious GRRM wants Arya to be a badass assassin. How do you plan on doing that while you have a minimal amount of time to show her training, and then you have to do her revenge arc afterwards and maybe have her involved in the story endgame as well.
you don't it's a stupid idea that will come off like a rushed as fuck mess
>How the fuck would you write it?
The same way GRRM writes it you dumb tranny
You can't realistically, women are absolutely abysmal fighters even when highly trained
But it's the literal story from the book.
There's a sample chapter of Winds of Winter where she's already a highly skilled assassin.
And I don't see how can the story evolve any other way than "Arya betrays the Faceless Men and goes to Westeros to murder people on her list". Like the build-up for her revenge story is too big to just be ignored at this stage.
because dirty savages don't take baths.
She just commanded her assassin Nen to heal her wounds, no problem
Imagine if after she stabbed her in the guts repeatedly she pulled her hair back and slit her throat as well and then tossed her in the river. I mean why stop at a few stabs if they're just going to survive anyway right? Go all out and just have Arya swim to the other side of the canal and recover as she did all the same. Would at least be hilarious
Kha Drogo was bring poisoned numbnuts
arya could still be an assassin just not a super soldier. you could still have her assassinate people but i would have had her never appear on screen after she begun her "training" in the assassin school. then just have it hinted at killing people, only the aftermath of those she kills of large enough importance to the main characters plots should be shown.
there's a chapter where she gets stabbed 20 times in the stomach, jumps into sewer water and is fine 2 days later?
Arya did die.
The Waif took her face.
Sepsis doesn't occur in the GOT universe.
That should make his immune system stronger then. Arya literally went into shit filled water with her stab wounds and somehow didn't get an infection.
That would be such a phenomenal twist that HBO wouldn't have the balls to take.
And expectation worthy of subversion.
Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.
there's a chapter where is blind as fuck, suddenly learns to warg into a cat and detect a super experienced assassin and hit him, even though she's basically an inexperienced little girl
Like the part where she betrays/fights faceless men/waif hasn't happened yet in the books, but everything else is there. Tricking them that she forgot her identity, being much more impressive assassin than she should be, escaping impressive odds and so on.
Who the fuck drives a buick, aren't those cars extinct.
Why couldn't we get our exectations subverted when the super-tuned assassin unstoppable Arya gets one-shotted by some mook? That would've been more shocking.
Didn’t they also make a point to say how dirty the river was?
She's not wargs in the cat, she just sees with his eyes, and that's why she managed to hit her attacker once, after multiple times when he completely obliterated her blind.
>Arya gets stabbed
>does not fall into fecal water
>shorten a couple scenes about ball less grey worms love life
>add a scene or two of Arya recovering from wound
That's warging
within the show: having arya become an assassin is pointless and unnecessary
within the books: i don't know, haven't read them. but its still pointless to me. its not important to the overall story to have a tomboy assassin teenage girl who goes around killing people who wronged her family. the main threat is the NK, and there's plenty of more interesting gimmicks like bran warging and remote-viewing into the past.
let's be honest, arya's arc was just filler so they can make more money and drag the series along. from a business point of view, writers and show runners are no different than charles dickens writing more words so he can get paid more. us "logicfags" are the only ones who truly care about quality storytelling. quality storytelling involves realism, suspension of disbelief, even in a fantasy setting of magic and dragons.
I hope GRRM does release the books, and no one gives a shit to read them because the TV show became such a dumpster fire.
stark kids each had a direwolf. why not go further down the magic route and make each stark kid have warging ability EXCEPT for sansa, and also make her the only one with red hair. and then from there, just have arya be protected by her wolf after she escapes kings landing. and instead of her becoming LE BADASS FEMALE ASSASSIN, just make her a strong warg who can use her direwolf to get revenge on minor villains like the freys. like i said, the whole detour with arya's arc of hanging out with the hound, "training" with the faceless men and shit was just filler. keep in mind that this is a show made with cost and profit in mind. they can't make every single episode a high-cost battle with tons of CG shit. they need the little cunty goblin filler episodes to save money but make it appear like the story is moving forward.
>There's a sample chapter of Winds of Winter where she's already a highly skilled assassin.
No there isn't what the fuck are you talking about? She kills one dude by surprise after getting him out of breath she doesn't get shanked fifty times and then go on an elaborate chase through the city.
The faceless men arc is in the books. They sent her to Braavos back when they were still pretending to care about things like that
>each stark can warg except sansa
>because catelyn cheated on ned and sansa isn't actually a stark
>make each stark kid have warging ability EXCEPT for sansa
that's what happened
Whether or not you think it's pointless, this was part of the books/show from the very beginning.
Like her very introduction is "I hate doing this girly shit and I'm a better fighter/archer than my older brother Bran". Then she names her wolf after a warrior-queen. Then she gets a sword as a gift. Then she starts training with a super badass swordfighter.
By book 2/season 2, the super-assassin plot is already introduced and she receives an invitation to their secret lair in Bravos.
Filler or not, that's the story in the books. She's a smaller POV character in book 1 (less chapters than all the other Stark kids), but in the next books she has way more chapters than they do.
>reddit spacing
Wasn't she still running a jumping from building's after this ? Fucking ludicrous
more likely because sansa's wolf died early tbqh
That's literally what happens in the book.
All of stark children are wolves except for Sansa
I haven't read the books, regardless of how she was trained and where, why would the Faceless Men let her leave with their secrets?
She hasn't left the Faceless Men in the books yet.
Remember when Jon died and then just came back to life and it never mattered?
Did he died ?
within the show, the faceless men are unnecessary and without purpose outside of the arya shit. what she mainly does is kill meryn trant and walder frey, which no one cares about. the entire show and book series would be improved if zero time was wasted on arya. she shouldn't exist at all. the absolute essential is simply 3 stark sons (including jon), and one daughter (sansa). that cuts down on costs and cuts down on wasted screen time. it would be better to see more bran past-viewing scenes than fucking arya jumping around doing stupid shit. arya exists to waste time and please the feminist crowd, because the other female characters aren't "fighters" they're just schemers...oh wait, but there's brienne. so arya is unnecessary even as a fighter-type character to appeal to feminists.
If she does, do you think it'd be as a Faceless Man? Surely if she tried to defect at any point the Waif gets send after her .
You do it well, like the cut chapter where she seduced the guy and then went nuts stabbing him while pretending to be fucked. It showed how good she is at disguising herself as people to get what she wants, and also lets us in on her fucked up mental state.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to feel about Arya in the show. She talks about how she doesn't need allies and doesn't tell her family anything and yet she has a chummy time hanging around Ed Shireen. Its like they can't decide on if they want her to be badass or mentally damaged.
It's mithril
I really have no clue honestly. The entire point is that she has to choose between her desire for revenge and forsaking everything that makes her, well her. There's a pretty constant theme in the books of choosing between your duty and your honor. So I doubt it'll be as simple and "have your cake and eat it too" as it is in the show.
>You do it well, like the cut chapter where she seduced the guy and then went nuts stabbing him while pretending to be fucked. It showed how good she is at disguising herself as people to get what she wants, and also lets us in on her fucked up mental state.
didn't they do that already with merryn trant?
No you can see his feets moving, he's gonna be okay
Yup, my bet is George was assblasted about them taking it and released it as a sample chapter just a few weeks ahead of the episode.
>Be a huge behemoth black man.
>Taken down instantly by being stabbed in my armor by some little ant sized girls
>Fuckers can run around shirtless while being virtually invincible
>little tiny girl stabed a million times and thrown into literal shit water can survive after getting medieval-tier treatment
What the fuck? I'm surprised no SJWs haven't said anything about this.
>dirty medieval era river which they dumped fecal matter
he means poo poo lol
yes. he was brutally stabbed and died accordingly. coming back to life is within plausibility of this fantasy show. each fantasy story has its set of rules it should be coherent with.
Arya getting stabbed just like Robb's wife was and not dying a few minutes later does not make sense within the rules of this story. Especially not in a show that used to be characterized by its brutal realism.
RIP whitest man in Dorne
Oh wait no actually they fucked it up with Meryn Trant because they made him so cartoonishly evil that there was nothing grey abou tit, it was just Arya killing an evil pedo murderer. In the book the guard she kills is some random guy that she stabs the shit out of because he works for the Lannisters.
I don't think the show is supposed to be anti-revenge, anti-war, anti-violence at all. Its a glorification of those things.
yeah fuck this guy
>yes. he was brutally stabbed and died accordingly. coming back to life is within plausibility of this fantasy show. each fantasy story has its set of rules it should be coherent with.
He was brought back to life because DAVOS, the guy who hated magic, asked MELISANDRE, the witch he despises, randomly out of the blue if they could bring Jon back to life.
And the entire north is cool with it. Nobody goes "that sounds like bullshit from a NW deserter" they're like "huh I guess this guy really did come back to life." Its a massive fucking copout to just get him out of the NW but nobody in universe cares.
he's actually not even dornish you dumb magatarian
should have ducked
Put me in the screencap
In what capacity did that user call big black man Dornish? He said in Dorne.
>doesn't get the meme
lurk more summerfaggot
in the capacity of the meme he was referencing you dumbfuck newfag
People are pragmatic. Jon comes and kills Ramsay. They hate Ramsay. Jon seems nice. Who cares if he deserted the NW at this point? No other Stark men running around.
You're comparing Game of Thrones to a show where an intelligent cartoon dog summons a ghost made out of sand to fight a vampire that eats himself to eliminate matter.
Didn't a witch sabotage his wound? Or am I not remembering right?
>Remember when Jon died and then just came back to life and it never mattered?
It actually did matter, because Jon dying let him leave the Nightwatch with honor. He died so his watch was over and he could go without facing any repercussions and also so that his character wouldn't be seen as breaking a vow. That's literally the only reason it happened.
Salty faggot. There was nothing wrong with that meme.
wtf is wrong with golfers
>badass assassin
You mean mentally damaged revenge seeking Psychopath? Kill yourself for being such an obvious pleb
>capable of dying
if you didn't instantly pick up her immortal-tier plot armor from the moment she was introduced you are sub-50 IQ
which explains why you would watch it for any longer than to get a rough grasp as to why it's so inexplicably popular
What about all the other characters that broke their vows?
she could still be an assassin that uses her disguises to infiltrate and get close to her targets ala agent47 not be some super soldier ninja that can leap several feet into the air
Davos didn't know what had happen with Shireen in that moment
Melisandre didn't even know if it was going to work. She was kinda surprised when it did. It was the decision of the LoL
i'm not saying there is. I'm saying Areo is based and not even fucking Dornish you stupid show watcher
you have to go back
The duck was dying and he put it out of it's misery.
in the show she turned the freys into she's going to king's landing to kill cersei
How is she not a mentally damaged revenge seeking psychopath?
>Like it is beyond obvious GRRM wants Arya to be a badass assassin
No he doesn't. Her story is more tragic than badass. A ten year old girl who lost everything and has been trough all sorts of horrors and has become eerily comfortable with death.
She's imagined to be something like lady Stoneheart, but redeemable in the end.
>Dumb Magatarian
Back to plebbit with you, it's a joke that's been around on Yea Forums for years you faggot.
>She's not wargs in the cat, she just sees with his eyes
that's warging you retard
LEAVE you brainlet trogolodyte newfag retard
Yeah but Davos already loathed Melisandre and firmly believed her magic was evil. Him begging Melisandre to res Jon, a dude he's had like one conversation with, was retarded.
Also Davos has never met Beric, he should have no idea that Melisandre is even capable of such a thing.
The goose was asleep.
That's the psychological aspect of her character, which is also reflected in the show even if it's poorly. She's always portrayed as a young girl who lost her ability to have empathy.
But I meant in terms of her physical abilities and her role within the overall plot. George is not gonna have her die as a street urchin in Braavos.
Because the show doesnt communicate that message at all to the audience. She is seen as a badass 1337xassassinx who can hug her sister and have family talks and shit. Not once are aryas actions ever portrayed negatively
because it's treated as badass rather than disturbing. not to mention the entire logistics of her killing literally every free is nonsensical
>king of the hill reaction image
>which is also reflected in the show even if it's poorly.
I'm not seeing it this season, she's so badass she saved the entire world
>But I meant in terms of her physical abilities and her role within the overall plot. George is not gonna have her die as a street urchin in Braavos.
Well she's not gonna be a teleporting ninja either.
This isn't a simple mistake, it's pure stupidity. XDD LE CAT SEES
That's just what one of the horselords accused her of but I don't think it was clear whether she did or not. Maybe in the book it was more obvious.
Do Americans really do this?
>if I mention Trump's Zionism, maybe they won't think I'm a disingenuous anti-white leftist
Nobody brought up faggot mutt politics before you did
Just fuck off
I don't even know who is trolling who anymore. It's all so tiresome. The same wojacks. The same political dog whistles. World is kill.
Come on don't be dishonest. While everyone else was celebrating their victory, she was in her basement shooting arrows. When gendry asked to marry her, she flat-out refused him and the next day she ran away from home with the Hound to go kill Cersei, straight-up saying that she will die soon.
The show is doing a poor portrayal of Arya because the showrunners are incompetent but it's obvious they want her portrayal to be deranged and tragic, not uplifting.
you'd think a bodyguard as serious as him would wear armor all day
Not any of the guys you're replying to, but as a bookfag I cringe hard at how you have to show you're one too at the slightest indication someone is not.
GRRM is a shit writer that hitted jackpot with the show, now cope.
In the books it's not really clear. She makes him a salve and advises him not to drink but Drogo rips it off because it itches and then drinks anyway. I think she didn't actually poison him, because a warrior dying from what seems like a simple scrape getting infected is pretty in-line with the attempt at a more grounded universe.
>makes stupid racist joke
>gets called out for being a magapede
Not even that user but holy shit you guys are more easily offended than sjw's
like season 1-3 were written.
in season 4 GoT became capeshit in a fantasy setting.
Oh I forgot to add that Drogo also rubbed literal mud and dirt in his wound because it burned.
don't be reductive, you cunt.
>tfw you get mistaken for a larping nazi
Literally the lowest I have ever felt in my life, thanks user.
>this leftist faggot is still posting
>Khal Drogo dies of an infected cut
>Arya survives being stabbed multiple times in the gut, including twisting the knife to do more damage, swimming in medieval canal sewerage water, running around the town bleeding out, waiting in a closet for hours to get help, and then the next day she's running around with minimal pain in the streets jumping around.
If you've ever had a surgery on your abdomen, you literally won't be moving around doing anything complex for weeks, it takes a long time for your muscles to heal and fuse back together after trauma like this. I've had abdominal OUTPATIENT surgery, and for the first 2 days I could barely get out of my own bed, and after that I was moving around very slowly due to the pain. and that kind of surgery is nothing compared to what Arya endured.
See, this is the fatal flaw of this show, it didn't need to be like this. Arya could have still gotten injured in a less comical way, gotten away from the Waif and healed up / escaped from Braavos in a different way without some stupid chase scene. In fact they could have just had Arya recovering at her hiding place and the Waif finds her there, then cue the same scene as before.
don't make false equivalencies brainlet
Why are plebbitors still so fucking obsessed with American politics? Nobody cares anymore, just go back.
You called?
Y tho
animal abusers get the rope
Assholes do yes, but those are universal not just american.
He hit the goose with a golf ball on accident, and the thing was in horrible pain, so he went over to put it out of its misery.
and youre talking about a show where a guy can telepath into ravens and large retards, a teenage girl can be queen and ride dragons, a character can change faces at will and another character had died 14 times. Also up until D&D ruined it the big baddie was an ice version of voldemort
are jojo and GOT that incomparable
>not to mention the entire logistics of her killing literally every free is nonsensical
killed walder frey, pretended to be walder frey and invited everyone to a feast where she poisoned their wine. It makes absolute sense
this is why I can't stand logicfags. you always try to appear smart but you're always dumb as bricks
Animal abusers get the shower
its just a dumb bird lets not lose our heads over nothing
The warging shit seems to be in the Stark bloodline and Sansa is way more after her mother than the other children. Her wolf got killed after a few weeks and her magic connection was severed.
>killed walder frey,
>pretended to be walder frey and invited everyone to a feast where she poisoned their wine.
she invited literally every frey to the feast? the freys are the biggest family in the entire story, they have relatives all across the country. did she pretend to be walder frey for months while she waited for them all to arrive at this summons? and did they all make it? none of them were sick or injured or just didn't go? there is a war going on after all. what about the freys that had nothing to do with the RW?
dont have her take ten inches of steel to the gut and crawl through shit for one
Fucking stupid how they ruined Aero Hotah. Turned him into a nigger and then kill him off without showing an ounce of the warrior the character is actually supposed to be. Dorne was so fucking pointless and stupid in the show.
OMG stop crying incel
I don't know how it will play out in the show but I really doubt the faceless men will let Arya go just like that, she will not be a super assassin either who can defeat Brienne in one on one combat.
Same with the theory of littlefinger using a many faced god cultist to die in his stead.
The whole universe has so many hooks and anchor points for something surprising and special. But no, the story will probably play out exactly as a cut and dry fantasy story, because that is the safe bet. And badly writing a classic ending is less of a fuckup than trying something exceptional and completely failing at it.
she didn't have to kill every single person named a frey. Only his legitimate still living adult male heirs. Like the episode clearly shows she spares the women.
>she didn't have to kill every single person named a frey
They literally say all the Freys are dead.
>Only his legitimate still living adult male heirs.
That doesn't make any sense, he has heirs spread throughout the entire country. But even if she killed all of his immediate male sons, he still has relatives that would inherit his lands.
>Like the episode clearly shows she spares the women.
Why? Does she have a checklist of who specifically was involved in the RW or something?
>Should Arya have died of her injuries on Game of Thrones? Medical science says yes
inb4 “there are dragons”
>Zahn1138 acknowledges that the HBO series is set in a fantasy world – one in which men can come back from the dead, dragon queens magically repel fire, and where parents willingly name their kids after breakfast cereal (yes , we know it’s short for Brandon).
>His or her point isn’t that Game of Thrones needs to accurately reflect reality, but that the show needs to be internally consistent.
>its ok when frodo faggings does it!
tolkien was a hack
jon and daenerys would have fucking died in half a second if they tried to pull the shit they did in the battle of winterfell in s1
watch the scene on youtube. She stops Walder's wife from drinking the wine and tells her to spread the word after they all die. And it's only men during the feast
whoever his daughters married or whatever kids they had, those are no longer "Frey" anyway, they take the name of their father
and the bastards don't count either
>being stabbed in the shoulder it's the same as in the organs!!!!
thanks reddit
>watch the scene on youtube. She stops Walder's wife from drinking the wine and tells her to spread the word after they all die. And it's only men during the feast
I'm aware of what happens, I'm pointing out how dumb it is.
>whoever his daughters married or whatever kids they had, those are no longer "Frey" anyway, they take the name of their father
And what about his sons kids? His nephews? His brothers? His cousins?
what does it feel to be a turbo beta virgin faggot?
>The same way GRRM writes it
So not at all?
Except when you're Khal Drogo. Or Bobby B.
>frodo faggings
That faggot is Finnish and that video was taken 2 years ago. He killed himself last year since his wife left him after he lost his job for being arrested for animal cruelty in 2017.
Different universe, different rules.
Imagine, if you will:
>Glenn gets BTFO'd by Negan on Walking Dead, bashed skull and freaky eye tier
>Pops back up a season later with an eyepatch and no other health sequels and is now badass.
>Fans call bullshit
Logicfag being retarded again.
> I'm aware of what happens, I'm pointing out how dumb it is.
Something is not dumb just because you're too autistic to put two and two together.
What specific part of that scene bothers you? It's a family of nobles and the leader of that house is the fucking Lord of Riverrun now. There's many of them, but there's not thousands.
So why would it be impossible for Walder Frey to invite 100 Freys to his house to have a feast, and the vast majority of them come and they get poisoned. Like what stops rich nobles from coming to a feast? Especially since their Lord is the one who invites them.
Like your entire line of retarded questioning is based on a premise the show didn't even put to viewers. Nobody claims Arya killed every single one of the Freys. She just massacred the family, but there are clearly still some living members like Walder's wife. You're the only retard who think Arya killed every single Frey in the world.
You: heres a retarded comparison. see how retarded i am?
Yep, youre a retard.
After book 3 it's quite obvious he may also be a hack with someone else helping him initially.
>Robert Baratheon's abdomen being gored by the Boar
Dies of peritonitis
>Khal Drogo's chest being sliced by Mago
Dying of necrotizing fasciitis, cured only by blood magic
>Jaime Lannister's hand being severed by Locke
Stump goes necrotic, cured by cleaning and debriding
>Theon Greyjoy's penis being severed by Ramsay
Sterile technique prevents infection.
>Talisa Stark's abdomen being stabbed by Lothar Frey
Bleeds out
>The Mountain's abdomen being stabbed poisoned by Oberyn Martell
Wound goes necrotic, saved by blood magic
>The Hound's shoulder being bit by Biter
Wound gets infected, but cleaning allows it to heal
>The Dying Man's abdomen being stabbed by Rorge
Hound kills him to prevent peritonitis
>The Hound's leg breaking after Brienne of Tarth pushes him off a cliff
It’s cleaned, set, and sewn shut. Heals.
>Jon Snow's abdomen and chest being stabbed Ser Alliser, Olly, et al.
He bleeds out.
>Maester Luwin's abdomen being stabbed by Dagmer
Osha stabs him so he doesn’t die of peritonitis
>Grey Worm's back being stabbed by a Son of the Harpy
Wound cleaned and stitched, heals.
>Howland Reed's abdomen being slashed by Arthur Dayne
Just a flesh wound, presumably cleaned and healed
>Ned Stark's leg being stabbed by a Lannister Knight
He gets a fever and it takes him a while to recover under a Maester’s care
>Roose Bolton's abdomen being stabbed by Ramsay
Bleeds out
No one else survives a deep abdominal wound - two choose euthanasia over getting peritonitis.
I know you are but what am I?
your move
>gets stabbed in the fucking guts
>swim through medieval sewage as she's bleeding out
>rests for a day or two
>she's now a master assassin
Makes perfect sense.
A days rest and milk o the poppy
I haven't watched the show in a while, but didn't they run through a couple of assassinations that involved poisoning people and stuff like that?
If it were up to me, I'd have that plus a focus on disguises, "acting" as someone else, and a scene or two that focuses on hiding the body or getting away without a trace.
Let her be good with that dinky little sword, sure, but make it clear that being a faceless assassin has a lot less to do with Super Ninja Batman Fight Skills and a lot more to do with covert action, cunning, and exploiting the weakness of your target to make them vulnerable.
Arya didn't need to turn into a fucking supersoldier, that was a stupid direction to take.
What about Jojen Reed?
>Something is not dumb just because you're too autistic to put two and two together.
?? You didn't even answer my question. I'm asking why she let the women live but not the men, did she know somehow who was involved in the RW and who wasn't specifically?
>What specific part of that scene bothers you?
I told you faggot.
>It's a family of nobles and the leader of that house is the fucking Lord of Riverrun now.
A family of nobles spread out throughout the entire continent, infamous for how many of them there are.
>So why would it be impossible for Walder Frey to invite 100 Freys to his house to have a feast,
Can you not read? I posted why this shit is dumb. Does Arya pretend to be Walder for months? Does she know specifically who was involved or does she just invite every Frey en masse? Do they all have time to come? None are sick or injured or busy in the current war going on? What about their children?
>Nobody claims Arya killed every single one of the Freys
It's outright stated the Freys are a dead house and the status of the Twins ( and apparently Riverrun since Cersei promised it to Bronn ) is a complete question mark.
>You're the only retard who think Arya killed every single Frey in the world.
maybe you should try paying attention bud
You get no effort and my contempt, pallie.
Martin made a stupid decision to have a 10 year old become a badass assassin. Its cliche and dumb for all the characters to all start out as normal people and then become these great people in the span of 5 years or so. Most people stay normal. Just have pov character of an already established assassin rather than arya. It could still be a girl assassin but Im so sick of people thinking that character arcs is important for a story. People generally dont change much. They should just explore character rather than have them change throughout the story. It would have been much more interesting to learn about Jamies feeling for Cersei and how him growing up with his eternal love has shaped his life rather than having a "character arc" where he relaizes his hole life and previous character was wrong and decides to change for no other reason than because authors think that characters have to become different characters by the end of the story.
lil' bobby S. got crossbow'd, nigga.
Im not your pallie, boyo
Ayoo hol up
what be Cersi's tax policy, homey?
But if Tyronne has no nose, how does he smell?
>Arya gets stabbed once, in like the arm, in order to preserve plausibility
>Trains more and actually learns from the Faceless Men instead of just telling Jaqen that their whole 'no one' shtick is for queers and taking off randomly
>Spends the rest of her life being subtle instead of trying to engage in combat
>Sneaks her way into Kings Landing and kills Cersei when she's out in public or some shit
>Jon kills Nights King to end the series
There. Fixed it.
He bled out, right?
Blew up before bleeding out.
I'm not your boyo, guy.
Oooh yeah.. forgot about that. Just remembered me bursting out a laugh at the hilarious way he was being stabbed.
Cat has mad magic blood too though on her maternal side.
>?? You didn't even answer my question. I'm asking why she let the women live but not the men, did she know somehow who was involved in the RW and who wasn't specifically?
Because her revenge is not about "killing people involved at the RW" but about "exterminating the Frey family". You are too retarded to understand even that point.
> A family of nobles spread out throughout the entire continent, infamous for how many of them there are.
A family of degenerate shits the vast majority who live in Rivverrun and name their kids after their leader (see also tons of Walda and Walder Freys). Who the fuck ever mentioned that Frey men married Dornish ladies and moved to Dorne? This premise is never driven by fact, this is just made-up shit in your dumbfuck head.
This is not how feudalism works. Most male members of a House would stay in their territories and lands. Some may become squire to some knights but they could always receive a letter and join the feast. Bastards don't have claims unless the leader of house (or a king) legitimizes them. And the wives don't get to continue the Frey family legacy because they marry other noble houses and their kids will be Tullys, Boltons etc.
Like we know for a fact that the qt13 Frey daughter that married Edmure is still alive and has a baby. But it doesn't matter, that baby is a Tully now
> Does Arya pretend to be Walder for months?
If you watch the scene, you'll see that when Arya gives the toast, she says "two feats in a forthnight". So it was less than 2 weeks since she murdered Walder Frey.
You don't understand the logistics because you're making up logistics in your head. For some reason, crippled nobles can't have carriages driving them to a feast. There are Freys in Volantis so they can't come to the feast. What about all the girls who married other noble houses and can't be Freys anymore. That's the kind of retarded questions you're making.
>>Trains more and actually learns from the Faceless Men
>Arya does the tutorial from the beginning of the game Thief.
>At the end, Arya gets stabbed to death by an ugly washer woman who turns out to be a disgraced Frey woman.
Now that's subversion you can enjoy.
Not to mention the Freys who are at odds with Walder and Lothar, or the Freys in Braavos or the Freys who are banished.
People only die when the narrator says so, other wise you can presume they survive being slashed/shot/cannon to the face. But since GoT has early instances of death via infection, it's a whole other ballpark.
On the magic side, sure there's fantastical shit, but it's not dealing with super strength/durability in humans. Zombies (some slightly more sentient) than others exist, midget tree huggers, giants etc and they all have expected strength/durability for their size.
In the TV universe, it was vague. It's never shown how Mirri treated Drogo's wound. Given her ill-will and later actions, it's possible that she poisoned the wound instead of treating it. I couldn't tell how much time passed between Drogo getting that wound and when he fell off his horse. If he got ill quickly it's more likely Mirri poisoned him. If many weeks passed it's more possible that despite treatment the wound was infected and the infection spread.
>get stabbed
>go to elves for treatment
>they give you special armor
>get stabbed again
>previously established armor saves you
>get guts ripped out and dumped into a river
>miraculously wake up the next day
>time for parkour
Could have pulled a reveal like this and everybody would have been fine with it.
That would be impossible for GoT to do. It's a show where everything is always done at face value and there are no hidden plans or strategies. Like when people expected that Littlefinger would have a secret plan to escape his execution. That could happen in a well written show, not in GoT.
I remember people speculating what the cool reveal was going to be that whole week.
And then the reveal was 'she got better.'
I knew better by this point. Watching theory videos about the girl whispering and the coin sound -- wondering how fast they would forget about all of this when nothing ever comes of it.
>Because her revenge is not about "killing people involved at the RW" but about "exterminating the Frey family". You are too retarded to understand even that point.
Then she has failed, there are plenty of young walder characters around, male teenagers and boys who can keep the family going, but of course they are not going to allow goblina to kill kids, that would taint her le badass assassin character, so yes, she failed to destroy house frey.
And plenty of women were involved in RW, so Arya allowed most of her family murderers to walk away free.
And in any case, not all adult male freys were okay with RW, some had to be locked up or kept out of the loop, and I highly doubt any of the guys who were against RW would be coming to one of walder frey feasts any time soon, so all Arya did was make some other frey lucky, since now he can inherit fuckloads of lands and keep the house frey going.
Even with treatment, especially medieval era level of treatment (and concepts of hygiene), staving off infection and survival should be like rolling a dice just with better odds. The discovery of antibiotics was a major game changer for the human race for a good reason.
By stabbing her instead of fucking eviscerating her entire innards to shreds?
The only other one was Sam, and he is an absolute mong and I hate him and I Hope he dies but he wont because I'm just a kuk I guess
Of course she would survive
She was trained by master assassins after all.
Doctorfag here. Prognosis. Stabbed in Right Kidney, lung, intensities, stomach. Basically she's fucking dead if not soon after infection will take care of that.
Unironically yes.
lol, the IQ guy is back
Arya, refusing training with the Faceless men so as not lose her identity, offers her services to a company of Bravosi sellswords. While initially laughed at, she is given a steward position within the company and fights off the occasional sexual advances made by the scummy troops, this disillusions her with the mercenary life and only further commits to her revenge goal. But its with those same group of criminals-turned-mercenaries she learns to fight dirty, to lure and seduce her targets, make them vulnerable and stab them in th back.
More confident and capable than ever, Arya returns to Westeros to complete her assassination list. However, due to the WW slaughtering most of the population and her targets, she's only able to complete a few. This leads Arya into a depression resulting in alcoholism and risky behavior, knowing she would never resume life as a noble lady, travels to King's Landing to sell her services as a cutthroat on Gin Alley. After several months of moderately successful business, she's jumped one night stumbling home from a tavern by a group of petty thieves and rapists. Arya's body is discovered the next morning by the City Watch, mutilated and naked, where she's taken to a city cemetary buried in an unmarked grave.
just have a soup and walk it off bro
I'd actually kill off characters instead of having practically every main character have plot armor
why does she have to get stabbed. why does she have to be an amazing fighter. these are the things most people object to and neither of them are necessary for someone to become an assassin. arya didn't kill meryn trant or walder frey through her fighting skills (or her getting stabbed and living skills).
>fights off the occasional sexual advances made by the scummy troops
her face does that for her
Thanks Miura, you can finish your manga now.
imo she should have had her own face stolen by the faceless god and she dies and just ends up being another one of his victims.
she should have had some consequences for training and then refusing. why did she have to shed her persona but she still holds onto all of her personal grudges? why does she get to just freely use all of these skills and the faceless god doesn't care? what the fuck is the point in all of that?
Some people are lucky/talented/blessed. Not everything needs consequences. Unwittingly or not she followed the faceless men philosophy to the letter.
Only death may pay for life. You can't become a faceless man with an identity and revenge. The price she pays although it hasn't happened yet is that she can't go home again. She won't return to Winterfell because she's not the same person.
>She won't return to Winterfell because she's not the same person.
That's a fucking copout on the same level as her soap opera death in the show.
>You can't become a faceless man with an identity and revenge.
she literally acts out her revenge with her edgy list and runs home to her family. how did she pull that one off? so she did or didn't become one of the master assassins?
And she's not a faceless man. He never said she had to give up her identity to train. The fact she decided to walk away before the turning point is the loophole.
Here OP have another
Anyone else get a boner from this scene? Unironically very erotic
Getting kicked by a giant
No you are just perverted and see sex in everything.
Because of his armor. He's still badly bruised and hurt after the ordeal. And it's an orc that gets him in the books, not a cave troll. He also doesn't swim through shit directly after being gored.
The guards of Gondor have mythril helmets but they still get wrecked. It's not magic armor, just the very best in the world. It doesn't make anyone invincible at all.
And if Arya was wearing even just normal chain mail her survival would be more believable.
I don't understand how dragging other tales down became the only way to justify this crap but it's fucking hilarious that all it does is highlight how much better Tolkien was.
she drank the poison and killed herself what the fuck is that even
>tfw when I overdosed on heroin while watching this episode and even now three years later without opiates seeing a reference to it makes me shrivel with shame and anxiety about something I otherwise manage to keep out of my mind
Well nobody knows, but more likely than not it's a test of faith.
Everything that happens in the House of Black and White is exactly as the induction into a secret order would work. Rites of passage, willfully sacrificing yourself for the greater good. That's why cults and orders are so powerful, because the initiate gives himself over without coercion.
God I wish that were me
Thats not how immune systems work. Prior to hand washing and bathing becoming more common, women died in child birth more and people of general diseases.
Arya at least has the excuse of possibly being treated with alcohol to the wounds and soap+water.
plot armor you mean
If only I had plot armor...
Degenerate. These are girls bullying each other.
>the chad survive for no particular reason despite being stabbed in the stomach and having the wound drenched in dirty water
>the virgin come back to life because a voodoo priest did it for you
I think it's clear who the real azor ahai is
Have Arya be an assassin instead of a superhuman. She can poison people and stab them from behind, not do superhuman feats all the time. Instead of walking around like an idiot and getting stabbed and mysteriously surviving, she is just hiding and avoids the whole mess by sneaking on a boat and getting out of the city. She can still be badass without somehow being the best fighter around. Have her kill the Freys in other ways and then actually sneak up on the Night King instead of jumping him out of nowhere.
>Turned him into a nigger
Isn't he black in the books too?
Can't believe she got stabbed 50 times, even got her organs sliced in advance, jumped into literal sewers, managed to escape the stream, got treated in a day, kept running in the city and MANAGED to kill her nemesis.
Who the fuck thought of it?
>suddenly learns to warg into a cat and detect a super experienced assassin and hit him
She's been unknowingly warging into Nymeria for ages. Learning to see through the eyes of a cat for a moment and hitting once somebody who has been beating your ass for days and expects you to be harmless and blind is nowhere near the same as the bullshit that goes on in the TV show, no matter how much you try to pump it up.
The lord of light
Yeah but then there wouldn’t be a dramatic cliffhanger bro!
She even twisted the knife. That's pretty much certain death already
To be fair, it went right into his spine. Arya surviving those daggers is absolute bullshit though, I agree
>tfw it's worse than capeshit tier
Are they taking turns in getting bullied
Whats more fucked up is that in the same season Ramsay kills his father with a dagger stab around the same area as Arya. Roose drops dead even though he is wearing much better protection than Arya
Are you suggesting this is equal opportunity bullying?
God these pics are so hot
So that's what Elron used to score those three hits from behind the mountains.
thanks for including your name and the top of an image
No problem.
Since you appreciated my post, could you also do me a favor by following me? Every little bit helps
how many layers of clothing in the red vest one wearing holy shit
>Those eyes
Fucking shit user i can;t be masturbating again tonight
nah black people come from the summer isles whereas dornish and essoians are more like spainish and italian "white"
Why not?
What am I even looking at?
Why did they bother making Ramsay into a dual wielding knife master, but then just let him get his ass kicked completely by Jon when Jon closed the distance? He didn't even put up his hands in attempt to block the ground 'n pound. Jon wasn't restricting his arms in any way either. Jon even punches him with seconds long gaps between each swing. What is this shit?
Ramsay has a knife in his belt too. Doesn't bother to pull it.
maybe 5 or 6 my dude
Apparently its a way to seem more stacked than you really are.
Either way these photos just need a brazzers logo and its complete.
Because Ramsay wasn't meant to be a real man. Just an autistic faggot who picks on the weak. It didn't have to be Jon, he wouldn't be show standing his ground against any real man.
The point he's making is that GoT's entire draw from the beginning was that it was going to sidestep standard fantasy cliches like deus ex machinas saving people in the knick of time, and that actions have consequences that can come back to bite you in the ass.
Something like jojo has never been about that. That's a show that's always been about increasingly ridiculous muscle dudes with increasingly ridiculous powers coming up with increasingly ridiculous ways to overcome increasingly ridiculous opponents.
>depleting your dopamine over thots
I'm depleted
really seriously I'm stating to get chafing
Too late thots raping each other is my new fetish
you make her a boy
The show does a poor job at portraying that considering he makes a joke out of the Grayjoys while being shirtless and decimates Stannis with only 20 good men.
Wow, golfers are cunts.
They aren't in India, pajeet.
Shut the fuck up, you stupid tranny.
Why don’t you actually address the fucking points and stop defending this garbage writing. This is beyond pathetic watching you pilpul and obfuscate with your essay length posts that don’t actually say anything.
In the books, he literally smears mud into the wound, and declines drinking the health potion thing that Mirri gave him. It's fairly heavily implied that him dying was his own goddamn fault.
What was stopping Ian from saying fuck you and refusing to film this scene?
Dude didn't deserve this treatment.
is that a surprise? rich people deserve death
>standard fantasy cliches like deus ex machinas saving people in the knick of time
Fantasy as a genre has never had a cliche like that. How do you even imagine a story where something like that happens every time the MC is in danger?
It's just that a good author doesn't let his characters to get into dangerous situations with no possible way out other than deus ex machina. But what am I saying, both GoT and ASoIaF have nothing to do with basic writing capabilities.
he would just have an off screen death, do you think D&D actually care
Who says she isn't dead? The waif is now Arya.
>it was the waif who killed the NK
I'm ok with anything at this point.
uh it's for this night and all nights to come.
Dying does not free you of your night's watch oath.
>and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
>and now his watch is ended
Could shirtless Ramsay beat the Night King with 20 good men?
that seems like a pretty big loophole if all you have to do to get out of it is die and get resurrected, it's obvious the guys who made the rules didn't plan for that
Keep on taking those hormones sweety
It's a pretty big loophole and therefore ripe for the exploitation.
>all you have to do to get out of it is die and get resurrected
"all you have to do" lmao
>it's obvious the guys who made the rules didn't plan for that
No shit they didn't. Because it's a completely unthinkable exceptional that blows the rules right of the water. If someone is important enough to come back to life they're probably best not wasting their time on the night's watch.
>try to use the words of the oath to justify why it continue after death
>ignore the part that says it ends at end
>fall back to b-b-b-b-but they wouldn't think of that
Easy for you to say, but you do understand that the actors playing said characters have contracts that probably dictate a lot of how many episodes/seasons they have to be in etc. In addition there are rich people (jews) who want to be more rich and don’t care about plot or anything, only that they hit all the right demographics.
Wasn't a big part of that because Sansa's Direwolf got executed?
Isn‘t Braavos basically Venice? Those canals would be filled filled with stale sea water where people throw garbage into it, you‘d derinetly get an infectiom even if no street shitters are around.
probably, it's not like it's ever directly addressed because the character has no reason to believe they should be able to warg into shit
have sex incel
that's fine but she failed out of that training. Let her be an absolute dogshit assassin and constantly getting more mad at the fact that she cant get a proper kill and she even takes some innocent lives, becoming madder and madder until she eventually becomes a regular mass murderer and in the end she meets the person she was actually going to kill and they just talk and become friends, then he ultimately kills her and while she lays there, dying, she realizes how utterly retarded her entire life has been.
>for this night, and all nights to come
His watch has ended, because you can't put a dead man on watch retard. How can you watch if you're dead? Literally of course you can't work if you're dead, when you are alive you can go on watch again.
RIP the camera that rides
>has released more books while dead than GRRM is capable of while alive
GRRM has released like 30 books user, edit your post
Both the oath and the eulogy state that the watch ends at death.
Of course that's because the dead can't walk. But this is still what the rules explicitly state. There's no reason to declare that someone who came back to life MUST now serve the night's watch again when the writing of the rules says that they shouldn't, merely because you personally believe it's logical that they should.
Go back and ask the people who came up with the rules whether dying and coming back to life excludes you. They're just as likely to say
>who gives a shit? That doesn't happen
>I suppose we only require a man to give his life to the watch, if he's given another life after that, he's free to do what he wants with it
>One who comes back to life may have a higher purpose, it's not up to us to decide
Or a hundred other things rather than just
What if someone comes back to life constantly and after a while realizes that he simply can't die? His watch never ends? Cope.
I think the problem may be the actress, i cant take her as tragic with that face.
Sansa has had a much worse time than Arya.
The show writers don't respect the viewers intelligence because most of the people watching that show don't deserve it. If you like this show you're an idiot.
>early got
user pls, both areo and roose died to a single stab with a knife and that happened in S6. little girls are apparently more resilient than grown ass men
For serious, are we SURE that Arya won't get a last minute reveal as the Waif? Or some other Faceless assassin?
Nobody has ever come back from the dead so it doesn't matter. Cope.
WunWun was the best character and they fucking killed that big fucker off simply because they didn't want to animate him in CG anymore :(
and so did the night king, last episode
Stop spoiling you piece of shite.
Thank you based buk
Nah, he's from Norvos, which if I had to guess is meant to resemble a sort of mix of the Baltic countries.
you guys realize that the real Arya died, right?
the waif has been passing as her?
it's even outright hinted at when Gendry doesn't look at her and freak out over the belly scars.
Screencap this: reveal of the last episode is Arya taking off her face and being the waif.
There is about 0% chance of that happening but I appreciate the effort
screencap it. i'll be in the threads for the last episode and I'll mock you for doubting me.
This, I've been saying it from the start. It's the only way it can make sense. (W)arya's behaviour is still a bit weird, but she could be waiting to strike. She knew all about Arya's life before.
>rumour of the waif appearing again
>some exchange between "Arya" and Jaqen implied one of them must've died
>Arya is masked waif(u) confirmed
How else can she suddenly do all that ninja shit?
>Go back and ask the people who built a fucking huge wall of ice 700ft high that stretches right across the country, specifically to keep out dead people, whether dying and coming back to life excludes you
They absolutely won't say...
>who gives a shit? That doesn't happen...
Not saying your argument is retarded, but...
eh, it will turn out hse's an angel of death and she's been dead all along like starbuck
GRRM said years ago there are three people guaranteed to live: Jon Snow, Arya, and Tyrion. I'd assume you can add Sam in there as well, since he's GRRM's self-insert. But Arya is not dying. I wish I was wrong.
GRRM also said the show is fanfiction that's gone off the rails
Recently rewatched that scene. Up untill then, for some reason, I thought that Arya had a piece of meat hidden underneath her robe.
That's why I had no idea why people were bitching about it.
Thank you based buk
King Joffrey did nothing wrong
Great king, but he lacked stamina.